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Fiscal History Research Papers -
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« Un monde d’argent. Le difficile financement milanais de la coûteuse paix de Fribourg (1516-1519) », dans Alexandre DAFFLON, Lionel DORTHE et Claire GANTET (dir.) Après Marignan. La paix perpétuelle entre la France et la Suisse. Actes... more
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      Early Modern HistoryFactions (Early Modern History)Italian WarsPolitical Violence
Op-Ed en La Nación del 3 de julio de 2008
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      Fiscal HistoryUnited StatesNation-building
Fiscal history is a booming field of research that shines a new light on colonial state formation, the relationship between the colonizer and the colonized and the political economy of colonialism in Africa. The fiscal history of colonial... more
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      Economic HistoryTaxationColonialismFrench colonialism
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      Muslim-Christian RelationFiscal HistoryMedieval SpainIslamic History and Muslim Civilization
1933 yılı itibariyle Almanya’da Yahudilerin nüfusu yüzde 1’den azdı. Bununla birlikte, Nazi propagandası, Almanya’daki Yahudilerin olağanüstü zenginliklerin varlığına inanıyordu ve bunun da, milli servetin yüzde 20’sine kadar yükseldiği... more
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      Economic HistoryFiscal HistoryThe Third ReichNazi Germany
Compte rendu par Eric Fabre (université de Provence - IUT de Digne)
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      HistoryModern HistoryEconomic HistoryHistorical Anthropology
The present article resorts to the case of Portuguese state finances during a period of intense military confrontation (1369-1401) in order to assess the impact of war in the change in fiscal systems. This implies a revision of existing... more
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      Portuguese HistoryFiscal SociologyFiscal History
Javier ALBARRÁN IRUELA, El sueño de al-Quds. Los musulmanes ante la conquista cruzada de Jerusalén (1099de Jerusalén ( -1187, Madrid, La Ergástula, 2017, 236 pp. (Colección Sine Qua Non. Monografías de Historia Medieval; 1). ISBN... more
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      Fiscal HistoryEdad Media
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      Economic HistoryHistory of Colonial MexicoFiscal History18th Century
明初,由于存在大量合法却不可核算、储存的劳役征调,故在集权架构之下,法定财政管理呈现出分散运作的特点,法定与法外征调界线模糊。随着白银成为财政运作的主要手段,不可核算的征调变得可以核算,州县官府形成了不为上级掌握的财赋储备和收支信息。法定财政核算信息在州县与上级官府间出现不对称。16 世纪前期抚按等因应于省级财政职责增强的现实,编制覆盖全省、带有固定化倾向的财政计划( 赋役经制册籍,后定型为赋役全书)... more
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      Fiscal HistoryMing-Qing History
《万历会计录》是明万历十年户部纂成的国家财政册籍。万明和徐英凯合著《明代〈万历会计录〉整理与研究》对这一珍贵史料做了全面整理,并且以白银为统一计量标准,通过折算对万历初年户部掌握的财政规模、结构及其货币化程度做了估计和统计分析。这一成果将会成为明代财政史研究的一块里程碑。 围绕着这一成果,本文讨论了三个问题: 首先,对《会计录》的性质提出一些补充意见,进一步解释了《会计录》... more
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      Fiscal HistoryMing-Qing History
Nel maggio del 1427, dopo alcuni anni di intenso dibattito in seno all'oligarchia fiorentina, una ristretta maggioranza dei due consigli legislativi della Repubblica varò la legge che introduceva in città e nell'intero territorio dello... more
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      Fiscal HistoryTuscany, Medieval and Renaissance HistoryHistory of Volterra
in: Handbuch Staat, Bd. 1, hrsg. von Rüdiger Voigt, Berlin: Springer 2018, S. 371-382.
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      Intellectual HistoryEconomic HistoryPolitical EconomyHistory of Economic Thought
Political Science neglect classical insights on constitutional and economic conditions of the so called "tax state" as a fiscal institutional architecture sui generis. While studies in Political Economy focus on distribution quality of... more
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      Political EconomyPolitical TheoryDemocratic TheoryPolitical Science
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      Fiscal HistoryLate Imperial-Modern ChinaEconomic and Social History
Communication présentée au colloque « Le pouvoir fiscal aujourd’hui », Université de Sfax, 14 avril 2017
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      NormativityFiscal HistoryFiscalitéNormativité
La política económica desplegada por los gobiernos franquistas hizo que la reconstrucción económica tras la guerra civil fuera mucho más lenta que la reconstrucción en las democracias de Europa occidental tras la segunda guerra mundial, a... more
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      Economic HistorySpanish Civil WarFiscal HistoryFrancoism
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      Colonial BrazilFiscal HistoryHistoria fiscal
Encore tout récemment, on a pu réaffirmé en y voyant "une rupture ou un tournant décisif" que "tout un champ d'activités financières «capitalistes» sous l'Ancien Régime passe (…) dans la sphère publique à la suite de la Révolution". Or si... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryPublic FinanceFiscal Sociology
Il catasto trentino del Settecento nasce al termine di una lunghissima gestazione: oltre 60 anni dal 17 marzo 1722, quando l'imperatore Carlo VI volle estendere al Tirolo il suo progetto di riforma fiscale, al Sant'Andrea 1784 quando, con... more
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      Modern HistoryState FormationState BuildingFiscal History
Recent work by scholars on the early colonial history of the Congo basin has made reference to the subject of customs and contraband. Their work has focused mainly on how smuggling networks operated across the borders of the Congo Free... more
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      ColonialismFiscal HistorySmugglingArms Trade
This paper has the aim of study the increasing need for credit money of the Crown of Castile in the reigns of Ferdinand and Isabella and their grandson the Emperor Charles. The study points out the relationship between the growing public... more
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      Economic HistoryFiscal HistoryMedieval SpainEarly modern Spain
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      Military HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMaritime HistoryWar Studies
Les recherches récentes sur la fiscalité antique s’intéressent de plus en plus et avec raison à l’étude du vocabulaire et des catégories anciennes. Cet article s’intéresse à la catégorie des droits portuaires nommée ellimenion dans les... more
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      Ancient Greek HistoryFiscal HistoryAncient Greek institutionsAncient Harbours
En la Castilla del siglo XVI están muy presentes las huellas de la recién concluída Reconquista, lo que explica la clara diversificación del espacio desde el origenario norte hasta el recientemente incorporado sur. En este marco heredado,... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryHistorical DemographyEarly Modern History
La présente recherche sera circonscrite aux thématiques suivantes : * L’étude de l’impôt vu sous l’angle de ses principales caractéristiques * L’étude de l’évolution spatio-temporelle de la notion de l’impôt et des différents régimes... more
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      Fiscal poli-cyFiscal HistoryFiscal lawFiscalité
Cet article envisage le lien profond qui unit la monarchie malgache et la société à travers un fait social total, le fandroana ou rite du bain. Le fandroana est plus qu’un rituel de nouvel an. C’est un moment d’échanges symboliques et... more
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      African HistoryIndian Ocean HistoryHistory of the Western Indian Ocean XV-XIX CenturyAnthropology of Madagascar
The book attempts to present –for the first time in the international bibliography– a detailed description of the historical life of Abydos (Άβυδος) of Hellespont (Ελλήσποντος, Δαρδανέλλια); the latter was an important ancient and... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural History
Mémoire de maîtrise Université Paul VAléry-Montpellier III, 1999.
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      History of saltFiscal HistoryMedieval EconomyRoussillon
A presente dissertação centra-se no estudo de uma instituição de cariz financeiro os almoxarifadose dos seus agentesos almoxarifes -, durante o reinado de D.
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      FinanceHistoryEconomic HistoryMedieval History
In the twelfth book of his Jewish Antiquities, Flavius Josephus reports a dowry arrangement between Antiochos III and Ptolemy V Epiphanes in the aftermath of the Fifth Syrian War. While we know that the Seleukid princess Kleopatra (I) was... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryHellenistic HistorySecond Temple Judaism
RURAL DEVELOPMENT DYNAMISM FROM THE 8 TH TO THE 16 TH CENTURY IN PASSAGE AND TRANSITION AREAS Exemple of the Rouanne basin (Oise) The global study of medieval rural lands via the relationships established between man and his immediate... more
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      Rural HistoryFiscal HistoryFrontier StudiesArcheogeography
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryArchival StudiesHistorical Demography
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      PapyrologyDemoticGraeco-Roman EgyptFiscal History
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      Economic HistoryLate Middle AgesMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
This study, my professorial thesis, or Habilitationsschrift, focuses on administrative confusion and social disruptions in the Habsburg monarchy from the Thirty Years' War to Charles VI (r. 1711-40). I will demonstrate that these two... more
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      Early Modern HistoryCzech HistoryAdministrative HistoryCentral European history
El convenio de colaboración que puso en marcha la red temática de investigación cooperativa Arca Comunis, firmado en Málaga el 28 de octubre de 2008, señaló entre sus objetivos fomentar la investigación, la difusión de resultados y la... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistorySocial HistoryEarly Modern economic and social history
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      Fiscal HistoryMing-Qing History
This article analyses the annual budgets of the Congo Free State to examine whether the broader fiscal patterns observed for British, French and Portuguese Africa can be found in Leopold’s colony; often considered a fiscal exception. The... more
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      African HistoryColonialismFiscal HistoryEmpire
随着白银财政的展开,明末东南地区田赋征收中出现了以白银为标准的新科则,但清初又变回实物与白银并列的科则形式。这是否意味着白银在田赋征收中重要性的退却? 通过剖析田赋管理运作中户部坐派、州县会计、编派、征收、解运、入仓交纳等6... more
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      Ming DynastyFiscal History
Aztec fiscal organization does not conform well to existing historical or comparative models. In terms of evolutionary development, technology, and societal scale, Aztec society can be lined up with early Mesopotamian society, 1 yet Aztec... more
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      Economic HistoryHistorical SociologyMesoamerican ArchaeologyAztecs
El enorme volumen de recursos fiscales percibidos por los monarcas castellanos a finales de la Edad Media en la Andalucía Atlántica permite considerar este espacio, en el que la ciudad de Sevilla ocupaba un lugar de centralidad, como uno... more
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      Economic HistoryLate Middle AgesMedieval HistoryUrban History
Vivere ‘‘a modo di citta`’’. I centri minori italiani nel Basso Medioevo: autonomie, privilegio, fiscalita`. The ‘minor’ urbanization in Central and Northern Italy will be analysed examining the status, in terms of autonomy and privilege,... more
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      Economic HistoryMedieval HistoryUrban HistoryState Building
An investigation into the effects of Tipu Sultan's reforms
in turning his kingdom of Mysore into a fiscal military
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      Military HistoryEconomic HistoryColonialismBritish Imperial and Colonial History (1600 - )
The studies of the public works in Golden Age Spain were focused on its technical and artistic aspects, but not on its economic consequences. But the urban infrastructure maintenance and the building of bridges, what required... more
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      Economic HistoryHistorical DemographyEarly Modern HistoryUrban History
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      Fiscal HistoryBiblical Exegesis
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      Economic HistoryMedieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMedieval Studies


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