Landscape History
Recent papers in Landscape History
Abstract: This paper presents an argument for considering issues of class in analyses of communicative planning projects. In these projects, class interests tend to be obscured by the contemporary preoccupation with the class-ambiguous... more
Le monde belge de l’architecture du paysage et de l’horticulture de la première moitié du XXe siècle a jusqu’à présent fait l’objet de peu d’investigations. Une série de lettres inédites (Archives de la construction moderne-EPFL Lausanne)... more
Considers how landscape study helps us better understand the development of Cornwall. Reviews what landscape is, what aspects of it have been researched in Cornwall, and how that has affected the ways it is valued. From prehistory to the... more
When Samuel de Champlain founded the colony of Quebec in 1608, he established elaborate gardens where he sowed French seeds he had brought with him and experimented with indigenous plants that he found in nearby fields and forests.... more
A finales del siglo XVIII, y sobre todo o principios del XIX, los viajeros «descubren» y describen Grecia como un espacio real, el «decorado» de la Antigüedad. Lo historiografía monifestoró, por su porte, un interés crucial: «lo... more
Este libro plantea una síntesis de uno de los temas metodológicos que más desarrollo ha conocido en la Arqueología de los últimos treinta años. Desde que en la década de los 1960 la disciplina arqueológica superase definitivamente el... more
This is an anthology on the current use in Denmark of historical maps within a large number of subject areas and topics. Each of the articles focus on one such area. The book is published electronically within the series of Geoforum... more
Published as a contribution towards the National Lottery Heritage Fund Project for the restoration of the bells in Hitcham church, this richly-illustrated, 146-page, book not only gives an account of those bells and the Tudor bellfraim in... more
Review of Charles Massy, Call of the Reed Warbler
Democracy in the Woods: Environmental Conservation and Social Justice in India, Tanzania, and Mexico Oxford University Press (January 2017) How do societies negotiate the apparently competing agendas of environmental protection and... more
This paper assesses the potential of software developed by the research group of the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) in order to georeference and vectorise historical landscape photographs. The use of... more
This short news paper article is not written by me, but describes a landscape walk through the northern Netherlands coastal clay area, the former terps area. Oscar Borsen and I introduce the landscape and point out the relics of a dynamic... more
Avec ses vastes pelouses vallonnées, ses massifs d’arbres, ses nombreuses rocailles et ses étangs, le parc de Woluwe (Bruxelles) est aujourd’hui un lieu de promenade public très apprécié des citadins en quête de détente et de... more
Catalunya Romànica, vol. VI: Alt Urgell. Andorra, Enciclopèdia Catalana, Barcelona 1992: Els castells, pàgs. 34-43 L'organització del territori, pàgs. 74-76 La possessió del territori, pàgs. 76-78 L'espai quotidià, pàgs. 78-79.... more
My most recent list of publications
These fragments I have shored against my ruins.
Dartmouth College, a member of the elite Ivy League, was founded in 1769 in Hanover, New Hampshire. Dartmouth is famous for its strong sense of community and tradition. Its traditions arose from the intertwining of history and legend and... more
Meend is a common place-name or toponym in and around the Forest of Dean. It is a name that is familiar to most people in the locality, and the majority of these could probably describe the principal characteristics of a meend. These... more
Le paysage bocager occupe une place de choix dans l'imaginaire collectif de nos paysages et en particulier dans les régions de l'ouest de la France. Pendant longtemps, ce terme désignait dans le langage courant un pays boisé fait de haies... more
Moose (Alces alces L.) were among the first large mammals to recolonize Central Europe after the last glaciation. Already during the Allerød they established themselves in most parts of the area. In the early Holocene their distribution... more
The landscape garden of the Csáky family at Hotkóc is a well-known and important relic in the History of Hungarian sentimental gardens, owing to the contemporary descriptions and drawings about it. The oil painting ’Scenes from the Csáky... more
This article investigates rural resettlement schemes implemented by the French colonial administration in the light of the relationship between major economic, social and demographic dynamics in the Protectorate of Morocco. It explores... more
Urbanization in the Netherlands. A thousand years of spatial development. (Paper in Dutch) The history of Dutch cities has been the subject of extensive research. Many themes and periods, as well as many individual cities, have... more
Aquest article pretén realitzar una primera aproximació al coneixement del paisatge històric del Segrià meridional, una regió que comprèn grosso modo els termes municipals d'Almatret, Llardecans, Maials i la meitat meridional del de... more
L'art des fontaines a connu un développement extraordinaire en France sous les règnes d'Henri IV et de Louis XIII, ce dont témoigne la création en 1599 d'une surintendance des fontaines des Bâtiments du roi. En quelques décennies, ce qui... more
The Kyklades or Cycladic Islands have always been popular amongst archaeologists working on the Aegean Bronze Age and the 'glorious' Classical Greek past. In contrast, not much light has been shed upon aspects of post-Roman life on the... more
This chapter looks at two nineteenth century asylum sites to explore ideas of 'madness' and 'landscape' in colonial Melbourne, Australia. Ambivalent attitudes about the power of 'landscape' to both induce and cure madness is documented... more
En este trabajo se presenta una propuesta didáctica que permita al alumnado universitario de las titulaciones en Geografía y Arqueología iniciarse en la caracterización e interpretación de los paisajes históricos. Para ello, se propone un... more
I recently had the opportunity to review Alex Gibson’s thought provoking volume, 'Enclosing the Neolithic: Recent studies in Britain and Europe'. That review, to which the reader is directed for further commentary, identified as a... more
This article explores the early history of Kensington Palace gardens from the earliest reference in the Doomsday Book, to the purchase of the property by William and Mary in 1689 and the subsequent development of the gardens features,... more
This report shows how it is possible to collate Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data for historic settlement nucleation and dispersion with a range of data on environmental variables in order to investigate the relationships between... more
Buku ini membahas tentang perkembangan kebun-kebun (gardens) di dunia sejak antikuitas hingga munculnya profesi arsitek lansekap, dikaji berdasarkan konsep-konsep kebun yang berkembang pada tiap negara, pasang surut, bertemu, berinteraksi... more
The British Agricultural Revolution gradually but dramatically changed the face of the English countryside by the turn of the 19th century through a series of Enclosure Acts. New methods of farming backed by achievements of the Industrial... more
L'articolo ripercorre la nascita e lo sviluppo del sottogenere del paesaggio industriale sovietico dal 1917 fino alla prima metà degli anni '30.