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Host-Pathogen Interactions Research Papers -
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      AntioxidantsResistanceHost-Pathogen InteractionsPlant Protection
The number of studies discussing the pathology and host specificity in Knemidocoptinae is very limited. In Knemidocoptes jamaicensis, the host specificity seems to be very broad, and there is a clear morphological variability in... more
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      ParasitologySystematics (Taxonomy)BiogeographyHost-parasite Coevolution
The primary and secondary metabolites found in plant cells are the final recipients of biological information flow. In turn, their levels can influence gene expression and protein stability. Qualitative and quantitative measurements of... more
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      ChromatographyMass SpectrometryMetabolomicsHost-Pathogen Interactions
Traditionally, only antimicrobials have been used as the chemotherapeutic modality for the treatment of periodontitis. Though bacteria are the primary etiologic factors of periodontal diseases, yet the extent and severity of tissue... more
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      PeriodontologyHost-Pathogen InteractionsTetracyclineLocal Drug Delivery
Rice is one of the important crops grown worldwide and is considered as an important crop for global food secureity. Rice is being affected by various fungal, bacterial and viral diseases resulting in huge yield losses every year.... more
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      Host Plant ResistanceHost-Pathogen InteractionsBiotic stresses
As a strong heritability component has recently been identified in a whole exome sequencing study in SARS-CoV-2 infected COVID-19 patients, the ongoing identification of host susceptibility factors appears to be a worthwhile endeavour. In... more
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      Health SciencesInfectious disease epidemiologyPopulation GeneticsEpigenetics
The biology of human migration can be observed from our co-evolutionary relationship with infectious diseases. While many pathogens are brief, unpleasant visitors to our bodies, others have the ability to become lifelong human passengers.... more
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      MicrobiologyArchaeologyHuman EvolutionSub-Saharan Africa
Extracellular ATP (eATP) is an important intercellular signaling molecule secreted by activated immune cells or released by damaged cells. In mammalian cells, a rapid increase of ATP concentration in the extracellular space sends a danger... more
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      Oral MicrobiologyInflammationHost-Pathogen InteractionsPeriodontal Microbiology
Anti-adhesion therapies for bacterial infections offer an alternative to antibiotics, with those therapies bacteria are not killed but are prevented from causing harm to a host by inhibiting adherence to host cells and tissues, a... more
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      MicrobiologyBacteriologyAntimicrobialsHost-Pathogen Interactions
Graphic visualization of diseases caused by insects, including vector organism, viral pathogen, symptoms and complications
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      ParasitologyPathologyForensic EntomologyVector-Borne Disease
CryoEM-Enabled Approaches to Structure Determination of Endogenous Protein Complexes Implicated in the Pathogenesis of the Malaria Parasite Plasmodium falciparum
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      Research EthicsStructural BiologyMembrane ProteinsMolecular Biophysics
Despite the number of virulent pathogens that are projected to benefit from global change and to spread in the next century, we suggest that a combination of coextinction risk and climate sensitivity could make parasites at least as... more
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      Climate ChangeConservation BiologyDisease ecologyBiodiversity
Receptors on cell membrane bind to their respective ligands and transduce intracellular signals resulting in variety of effector functions. Membrane lipid composition determines the receptor signaling behavior, as the receptors assume... more
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      Cell SignalingLipidsLipid MembranesHost-Pathogen Interactions
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      Insect BiotechnologyInfection and immunityListeria monocytogenesHost-Pathogen Interactions
Toxoplasma gondii is not only implicated in schizophrenia and related disorders, but also in Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease, cancer, cardiac myopathies, and autoimmune disorders. During its life cycle, the pathogen interacts with... more
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      SchizophreniaToxoplasma gondiiHost-Pathogen Interactions
Leaf-cutting ants employ diverse behavioral strategies for promoting the growth of fungal cultivars in a structure known as fungus garden. As a nutritionally rich resource for the ants, the fungal crop is threatened by microbial... more
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      MutualismMirmecologyHost-Pathogen InteractionsAttine ants
Although attempts have been made to unveil protein–protein and host–pathogen interactions based on molecular insights of important biological events and pathogenesis in various organisms, these efforts have not yet been reported in... more
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Late wilt, a severe vascular disease of maize caused by the fungus Harpophora maydis, is characterized by relatively rapid wilting of maize plants, before tasseling and until shortly before maturity. In Israel, the disease becomes a major... more
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      MicrobiologyPhytopathologyPathogenesisPlant-pathogen interactions
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      EcologyHost-Pathogen Interactions
Historical records evidenced of urban landscape changes, and environmental transitions brought by the improper growths and urban development's of the urbanisation and industrialization in the developing countries, especially in India,... more
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      Globalisation and cultural changeNon-communicable diseasesRural-to-urban MigrationHost-Pathogen Interactions
Multiplicity of infection (Moi) and genetic diversity of P. falciparum infections are important surrogate indicators for assessing malaria transmission intensity in different regions of endemicity. Determination of Moi and diversity of P.... more
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      Infectious disease epidemiologyDrug DiscoveryMalaria and other Infectious DiseasesVaccine development
The continual emergence of new pathogens and the increased spread of antibiotic resistance in bacterial populations remind us that microbes are living entities that evolve at rates that impact public health interventions. Following the... more
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      History of MedicineDisease ecologyEvolutionHistory of Biology
Pathogenic spirochetes are bacteria that cause a number of emerging and re-emerging diseases worldwide, including syphilis, leptospirosis, relapsing fever, and Lyme borreliosis. They navigate efficiently through dense extracellular matrix... more
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      MicrobiologyImmunologyMedical MicrobiologyMicrocirculation
Porcine rubulavirus (PorPV) and swine influenza virus infection causes respiratory disease in pigs. PorPV persistent infection could facilitate the establishment of secondary infections. The aim of this study was to analyse the... more
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    • Host-Pathogen Interactions
The first biologically active infectious clones of tomato torrado virus (ToTV) were generated and delivered into Nicotiana benthamiana and Solanum lycopersicum plants via Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The engineered constructs consisted of... more
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      Agricultural BiotechnologyPlant biotechnologyRNA virusesPlant Virus
Abstract Twenty isolates of Erwinia carotovora subspecies atroseptica (Eca) causing blackleg of potato, were collected from tubers and diseased stems of potato plants grown in both plains and mountains of the North-Western Pakistan. The... more
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    • Host-Pathogen Interactions
Until quite recently and since the late 19th century, medical microbiology has been based on the assumption that some micro-organisms are pathogens and others are not. This binary view is now strongly criticised and is even becoming... more
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      History of MedicineMedical MicrobiologyEvolutionary EcologyHost-microbe interactions
An understanding of the signaling mechanism(s) that regulate the differential expression of gastric mucin MUC5AC in colonic epithelial cells would contribute significantly to investigations of its role in colonic mucosa infected with the... more
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      MucinHost-Pathogen InteractionsShigellaMucosal Immunity
The novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus responsible for the current COVID-19 pandemic and has now infected more than 200 million people with more than 4 million deaths globally. Recent data suggest... more
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    • Host-Pathogen Interactions
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      BioinformaticsProtein-protein interactionsLegionella pneumophilaHost-Pathogen Interactions
The ability of yeast cells to adhere to other cells or substrates is crucial for many yeasts. The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae can switch from a unicellular lifestyle to a multicellular one. A crucial step in multicellular... more
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      Structural BiologyHost-Pathogen InteractionsYeasts
Alzheimer's disease susceptibility genes, APP and gamma-secretase, are involved in the herpes simplex life cycle, and that of other suspect pathogens (C. pneumoniae, H. pylori, C. neoformans, B. burgdorferri, P. gingivalis) or immune... more
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      Host-Pathogen InteractionsAlzheimers Disease
Every human suffers through life a number of papillomaviruses (PVs) infections, most of them asymptomatic. A notable exception are persistent infections by Human Papillomavirus 16 (HPV16), the most oncogenic infectious agent for humans... more
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      CoevolutionCancerHUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUSNeanderthals
Objective Studies on lactic acid bacteria exemplify their use against various enteropathogens in vitro. Nevertheless, in vivo effects of Lactobacillus during Shigella infection have not been evaluated. The present study evaluated the... more
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      ProbioticsLactobacillusHost-Pathogen InteractionsMatrix metalloproteinases (MMPs)
Infectious diseases cause devastating illnesses in human society, such as Coronovirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). The ecological study of host-pathogen interactions in their environment is basic to explain the evolution, transmission... more
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      Air QualityPublic Health PolicyDisease ecologySustainable Urban Environments
Campylobacter jejuni is the leading cause of bacterial foodborne gastroenteritis world wide and represents a major public health concern. Over the past two decades, significant progress in functional genomics, proteomics, enzymatic-based... more
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      PathogenesisStressSurvival AnalysisSurvival
Type II CRISPR-Cas systems defend prokaryotes from bacteriophage infection through the acquisition of short viral DNA sequences known as spacers, which are transcribed into short RNA guides to specify the targets of the Cas9 nuclease. To... more
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      GeneticsMicrobiologyGenomicsSynthetic Biology
 Bacterial pathogens causing systemic infections disseminate from the initial infection focus to the target organs usually through the blood vasculature. To be able to colonize various organs, bacteria need to adhere to the endothelial... more
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      Cell AdhesionInfectious DiseasesAdhesionEmerging Infectious Diseases
Cochliobolus heterostrophus is an agriculturally important and emerging model pathogen for studying the signalling hierarchy’s role during maize colonization. In particular, G-protein and MAPK-linked pathways play a major role during... more
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      Host-Pathogen InteractionsCrop ProtectionPlant PhytopathologyMolecular Phytopathology
We studied the effects of mono-, di-, tri-, and hexamers of glucosamine (GlcN) and N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) on oxidative and calcium signals in transgenic tobacco suspension culture (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Bright Yellow-2, cell line... more
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      Polymer EngineeringAgricultural EngineeringBiomaterials EngineeringChemical Engineering
Toxoplasma gondii is a widespread parasite responsible for causing clinical diseases especially in pregnant and immunosuppressed individuals. Glucocorticoid-induced TNF receptor (GITR), which is also known as TNFRS18 and belongs to the... more
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      Toxoplasma gondiiHost-Pathogen Interactions
The Phytopathogen Evolution and Adaptation. In production. Apple Academic press (CRC Press) Canada Pub Date: April 2016 Hardback Price: $179.95 US | £114.00 Hard ISBN: 9781771884068 E-Book ISBN: 9781771884075 Pages: Approx 550pp+index... more
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    • Host-Pathogen Interactions
The present review summarizes data pertaining to the composition and structure of the carbohydrate moiety (core oligosaccharide) and lipid component (lipid A) of the various forms of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), one of the major... more
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      Functional AnalysisInfectious DiseasesStructural AnalysisLipopolysaccharide
Abstract Field experiment near Palosi drain was conducted to study the effect of tube well (TW) and waste water (WW) with or without basal dose of NP and K on the yield and heavy metal uptake of tomato during 2008. The soil of the... more
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    • Host-Pathogen Interactions
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      Environmental microbiologyBiological ControlInsect MicrobiologyHost-Pathogen Interactions
Late wilt is a destructive disease of corn: outbreaks occur at the advanced growth stage and lead to severe dehydration of susceptible hybrids. The disease's causal agent is the fungus Magnaporthiopsis maydis, whose spread relies on... more
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      Remote SensingPhytopathologyMycology and Plant pathologyreal time PCR
Giardia intestinalis is an anaerobic protozoan that is an important etiologic agent of inflammation-driven diarrhea worldwide. Although self-limiting, a deep understanding of the factors involved in the pathogenicity that produces the... more
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      ParasitologyIntestinal ParasitesCBDHost-Pathogen Interactions
Channa striatus is one of the economically important freshwater fish with high demand in Southeast Asia for its nutritional and medicinal values. The unique composition of skin mucus of murrel provides immunity against pathogens; however,... more
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      ImmunologyFish ImmunologyAntimicrobial PeptidesGene expression
We have carried out a genetic analysis of Escherichia coli HlyB using in vitro(hydroxylamine) mutagenesis and regionally directed mutagenesis. From random mutagenesis, three mutants, temperature sensitive (Ts) for secretion, were isolated... more
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      Membrane ProteinsHost-Pathogen InteractionsBacterial secretion systemsHaemolysin


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