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Folkloristics Research Papers -
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As is common in many Bantu societies, Zambian names come from the natural environment, circumstances of birth and the social setting. Names from circumstances of birth include physical appearance, position of birth, place of birth, and so... more
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      Cultural StudiesAfrican StudiesAnthropologyFolklore
Рахно К.Ю. Легенда про походження запорожців та її східноіранські паралелі // Вісник Запорізького національного університету. Філологічні науки. – Запоріжжя, 2017. – № 2, 2016. – С. 179-185.
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreIranian StudiesTurco-Iranian World
Монография посвящена изучению специфики развития на протяжении последнего столетия культурных и языковых процессов, а также их региональных и локальных особенностей на примере Костромского края и других регионов Верхнего Поволжья и... more
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      EthnographySocial and Cultural AnthropologySocial transformationFolkloristics
Irish folklore has been observed, in its " first life " (Honko 2013), through traditions, customs, narratives, tunes or sayings in various communities. These experiences have been collected and archived, and have since been reused and... more
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      Irish LiteratureIrish PoliticsNorthern Irish PoliticsIrish Music
Binlerce yıllık birikimin sonucu olarak kalıplaşan ve günümüze kadar gelen Türk atasözlerinin Balkanlardaki serüveni çok eskilere dayanmaktadır. Balkanlara Türklerin gelişi İskit dönemine, yani milattan önceki yüzyıllara dayandırılsa da... more
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      Folklore (Literature)FolkloristicsTürk Halk EdebiyatıTürk Halk Bilimi
Mystery, as viewed by the society, is usually stated by an outsider in a certain locality who sees unusual occurrence thus, series of inquiry is rolled down to seek for understanding of a phenomenon that cannot be answered by science... more
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      HistoryFolkloreThematic AnalysisComparative Historical Analysis
Though of the same genre, two comparable proverbs from a given culture can operate in two distinct communicative spheres. Using an approach called discourse ecology, I explore the intertextual dynamics, semantics, and usage of two Kazakh... more
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      Discourse AnalysisFolkloreEthnographyLinguistic Anthropology
Ukrainian ethnography has been a large, diffuse field of activity in Canada, with several identifiable threads. The field’s significance has been primarily cumulative rather than evident in individual field-changing works. Robert... more
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      EthnographyUkrainian StudiesFolkloristicsUkrainian Canadians
Приказ књиге Данијеле Петковић "Јунак и сиже епске песме", Београд: Институт за књижевност и уметност, 2019.
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      Structuralism (Literary Criticism)Folklore (Literature)Epic poetryFolkloristics
Folklore research in the Czech Lands was properly institutionalized on academical level in the late 1940 and early 1950 when Department of Ethnography at the Charles University and Institute for Ethnography and Folkloristics at the... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreEthnographyCzech & Slovak Studies
The purpose of this article is to discuss transmedia narratives based on giant lore, which is described by means of examples from folkloristics and transmedia dissemination. Giant lore, particularly the epic Kalevipoeg, a core text of... more
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      Transmedial NarratologyFolkloristics
Folk songs have long been perceived as national identity markers. In Central Europe, the research of folk singing was closely linked to the national movements of the nineteenth century. Bilingual folksongs or singing in "non-national"... more
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      FolkloreEthnologyFolklore (Anthropology)Borders and Borderlands
TEESID: Artikli eesmärk on arutleda transmeedia protsesside üle hiiu-pärimuse näitel, kasutades eeskätt folkloristika ja meediauurimise mee-todeid. Hiiupärimus ja eriti eepos " Kalevipoeg " kui rahvuslik tüvitekst on ajendanud eri... more
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      ColonialismPostcolonial TheoryCultural AnthropologyHistory of the British Empire
В кн.: Выдающиеся отечественные этнологи и антропологи ХХ века. Сост. Д. Д. Тумаркин. М., Наука, 2004. С. 655-687. Очерк, будучи слегка дополненным, переиздан в виде отдельной книги: Героический эпос жизни и творчества Бориса Николаевича... more
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      FolkloreHistorical folkloristicsTypologiesFolkloristics
The term ecotype was first introduced to the field of folkloristics by Carl Wilhelm von Sydow (1878-1952), who proposed the idea that folktales develop from base forms due to transformations triggered by specific environmental conditions... more
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      Modern Irish Language and LiteratureFolklore (Literature)Modern Irish (Gaeilge)Phraseology
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      History of Folklore Theory and MethodFolkloristicsTürk Halk BilimiÇağdaş Türk Düşüncesi
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      Mythology And FolkloreRussian StudiesFolklorePragmatics
During the 20th century wedding was a quite popular topic for ethnographic research, thus many articles and books had been published on this matter. The research of weddings was appropriate for revealing the changes that took place within... more
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      Social ChangeFolkloreSocial and Cultural AnthropologyHistory of Science
Les Légendes urbaines de Belgique est un livre de folkloristique d’Aurore Van de Winkel portant sur les rumeurs contemporaines de ce pays. Il ne s’agit pas d’y présenter les légendes traditionnelles, comme l’histoire du cheval Bayard ou... more
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      Contemporary legendsFolkloristics
Croatian tongue-twisters are defined by the lack of euphony, and the abundance of sound patterns that lead to speech errors. The major feature that contributes to this anti- euphonious patterning is the significant presence of consonant... more
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      Computational stylisticsFolkloristicsCounting-Out RhymesConsonant Clusters
Ferdinand Velc was a painter, photographer and also very important person in the czech ethnography. By his camera he documented mostly the life of village peoples in some czech regions and also in Bosnia, where he teached in Sarajevo... more
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      PhotographsArt HistoryCzech HistoryEthnography
Монография представляет собой первую серьезную попытку анализа и обобщения прозвищного фольклора Русского Севера и Северо-Западного региона России. До сих пор данный фрагмент культуры рассматривался в аспекте микроэтномики. Автору... more
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    • Folkloristics
Regardless of Eric Hobsbawm's negativistic understanding, 'tradition' is a powerful and dynamic (and in no way traditionalist) concept in academic folkloristics. The widespread scepticism against 'traditional music', both as a... more
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      EthnomusicologyTraditionalismTraditional MusicEric Hobsbawm
The articles in this anthology discuss the application of retrospective methods to a wide range of historical disciplines: Old Norse studies in a wide sense, folkloristics, history of religion, etymology, early Germanic iconography and... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistorical GeographyHistory of ReligionEtymology
We are one hundred years away from the Silesian uprisings. This is a time when individual stories told by insurgents and their families have undergone many transformations. The emotional, direct messages of the participants of the... more
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      MusicologyFolklorePolish HistoryFolkloristics
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      ReligionMythology And FolkloreAnthropologyFolklore
Published on Aug 24, 2016 Interview with Joan L. Saverino - San Giovanni in Fiore (CS), July 2016. Music: tarantella, pastorale, sonata. Images: West Virginia State Archives, Charleston WV and Joan Saverino Editing by Alessandro Tarsia.... more
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      FolkloreItalian StudiesTextilesMaterial Culture Studies
José Benito Álvarez-Buylla,
 Profesor Agregado de Literatura inglesa en la Universidad de
 Oviedo y Catedrático de I. N. E. M., intenta en este libro sobre La Canción Asturiana un primer sondeo desde perspectivas históricas, estéticas y... more
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      Folk MusicEtnomusicologiaMúsica PopularFolkloristics
1 ΜΗΝΑΣ ΑΛ. ΑΛΕΞΙΑΔΗΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ ΠΑΡΑΔΟΣΙΑΚΑ ΠΑΙΧΝΙΔΙΑ «Αιών παις εστί παίζων, πεσσεύων• παιδός η βασιληίη». (Ηράκλειτος 90, 5 -Diels 52). ( ΜΕ ΑΦΟΡΜΗ ΕΝΑ ΒΙΒΛΙΟ ) «Μιa εποχή πιο ευτυχισμένη από τη δική μας αποτόλμησε κάποτε να ονομάσει το... more
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В книге представлены работы петербургского этнографа и фольклориста Валентина Виноградова (1974–2012): кандидатская диссертация и несколько статей, относящихся к магистральному направлению его исследований — почитаемым местам как зонам... more
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      EthnographyЭтнографические методыSacred SpaceRelics and Relic Veneration
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      FolkloristicsBosna and HerzegovinaNarodna KnjiževnostUsmena Knjizevnost
Η Νέα Φόρμιγγα αποτέλεσε ένα μηνιαίο μουσικό, εκκλησιαστικό και φιλολογικό περιοδικό, όργανο του Ωδείου Εθνικής Μουσικής. Διευθυντές του περιοδικού ήταν ο Κ. Α. Ψάχος (1869-1949) και ο Εμμ. Πεζόπουλος (1880-1946). Ξεκίνησε την κυκλοφορία... more
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      Byzantine MusicByzantine MusicologyFolkloristicsPsaltic Art
Приказ зборника "Савремена српска фолклористика V. Фолклорно наслеђе Срба са Косова и Метохије у словенском контексту". Ур. Валентина Питулић, Бошко Сувајџић, Бранко Златковић, Дејан Ристић. Београд, Нови Сад, Призрен: Удружење... more
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      Serbian historyFolklore (Literature)Serbian LiteratureSlavic Studies
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    • Folkloristics
The Patuas of West Bengal are a semi-itinerant caste of narrative scroll painters that have plied their trade for centuries. Over time, their repertoire has expanded to encompass a variety of new phenomena, including performances... more
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      Art HistoryVisual AnthropologyVisual CultureIndian studies
Орловский государственный университет им. И.С. Тургенева Центр городской антропологии (Москва) ФОЛЬКЛОРНЫЙ ТЕКСТ В СОВРЕМЕННОМ КУЛЬТУРНОМ КОНТЕКСТЕ: ТРАДИЦИЯ И ЕЕ ПЕРЕОСМЫСЛЕНИЕ Международная научная конференция Орел, 18-19 марта 2016... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreAnthropologyFolkloreSocial and Cultural Anthropology
Baba Jaga jest postacią powszechnie znaną oraz obecną w kulturze popularnej, jednak niewiele wiadomo o jej początkach. Badacze Słowian, folkloru polskiego i rosyjskiego zgodnie przyznają, że Baba Jaga pojawiła się w opowieściach ludowych... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreMythologyFolktales
Issues of identity appear in Russian traditional music and in revival discourses in most different ways. In rural settings regional and local identities are rooted much deeper than ideas of 'Russianness' in music. These small-scale... more
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      Identity (Culture)FolkloristicsRussian FolklloreRussian folk music
University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee Center for Celtic Studies Samhain Celebration Invited Lecture, October 31, 2004 In this public talk, I describe the most common Breton legends, which are rarely written in English. French books on... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreCeltic StudiesFolktales
К сожалению, бóльшая часть исследований, посвященных отечественному политическому анекдоту, базируется исключительно на советском материале. Иногда постсоветские политические анекдоты бегло рассматриваются в такого рода работах в качестве... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreRussian StudiesFolklorePolitics
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      FolkloreDigital HumanitiesFolkloristics
The ‘fairy tale’ (tonghua 童话: children’s story) in China, like a genie let out of a bottle, has been undergoing a metamorphosis for the past 100 years and is still changing. It offers a further illustration of scholars’ perception that... more
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      Chinese StudiesNational IdentityFolklore (Literature)Ideology and Discourse Analysis
This is the manuscript of my 1999 book published by Studentlitteratur, Lund (with a few minor changes). Language: Swedish. It is an attempt at a combined introduction/handbook of Swedish folklore studies. I try to keep a process-centered... more
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      FolkloreNarrativeEthnologyScandinavian Studies
Zbornik radova sa međunarodnog naučnog skupa održanog 12. i 13 oktobra 2017. u Velikoj Hoči i Prizrenu.
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      Cultural HistoryEthnomusicologyEthnographyOral Traditions
In March 2020, I published an article comparing the pixies of Devon and Cornwall, appearing in Folklore, the journal of the Folklore Society. Since that time, I found a relevant source, Ingram, Cooke, and Co., English Forests and Forest... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreMythologyFolktales
И. И. Земцовский Песня как исторический феномен 1.
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      FolkloreEthnomusicologyHistorical EthnomusicologyDisciplinary History of Folkloristics
The subject “Kitabi-Dede Gorgud” in the scientific heritage of academic Hamid Arasli Summary In the article the investigation of “Kitabi-Dede Gorgud” by Hamid Arasli and his scientific activity in the direction of repetition... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreFolk MedicineFolk Psychology


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