Kurdish Nationalism
Recent papers in Kurdish Nationalism
Oil corruption in Iraqi Kurdistan arose from US/UK and Turkish patronage systems and clientalism. This investigative paper examines how IOCs and other businesses began preparing the ground in northern Iraq to benefit themselves long... more
Öz Kürt kadınlarının, modernleşmenin/demokratikleşmenin bir tezahürü olarak gösterilmesi hem aile, hem din/dindarlık hem de çocuk yetiştirilme tarzına uygun bir sosyolojik yapıyı barındırmaz. Çünkü Kürtlerin kadim tarihinden beri... more
In the world, most governments are faced with tough problems arising out cultural variation in their territories. The term Nationalism is quite modern, but it was play crucial role in the last century of human history. Nationalism is kind... more
Editörlüğünü Shahrzad Mojab'ın yaptığı Devletsiz Ulusun Kadınları, Kürt Kadını Üzerine Araştırmalar başlıklı kitap (Avesta, Stenbol, 2005) da Kürt kadınlarına ilişkin yayımlanan ilk akademik çalışmadır. Oniki yıl sonra onu çok az sayıda... more
Historiestudentenes tidsskrift, nr. 4/2014, s. 22-28.
ABSTRACT This dissertation is concerned with the sufistic hermeneutics of mahwi’s poem. It is an attempt to read his Kurdish poems, amid theoretical reading of Islamic interpretation and western. Thus some unclear textual meaning can be... more
A significant movement of apostasy from Islam is underway in the Middle East, one that is simultaneously birthing a new religious minority. Kurdistan is experiencing a gradually intensifying revival of Zoroastrianism as increasing numbers... more
This paper seeks to demonstrate how Haji Qadir Koyi’s poetry experienced three different stages in terms of form and content, through which Haji highlighted the discourse of Kurdish national identity. In the first stage, Haji used “Gazal”... more
This article appears in vol. 15, no. 1 of "SEM Student News." In it, I discuss the importance of Kurdish "govend," a popular participatory dance form regularly featured at celebrations of Newroz. I suggest that dance forms such as govend... more
Das Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Völker beinhaltet das Recht auf einen eigenen Staat. Jedoch vergrößert die Gründung eines Staates nicht das Maß der Freiheit eines Volkes. Das auf Nationalstaaten basierende System der Vereinten Nationen ist... more
The article explores the relationship between theory and practise in terms of gender-based equality and justice within both the armed units as well as the political-legal movement linked to the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in Turkey and... more
In this blog post, published on the British Library's Asian and African Studies blog on 12 November 2019. In it, I look at the reasons for which a large corpus of manuscript material did not develop, as it did for the Ottoman Turkish,... more
In the certain stages of the history, Kurds have been deprived from the right of self-determination, and oppressed by the different nations. The problematic case of the Kurds with the concepts of " nation " , " nationalism " , and "... more
Commentators, including myself, forecast a deepening crisis in Turkey and the wider Kurdish region-unless 'peace' talks resume and the sustained assault on the pro-Kurdish HDP's members and supporters cease. Conversely, the Turkish... more
Recently, Turkey and the U.S. signed an agreement for Turkey to join the coalition’s fight against the Islamic State (IS, a.k.a. ISIS/ISIL). As part of this agreement an IS-free zone will be created in Syria, but it is not clear yet... more
Мировое сообщество в течение десятков лет подвергалось и подвергается непрерывной промывке мозгов, когда утверждается, что отсутствие приемлемого решения арабо-израильского конфликта является основным, чуть ли не единственным... more
Tarihsel Süreç içerisinde Kürdistan coğrafyasında Pek çok Emirlik kurulmuş bu emirlikler Kürt Tarihini, coğrafi yapısını ve siyasi hayatını oluşturmuştur, bu Emirliklerden Botan Emirliği, Etki alanı bugünkü Kuzey Kürdistan'da yer alan... more
- by Martin van Bruinessen
- Kurdish Studies, Kurdish Question in Turkey, Kurdish Nationalism, Visual Research, Visual Framing, War Images, Reporting in conflicts and wars, media in Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan, Political Communication with emphasis on the framing of elections and candidates, political crisis, revolutions.
Mücadelemiz açısından 1970'ler Türkiye'sini hatırlarsak, ulusal bilincin tamamen olmadığı veya çok cılız olduğu, sosyalizmin bir öğreti olarak benimsenmesinin ve bunun bir ülke pratiğine aktarılmasının düşünülmediği bir dönemde biz yola... more
The Partiya Karkeren Kurdistan (PKK) translated as the ‘Kurdistan Workers Party’ is a terrorist organization situated in the South East region of Turkey and its bordering neighbors. The PKK is recognized by the North Atlantic Treaty... more
This essay examines the the interrelations between Kurdish nationalism and the distant past.
This study examines the development of the Yazidi identity in Iraq after 2003, and the subsequent escalation of the controversial Yazidi identity after the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) invasion of Sinjar in 2014, an... more
En tant qu'anthropologue, comment définissez-vous un Kurde ? Comment les Kurdes se définissent-ils eux-mêmes ? • • En théorie, on pourrait dire qu'un Kurde est une personne qui se considère elle-même comme un Kurde et qui est également... more
Die kurdische Rebellion, die Anfang 1925 von dem Nakşibendi-Scheich Said angeführt wurde, markiert einen wichtigen Wendepunkt in der Geschichte der republikanischen Türkei. Sie bot Mustafa Kemal und Ismet Pascha die Gelegenheit, sich... more
This chapter focuses on the Iraqi Kurdish response to the rapid and devastating advance of ISIS. Of course, the Iraqi Kurdish response to the ISIS advance has been a multifaceted, complex, and evolving one that includes military strategy,... more
La mia analisi sulle possibilità e prospettive per il Rojava, il Kurdistan siriano.
Özet Halkların kendi kaderini tayin etme kavramı uluslararası hukukda zaman içinde dışsal (external) boyutuna –ki genellikle bölünme (secession) ile ilişkilendirilmiştir-yanı sıra, katılımcı demokrasi ve ülke içindeki azınlıkların çoğulçu... more
This book scrutinizes the transformation of pro-Kurdish political parties in Turkey from an ethno-national stance to a civic one promoting integration to the wider society, known as "Turkiyelilesme" (Turkeyfication). For an ethno-national... more
Turkish-Dutch state collusion on the narcotics trade and protecting a paedophile ring; framing of pro-Kurdish entrepreneur, Huseyin Baybasin in a lasting smear campaign, the legal team exposes the lengths to which the police and judiciary... more
KURDISH BELONGS to the Western Iranian group of the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European family. The two principal branches of modern literary Kurdish are (1) Kurmanji, the language of the vast majority of Kurds in Turkey, Syria,... more
The ultimate outcome of ultranationalism is the disappearance of the state altogether, and its replacement by power structures that do not recognize any form of democratic control by the very people these structures affect. Nor do these... more
From 1748-1856, Dominican missionaries, sent by Propaganda Fide under Benedict's XIV papacy, played the leading role in the Catholic missions of Mesopotamia. In the territories from Syria to Turkey, and from Iran to Iraq, i.e. in the... more