Medieval Scandinavia
Recent papers in Medieval Scandinavia
This chapter focuses on acts of speaking, writing, and hearing verbalized accounts of Icelandic place, and their role in establishing a distinct Icelandic identity in Íslendingabók and Landnámabók. The chapter opens by considering how the... more
This article shows the relationship between Saxo Grammaticus' "Gesta Danorum" (History of the Danes) (Saxo was a Danish historian and mythographer who composed a Latin work on the legendary past of Denmark as well as Scandinavian... more
For medieval Icelanders, horses were among the most important animals. It should come as no surprise, as they were used for transport, in pagan rites (hippomancy, funerals, sacred horses), eating, and also for sports. These sports were... more
в отечественной науке роль варягов в образовании древнерусского государства оценивается весьма высоко, в частности у исследователей уже практически не вызывает сомнений скандинавское происхождение самой княжеской династии Рюриковичей.... more
This volume includes contributions from scholars who presented at the International Medieval Congress in Leeds, 2016. The theme was 'Food, feasts and famine', and the authors were able to provide a wide range of perspectives on Medieval... more
This is not just a book about a battle; it is a book about the biggest battle before Hastings 1066. This is a battle most people have probably never heard of, but it is a battle where five Scottish and Viking kings and seven earls died,... more
Analyse van de Gesta Danorum van Saxo Grammaticus
The present volume responds to the rising boom of interest in folklore and folklore research in the study of Old Norse mythology. The twenty-two authors of this volume reveal the dynamism of this lively dialogue, which is characterized by... more
The political structure of Scandinavian society underwent radical change between AD 500 and 1350. Through analyses of c. 170,000 sites of single graves and cemeteries, 1,700 hillforts, and 130 royal sites and manors, this article... more
This paper seeks to provide a new contribution to the debates on Viking Age women by focusing on a rather controversial notion of ‘female warriors’. The core of the article comprises a preliminary survey of archaeological evidence for... more
A four page article published in the Searcher Magazine spring 2019 about metaldetecting in Norway and Denmark versus England. Laws, ownership, guidelines Rygene Metaldetecting Club,
öppningar till en transnationell historia land de lätt igenk ända kristna symbolerna på museet i Montpellier drog några dekorerade gravstenar uppmärksamheten till sig. De var prydda med arabisk skrift. Det visade sig att en hel by med... more
International conference on medieval rural settlements held March 11th-12th 2004 in Oslo, Participants from Denmark, Sweden and Norway
This study demonstrates how routes over mountain plateaus and passes connected farms, hamlets and regions. The routes enabled wide social and economic networks and were a prerequisite for regional surplus production in the Norwegian... more
In his Lex Castrensis, the twelfth-century Danish writer Sven Aggesen tells the story of the creation of a law that he attributes to Knútr inn ríki (Cnut the Great) as a means of governing his substantial military following of retainers,... more
An article published in Skírnir 187 (2013), 161-75.
Published by The Viking Society for Northern Research. Available from the following vendors: Bookfinder: Foyles: Waterstones: As well as the distributor:... more
112 3.9. Konklusjon: Olav den hellige som munk -eller augustinerkannik? 113 Konklusjon 115 Litteratur 117 Tillegg A: Latinsk tekst med oversettelse 127 Tillegg B: Melodi med latinsk tekst 129 16 Bagge (2015), s. 581. Kildene er ikke helt... more
Städer var nykomlingar i det medeltida Skandinavien. Efterhand blev stadslivet något att eftersträva, en rikare tillvaro med en mångsidig miljö. Städer växte fram ur existerande behov och utifrån nya maktrelationer. Under lång tid hade... more
This article describes my Ph.D. project. In particular, it is aimed at giving an overview of the phenomenon under discussion, namely the coexistence and competition between loanwords and endogenous words in Old Icelandic. Examples are... more
There are over 3000 runic inscriptions on stone made in Scandinavia in the late Viking Age. This book is the first attempt by a historian to study the material as a whole. The analysis reveals significant regional variations that reflect... more
A discussion about the identity of medievel Icelanders.
In the East Slavic historical consciousness, the sacrifice of the first canonized Rus' saints Boris and Gleb (died in 1015) came to be viewed as a reflection of the sacrifice of the Old Testament figure Abel and as a model of the... more
Book review of W. B. Bartlett's 'King Cnut and the Viking Conquest of England 1016' (Stroud, 2017).
[Saga-Book of the Viking Society for Northern Research 43 (2019), 147–9.]
[Saga-Book of the Viking Society for Northern Research 43 (2019), 147–9.]
This chapter makes a close reading of a short vignette in Eyrbyggja saga - the attempted forced marriage between the Swedish berserk Halli and Víga-Styrr's daughter Ásdis - exploring the ways that various norms and normative expectations... more
FROM: Analecta Romana Instituti Danici, XXVIII (2001)
Dějiny skandinávského osídlení v Grónsku patří mezi jedny z nejméně známých etap středověké historie. Není se čemu divit, hrstka kolonistů, která se zde vylodila na konci desátého století, neměla vliv na chod "velkých" dějin a sama se... more
The article discusses the various routes and roads of Finnish pilgrims in Finland and to Europe, as well as the status of the pilgrims on road.
In the Middle Ages, several different types of finger rings were used that could have different functions and meanings for different types of people. Exclusive finger rings with motifs depicting the Virgin and child has been found as... more
Medieval North Atlantic Studies, which is broadly defined as the study of the British Isles, Iceland, Scandinavia, the English Channel, and the Low Countries, has a tendency to research two types of interactions. First, it focuses on... more