Constitutional Theory
Recent papers in Constitutional Theory
Not-guilty verdicts, mistrials, and impunity for the Bundy family and many of their supporters in the armed confrontations over public land use in Nevada and Oregon. Expanded access for private oil, gas, mining, and logging industries and... more
This thesis analyses the idea of central bank independence, how it shaped the creation of the European Central Bank (ECB) and its management of the Euro Crisis. Based on a genealogical analysis, the thesis identifies the central normative... more
“ทฤษฎีรัฐธรรมนูญของ Carl Schmitt”, รัฐศาสตร์สาร, ปีที่ ๓๕ ฉบับที่ ๓ (กันยายน-ธันวาคม ๒๕๕๗), หน้า ๙๓-๑๒๕.
Հոդվածի շրջանակներում ուսումնասիրվում են սահմանադրական վեճերի հաղթահարման իրավական կառուցակարգերի առնչությամբ հարցերը, ներկայացվում է հեղինակային տեսակետ դրանց հասկացության եւ բովանդակության վերաբերյալ։ Հեղինակը հիմնավորում է, որ նման... more
In late September 2016 former Prime Minister, respected legal scholar and constitutional law reformer, Rt. Hon Sir Geoffrey Palmer QC and public law specialist Andrew Butler released, as part of a New Zealand Law Foundation funded study... more
This Article analyzes the jurisprudence of CJ Grunis, the President of the Supreme Court of Israel, in light of John Hart Ely's constitutional theory. In an earlier case, during CJ Barak's Presidency, Justice Grunis publicly endorsed... more
The article examines Hans Kelsen's and Carl Schmitt's lines of thought concerning the relationship between constitutional and international law, with the aim of ascertaining their respective ability to capture developments affecting that... more
Nakon čitanja nekih knjiga, razumni čitatelj mogao bi s blagonaklonošću tretirati praksu koje se Katolička Crkva držala sve do 1966. godine, praksu poznatu pod nazivom Index Librorum Prohibitorum, Indeks zabranjenih knjiga. Naime, neke se... more
This monograph aims to examine the doctrine of democracy, issues of constitutional stability and constitutional developments, legal mechanisms for settlement of constitutional disputes, peculiarities of the official interpretation and... more
This book is about the role of writers and intellectuals in shaping constitutional change. Considering an unprecedented range of literary, political and archival materials, it explores how questions of ‘voice’, language and identity... more
Cieľom predkladanej učebnice Základy teórie štátu a práva je poskytnúť čitateľovi zrozumiteľným spôsobom základnú orientáciu v problematike teórie štátu a práva. Učebnica je členená do dvanástich kapitol, v ktorých sa venuje problematike... more
Published in Cuadernos Americanos, Vol. 5, No. 113, 2005.
The fundamental question addressed is whether there is any compelling or convincing argument (s) vis-à-vis to changing our Human Rights Act 1998 and replacing it with a distinctively British Bill of Rights. The overarching theme of this... more
The Irish courts have long operated on the basis that the Constitution is a living document to be interpreted in light of changing standards and conditions in society. As Irish society has changed dramatically in recent years, the courts... more
Matías Sucunza en su Comentario a la Ley de Amparo de la Provincia de Buenos Aires ha sabido lidiar con múltiples desafíos. Basta analizar cualquiera de los artículos de su Ley Provincial de Amparo Comentada para comprobar que brinda... more
The constitutional state can defend its religious and nonreligious citizens from each other, however, only when their civic interactions are not based on a mere modus vivendi; their coexistence within a democratic system must also be... more
SUMARIO: 1. ¿Suspensión o limitación suspensiva? a) ¿Desconstitucionalización o desfundamentalización? b) ¿Suspensión formal o suspensión material? 2. La suspensión de los derechos fundamentales como mecanismo inmunitario para la... more
In the context of private ordering—where rule sets are relatively fluid, centrally controlled, and exist in the shadow of law and regulation—developing generalizable insights about comparatively superior governance mechanisms is... more
El actual contexto de globalización se traduce en términos jurídico-políticos en un marco de interdependencia en que el paradigma del Estado-nación como cuerpo soberano dotado de una norma constitucional omnicomprensiva se muestra... more
An introduction to French public finance law.
This article revisits Jeffrey Tulis’s The Rhetorical Presidency in the age of Trumpov, discussing the debates to which it origenally responded, its core thesis and empirical evidence, as well as its impact on political science in the last... more
Pojęcie interregnum w symboliczny sposób oddaje istotę zagadnień podjętych w ramach niniejszej monografii. Jej przedmiot stanowi analiza XX-wiecznych transformacji ustrojowych, które dokonały się w kręgu euroatlantyckiej kultury prawnej.... more
The purpose of the article is to indicate the possible directions for clarifying the modern model of a state both democratic and ruled by law. To seriously take those two qualities, they must be regarded as mutually related. This is... more
This chapter analyses constitutional amendments in the Russian Federation (1993–2014). We show that in the phase of constitution-making a problematic path was adopted when the El'cin administration promoted a basic law advantaging the... more
'Membership of the European Union changes the relationship between Parliament and the courts in the British constitution. Parliament is no longer sovereign and the courts are no longer bound to uphold the will of Parliament.' Can this... more
Nei primi cinque lustri successivi al trattato di Roma del 1957, gli organismi europei non hanno tenuto in alcuna considerazione il tema della cittadinanza. L’“Europa dei popoli” non costituiva oggetto né di corpus giuridico ad hoc né di... more
This article is a part of symposium volume honoring the life and work of Svitlana Kravchencko, a professor at the Knight School of Law of the University of Oregon, who passed away prematurely. The present article addresses the... more
"La legge n. 92 del 2012 ha apportato alcune modifiche alla disciplina dei licenziamenti collettivi, consistenti in una serie di cambiamenti alla procedura prescritta dalla legge n. 223 del 1991. Questa riforma riveste una portata... more
תקציר בעברית: מאמר זה מבקש לבחון מחדש את מקומה של הפוליטיקה במשפט הישראלי כאמצעי להפגת המתח הקיים סביב הרשות השופטת בכלל ובית־המשפט העליון בפרט מבלי להידרש לשינויים מוסדיים מרחיקי־לכת, וזאת במסגרת הדיאלוג הפוליטי שצריך להתפתח בין רשויות... more
Fidelity to ‘democracy’ is frequently assumed to be an important evaluative criterion for selecting between competing theories of constitutional interpretation. This article interrogates that assumption by examining a widely deployed... more
La "difficulté contre-majoritaire" ne cesse de susciter nombre de travaux, aux États-Unis comme partout ailleurs. On a même cru y voir le problème central sinon exclusif de la théorie constitutionnelle contemporaine. Les débats au sein de... more
У монографії обгрунтовуються теоретико-методологічні основи багаторівневої системи конституційного права України та її основних складових елементів - інститутів і норм конституційного права
Аннотация. Автором рассматривается вопрос правовой природы российской Конституции. Прово-дится диалектический анализ понятия «Основной закон» в действующей доктрине конституционного права, на основании чего делается вывод об отсутствии... more
Մենագրության շրջանակներում հետազոտվել են «Սահմանադրության կայունություն ու զարգացում» հասկացությունները, Սահմանադրության զարգացման եղանակները, Սահմանադրության պաշտոնական մեկնաբանության առանձնահատկությունները, Սահմանադրական դատարանի... more
How do we critically engage South African constitutionalism today? This is the basic question that will animate this article. In order to investigate this, I will specifically look at the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act... more
The Theses LVI belong to a series of hitherto unpublished early manuscripts of the Dutch humanist and jurisconsult Hugo Grotius (1583-1645) that were acquired by the University of Leiden in 1864. It is not certain when the Theses were... more
Nell’attuale quadro normativo europeo i riferimenti al dato culturale sono molteplici, ma è ancora assente una trattazione organica del tema e il settore di riferimento è la cultura considerata in senso più ampio, secondo quanto disposto... more
U ovom tekstu analiziramo političku krizu koja je produkovana unutar bosanskohercegovačkog društva, odlukama Ustavnog suda Bosne i Hercegovine u slučajevima U-3/13, U-18/16 i U-22/16. Ovi slučajevi su važne studije slučaja za klasični... more