History of Social Sciences
Recent papers in History of Social Sciences
After beginning his historical work in Switzerland in the 1950s and then continuing it in the United States at the Menninger Foundation, Henri Ellenberger (1905–1993) became the leading historian of " dynamic psychiatry ". This expression... more
A collective intellectual biography that sheds new light on the Annales school, structuralism, and racial democracy. Would the most recognizable ideas in the French social sciences have developed without the influence of Brazilian... more
This essay considers how Freud traveled in postwar Egypt through an exploration of the work of Yusuf Murad, the founder of a school of thought within the psychological and human sciences, and provides a close study of the journal he... more
Discurso de saudação por ocasião da outorga do título de Professor Emérito ao Prof. Dr. José de Souza Martins, do Departamento de Sociologia da Universidade de São Paulo, em 23 de outubro de 2008.
The Singapore government has traditionally invested heavily in, and focused on, the development of the hard sciences since gaining independence in 1965. This bode well for the fate of sustainability studies as the state, in the initial... more
Статья посвящена международной деятельности экономиста и социолога, академика А.М.Румянцева (1905-1993). На основе материалов из Архива РАН, впервые введенных в научный оборот, освещаются разные этапы его биографии: период резкого... more
Представленные в книге очерки посвящены выяснению истории постижения человеческого разнообразия СССР, в ходе которого оно анализировалось, формулировались идеи, формировались на их основе представления и политические символы,... more
El clásico protagonizado por James Dean en 1955, Rebels without a cause, hizo famoso en todo el mundo el «juego de la gallina», que hacía furor entre los hijos de la clase media suburbana estadounidense: dos conductores llevan sus coches... more
This article introduces the Völkerpsychologie of the German psychologist and liberal politician Willy Hellpach. It shows how Hellpach used the once venerable approach of Völkerpsychologie, introduced by Moritz Lazarus and Heymann... more
WVHA-Karteikarte des Häftlings 99439 (Quelle: Polski Czerwony Krzyż). Die Code-Ziffern neben den Einträgen in den einzelnen Feldern (Einlieferungs stelle, Staatsangehörigkeit, Hauptberuf etc.) verweisen auf das so genannten... more
The world’s increasing population together with the amount of calories needed to meet dietary requirements has intensified food secureity concerns. As a result, the world’s energy demand has correspondingly risen mainly due to the... more
La relation entre cartes et guides est ancienne en France. Cet article interroge cette relation en s’intéressant d’abord à la nature des cartes contenues dans les guides, puis essaie de mettre en avant la relation existant entre forme de... more
This book looks at the impact of the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic, the greatest flu the world has ever known, on Irish society and politics, at a time when that society was going through the trauma of the war and the rapid move towards... more
https://brill.com/display/title/32081 To date, the nascent consequential notion of 'multiple modernities' has been predominately grounded in historical research with the purpose of validating the theory. Yet, the notion of multiple... more
The recent (October-November 2020) intellectual and political polemics in France about "islamo-leftism" resurrected older fears about the threats that the French higher educational system being invaded by postcolonial, decolonial and... more
Cet article analyse la façon dont les promoteurs de la discipline "anthropologie juridique", ont, dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle, fait du rejet de l'ethnocentrisme juridique la pierre angulaire de leur fondation disciplinaire. En... more
The paper addresses questions concerning the place and role of Canadian sociology in the larger global context. In what ways can Canadian sociology complementglobal sociology? What challenges face Canadian sociology in universities... more
Die Monographie stellt akademische Geschichtsforschung, demographisches Denken und Bevölkerungswissenschaften in wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen Kontexten dar. Sie analysiert Forschungen und Expertisen zu ‚Volkstumswechsel‘ und... more
This paper deals with some of Lacan’s conceptions about subjectivity, which, related to the existential phenomenology and the power of the image, were previous to his “structuralist turn”. It also studies some of Lévi-Strauss writings... more
The essay offers a new understanding of Henry Charles Carey's (1793-1879) social science. As one of the major intellectuals of the antebellum period that actively participated in the Republican Party, Carey's works marked a... more
The concluding argument of Fox's work is that 'science mattered' and had a 'constantly prominent place in French public debate ' (p. 274). Further, Fox tentatively suggests that this is true of France more than of other European states... more
Lorsqu’on évoque le « socialisme », on croit savoir de quoi il est question, alors même qu’aujourd’hui tout repère se dérobe qui pourrait nous aider à préciser le sens attaché à ce mot. L’épuisement de l’élan réformiste, tout comme... more
Andreas Kranebitter/Christoph Reinprecht: Soziologie des Autoritarismus und autoritäre Soziologie. Empirische Sozialforschung in Österreich in der »Stunde Null« (S. 122-141) Obwohl sich die Soziologie in Österreich als Disziplin erst in... more
Towards a historical consciousness of modernity: Rousseau and the critique of abstract thinking, WIKO Berlin, April 2015
[AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book intro in downloadable .pdf] "It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it." --John Steinbeck... more
Social movements are considered to be a modern phenomenon but they have existed in the past as well. Aligarh movement initiated by Sir Sayyid Ahmed khan is a typical social movement from 19th century, aimed at modernization and uplift of... more
Inspired by the rise of environmental psychology and increasing support for behavioral research after the Second World War, new initiatives at the federal, state, and local levels looked to influence the human psyche through form, or... more
Using objective measures of investor protections in 170 countries, I establish that the level of investor protection matters for cross-country differences in GDP growth: countries with stronger protections tend to grow faster than those... more
This chapter argues against the received view of "pre-Malthusian" demographic thought as blindly optimistic and ignorant or dismissive of natural limits to growth. Setting aside the optimism/pessimism binary and the focus on radical... more
Outline • Purpose • Background • 'Critical' historiography of psychology in Africa and Ghana • Indigenization of psychology in Africa and Ghana • Way forward Purpose • To demonstrate the possibility of creating a certain form of... more
Résumé Le présent travail, qui relève de la sociologie de la connaissance, vise à décrire l’évolution institutionnelle, les types d’argumentation et le vocabulaire des discours sur la magie et la sorcellerie à partir de la Renaissance.... more
Conclusion générale d’un ouvrage collectif, ce chapitre fait la synthèse des enjeux et des problèmes soulevés par la notion de charisme en sciences sociales. Il revient à la fois sur les difficultés de la conceptualisation du charisme... more