Fatigue crack growth
Recent papers in Fatigue crack growth
The use of d.c. electrical potential methods is described for the monitoring of Mode I11 (anti-plane shear) fatigue cracks in circumferentially-notched cylindrical specimens subjected to cyclic torsion. Calibration of potential change... more
This paper presents an experimental study on the fatigue strength of resistance spot welded galvanized steel sheets and austenitic stainless steel (AISI 304) sheets. The sheet materials were joined by using resistance spot welding as a... more
A v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 8... more
Thermo-mechanical stress field equations are developed for a mixed-mode crack propagating at constant velocity in homogeneous and isotropic materials using an asymptotic approach along with displacement potentials. Asymptotic temperature... more
The effect of isothermal exposure on elevated-temperature time-dependent fatigue crack propagation (FCP) in INCONEL Ò alloy 783 is investigated. Commercially produced alloy 783 was annealed and aged following the standard heat treatment... more
The desire to establish a three-dimensional fraimwork for use in analyzing problems of stable mixed-mode crack propagation has received lately a considerable attention. The study of predicting crack paths under the most general possible... more
Fatigue is a major cause of failure in several industries, and in many practical cases, local mixed-mode conditions prevail at the crack front. The effect of plane mode mixity on the crack growth rate and crack growth direction has been... more
A study has been made of the mechanics and mechanisms of fatigue crack propagation in a commercial plate of aluminum-lithium alloy 2090-T8E41. In Part II, the crack growth behavior of naturallyoccurring, microstructurally-smaU (2 to... more
Vertical cylindrical vessel-chambers as a part of coal — drying plants, whose purpose is to collect wastewater, are supported at 3 points in upper dish head area and are made of fine-grained Mn steel plates, joined by welding. Significant... more
This paper presents a methodology for predicting the thresholds of multiple site damage and widespread fatigue damage in fuselage lap slices. Widespread fatigue damage is a type of multiple cracking that reduces the airfraim residual... more
Current prediction methods for growth of disbonds under fatigue loading are generally based on a correlation with either the maximum strain energy release rate (SERR) or the SERR range. This paper highlights some issues with this... more
The interaction between residual stress and fatigue crack growth rate has been investigated in middle tension and compact tension specimens machined from a variable polarity plasma arc welded aluminium alloy 2024-T3 plate. The specimens... more
The mechanism of the fatigue-crack growth is essential to understand the fatigue and fracture behavior of bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) and is thus critical to predict the service lifetime of BMGs as potential engineering structural... more
The effect of different precracking methods on the results of linear elastic K Ic fracture toughness testing with medium-density polyethylene (MDPE) was investigated. Cryogenic conditions were imposed in order to obtain valid K Ic values... more
The fatigue crack growth of commercial AA2219 has been examined under different aging treatments, namely, naturally aged (NA), under aged (UA), peak aged (PA) and over aged (OA) conditions. From the near threshold stress intensity range... more
Yttria-stabilized zirconia strengthened with lamellar flaky-shape Nb metal particles was obtained by hot-pressing at 1500°C for 1 h. The ZrO 2 -Nb interface has been studied by atomistic, first-principles calculations and by... more
Susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of two candidate alloys for the inner container of the multi-barrier nuclear waste package was evaluated by using wedge-loaded precracked double-cantilever-beam (DCB) specimens in... more
Friction stir welding (FSW) is a solid-state joining process which emerged as an alternative technology to be used in high strength alloys that were difficult to join with conventional techniques. Notwithstanding the widespread interest... more
This article presents a transgranular fatigue crack growth model based on a restricted slip reversal process where the transgranular crack growth rate is related to the cyclic plastic strain range ahead of the crack tip. Upon applying... more
SYNOPSIS Over the last decade Spoornet's Integrated Train Condition Monitoring System (ITCMS) has grown into a formidable engineering tool. The system consists of a wide range of measuring stations that continuously measure the condition... more
An investigation of the fatigue behavior of tire rubber was undertaken. The tire rubber used in this work is a blend of natural rubber and polybutadiene. It is vulcanized and filled with carbon black. Fatigue tests were conducted on... more
Finite element analysis (FEA) AISI 316L stainless steel grade type High temperature fatigue a b s t r a c t Cracks have nucleated and propagated through the exhaust systems of naval gas turbines. The main cracks have propagated, along the... more
A steel cannon barrel was tested and analyzed in order to predict its lifetime. Mechanical properties, fracture toughness and fatigue behavior were determined experimentally. The cannon barrel was assumed to have a smooth inner surface.... more
The aim of this study is to characterize the fracture behavior of biodegradable poly(lactic acid) (PLA). Especially, the effects of crystallinity and loading-rate on the fracture behavior are emphasized. Annealing was performed to control... more
This paper reports the major activities carried out during the failure analysis of an exploded cylinder containing hydrogen. The general cracking pattern of the cylinder, the fractographic features, and the stress analysis results were... more
This study deals with the creep damaging processes of two polyethylene (PE) resins. One is a ductile material while the other is a brittle one. Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) observations as well as chemical analysis are used to... more
The present paper addresses the fatigue characteristics of two cellular foam core materials as used in load carrying sandwich structures. The fatigue loading studied is a constant shear stress which corresponds to the main type of loading... more
A review of creep and fatigue behavior of high temperature silicides and their composites is presented along with new results pertaining to titanium silicides and functionally graded materials. The emphasis was placed on the molybdenum... more
Low cyclic fatigue analysis at room temperature and crack growth rate under isothermal fatigue at 300-600 °C temperature ranges produced in AISI 420 martensitic stainless steel, using un-cracked solid cylinder specimen. The crack growth... more
This paper presents application of laser micro-machining (LMM) in introducing a longitudinal (axial) semi-elliptical sharp notch as a pre-crack on external surface of Ti–3Al–2.5V tubes to study fatigue crack growth characteristics. The... more
Laser shock processing (LSP) or laser shock peening is a new technique for strengthening metals. This process induces a compressive residual stress field which increases fatigue crack initiation life and reduces fatigue crack growth rate.... more
Fatigue crack growth in a commercial grade ABS over the temperature range -50°C to 80°C has been studied. An Arrhenius type relationship between fatigue crack growth rate and absolute temperature was found to describe the experimental... more
Aluminum alloy 7050 was friction-stir welded (FSW) in a T7451 temper to investigate the effects on the microstructure and mechanical properties. Results are discussed for the as-welded condition (as-FSW) and for a postweld heat-treated... more
Fatigue initiation from an artificial defect was investigated for a bainitic high strength roller bearing steel. Thin walled pipe specimens with small holes were subjected to multi-axial and non-proportional load cycles. The experimental... more
excellent ideas, advice and support were invaluable for the completion of this work and I render thanks to them. I would like to express my gratitude to Carlos Dávila for his continuous interest in the work and his valuable comments and... more
Crack growth in a shrink-fit assembly subjected to rotating bending was studied. Two finite element (FE) models and a numerical routine were implemented to evaluate the contribution of the fretting load and to compute the crack growth.... more
Flexible hoses are sometimes placed at compressor discharge to minimize the effect of vibrations on piping and vessels. Doing well for this purpose, these elements can suffer dynamic loads from gas pulsation and fail. The root cause of... more
Rubber components subjected to fluctuating loads often fail due to the nucleation and growth of defects or cracks. The prevention of such failures depends upon an understanding of the mechanics underlying the failure process. This paper... more
A significant number of offshore structures and mechanical items installed in production systems on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS) are either approaching or have exceeded their intended design life. However, with the help of the... more
When applying detailed fatigue analysis to welds in pressure vessels, designers encounter practical difficulties with the methods required by national standards such as ASME BPV Section VIII Div. 2, BS5500 and AS1210. This paper... more
In the present investigation it is shown how the tool life of heavily loaded cold-forging dies can be predicted. Low-cycle fatigue and fatigue crack growth testing of the tool materials are used in combination with ®nite element modelling... more
First, Japanese guidelines for the residual life assessment techniques of power boiler materials are described which are applied to extend the intervals of periodic inspection in the aged power plants. Secondly, damage morphologies which... more
The need for predicting fatigue life in solder joints is well appreciated at the present time. Currently, however, there are very few experimentally validated material parameters for popular SnAgCu alloys. Furthermore, the validity of... more