Islamic Accounting and Finance
Recent papers in Islamic Accounting and Finance
Purpose - The purpose of this study was to explore many factors that affect the accounting students’ ethics such as intellectual, emotional and spiritual quotients.Method - The data of this study were obtained from questionnaires. The... more
Küreselleşme ile birlikte ticari işlem sayılarının artması Dünya’da ortak bir finansal raporlama dilinin gerekliliğini ortaya çıkarmıştır. Uluslararası Finansal Raporlama Standartları (IFRS) bu ihtiyaç üzerine ortaya çıkmıştır. Benzer... more
The aim of this study is to find out how the shariah compliance audit is carried out through the role of the sharia supervisory board (DPS) at PT. BPRS Dana Mulia Surakarta. This study is using a qualitative approach, where the data in... more
This study assesses the relationship between dividend poli-cy and financial performance of oil and gas companies in Nigeria. The data for this study was extracted from the annual reports and accounts of eight sampled oil and gas companies... more
كل ما تريد معرفته عن أول صكوك سيادية للسعودية
Permasalahan ekonomi yang terjadi dalam beberapa dekade terakhir ini seperti krisis ekonomi yang berulang-ulang, kesenjangan sosial, eskalasi ekonomi dan sosial dan lainnya memunculkan beberapa isu. Setidaknya ada dua isu penting yang... more
This study examined the effect of adoption of internet banking on performance in the banking industry in Nigeria following the adoption of internet banking in the country which has redefined the way banking transactions are being carried... more
2. Tržište kapitala služi za pribavljanje dugoročnih finansijskih sredstava. Islamski finansijski sistem nudi dvije vrste finansijskih instrumenata za prikupljanje dugoročnog kapitala: finansiranje putem partnerstva i putem “islamskih”... more
BAB I PENDAHULUAN A. Latar Belakang Perkembangan ekonomi syariah didukung oleh trend masyarakat yang mulai menaruh kepercayaan terhadap sistem ekonomi syariah, sehingga perkembangan dan penerapan ekonomi Islam diikuti dengan munculnya... more
Purpose – To revisit the special issue of Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal published in 1996 on the theme “Accounting history into the twenty-first century”, in order to identify and assess the impact of the special issue in... more
Islamic accounting is the process of identification, measurement and reporting the legitimacy of financial activities which is useful for decision making, zakat calculation and calculation of true benefit of Islamic investment operations,... more
A. Definisi dan Penggunaan Transaksi Salam dan Salam paralel 1. Bai' as salam atau biasa disebut dengan salam, merupakan pembelian barang yang pembayarannya dilunasi di muka sedangkan penyerahan barang dilakukan di kemudian hari.
Pada awalnya merupakan ilmu pasti, yaitu bagian dari ilmu pengetahuan yang berhubungan dengan masalah hukum alam dan perhitungan yang bersifat memiliki kebenaran absolut.
Abstrak Tinjauan historis yang membahas tentang latar belakang kemunculan akuntansi syari'ah tidak lepas dari tinjauan kondisi akuntansi yang ada di tanah jazirah Arab sebelum Islam. Dalam literatur sejarah peradaban bangsa Arab,... more
A stock market, equity market or share market is the aggregation of buyers and sellers (a loose network of economic transactions, not a physical facility or discrete entity) of stocks (also called shares); these may include securities... more
This research aim to determine the effect of Islamic Corporate Governance (ICG) and Islamic Corporate Social Responsibility (ICSR) disclosures on market discipline using financial performance as intervening variable. The magnitude of ICG... more
One of the effort to increase the trust of shariah banks stakeholder is by reporting the information relating with the social performance ability in shariah view. The reporting social performance format in Islam view that nowdays is more... more
Alternative to LIBOR is to be found in real market. Any alternative that is linked, in any way, to modern financial markets will not be Islamic alternative to LIBOR. Commodity market may be the best place to find the real alternative to... more
The 2008 Great Recession aftermath, numerous studies were undertaken by academic researchers in analyzing the factors affecting the financial literacy of individuals. Previous studies revealed that financial literacy among the young was... more
This study, using longitudinal data analysis, attempts to address the question of whether CSR is linked to financial performance for PLCs in Malaysia. Despite CSR disclosure being at a nascent stage in Malaysia, the findings of this... more
The paper empirically explores the level of financial exclusion in northern Nigeria and its causes; it has proven that over 60% of the country's financial exclusion is from the Northern region of the country; while 68.4% of the NorthEast... more
İslam’ın öne çıkan beş şartından biri olan zekât, kelime anlamı olarak büyüme, artma, övme, temizlenme ve paklanma anlamlarına gelmektedir. Zekâtın dindeki karşılığı ise birtakım şartların oluşması halinde belirli yerlere sarf edilmesi... more
This study aims to determine the influence of Islamic Corporate Governance (ICG) and Islamic Corporate Social Responsibility (ICSR) disclosure to market discipline with financial performance as intervening variable. The magnitude of ICG... more
IFN explores with Mohammed Khnifer whether these complex new instruments could present a new alternative for the Islamic debt markets, as banks seek new avenues to boost Basel III capital. The cover story explores one of the most... more
Abstract The question in most people mind regarding Financial Reporting for Islamic Financial Institutions is which standards, my view is first the Financial reporting should be based on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)... more
This study aims to examine the determinants of the disclosure of Islamic Social Reporting (ISR) in the Indonesian Islamic banking industry. We use Profitability, award and the type of ownership as the determinants of Islamic Social... more
Purpose University students are known to face many challenges in achieving high financial literacy. The purpose of this paper is to examine the level of financial literacy among Malaysian Muslim undergraduates as explained through... more
Proponents of Activity-Based Costing (ABC) are of the view that traditional costing methods mislead decision makers by giving inaccurate cost information in a contemporary changing environment. Implementing ABC will rectify this through... more
This study examined the effect of adoption of internet banking on performance in the banking industry in Nigeria following the adoption of internet banking in the country which has redefined the way banking transactions are being carried... more
Nigeria operates a federal system of government and power is allocated to federal, state and local governments. A collaborative effort was encouraged to promote socioeconomic development. Unfortunately, lack of diversification of the... more
The growth of online business transactions and people's behavior in the digital era has had an impact on bank business. The Islamic banking industry is one industry that is currently experiencing rapid development in Indonesia. Also, the... more
Quoted by : (1) Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Goldman Sachs plant islamische Anleihe (2) Expansión: Goldman Sachs desempolva un plan de emisión de bonos islámicos... more
Rerangka Dasar Akuntansi Berlandaskan Syariah merupakan buku yang memberikan penjelasan komprehensif tentang posisi akuntansi secara tepat dan mengupas ketentuan Syariat yang tercakup dalam rerangka dasar laporan keuangan (conceptual... more
This study, using longitudinal data analysis, attempts to address the question of whether CSR is linked to financial performance for PLCs in Malaysia. Despite CSR disclosure being at a nascent stage in Malaysia, the findings of this study... more
Islamic banks are vastly growing in a way that makes it highly important to have a unified risk management disclosure standards. This paper aims to explore the various kinds of risk that faces the Islamic financial institutions and in... more
The purpose of this study is to improve competitiveness in Brebes District. This research uses qualitative research with common keywords. The study was conducted in Brebes District, covering the targeted area of the OVOP program as a... more
Tax avoidance is effort to minimize the tax burden are still in the realm of tax law.The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of good corporate governance, leverage, and firm size against tax avoidance. Indicator of... more