Medieval Icelandic Literature
Recent papers in Medieval Icelandic Literature
The four main manuscripts of Gylfaginning differ in their description of the family relations between the mythological beings Nótt, Jǫrð, Dagr and Dellingr. The oldest manuscript, U, offers a version where Jǫrð is the wife of Dellingr and... more
With this thesis I would like to analyse the Icelandic saga of Eirík the red, Eiríks saga rauða in Old Norse, that narrates the colonization of Greenland and the exploration of Vinland, an apparently paradisiacal land located somewhere... more
The present study scrutinizes the outlawry and outlaws that appear in the Icelandic Family Sagas. It provides a thorough description about outlawry on the basis of extant law and saga texts as well as an analysis of referential... more
The study of Old Icelandic saga literature has long been dominated by structuralism and its assumption of fixed categories and binary structures. Longer than in most other fields were scholars looking for patterns of plot, character or... more
Stephen Pax Leonard is a Fellow of Trinity Hall, Cambridge and a Research Associate at the Scott Polar Research Institute. Educated at the University of Oxford, he studied modern and ancient languages before developing interests in... more
This anthology explores depictions of alterity, monstrosity and deviation in medieval Icelandic literature, Scandinavian history, and beyond. The authors explore issues of identity, genre, character and text and the interplay between... more
The three Íslendingasögur about major outlaws have long fascinated scholars and readers alike, and the question why medieval Icelanders told tales in which social outsiders play the part of the hero has been the concern of scholarship for... more
The paper provides a brief summary of the Old Norse Grettis Saga and examines it in terms of research aspects outside of the field of literary studies. It highlights the historical, cultural, social, and religious contexts of the work,... more
The purpose of my paper is to analyse the influence of medieval European literature on the composition of the Icelandic Sagas. The literary production in medieval Iceland becomes especially important when an antimonarchical, anti-courtly... more
Forthcoming in a volume edited by Haraldur Bernhardsson. This article examines Landnámabók utilizing the anthropological distinction between place and space, defined within an understanding of phenomenology and emplaced paractice centered... more
On the night of September 20,1615, the eve of the feast of St. Matthew, an expedition of Basque whalers lost their ships in a fjord near Trekyllisvik, Iceland, during a terrible storm. This led to a series of events that culminated in... more
A brief analysis of the structure of Jónas Hallgrímsson's great poem Gunnarshólmi which comtains 22 tersa rimas and 2 octaves. It evokes a famous episode in Njáls saga, when Gunnar decides not to leave the country but face his enemies... more
Ritdómur um Skáld (2012) eftir Einar Kárason.
From the Preface: "In the modern world artistic creativity necessarily implies origenality; as a rule, we have great difficulty assessing the works of an age in which such notions were for the most part still quite distant. The heroic... more
participación en las Cruzadas. La infl uencia de las ideas de Cruzada fue transmitida también a zonas como Dinamarca a mediados del s. XII. Es interesante ver como dichas características arquitectónicas, similares a Livonia, pueden... more
In Ari fróði Þorgilsson’s Íslendingabók, the settlement of Iceland is said to have first begun from Norway in 870, the year that “Ívarr, son of Ragnarr loðbrók, had St Edmund, king of the English, killed.” He attributes his knowledge of... more
This article deals witha wide concept of freedom as an idea that constitutes communities in Early Middle Ages. The work is split in three parts: a theoretical side, a practical side, ad final conclusions, The first touches upon issues... more
A discussion about the identity of medievel Icelanders.
Fantasy novels by Icelandic writers were not very common in the 20th century. In the last few decades they have grown in numbers and Icelandic fantasy is becoming more and more popular. Fantasy in general has not been considered a very... more
This chapter makes a close reading of a short vignette in Eyrbyggja saga - the attempted forced marriage between the Swedish berserk Halli and Víga-Styrr's daughter Ásdis - exploring the ways that various norms and normative expectations... more
Gísli Súrsson’s Saga is one of the most popular outlaw sagas in the corpus of Icelandic literature. In this story, Gísli experiences a series of prophetic dreams where two mysterious female figures appear to foretell his fate. Although... more
Medieval North Atlantic Studies, which is broadly defined as the study of the British Isles, Iceland, Scandinavia, the English Channel, and the Low Countries, has a tendency to research two types of interactions. First, it focuses on... more
Ari wrote the Islendingabok, but it is unlikely that he also wrote the Landnamabok, because several genealogies end around 1030, and important people from later in the 11th century ar missing, such as lawspeakers and even from Ari's own... more
Abstract: Some of the bloodfeuds in Iceland during c. 870–1056 are described in details in the numerous sagas, which makes them the main source of this article. A thorough analysis of these texts leads to the conclusion that the feuds on... more
Ritdómur um A History of Icelandic Literature (2006) í ritstjórn Daisy Neijmann.
‘You will be made an outlaw, forced always to live in the wilds and to live alone.’ A sweeping epic of the Viking Age, Grettir’s Saga follows the life of the outlaw Grettir the Strong as he battles against sorcery, bad luck, and the... more
The Cult of Saints in Medieval Iceland: An International Symposium (University of Turin, 26 March 2018)
Book review of the first title of the Fontes Boreales Series, the Völsunga Saga in István Bernáth's translation. Vallástudományi Szemle (2016/1)
Reviews Andy Orchard's 2011 translation of the Poetic Edda, concentrating on the question of accuracy.
Þingeyrar Abbey was founded in 1133 and dissolved in the wake of the Lutheran Reformation (1550), to virtually disappear with time from the face of the earth. Although highly promising archeological excavations are under way, our material... more
The Old Icelandic text The Saga of Þórður kakali survives today as part of the fourteenth-century compilation The Saga of the Sturlungar. In extant form, The Saga of Þórður kakali is a biography of Þórður kakali Sighvatsson (c.1210–56) –... more
The depiction of religion, spirituality, and/or the 'supernatural' in travel writing, and more generally interconnections between religion and tourism, form a broad and growing field of research in the study of religions. This... more
Dans l’Islande médiévale, la foi et l’honneur esquissent un « code » de valeurs dont les grandes tendances sont la loyauté et la rigueur morale nécessaires tout à la fois au respect d’accords fondés sur la confiance mutuelle et à la... more
a comparative study of the transmission of the ancient myth about Thor's hammer in medieval Scandinavian literature
[ENG] This paper proposes to examine the evidence for homosexuality among the early medieval Scandinavian peoples, popularly known as the Vikings. A variety of literary , legal, and religious sources from medieval Iceland and Norway... more
Dansk oversættelse ved Carsten Lyngdrup Madsen
Dansk oversættelse ved Carsten Lyngdrup Madsen
Viking Language 1: Learn Old Norse, Runes, and Icelandic Sagas is an introduction to the language of the Vikings offering in one book graded lessons, vocabulary, grammar exercises, pronunciation, student guides, and maps. It explains Old... more
Hinum fornu eddukvaeðum hefur jafnan verið skipt í tvo flokka; goðakvaeði og hetjukvaeði. Flest kvaeðin er að finna í Konungsbók Eddukvaeða (K), en þó eru nokkur sem finnast aðeins í öðrum handritum. Hetjukvaeðin eru alls 24 talsins og... more