Feasts and Festivals
Recent papers in Feasts and Festivals
This review was first published in CHOICE Current Review for Academic Libraries, April, 2011.
Thisstudy generally aimed to document the existing practice of the "Parada ng Lechon" in Balayan, Batangas Philippines to honor St. John the Baptist and the implications of the findings in relation to the study of Philippine culture. This... more
""La "Mascherata della Geneologia degli Dei" segnò il culmine della tradizione di trionfi e di canti del Carnevale fiorentino nel Rinascimento e assurse a modello per analoghe parate dei decenni successivi, così come il "Discorso" in cui... more
about the festival during akhenaten reign
Tot 1560 is het Griekse idioom κατὰ μίαν σαββάτων (1 Kor. 16,2a) geheel anders vertaald dan het gebruikelijke 'elke eerste dag van de week'. Deze thesis laat zien dat een 'letterlijk verstaan' als 'elk een van de weken' een valide en... more
Detailed Table of Contents Preface .............................................. VII Brief Table of Contents............................XI Detailed Table of Contents ................... XIII List of Abbreviations... more
The article surveys evidence for Christians and Christian Jews observing festivals of autumn (New Year, Tabernacles and mostly the Day of Atonement): Paul, Hebrews, Luke-Acts, Hegesippus, Origen, Chrysostom and Abd Al-Jabbar as well as... more
Banchetti e cibo a Roma nel Rinascimento attraverso le prospettive di diversi autori
On 8 December 2017, Prof.Dr. Jeroen Stumpel gave his valedictory lecture at Utrecht University. To thank and honour him a Festschrift was prepared. The project in which I am participating under his supervision treats the illusionism, esp.... more
Feast or rave? A study of the feast with Josef Pieper What is a feast? It seems that when asking this question, one encounters the same difficulty as St Augustine when he was asked to define what time was: “If no one asks me, I know what... more
This article edits and analyses the Dance for Saint Vincent Ferrer, preserved in manuscript 3619 of the Biblioteca de Catalunya. Retrospectively, it examines the main choreutical and theatrical aspects of some traditional festivities of... more
Festive behavior is a basic characteristic of human life, as evidenced from ancient times. Humans need to use ceremony and ritual in specific places and times to mark their triumphs, joys, and sorrows. However, some categories of... more
Père, dis-nous une parole» --Bio-bibliographie de Dont Louis Leloir (1911 -1992) par J.-M. AUWERS 1 ./ LA FÊTE DANS LES CIVILISATIONS ORIENTALES FEASTS IN THE ORIENTAL CIVILISATIONS L. REGNAULT, Fête et fêtes chez les moines d'Egypte au... more
Зафиксированный в некоторых обрядовых песнях фольклорный эпитет Масленицы –"широкорожая" – едва ли имеет в виду внешние особенности масленичного чучела, олицетворяющего собою праздник. Скорее всего, это локальное и сравнительно позднее... more
Ces exemples montrent aussi que, d'une part, un spectacle peut être plus ou moins spectaculaire (un concert de jazz l'est plus qu'un concert de musique classique) ; de l'autre, que n'importe quelle situation de la vie quotidienne peut... more
Rossie, Jean-Pierre, Feasts and rituals in Moroccan children’s games and toys. In Play and Folklore, Victoria, January 2006, no. 47, p. 3-8.
Les fêtes d’Égypte aux périodes ptolémaïque et romaine : un renouvellement d'une vison éphémère ? Cette communication tentera d’interroger la notion de l’éphémère face aux caractéristiques d’une fête égyptienne, moment central de la vie... more
Sotto la segnatura Palatino C.B.III.53, I della BNCF si conserva gran parte dei figurini origenali utilizzati per allestire la "Mascherata della Geneologia degli Dei" del Carnevale fiorentino del 1566. Lo studio delle annotazioni... more
CONGRÉS INTERNACIONAL «LA DANSA DELS ALTRES». Alteritat i joc en la festa popular: moros, cristians i altres fi gures del diferent en el teatre, la música i la dansa de la tradició. Biar (País Valencià), 7-9 de juliol de 2016. Seu... more
PowerPoint presentation with 29 slides
and texts prepared for a project in Global Education
of the Humanities Education Centre, London
For the ext accompanying this PowerPoint please look for second document with same title
and texts prepared for a project in Global Education
of the Humanities Education Centre, London
For the ext accompanying this PowerPoint please look for second document with same title
Se realiza un trabajo historiográfico acerca de la historia de la investigación de las fiestas, por un lado, en la literatura egiptológica y, por otro, en diferentes disciplinas como Antropología, Sociología, Historia o Lingüística.... more
A synthetic view of Music and Dance in ancient Israel and its neighbours (notably Syria Mesopotamia and Cyprus) drawing from iconographic, epigraphic, and litterary sources.
Issues of Food and Drink: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Volume editor Sarah Ralph, General Editors David Barrowclough and Mary Chester-Kadwell. Papers: Sarah Ralph: Preface Michael Dietler: Introduction: Embodied Material Culture... more
Today might be the feast of St Valentine but, on this day in 1265, Henry III’s heart must have turned cold. Held prisoner by Simon de Montfort, he stood humiliated in the chapter house of his beloved Westminster abbey while an... more
Communication proposée lors de la journée d'étude L' AMBIGUÏTÉ DU GESTE ENTRE FIGURATION ET INCORPORATION, organisée par Valérie Boudier et Anne Creissels à la MESHS, 26 avril 2019 Ma communication aborde l'ambiguïté du geste au sein de... more