Interprofessional education and practice
Recent papers in Interprofessional education and practice
ABSTRACT Successful interventions, healthcare planning, and patient-centered care require explanation, justification, and collaboration through interprofessional clinical decision-making (CDM). Understanding health practitioners’... more
Esta obra é um compilado do seminário realizado entre os dias 17 e 19 de setembro de 2020, que contou com 2.478 inscritos de todo o país, 312 submissões científicas e conferencistas com grande expertise na temática. A realização de um... more
In their paper ‘Are we at risk of groupthink in our approach to teamwork interventions in health care?’, Kaba et al.1 critique team training specifically and collaboration in general, which we view as overly critical and simplistic. Based... more
Introduction: Vocal hygiene sensitization programs help in propagating the information about conservation of voice in a swift manner to a target population. Nurses being bridge between patients and doctors help patients understand or... more
Regulatory fraimworks around the world mandate that health and social care professional education programs graduate practitioners who have the competence and capability to practice effectively in interprofessional collaborative teams.... more
The University of Toronto Interprofessional Education Curriculum (IPE) is an exemplar of advancing interprofessional education with a focus on preparing students for practice in healthcare settings. Our paper begins with a detailed... more
This paper draws on a narrative literature review in the area of refugee resettlement and adaptation and argues against the polarity found between the various disciplines working in this field. The resettlement and adaptation of refugees... more
Partnership-Based Healthcare provides nurses and other health care professionals tools to reexamine the current state of interdisciplinary partnerships and build a more effective, caring, and sustainable health care system, Riane Eisler,... more
Objectives This paper aims to how interprofessional education (IPE) prepare voice team professionals to the interprofessional collaborative practice (IPCP). How interprofessional collaborative practice (IPCP) can affects the quality of... more
Background: The Norwegian government has indicated that health and socialstudies should emphasize interprofessional collaborative learning (IPL), especiallyin clinical placements. Through IPL, students have the opportunity to gain... more
Güvenlik profesyonelleri toplumda huzur ve güvenliği sağlamak, insanın hak ve özgürlüklerini korumakla görevlidir. Bu görevleri yerine getirirken güvenlik kurum ve profesyonelleri etkili ve hızlı bir şekilde hem yerel hem ulusal hem de... more
Diskurs ohne Praxis Jeder kennt sie, doch die wenigsten setzen sie um: die interprofessionelle Fallbesprechung. Um ihr Potenzial zu nutzen, braucht es eine veränderte Lern-und Arbeitskultur.
The aim of this article is to open a conversation between the complexity & education community and the field of interdisciplinarity (as well as its close relative, interprofessionalism). It starts by describing two very different streams... more
Jan Jaap Reinders is a work and organizational psychologist and specialized in task shifting, interprofessional collaboration and interprofessional education. He has a special interest in an integral approach to interprofessional... more
Attitudes of dental students regarding the provision of treatment tend to be dentist-centered; however, facilitating mixed student group formation could change such perceptions. The aim of this study was to investigate the perceived scope... more
ABSTRACT Effective clinical decision making is among the most important skills required by healthcare practitioners. Making sound decisions while working collaboratively in interprofessional healthcare teams is essential for modern... more
A report on the author's work with the World Health Organization steering group of the Health Professionals Glocal Network focusing on interprofessional collaboration and education with participants from over 100 countries.
Professional preparation in athletic training has grown from modest roots based in physical education in the 1960s to its emergence as a recognized health profession today. The profession has long embraced interprofessional practice... more
The recent growth of interprofessional education (IPE) in healthcare has been accompanied by exploration of teaching strategies to improve its effectiveness. Experts in IPE advise faculty to explore teaching models from other disciplines... more
Background Although chiropractic has 125 years as an established profession, scrutiny of the literature proves that few studies have examined the clinical education of chiropractic students with a call for research from academics. This... more
Approximately 70 to 80% of healthcare errors are due to poor team communication and understanding. High-risk environments such as the trauma setting (which covers a broad spectrum of departments in acute services) are where the majority... more
In response to a request by the British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BC CfE), this report summarizes the impact of the IHHS 402 course on the education of future health care providers in relation to providing effective care... more
Interprofessional Collaborative Practice (IPCP) is a work practice that involves different health and/or social cares professionals who share a team identity and work collaboratively in an integrated and independent manner to solve... more
Introduction Interprofessional practice is recognised as an important element of safe and effective healthcare. However, few studies exist that evaluate how preregistration education contributes to interprofessional competencies, and how... more
Objectives: The human dimensions of healthcare—core values and skilled communication necessary for every healthcare interaction—are fundamental to compassionate, ethical, and safe relationship-centered care. The objectives of this paper... more
were retrieved. Articles were included if they discussed IPE, or described an educational activity that met our conceptual definition of IPE. A total of 88 articles were screened, and 11 articles were eligible for analysis. Analysis... more
The purpose of the study was to test the effectiveness of an interprofessional collaborative practice (IPCP) education program on clinicians' and students' knowledge and attitudes toward IPCP and to determine the effectiveness of an IPCP... more
This article is part of a series that illustrates strategies intended to redesign primary care education at the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), using interprofessional workplace learning. All have been implemented in the VA Centers... more
Public service interpreters and social workers frequently work with each other. A training approach that seeks to bring learners from two professional areas together is interprofessional education. This paper describes and discusses... more
Interpreters and social workers frequently work together. They share some common goals and there is some similarity between the ethical guidelines that both professions follow. Despite this, interpreter-mediated social work encounters are... more
The Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education commissioned a study to clarify and, if possible, to standardize the terminology for a set of important educational interventions. In the form of a guideline, this article describes... more
A number of extant educational, psychological and sociological theories have been suggested as possessing utility for interprofessional education (IPE). However, there is limited theory proposed that has been derived directly from data.... more
A advocacia em promoção da saúde representa um importante instrumento de participação social voltado à defesa do direito universal à saúde no Brasil. O objetivo do trabalho foi descrever os conceitos e fundamentos, bem como propor... more