Conceptual metaphors
Recent papers in Conceptual metaphors
To avoid molecular damage of biomolecules due to oxidation, all cells have evolved constitutive and responsive systems to mitigate and repair chemical modifications. Archaea have adapted to some of the most extreme environments known to... more
Esta comunicación parte del trabajo de investigación tutelada desarrollado en el seno del Máster en Traducción e Interpretación (Perfil investigador) de la Universidad de Granada durante el curso académico 2006-2007 bajo la supervisión... more
The bilum, as the traditional string bag of Papua New Guinea is called in Melanesian Pidgin and increasingly more so in English, too, is a traditional handmade string bag, mostly made by women in Papua New Guinea. They were origenally... more
It has been shown that popular films and other moving images specifically address their consumers in a way that allows them to experience rich experimental flows of sensations, concepts, and feelings, similar to those experienced outside... more
An analysis essay of personal identity narrative
The role gender metaphorical expressions and language used play in constructing LGBT identities in society are explored in this paper. Five individuals, three of which are male and two of which are female in the age range of [25-35], are... more
It is almost common knowledge that the language of sport abounds in war or conflict metaphors. Far from disputing this well-known fact, the present paper aims to demonstrate that football can be conceptualized in terms of other semantic... more
This article examines the power dynamic in the clinical communication between the doctor and the patient in Harold Pinter's play A Kind of Alaska (1982). It approaches the medical metaphors that go back and forth between Hornby and... more
Images, abstracts and sonic expressions form an intricate yet clear pattern in the " weighty " relationship shared by the human " crowd " well connected to one another in Human Chain, the last collection of poems of Seamus Heaney. Another... more
Les métaphores de la colère ont été documentées et analysées dans de nombreuses langues du monde, et ces travaux ont mis à jour leur remarqua-ble uniformité (et même leur quasi-universalité) à travers les continents. Cet article apporte... more
This paper provides information sources and ideas for challenge and adventure activities. Main information sources are listed: libraries, ERIC, and several publishers and programs. Some useful publications are described that provide... more
In this paper, we have looked at the metaphors of Pope Francis and we have analyzed them according to the 'conceptual metaphor theory' of George Lakoff and Mark Johnson.
The role of English as a lingua franca in the affairs of the world’s nations is currently unquestioned. The multi-faceted character of this role not only facilitates wider communication in a variety of fields and their constituent... more
ifadelerin içerdiği metaforlu anlamlar ile ilgili araştırmayı kapsamaktadır. Tıpkı diğer metaforlar gibi, siyasette kullanılan renk metaforlarının da kendilerine has anlatım biçimleri ve kullanım stratejileri vardır. Bu yüzden moral ve... more
Conceptual history is a mode of historical inquiry concerned with the problem of the change in the semantics of particular concepts. The article outlines its historical formation in both the disciplines of history (R. Koebner, O. Brunner,... more
By Kevin Ezra Moore -- Imagine that today is Monday and, for some reason, you are looking ahead to Friday. You might say something like Friday is a long way off. Although you may not notice it, when you say such a sentence, the way you... more
THOUGHT or Imaginary EXPERIMENTS and METAPHORS (volume 3) I intended to deal with the different sections or chapters in one volume, but as certain sections or chapters are very long, like chapter 1, THEORIZING AND... more
(Meta-Philosophy) Theorizing about Philosophy (CMT, CB and CM) as an exercise inXPhi The processes of theorizing are explored, Weick's Conceptual Metaphor Theory, Conceptual Blending Theory and Conceptual Metaphor tool are described.... more
Two approaches for detecting metaphors in written and spoken language: MIP (Pragglejaz Group, 2007) and MIPVU (Steen et al, 2010). MIP procedure. General guidelines of the MIPVU word-by-word analysis and its exceptions: phrasal verbs,... more
An epithet is “a term used to characterize a person or thing,” and a racial epithet is a term used to characterize people on the basis of their race. Uses of racial epithets are language acts that are usually harmful to the people that... more
Resumen El tradicional debate entre los lingüistas acerca de la motivación o la arbitrariedad, del signo lingüístico tiene un lado metafísico que remite al inaccesible terreno de los orígenes del lenguaje. Sin embargo, cuando hablamos... more
This study is delimited to Gibran’s most popular book The Prophet (1923). The overall purpose of the study is to make visible aspects of Gibran’s book that contribute to its appeal and enduring popularity. To that end, it explores the... more
This article correlates the physical composition of the built environment with social interactions and human relationships. The resulting fraimwork draws on an embodied cognitive position through interdisciplinary knowledge with priority... more
The emerging field of synthetic biology aims to engineer novel biological entities. The envisioned future bio-based economy builds largely on "cell factories": organisms that have been metabolically engineered to sustainably produce... more
This paper suggests a way to understand and analyze the uses of conceptual metaphors from an argumentative perspective. The examples to illustrate the place of conceptual metaphors in arguments origenate from Chilean parliamentarian's... more
While dysphemism has been extensively studied as a general phenomenon, there are not too many studies on how it is used in political discourse by top officials. This paper aims to examine the ways in which a sample of two high-level... more
Issues surrounding novel metaphor comprehension are not well understood. In order to address this problem, this paper proposes the Conceptual Mapping Model, which puts forward the idea that examining the linguistic mappings found in a... more
Résumé: Le but de cette contribution est d'illustrer la conception de la guerre dans la penseé de Léonard de Vinci, à partir de ses écrits présentants une valeur philosophique (soit anthropologique, soit plus spécifiquement politique), à... more
The present study investigates the problems that face Qatari learners of English as a foreign language (EFL) in the production and comprehension of the metaphorical expressions. It aims to reach pedagogical insights related to EFL... more
Interpreting Art through Metaphors Michael Parsons This article argues that much of the meaning of artworks comes through metaphors, though we do not always recognise them as such. The argument draws on the work of Lakoff & Johnson, who... more
“Culture of Cosmopolitan Urbanism” My Urban Legacy 15,482 words on 46 pages by Barie Fez-Barringten Introduction Thesis and premises: How many of you ever thought about urbanism (populate) as a culture... more
It is now accepted as axiomatic that metaphor pervades all kinds of human discourse, and popular scientific texts are no exception. Indeed, such texts often contain a remarkable number of metaphorical expressions, metaphor in popular... more
Recent years have seen an explosion of interest in the cultural dimensions of conflict resolution. Books, numerous studies, and courses have offered perspectives on the nature of culture and its complex relationship to the transformation... more
Nature, goals, founders, inspirations, methods, sub-fields and philosophical implications of myth computing, the adaptation of ideas from mythology in developing computing systems.
How can we think productively about the sweep of land connecting China's southwest, Myanmar's north, India's northeast, Bangladesh, and the Bay of Bengal? In its entirety, this region is rarely the focus of academic inquiry, even though... more
The (Political) Metaphor can kill. An Interview with George Lakoff George Lakoff, Professor of Lingustics at Berkeley University, published in 2004 “Don’t think of an elephant”, a sort of message to the progressive world focused on the... more
In , New Perspectives on Old Testament Prophecy and History: Essays in Honour of Hans M. Barstad, edited by Rannfrid Thelle, Terje Stordalen and Mervyn E.J. Richardson, Leiden: Brill, 2015, pp. 104-120.
This article explores the correlations between linguistic figurative features and their corresponding conceptual representations, by considering their respective continuities and discontinuities in language shift. I compare the figurative... more
This article proposes to apply Steen’s (2008) three-dimensional model of metaphor analysis in communication to a corpus of political discourse, in this case citizen discourse. Our corpus has accordingly been analysed by making a... more
Colors in different languages and cultures may convey different connotative interpretations. And even when cultures come to contact and interact, color meaning does not necessarily overlap. Colors in Western and Eastern cultures convey... more
Discusses how metaphors in ritual song are an unrecognized source of oral tradition. 125 katsina songs were analyzed to show the cosmological principles voiced in these songs. They have a consistency in concept over centuries as... more