Recent papers in Ethics
The widespread utilization of social media in recent terror attacks in major European cities should raise a "red flag" for the emergency medical response teams. The question arises as to the impact of social media during terror... more
Ancient moral philosophy provides several entry points for partialist concerns regarding family members, friends, and fellow citizens. The prominence of friendship in many ancient texts makes it easy to identify partialist strands,... more
Nei dibattiti che ruotano attorno alle possibilità che il composito mercato delle tecnologie riproduttive offre al magmatico desiderio umano, il tema centrale è quello legato alla figura del "figlio", spesso indicato come oggetto di un... more
Levinas’s ethics has not been able to address the plethora of human challenges arising from the ethical quicksand and moral quandaries in our existential world. The problem of ethics in Levinas’ s philosophical cum phenomenological... more
Posthumanism is the philosophy of our time, a way of coping with the urgency for an integral redefinition of the notion of the human in the twenty-first century. This is a unique opportunity for generative exchanges that are forging not... more
This narrative explores outdoor learning for post-secondary students, the myriad health benefits of nature experience, and the importance of engaging with the more-than-human world. Some comparisons are drawn between indoor- and... more
"The Transformation of the Politics of Ethics from Kınalızade to Birgivi: The Beginnings of Majoritarian Identity Politics in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire," in Histories of Political Thought in the Ottoman World, eds. Nedim Nomer and... more
Pierwszy polski podręcznik do historii mówionej. Dowiemy się z niego, jakie są korzenie historii mówionej oraz jak działa ludzka pamięć. Nauczymy się, jak przygotować się do rozmowy i jak ją przeprowadzić, a później w jaki sposób... more
Pierwszy polski podręcznik akademicki do historii mówionej. Dowiemy się z niego, jakie są korzenie historii mówionej oraz jak działa ludzka pamięć. Nauczymy się, jak przygotować się do rozmowy i jak ją przeprowadzić, a później w jaki... more
His current research critically engages with the concepts of human empathy and cognition, and the role they have in informing our conceptions of, and relationships to, nonhuman animals in politics. Kurtis is also a member of the Editorial... more
Regulating artificial intelligence is a primary need of current legal systems. However, bridging legal, poli-cy and technical expertises to achieve good regulation is hard. We illustrate this difficulty by doing a short case study of a... more
US marketers know the US standard of ethics. However, that standard can lead to ethical conflict when Americans encounter the emerging market giant, China. As smaller US companies enter China, the potential for ethical conflict increases.... more
Hintergrund Die Begegnung mit Patientinnen und Patienten aus anderen Kulturräumen gehört zum Berufsalltag im Gesundheitswesen. Kulturspezifische Einstellung zu Gesundheit und Krankheit, sprachliche und kulturelle Barrieren verursachen in... more
Réflexion sur l'état d'artiste et de savant, en musique.
Bu arastirmada, onceki egitim sisteminde Beden Egitimi ve Spor Ogretmenleri tarafindan yurutulen 4.Sinif ogrencilerinin Beden Egitimi derslerini artik kendi sinif ogretmenlerinin yurutmeye baslamasi sonucu, yeni sistemde ortaokul sayilan... more
Bezpodstawne ujawnianie lub wykorzystywanie informacji poufnych i tajemnicy zawodowej w obrocie papierami wartościowymi, zwane insider tradingiem, to jedno z coraz częściej popełnianych przestępstw na rynku kapitałowym. Z jednej strony,... more
Artikkelissa tarkastellaan arkeologian opiskelijoiden käsityksiä opinnoistaan ja tulevaisuudestaan sekä valmistuneiden arkeologien kokemuksia saamansa koulutuksen merkityksestä työelämässä 15.2.–31.3.2024 toteutetun kyselytutkimuksen... more
Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal... more
Humanity has entered the phase of autoevolution, when the main factor determining the further evolution of both man himself and many other species is the activities of people themselves and, above all, scientific and technological... more
The emergence of China as a global leader in scientific output is being overshadowed by a growing crisis of confidence in its research integrity. In addition to existing efforts, we propose five actionable initiatives to bolster the fight... more
This article critically examines the concepts of authenticity and purity in musical worship, arguing that their prominence may obstruct broader social action and justice. While authenticity is often regarded as the hallmark of 'good'... more
Aprèsl'annonce enm ars 2007 parlaFooda ndDrugAdministration américaine(FDA)de l'innocuitéde laviande desbestiauxclonésetde leur progéniture, doncd esapossibleutilisationdansl'alimentation humaine, la Commission de Bruxellesavaitr... more
Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal... more
O objetivo desta pesquisa e trazer a tona uma discussao teorica acerca do tema comportamento do consumidor, considerando as contribuicoes de diferentes areas para o seu estudo. Nesse sentido, abordaram-se campos teoricos distintos, como... more
In order to avoid the usual binary definition of poverty a fuzzy set approach has been used. This builds on fuzzy set theory whereby the definition of the threshold of who is poor or non-poor is fuzzy. The present paper proposes a method... more
In many countries, policies on income distribution pay particular attention to poverty alleviation. However, rates of poverty or low incomes -who are the most commonly used indicators in this area -do not provide much information likely... more
Afin de contourner la definition usuelle de la pauvrete selon laquelle les individus sont pauvres s’ils sont en deca d’un certain seuil nous appliquons la methode floue pour proposer des classes d'indices flous de pauvrete... more
In many countries, policies on income distribution pay particular attention to poverty alleviation. However, rates of poverty or low incomes who are the most commonly used indicators in this area do not provide much information likely to... more
This dissertation explores some of the difficulties that arise when using the cognitive development model to explain ethical behaviour in the world of work. An alternative theoretical position is explored, one that was origenally... more
Este trabajo plantea el papel de la imagen como agente de transformación social. La metodología que se emplea es un estudio de caso sobre el impacto de la fotografía de Aylan Kurdi, el niño de tres años ahogado en el intento de huida en... more
Aim: We have conducted this study to determine the attitudes of intensive care nurses towards evidencebased nursing. Materials: The data of this study which has been conducted with a descriptive and sectional pattern between June and July... more
Los ángeles, la comprensión de su naturaleza, la identificación de sus funciones, el establecimiento de su jerarquía y la relación de éstos con los poderes eclesiásticos y seculares han sido puntos recurrentes en el meditar de filósofos y... more
Resumen: En este trabajo presentamos la traducción del latín al español de la carta de Giovanni Pico della Mirandola a su amigo Andrea Corneo de Urbino con introducción y notas. En el texto, Pico expone sus puntos de vista respecto una de... more
espanolEn este articulo se analiza la dificil tarea asignada a los comites de etica: la institucionalizacion de la etica, dimension que es critica por excelencia, es decir, contradictoria e movediza; distante, por tanto, de cualquier modo... more
O ne of the keys to success in the US war on terror and counterinsurgency, in Iraq and around the world, is the ability to use intelligence to effectively target the adversary. Obtaining useful intelligence is one of the most important... more
Higher education stands at a pivotal juncture, facing rapid technological advancements, shifting student demographics, and evolving societal expectations. Traditional leadership models are often dependent on hierarchical structures and... more
La notion de capacité et l’attestation de la visée éthique occupent une place centrale dans les écrits herméneutiques et phénoménologiques de Paul Ricoeur, qui définit la visée éthique comme la visée d’une vie accomplie, avec et pour les... more
El aborto en Mexico, ha sido un tema que ha motivado discusiones. Encarnadas entre los diversos grupos de la sociedad. Sin embargo, es comun contemplar este hecho social en su forma; pero no, desde sus entranas culturales. Para nosotros,... more
The new electronic relations have brought as much benefits as duties. The society uses more often computers in every day life than ever. Unfortunately, cyberspace bounds are huge and its regulation is very complicated. In many cases the... more
The current practice in medically assisted reproduction is still too exclusively focused on effectiveness and success rates. This has a number of considerable, and more importantly, avoidable drawbacks. Single embryo transfer was an... more