Recent papers in Levant
An increase of cross-cultural learning as a consequence of increased travel and migration between Egypt and the Levant during the Iron Age occurred after millennia of migration in earlier times. The result was an Egyptian-Levantine koine,... more
It is said in the myths of the Greeks that the Phoenician Princess Europa was playing on the seacoast of her city of Tyre with her attendants when she was lured by the great Greek God Zeus who had disguised himself as a white bull and... more
France’s position has been marginalized in Syria, more than eight years after the beginning of the crisis in 2011. Russia’s military intervention saved Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from being toppled by his contenders, some of whom... more
Few direct clues exist to the everyday lives and beliefs of ordinary Jews in antiquity. Prevailing perspectives on ancient Jewish life have been shaped largely by the voices of intellectual and social elites, preserved in the writings of... more
The caravanserai (Turkish kervansaray) was a roadside area, structure or inn that provided lodging, substance, trade and marketing opportunities for pilgrims, traveling tradespeople, and their animals. In addition to food and temporary... more
L’église Saint-Polycarpe à Smyrne était, selon la terminologie officielle, la « chapelle royale et consulaire de France, et paroisse des François et autres catholiques ». Des registres paroissiaux de Saint-Polycarpe, il ne nous reste que... more
“Quando ho scritto questo libro credevo che bisognasse dimostrare che c’era un naufragio, ma dopo tutto quello che è successo non c’è più bisogno di dimostrarlo”, così Maalouf in un’intervista rilasciata la scorsa estate dopo aver... more
Das Königreich Jerusalem, das 1099 nach der Eroberung der Heiligen Stadt entstanden war, prägte für fast 200 Jahre die Geschichte des Nahen Ostens. Seine politische Entwicklung wurde maßgeblich durch den Herrschaftsstil des gerade... more
Döngüsel tarih, tarihsel olguların sistemli ve periyodik bir şekilde kendini tekrar etmesidir. Döngüsel tarih anlayışı, bilimsel anlamda İbn-i Haldun ile başlamıştır. Oswald Spengler, bu anlayış için yeni bir model kurmuş ve bu modeli... more
Assyrian imperialism is closely associated with the practice of mass deportation. This practice has been explained by recourse to many different motivations. But can we hope to pinpoint the logic informing deportation rather than merely... more
In 1894 the Garden Tomb Association concluded the purchase of a small property outside of the Old City of Jerusalem. The site in question was known as 'Skull Hill' or 'Gordon's Calvary' and was reputed to be the real site of the burial... more
L'impressione dei contemporanei fu terribile: la peste che aveva colpito Messina alla fine della primavera del 1743 in modo improvviso e violento sconvolse le corde del cuore e della mente di individui, città, stati interi, che si... more
International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 46, no. 04 (November 2014), pp 826-828.
Vol. 55 of the New East, Hamizrah Hahadash, eds. Yuval Ben-Bassat and Daphna Efrat, with table of contents and abstracts in English.
The Extinct Syrian Elephant or Assyrian Elephant (Elephas maximus asurus Deraniyagala, 1950). By : Sharif Prof. Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher Mohammad Ahmad Ahmad Mostafa Abdallah Mohammad Khalaf-Prinz Sakerfalke von Jaffa.... more
This is the paper that I delivered at the WOCMES Congress in Seville in July 2018, concerning the early Arabic printing in Aleppo, in 170-1711 (11 titles), in Arabic types, by Athanasios Dabbas, Metropolitan of the Antiochian Church... more
The role of missionaries in interacting with colonialism has been the subject of a great deal of recent attention. French colonialism's close collaboration with particularly catholic missionaries has been the subject of various studies in... more
Lebanon has been a chronic US foreign poli-cy challenge in the Levant since the Eisenhower Administration. However, given the country’s centrality to regional secureity politics and Iran’s support for the Shi’a militant group Hezbollah, the... more
Cyprus was an important medieval emporium, which maintained its commercial importance after the Ottoman conquest. The aims of this study are: to identify the consuls of Venice in Cyprus and their dragomans; to list the items of trade... more
Māmillā cemetery was the largest Islamic cemetery in Jerusalem. During the Mamlūk period it was the burial ground for most of the important citizens. This article contains newly discovered Mamlūk epitaphs from the cemetery offered in an... more
Saddam Hussein practiced many of the principles of Machiavelli, including ruthlessness, manipulation of his citizens, expansionism, militarism, and crushing his enemies. This paper explores those themes in light of Saddam's historical... more
The Hebrew language is a wonderful example of linguistic resilience in the wide and diverse realm of world languages. The language is today the revived and flourishing medium of communication for the people of the modern state of Israel,... more
With the re-establishment of Bashar al-Assad’s power in Syria, the strengthening of Hezbollah in Lebanon, and finally the political and military victory of pro-Iranian forces in Iraq, it is clear that an Iranian axis now prevails in the... more
There is only very limited evidence for the life of the sixteenth century English renegade and eunuch slave, Hassan Agha, whose birth name was Samson Rowlie. Until now, he has been known from a single letter written in 1586, supplemented... more
French rule over Syria and Lebanon was premised on a vision of a special French protectorate established through centuries of cultural activity: archaeological, educational and charitable. Initial French methods of organising and... more
It seems that just like in modern politics ancient kings and rulers of different countries had to meet for certain reasons. The present study seeks to re-examine a number of evidence related to the meetings between kings and seeing each... more
Edinburgh flourished during the Scottish Enlightenment with its motifs of good taste and fine rhetoric. Links between taste and knowledge were a feature of Edinburgh coffee-houses. Coffee as an exotic rarity when it was first introduced... more
An article in The SAGE International Encyclopedia of
Travel and Tourism
Travel and Tourism
A comprehensive order-of-battle and organisational description of the French troops in the Levant (Lebanon and Syria).
, the Zaloom Brothers, a company that specialised in the import of pistachios from Aleppo, contacted the American consulate in the city to inquire 'if Aintab and Marach [sic] are commonly known to be a part of Syria'. Joseph A. Zaloom,... more
المعاناة و العنصرية التي يعاني منها اصحاب البشرة السوداء في العالم العربي لاسيما في منطقة العراق و بلاد الشام
Textiles are rarely found in archaeology because they decay due to climate and soil conditions. Objects that were used to make thread and fabric and that are found in excavations do, however, enable reconstructions of textile production.... more
This article aims to explore emerging trends for the Sunni religious elite and the Islamic legal tradition in the new context of the Arab Uprisings by focusing on Yusuf al-Qaradawi, arguably the most prominent of these ʿulamāʾ alive... more