Poster about my (intended) approach to my PhD project in 2019. Made for the PGR poster competition: When I made this, I had far too much fun pulling in all sorts... more
(Un)Known Associates is an experimental tool for developing historiographical thinking, specifically referring to the creation of interpretations and to strengthening an understanding of the historical sublime. Itʼs a deck of cards, which... more
Workshop se formou přednášek a rukodělných ukázek zaměří na představení témat, která se dostávají do výuky dějepisu okrajově. Představíme si všednodenní úkony – údržbu obydlí, zaopatření stravy či oděvu, které ze zájmu o dějiny neprávem... more
Recepty podle článku a překladu in: Dana DVOŘÁČKOVÁ-MALÁ, Strava a technologie vaření (nejen) na středověkých hradech, in: Hrady stredovekého Slovenska, Bratislava 2016, s. 151-165.
49 Preservation and Representation of a Geological Object “Natural Monument ” as a Legislative Definition Dario Moretta
Scientific and medical collections contain many of what we may call epistemic objects, i.e. objects that have played important roles in the production of knowledge. Drawing on the work of H.-J. Rheinberger on ‘epistemic things’ and J.... more
This issue of Australian Historical Studies is the final one in our editorial tenure of the journal from 2015 to 2018. During this time, it has been a privilege to publish a range of fascinating articles in Australian history, and to... more
Science and technology have been defining elements of the modern era. They have entered into our lives in large and small ways-through broad understandings of the universe and in the tools and objects that make up the texture of everyday... more
L'objectif de cette journée d'étude du groupe de contact F.R.S.-FNRS "Cultures sensibles" est de réfléchir à la vogue actuelle des études sur la reconstitution, le re-enactment, l’expérimentation et la performance en partageant des... more
This article aims to study the materiality of diplomatic relations between Mamluk Egypt and the Mali and Borno sultanates by reconstructing a Mamluk diplomatic letter from 1440, which has now disappeared. Using the Computer‑Assisted... more
This issue of Australian Historical Studies is the final one in our editorial tenure of the journal from 2015 to 2018. During this time, it has been a privilege to publish a range of fascinating articles in Australian history, and to... more
Scientific and medical collections contain many of what we may call epistemic objects, i.e. objects that have played important roles in the production of knowledge. Drawing on the work of H.-J. Rheinberger on ‘epistemic things’ and J.... more
in: Communicating the history of medicine / [ed] Solveig Jülich, Sven Widmalm, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2020, p. 184-214
Kabına ve kalıplarına sığmayı reddeden tarihçilik mesleği yeni fikir ve usullerle sınırlarını genişletmeye devam etmekte, insanlık tecrübesini anlamak ve anlatmak için durmadan kendisine yeni yeni sahalar açmaktadır. İşte günümüzde... more
This article describes the experimental firing from the firearm – arquebus, a weapon from the second half of the 15th century used as the protective equipment of various forms in that time. From the protective equipment the armor has to... more
Entertaining Possession: Re-enacting Cook's Arrival for the Queen This paper is concerned with a re-enactment of the landing of Captain Cook in Australia in 1970, the bicentennial of the event. Amid many nationally organised events to... more
This paper tells the story of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), one of the most important scientific objects in contemporary biochemistry and molecular biology. By looking at how cell membrane receptors turned from a speculative... more
In Germany, Kluge is regarded both as a major filmmaker and as a major social theorist in the tradition of the Frankfurt School. His films center upon the question of memory and history. For Kluge, the memory of any given situation is... more
Kalle Pihlainen Editorial: Futures for the past (‘This is a stub’) pp. 315-318 FREE E-PRINT ACCESS TO EDITORIAL HERE: * Hans Kellner Narrativity and dialectics revisited pp.... more
The Assize of Bread has proved to be a rich source of information for the study of this most staple of foodstuffs. The assize has been written about at great length by many authors, but most works concentrate on the socio-economic impact... more
In this experimental reflection on the ‘history wars’ associated with Keith Windschuttle’s writings, the author recruits a storyteller, an ex-diplomat, whose yarning style subtly contests the ‘graphocentrism’ of Windschuttle’s faith in... more
The subject of bread in medieval England has been written about extensively. Works on the bakers Company and assorted economic histories focusing on the assize of bread have led to a greater understanding of the legislation behind bread... more
Wandering Seminar on Scientific Objects (MPIWG Berlin), 16-19/08/2007
S. Vackimes & K. Weltersbach (eds.), "Wandering Seminar on Scientific Objects" [preprint n. 339]. MPIWG, Berlin 2007: 81-108
History of Scientific Objects", who conceived this complex, challenging and insightful experience. We are most thankful to Hannah Lotte Lund, program coordinator, for the care and energy she put into the myriad details that this project... more
Starting with a discussion of what I call Koyré's paradox of conceptual novelty, I introduce the ideas of Damerow et al. on the establishment of classical mechanics in Galileo's work. I then argue that although their view on the nature of... more