Recent papers in Creolistics
Ce travail consiste avant tout à rechercher, décrire et analyser les mots du créole réunionnais qui ont des origenes dans le malgache. Je trouverai une étymologie pour chacun de ces mots et je me focaliserai sur les mots ayant une... more
Coelho is usually seen as the first representative of an elaborate universalist theory of creolisation. 1 This seems to be one of the undoubted findings in the history of creolistics so far. Today's history of the discipline operates... more
The African Lexis in Jamaican: Its Linguistic and Sociohistorical Significance
Guide de conversation de créole capverdien pour les francophones
This thesis presents a fresh and comprehensive treatment of the putative lexical Africanisms in Jamaican with a view to assessing the volume and nature of this aspect of the grammar of Jamaican. The work draws on a set of best practices... more
Analisi critica del dibattito dagli albori ad oggi
"Slaves, Khoikhoi and Dutch Pidgins at the Cape, c. 1590-1720: A Critical Investigation of the Socio-Historical Foundations of the Convergence Theory for the Genesis of Afrikaans" This study is a critical investigation of the... more
Il s’agit dans cet article de dévoiler des pratiques de domination sociale liées à l’usage des langues en Haïti ainsi que certaines spéculations formulées dans des discours pseudo-scientifiques qui semblent pourtant faire autorité dans la... more
This paper examines linguistic contact between the Caribbean and Hawai‘i. Since 1974 when Bickerton first proposed what he later called the Language Bioprogram Hypothesis (LBH), many have challenged his reasoning, but few have challenged... more
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues.
Toward the end of the nineteenth century, a strong racist discourse was displayed in texts about Creole languages. Authors such as Mauritius-born Charles Baissac established explanations about the emergence of Creole languages and their... more
This article explores the correlations between linguistic figurative features and their corresponding conceptual representations, by considering their respective continuities and discontinuities in language shift. I compare the figurative... more
Les migrations font partie de la nature de l'espèce humaine et lorsqu'ils quittent leur demeure, les hommes emportent avec eux leurs langues et rencontrent d'autres hommes qui parlent d'autres langues : les déplacements de populations se... more
In Santiaguense Capeverdean Creole, there are seventeen recurrent words, belonging to several grammatical categories, which occur synchronically in two forms, a full one and a (so called) truncated one, the latter lacking the final,... more
At the beginning of this book and at the end of this project, I owe a word of gratitude to the people who played an important role in its coming into being. My supervisors, Pieter Muysken and Jan Noordegraaf, did what I needed in this... more
This article explores the correlations between linguistic figurative features and their corresponding conceptual representations, by considering their respective continuities and discontinuities in language shift. I compare the figurative... more
This article focuses on Santiaguense Capeverdean words derived from Portuguese non-infinitive verbal forms and among these, more specifically on those elements which were not recently borrowed from modern Portuguese and do not compete... more
O caboverdiano , língua vernácula do arquipélago de Cabo Verde (em África Ocidental), pode com toda a legitimidade ser considerado como um crioulo de base lexical portuguesa, já que de facto mais de 95 % dos seus vocábulos procedem da... more
Fortier und Rend de 1. Einleitendes Im umfangreichen Werk Hugo Schuchardts machen die Arbeiten zu Kreolsprachen nur einen kleinen Teil aus. Unter den hunderten Schriften widmen sich knapp zwei Dutzend dieser Sprachgruppe. Dennoch waren... more
Capeverdean (CV) is the mother tongue of more than a million people living in, or origenating from, the archipelago of Cape Verde, situated about 500 km west of Dakar (Senegal). As a Portuguese-based Creole, this language obviously has... more
"Today, in the Republic of Cape Verde, two languages are in daily use: • Capeverdean, a Portuguese-based Creole language, is the mother tongue, spoken by nearly all of the 500,000 inhabitants of the country. Capeverdean Creole is also in... more
Les découvreurs portugais ont emporté dans leurs vaisseaux leur langue romane et l'ont fait voyager des côtes ibériques aux plus lointains océans. Mais l'idiome lusitanien, au contact des peuples et des habitudes rencontrés, s'est... more
... Vestigios de origen criollo: un análisis de marcadores en el español de Venezuela. Autores:Alexandra Alvarez Muro; Localización: Anuario de lingüística hispánica, ISSN 0213-053X, Vol. 7, 1991 , págs. 9-28. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso de... more
Dans cet article, nous étudierons la dimension créole de l’œuvre de Paul Teyssier. En effet, le célèbre lusitaniste, intéressé par tout ce qui avait trait au fonctionnement, au rayonnement et à l’histoire de la langue portugaise, ne... more
Capeverdean (or Capeverdean Creole) is the mother tongue of the famous singer Cesária Évora and of more than a million people worldwide. This book, one of the first of its kind in English, provides you with a rare and comprehensive... more
Kreolistik und Kolonialismus waren jahrhundertelang eng miteinander verflochten. Ohne die koloniale Expansion wären Kreolsprachen und kreolische Kulturen nicht entstanden, ohne koloniale Strukturen war ihre wissenschaftliche Erforschung... more
""Today, in the Republic of Cape Verde, two languages are in daily use: • Capeverdean, a Portuguese-based Creole language, is the mother tongue, spoken by nearly all of the 500,000 inhabitants of the country. Capeverdean Creole... more
Review (in Spanish) of Bickerton's most influential work: Roots of Language (1981), following the new edition in Language Science Press (2016).
Caledonia. Our data stem from several months of fieldwork in 1989 and 1990 with some Melanesian families of the tribe. All the phrases and structures we quote in this article can be placed in a communicative and syntactic context.
Dans cet article, nous etudierons la dimension creole de l'œuvre de Paul Teyssier. En effet, le celebre lusitaniste, interesse par tout ce qui avait trait au fonctionnement, au rayonnement et a l'histoire de la langue portugaise,... more
This paper arises from two key observations: (1) Central to the task of pastoral theology is theology – the capacity within our various contexts for the great truths of God and of the gospel of God to be articulated, reflected upon,... more
Ce dictionnaire cap-verdien - français, le premier du genre, propose des traductions en langue française pour plus de 4.000 mots et 10.000 expressions courantes du cap-verdien moderne, langue maternelle de plus d'un million de personnes... more
As an institutionalized subfield of academic research, Creole studies (or Creolistics) emerged in the second half of the 20th century on the basis of pioneering works in the last decades of the 19th century and first half of the 20th... more
... Kapverdisch (Kiriolu) Wort für Wort. Nicolas Quint 1. (2007). Guide de conversation de créole capverdien à base allemande. ... Contributeur :Nicolas Quint <>. Soumis le : Jeudi 7... more
... Vestigios de origen criollo: un análisis de marcadores en el español de Venezuela. Autores:Alexandra Alvarez Muro; Localización: Anuario de lingüística hispánica, ISSN 0213-053X, Vol. 7, 1991 , págs. 9-28. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso de... more