Historical folkloristics
Recent papers in Historical folkloristics
As is common in many Bantu societies, Zambian names come from the natural environment, circumstances of birth and the social setting. Names from circumstances of birth include physical appearance, position of birth, place of birth, and so... more
Marjeta Pisk UDK 398.8(=163.6)"15/18" ZRC SAZU Glasbenonarodopisni inštitut LJUDSKA PESEM MED ZAVEZANOSTJO TRADICIJI IN NENEHNIM SPREMINJANJEM V članku je obravnavano dinamično razmerje med ohranjanjem tradicionalnih zvrsti in motivov... more
В кн.: Выдающиеся отечественные этнологи и антропологи ХХ века. Сост. Д. Д. Тумаркин. М., Наука, 2004. С. 655-687. Очерк, будучи слегка дополненным, переиздан в виде отдельной книги: Героический эпос жизни и творчества Бориса Николаевича... more
Dolgozatom középpontjában az 1860-as években Vachott Sándorné Csapó Mária által különböző kiadványokban elszórtan közölt Grimm- és Andersen mesefordítások állnak. A történeti folklorisztika szempontjából a meseszövegek fordítás- és... more
<<A Roma l'opera nazionale dopolavoro aveva ormai compreso nella sua sfera d'azione anche le arti popolari e creato un apposito Comitato nazionale; per la tendenza accentratrice che caratterizzava le iniziative di quegli anni, il comitato... more
Beginning with nineteenth-century allegations that Hans Christian Andersen lifted the tale of “Lucky Hans” from the Grimm brothers and that the Grimms lifted “The Princess on the Pea” from Andersen, this essay proposes a genealogy of... more
Attention towards and interest in the genre of the tale began rather belatedly in Hungarian culture. This paper provides a concise overview of the history of the assigning of value to this narrative genre: how it was transformed from a... more
Scholarly publication of folk riddles in Hungary started in the mid-19th century. Among the early sources was the first classic collection of Hungarian folktales, Eredeti népmesék [Authentic Folktales], compiled by László Arany, which... more
This is an overview of efforts to collect and understand the folklore of Cornwall in the south west of Britain. Cornwall is one of the six Celtic nations (the others being Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man, and Brittany),... more
Надир-шагьасул аскар 1741 соналъ МагIарухъ улкаялъул (Аваристаналъул) бакъбаккуда гъуриялъул хIакъалъулъ халкъалда гьоркьор биценал ва кучIдул хутIун руго. Гьел киналго ракIари ва цо мажмугIалда кьей букIана нижер мурадлъун. Кинабниги... more
„This tale deserves a place in Muzárion, just as well as the devilish and wizardly comic paintings of Bruegel in the galleries”: Fairy and animal tales and their controversial reception in Muzárion (1829–1833) The article investigates... more
László Arany’s collection of Eredeti népmesék ’Authentic Folktales’), featuring 54 riddles wedged between the actual tales and the volume-closing trick stories, was published in 1862. The first classic Hungarian folktale collection thus... more
Halk hekimliğinde ve Osmanlı Tıp Yazmalarında Akıl ve Sinir Hastalıklarının Tedavisi. Yeni Symposium, 19 (3): 72-84, 1981.
The book analyses the (re-)invention of folklore and popular festivals during the fascist regime.
... Page 5. 500 STEVE ROUD AND PAUL SMITH ... Thomas Fairman Ordish announced a special interest in the mummers and, in 1902, he launched the first systematic attempt to collect information and examples.16 Many of those already in the... more
Пристойний замок не може обійтися без легенд. Меджибізький замок не виняток, тим більше, що цього потребують численні екскурсанти. Окрім дійсно легендарних історій, які мають під собою історичне підгрунтя, як-от «меджибізькі Ромео та... more