Fiction Writing
Recent papers in Fiction Writing
This translation study presents the story of Anry (Errikos) Botton about his escape from the wagons of death as it was conveyed in Greek in an interview conducted by another survivor, Pauline Matathias, combined with a few additional... more
Rav Léon Ashkenazi (MANITOU) a rédigé ce poème en 1996, alors qu'il était hospitalisé à Jérusalem
Bakhtin describes the heteroglot novel, within which competing social discourses are rehearsed, as the archetype of carnivalised literature. Carnivalised literature collapses discursive hierarchies to undermine dominant social narratives.... more
The study aims at unraveling the conceptual metaphor underlying the English verb of visual perception see in fiction writing. It has two research questions: 1) What are the conceptual metaphors underlying the linguistic expressions of the... more
Il est lycéen, il vit au village de Qalous, non loin de Berber. Elle est écolière, il l'aime, elle est belle. Il la rencontre souvent dans les champs quand elle venait garder sa vache de race. Il veut l'épouser mais son père refuse... more
„STUDII DE ȘTIINȚĂ ȘI CULTURĂ”, Volumul XX, Nr. 4, decembrie 2024
This paper addresses the problem of loneliness in the increasing elderly community. This can be considered as a health and social problem. The objective of this research is to identify the relational patterns of the elderly in order to... more
Az Ethnographia 2024/1-es számában közli Pócs Éva és több hozzászóló cikkét. A vitaindító cikk címe: A honfoglaló magyarok világfája a kutatói illúziók fényében. Rekonstrukció, konstrukció, dekonstrukció. A vitablokkban megjelent Pócs... more
- by Varga Géza
Cinéma, bandes dessinées, séries télévisées, univers ludiques, littérature jeunesse, on ne compte plus les variantes et les versions des aventures de Robin des Bois. Pourtant, les origenes de sa légende restent mal connues. A-t-il... more
The study aims at unraveling the conceptual metaphor underlying the English verb of visual perception see in fiction writing. It has two research questions: 1) What are the conceptual metaphors underlying the linguistic expressions of the... more
The fictional worlds of science fiction can stimulate philosophical speculation towards socio-technical scenarios and trends that are extrapolated from our physical reality. This widely accepted observation highlights but one of the ways... more
Khushwant Singh, in Train To Pakistan, narrates the history of partition as the backdrop of a fictional village's experience during the summer of 1947. He explores the struggle and violence in a fictional village, Mano Majra. In this... more
Ayo lari! Cepat cepat cepat!", kubilang sama adekku. "Ikuti aku! Lari! Cepat! Ayo!" Segera kami bersembunyi di antara rimbunan pohon pisang di tengah ladang setelah berbelok ke kiri meninggalkan jalan. Jantung berdebar kencang. Takut.... more
When toddlers and younger children first encounter stories, they evince a strong tendency to act them out. They use role play and toys for enactment and thereby to experience the dynamics of a storyline, to pursue possible variations, to... more
Lorsque Edmund Burke et Kant traitent du sublime à la fin du XVIIIe siècle, ils identifient l’infini et l’ « astonishment », lié à une passion de conservation de soi, comme sources de sublime. L’identification de celles-ci dans leurs... more
Lorsque Edmund Burke et Kant traitent du sublime a la fin du XVIIIe siecle, ils identifient l’infini et l’ « astonishment », lie a une passion de conservation de soi, comme sources de sublime. L’identification de celles-ci dans leurs... more
F.R. I Lettres-Arts du spectacle Le Théâtre dans l'oeuvre de Nathalie Sarraute: les paradoxes de l'abstraction et de l'incarnation Joëlle GRAS CHAMBON Thèse présentée en vue de l'obtention du Doctorat ès Lettres sous la direction de... more
Although the Partition fiasco turned out to be a tussle for power primarily between the Hindus and the Muslims, the Parsee community also got entangled in the chaotic situations. The Parsees were not directly involved in the torture and... more
This paper explores Martin Amis’ Money: A Suicide Note (1984) as a satiric portrait of the commodification of the female body in the market place. The paper argues that Amis is not misogynistic or anti-feminist, as many critics claim, but... more
Analizar la relación entre lo empírico y lo trascendental es una tarea fundamental al momento de constituir una estrategia de lectura respecto del carácter irrepresentable e incondicionado de la materia. Para desplegar dicha lectura es... more
A short story is a work of fiction that concentrates on a single event, character, or theme. It explores a moment of crisis and conflict. Since this is a fiction work, a writer experiments a lot, and that is what makes this genre a... more
ùcû^ûfò iû ùR^û _c eûZâ ú i §ýû iûZUûö ùicûù^ Zûue ùhûjk cjfû eê cþ eê ZkKê Iùjä A @ûiò ùfö cû{ð ò Z ùagù_ûhûK I _eò _ûUúö ùicûùù~ù KøYiò C›aùe aò ùiA cê jì ð ùe ù~ûMù\A_ûeò ùaö fòþ Ue aûñ _ùU [ô aû fûC¬Kê ~ûA iaê R eõMe _ò Rê kò ei _ò... more
Partition of British India is an unforgettable painful experience for many people in India today. In 1947 the British government divided India into two halves: India and Pakistan before leaving India. It caused violence, separation, and... more
Paradoxismul este o miscare internationala de avangarda in literatura, arta, filozofie, chiar si stiinta, bazata pe folosirea excesiva de antiteze, antinomii, contradictii, oximorone, parabole, paradoxuri in creatie.
L’article examine comment le texte de La jalousie est sous-tendu par la mise en scene d’un observateur invisible. Cet observateur-narrateur est la source d’un compte-rendu de perception ‘brut’ qui fait du texte une juxtaposition de... more
En este capítulo se va a exponer la importancia del desarrollo de la creatividad como elemento fundamental en el estudio de composición coreográfica, materia que suele incluirse en el marco de las enseñanzas superiores de danza. El... more
Klima László tollából olvasható egy - az akadémikus irodalmon belül újszerűnek ható, mert részben leleplező - értékelés Zsirai Miklósról. Klima László megpróbálja kettéválasztani az értékelt szerző életművét: "A finnugor nyelvhasonlítás... more
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পণ্যের দাম নির্ধারনে একটি আইডিয়া।
Pleas for Partition in Train to Pakistan Most readers and critics of fictional works about the Partition of British India (that is the division of British India into India and Pakistan upon independence from the British in 1947) agree... more
After letting me pen over a score of articles, though my muse prompted me to enter into the arena of fiction, yet it made me struggle to come up with the opening lines of my maiden novel for over ten days or so before “That winter night... more
Kertas ini berdasarkan penyelidikan FRGS berkod UKM-PP-04-FRGS0004-2006 iaitu Citra Dakwah dalam Novel Melayu Popular: Kajian Pandangan dan Kecenderungan Pembaca Remaja. Penelitian ini lebih melihat apakah yang ditawarkan novel popular... more
Cualquier forma de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública o transformación de esta obra sólo puede ser realizada con la autorización de sus titulares, salvo excepción prevista por la ley. Diríjase a CEDRO (Centro Español de... more
La presente comunicación explora el concepto de paisaje sonoro urbano para preguntarse en qué medida concebimos dicho paisaje como positivo o negativo y en qué medida estamos dispuestos a convivir con un paisaje sonoro de cercanía. Para... more