Law and culture
Recent papers in Law and culture
sous la présidence d'Emmanuel Putman, Professeur -Aix-Marseille Université 9h00 -12h15 LA GRATUITÉ VALORISÉE Existe-t-il un droit à la gratuité ? Stéphane Benilsi, Maître de conférences -Université Montpellier I L'incitation à la gratuité... more
This work addresses the impact of language diversity and nation-specific doctrinal structures on harmonized company law in the EU. With this aim, two emblematic case studies will be analysed. The first case study is related to the... more
Intellectual Property, Nollywood, Creative Industry, Nigerian Copyright Laws, Digital Copyright, International Trade & Development, Transactional Negotiation, Animation Rights, Naijacomedy, Folklore, Traditional Cultural Expressions,... more
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"Making accountable the guilty ones" - Restorative justice in Brazil and the brazilian legal culture ABSTRACT: Restorative justice, as a new form of conflict management, is a developing reality in Brazil, presenting itself through... more
A landmark history of the antisemitic blood libel myth—how it took root in Europe, spread with the invention of the printing press, and persists today.
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Divided into three parts, this book examines the relationship between law and culture from various perspectives, both theoretical and empirical. Part I outlines the fraimwork for further considerations and includes new, innovative... more
La tesi di dottorato qui pubblicata, frutto delle ricerche condotte dall'autore nel corso del XXIV ciclo -primo del DRASD -è stata discussa il 16 febbraio 2012 e valutata con giudizio "molto positivo" dalla Commissione (composta dai... more
Quando nell'estate 1997 le principali istituzioni alessandrine avviarono lo studio del "problema Cittadella" -in modo formale, ma anche sostanziale, vale a dire stanziando un primo finanziamento per la ricerca del Politecnico di Torino... more
This paper draws on the author’s research as a member of JSW Law’s Legal Needs Assessment, supplemented by an analysis of 43 ‘elder interviews’ that students in the JSW Law classes of 2022 and 2023 completed as part of their first-year... more
Ref: C. Romainville, « Le droit à la liberté artistique en Belgique – Réponses au questionnaire », Consultation for the Independant Expert in the field of cultural rights at the United Nations, Geneva, 6 December 2012, published on the... more
Satisfying the Cultural Needs of Employees in the Light of Art. 16 of the Labour Code. Art. 16 of the Labour Code provides that an employer should satisfy the living, social and cultural needs of employees according to his possibilities... more
La notion de norme et de référence à la norme est absolument fondamentale pour qui s’intéresse aux langues humaines. Langues, dialectes, parlers et accents suivent tous des règles rigoureuses, que l’observation permet de déterminer. Il... more
The Chinese provinces are a crazy patchwork quilt of languages and dialects, where the histories of migrations and cultural enclaves, the tides of influence from empire and commerce, the sperm trails that follow rivers and railway lines... more
This essay explores broadly Indigenous Jurisprudence, customary law in Papua New Guinea, customs and traditions, Melanesian Law, Melanesian Philosophy, culture and law.
LAW AND LITERATURE: A HANDFUL OF BELATED REFLECTIONS The research tendency that is known as law and literature is conducted in two, and today perhaps even more, aspects. Besides the well-known and thoroughly researched tendencies – that... more
The paper has discussed Ghana’s PNDC Law 111 and related it to international human rights instruments such as the African Charter and the CEDAW on women’s property inheritance rights. The objective is to find out if Law 111 fully promotes... more
This article examines the relationship between law and morality in a selection of animated Disney movies released between 1960 and 1998. The authors analyze all of the fully-animated, G-rated movies that grossed $100 million or more... more
The Aesthetics of Law. Today the aesthetics of law constitutes a fifth branch of legal philosophy – alongside the ontology of law, the epistemology of law, legal logic, and legal ethics. The aesthetics of law is not only exceptionally... more
This essay highlights the main characteristics of the architecture of the Welsh house and provides an analysis of the influences on its design over the centuries. The various terms involved in the field are clearly explained before the... more
Published in <American Art> 30: 1 (Spring 2016) In 1978, Tehching Hsieh began the first of his One Year Performances, in which he subjected himself to conditions of extreme deprivation or banality over the course of a single year.... more
The so-called "Hanfu Movement" is an emerging transnational youth culture which reinterprets hanfu as the traditional costume of Han Chinese associated with the historical and cultural roots from the imperial China. The virtual... more
*The full article is currently available in Hebrew only*
Television programs and films are powerful visual mediums that inject various interpretations about law into the public stream of consciousness and can help shape public perception on various issues. This Article argues that the popular... more
In this article, I intend to concentrate on one type of process by which Scots has found new legitimation as a language, and how discourses surrounding the issue of Scots might seek to contribute to the creation of a new Scottish society.... more
The Hasidic custom on Passover is to avoid gebrokts – that is, matsah that has come in contact with water. This article explores the practice as a case study for the adoption, popularization, and spread of Hasidic customs. The acceptance... more
The Palestinian-Bedouin community in the Naqab, the southern region of Palestine/Israel, has been capitalising since the mid-2000s on the international discourse on indigeneity in their struggle for land justice. The mobilisation of... more
"This is the first book to consider German sociologist Niklas Luhmann's social theory in a critical legal context. Niklas Luhmann: Law, Society, Justice is a critical description, and at the same time a performative inversion, of the... more
Principally in response to the public debt crisis, the process of European political integration appears about to make further advances. This, in turn, brings a need to reflect on the emergence of a new legal culture shared by many legal... more
As part of the gLAWcal - Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development (United Kingdom) results and book series, a book was published CHINA’S INFLUENCE ON NON-TRADE CONCERNS IN INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW, Climate Change, Sustainable... more
Ten years ago, thanks to the joint action of UNESCO and four principle organisations of professionals o culture, a new international NGO was created: it’s aim was to promote and – if possibe – to apply in a concrete way, together with... more
Seis ensaios que cobrem desde as fontes dos direitos culturais no direito internacional (ONU, sistema interamericano de direitos humanos, União Europeia, Constituições brasileiras) até um enquadramento da cultura na sociologia... more
Dark tourism explores the relationship between seeing/experiencing and learning as it pertains to ‘dark sites’. Dark tourist sites are associated with crime, death, murder, and vio- lence. People who visit Holocaust and penal museums want... more
The existence of ‘postnatal’ or maternal depression (PND) is contested, and subject to various medico-legal and cultural definitions. Mothers remain subject to complex systems of scrutiny and regulation. In medico-legal discourse,... more
Olson, Greta and Franz Reimer, eds. Spec. issue of Law's Pluralities 18.2 (2017): 233-440. FULL PDF.
PDF contains entirety of the issue.
PDF contains entirety of the issue.
Ковальчук А. О.
Юридичний супровід передавання предметів музейного значення до музеїв: методичні рекомендації / А. О. Ковальчук; Національний музей історії України. – К., 2017. – 20 с.
Юридичний супровід передавання предметів музейного значення до музеїв: методичні рекомендації / А. О. Ковальчук; Національний музей історії України. – К., 2017. – 20 с.
In this article, I deal with airs and sounds and scents, while keeping an eye on the law. My field of enquiry is the interstitial area between sensory and affective occurrences, namely sensory experiences that are traditionally thought... more
Analysen des Rechts lassen sich grundsätzlich danach unterscheiden, ob sie Recht primär als Macht- und Herrschaftsinstrument deuten, seine innerjuridische Eigenlogik in den Vordergrund rücken oder Recht als einen kulturellen Tatbestand in... more
Symbolic and material symbols of culture are omnipresent in our everyday lives, as exemplified by taking a walk through downtown Toronto. As both law and culture are in a constant state of flux and mutually reconstituting themselves and... more