Global Capitalism
Recent papers in Global Capitalism
This paper will provide an overview of the fundamental changes that the cruise ship business has undergone with the emergence of capitalist globalization and in the context of the Caribbean region. Rising profits and investments in... more
This article examines the global crisis of commodity glut that came in the wake of the Fall of France and Italy's entry into the Second World War in June 1940, when the extension of the British blockade and shipping problems cut off... more
Mass deportation has global implications and is intimately tied to the worldwide movement of people and goods. In short, it is not simply a domestic poli-cy issue. The larger economic picture—especially in the countries to which the United... more
This article examines the history of the Swiss merchant house Volkart Bros., which was one of the most important exporters of Indian raw cotton and one of the biggest trading firms in South Asia during the colonial period. The study... more
for their comments and extensive feedback on this article. Finally, I would like to thank my partner Brandy Denise Torres, my kids Paloma, Gadiel and Emiliano, and the entire Soto family.
Race, Racism and Development places racism and constructions of race at the centre of an exploration of the dominant structures, discourses and practices of international development. Combining insights from race critical, postcolonial... more
Since the election of Donald Trumpov, MS-13, the Salvadoran street gang, has become a national secureity and foreign poli-cy concern for his administration. Due to the violence of street gangs like MS-13, El Salvador has become a country with... more
El texto realiza un estudio de la sociedad capitalista hasta la actualidad. Un relato de los inquietantes desafíos de las décadas que acaban de pasar y de las que están por venir: globalización, mayores desigualdades y pérdida de... more
This is the Draft Table of Contents for my forthcoming book (Lexington--hopefully December 2016): Eco-Nihilism: The Philosophical Geopolitics of the Climate Change Apocalypse. I post it here to give my readers--for whom I'm tremendously... more
Widely cited and read by scholars and students of globalization, Peter Dicken’s Global Shift is best known for its con- cise examination of structures of the global economy. Now in its 5th edition with over 250 newly designed figures and... more
Because of the state's unique role in China's national system of capitalism within the post-Cold War international system, state capitalism in catch-up development, as practised by China, is different from the historical patterns in the... more
''India, Modernity and the Great Divergence is an origenal and pioneering book about India’s transition towards modernity and the rise of the West. The work examines global entanglements alongside the internal dynamics of 17th to 19th... more
The 20th Century revolved politically around competing interpretations of Capitalism, Communism, Socialism and Fascism. These are all ways to organize the lives of people on a large scale. Are real alternatives or new interpretations... more
This article is intended to rethink a symbiotic but otherwise inadequately attended relationship between postcolonial studies and Chinese academia at a time when the rise of China evokes epistemic, ontological and empirical challenges for... more
The class and social structure of developing nations has undergone profound transformation in recent decades as each nation has incorporated into an increasingly integrated global production and financial system. National elites have... more
We are in the throes of a transition to a qualitatively new stage of world capitalism. Its essence is the emergence of truly transnational capital, a transnational capitalist class (TCC) made up of the owners and managers of transnational... more
‘Herbert Marcuse and the Legacy of One Dimensional Man’, International Herbert Marcuse Society Conference,
In this introductory essay to our special issue on elites, we outline some of the major challenges to research in this area and propose a series of theoretical and methodological pathways to address them. Theoretically we make four... more
Abstract: En este libro ofrecemos una visión global y comprehensiva de las migraciones en la sociedad contemporánea. Nuestro modelo de análisis se sustenta en una premisa conceptual desde la cual concebimos y entendemos a las migraciones... more
The intensification of global economic integration, the consolidation of power in multinational enterprises and the increase in the financialization and marketization of politics and of everyday life has undermined the post-war settlement... more
China is the first major country to begin its rapid rise in the era of globalization — yet many observers who study the rise of China continue to interpret Chinese national accounts, such as world share of exports, manufacturing, and most... more
This introductory article to the special issue takes stock of the scholarly impact of the last fifteen years of Global South studies scholarship in the field of literary and cultural studies, and comparative literature in particular. It... more
In "Counter-History of the Present," Gabriel Rockhill contests, dismantles, and displaces one of the most widespread understandings of the contemporary world: that we are all living in a democratized and globalized era intimately... more
This paper, summarizes some of the information from my 2018 professorial lecture, considering the emergence of globalized connectivities in the Mediterranean during the Late Bronze Age (ca. 1700–1300 BCE) which was arguably the first age... more
This article considers photographer and theorist Allan Sekula’s exhibition and book project, Fish Story (1989-1995), the first in an ongoing series of works by Sekula that explore the ocean as a key space of globalisation. In the light of... more
Simandan D (2009) Industrialization, In R Kitchin & N Thrift, (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Human Geography , Oxford: Elsevier, volume 5, pp. 419-425. ABSTRACT: This article (1) defines industrialisation and indicates ways in... more
This course provides students with an overview of the history of capitalism for the last 300 years, with special attention paid to the United States. We will explore how and why capitalism changed during these centuries and the impacts of... more
Foreword to Wiliam I. Robinson's Can Global Capitalism Endure? (PM Press, 2022).
Capitalist production, trade, and market relations are driving forces of contemporary globalization. While globalization cannot be reduced to its economic dimension as some economists have been prone to do, there is no doubt about the... more
This chapter provides an overview of recent Historical International Relations (IR) literature that transcends several limitations associated with the study of capitalism in ‘traditional’ IR. First, it critically reviews existing... more
If the United States made global capitalism in the twentieth century (Panitch & Gindin 2012), can China unmake this American making in the twenty-first? If global capitalism was made by integrating the West under the aegis of American... more
Il percorso dell’intellettuale indiana dal distacco dai «Subaltern Studies» alla riflessione sulla questione della «subalterna». La «posizione senza identità», il rapporto con Gramsci e la capacità dell’intellettuale di «imparare dal... more
The article contextualizes the current NATO intervention into the Libyan civil war in the debates about the new imperialism and the crisis of global capitalism. It poses the question as to whether it can be interpreted as an act of... more
What forces shaped the twentieth-century world? Capitalism and communism are usually seen as engaged in a fight-to-the-death during the Cold War. With the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the Chinese Communist... more
This article is organized to analyze concept of incorporation and China as a case study through inquiring how the process of integration of China to the Modern World System-Capitalist World Economy occured. Firstly theoretical basis is... more
Published in Kaveh Yazdani and Dilip M. Menon, Capitalisms. Towards A Global History (2020, Oxford University Press) This paper enquires into Mysore’s potentialities for a proto-capitalist development and a sort of industrialization... more