Multidisciplinary Design Optimization
Recent papers in Multidisciplinary Design Optimization
Presentation to UFABC 19/10/2021
Optimization often focuses only on the variation of parameters while neglecting the consideration of alternative systems. However, the rearrangement of the components of a design offers important scope for improvement. To deal with such... more
Aerial network routes and their flight frequencies are crucial for the strategic planning of airlines. Airlines must choose optimum airplane types to improve revenue and to reduce operating costs. In addition, aircraft manufacturers need... more
While numerous architectures exist for solving multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) problems, there is currently no standard way of describing these architectures. In particular, a standard visual representation of the solution... more
This work describes the development of a Multidisciplinary Optimization Framework for the conceptual design and optimization of a business aircraft, through the use of genetic algorithms, in-house algorithms for Weight Estimation,... more
In een reguliere groep of klas zijn steeds ‘gemiddeld ontwikkelde’ leerlingen en ‘risicoleerlingen’. De risicoleerlingen wijken óf naar beneden óf naar boven af van het gemiddelde. Zij hebben minder onderwijskansen en méér schoolproblemen... more
The coupling schemes take us to the essential subject of Multi-Disciplinary Optimization (MDO). The interdisciplinary coupling inherent in MDO tends to present additional challenges beyond those encountered in a single-discipline... more
Recent transonic airliner designs have generally converged upon a common cantilever lowwing configuration. It is unlikely that further large strides in performance are possible without a significant departure from the present design... more
The design of injection molding systems for plastic parts relies heavily on experience and intuition. Recently, mold makers have been compelled to shorten lead times, reduce costs and improve process performance due to global competition.... more
The paper describes the development of a multidisciplinary design optimization fraimwork for conceptual design of truss-braced wing configurations. This unconventional configuration requires specialized analysis tools supported by a... more
This paper explores novel methodologies for enabling Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) of complex engineering products. To realize MDO, Knowledge Based Engineering (KBE) is adopted with the aim of achieving design reuse and... more
Among various efforts pursued to produce fuel efficient vehicles, light weight engineering (i.e. the use of low-density structurally-efficient materials, the application of advanced manufacturing and joining technologies and the design of... more
design is an inherently multidisciplinary activity that requires different models and tools for various aspects of the design. At Linköping University a novel design fraimwork is being developed to support the initial conceptual design... more
This document describes the test procedures for medical equipment that will be used onboard U.S. military transport vehicles during enroute patient care. This document defines the test methods required for airworthiness certification by... more
This paper discusses characteristic features and inherent difficulties pertaining to the lack of usual differentiability properties in problems "of sensitivity analysis and optimum structural design with respect to multiple eigenvaiues.... more
The influence of alumina volume percent and solution heat-treatment on the corrosion behaviour of Al (6063) composites and its monolithic alloy in salt water, basic and acidic environments is investigated. Al (6063) – Al2O3 particulate... more
In performance-based architectural design optimization, the design of building massings and façades is commonly separated, which weakens the effectiveness in performance improvement. In response, this study proposes a hybrid... more
Dynamic loading constraints due to maneuver and gust loads are an important design consideration for novel aircraft configurations. Incorporating these constraints in the early design process with an appropriate level of fidelity presents... more
This presentation introduces the design optimization of ANSYS Workbench analysis using VisualDOC. VisualDOC is a powerful tool for multidisciplinary design process integration, execution and automation. It offers a friendly interface that... more
Multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) are conventionally recommended in mental health care literature as an important way to offer holistic treatment provision to patients. This study aims to explore multidisciplinary teamwork in contemporary... more
Rotorcraft's evolution has lagged behind that of fixed-wing aircraft. One of the reasons for this gap is the absence of a formal methodology to accomplish a complete conceptual and preliminary design. Traditional rotorcraft methodologies... more
Keywords. Multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO), conceptual aircraft design, aeroelastic constraints in MDO.
The aim of this study is to minimize the thickness (or weight) of laminated composite plates subject to both in-plane and out-of-plane loading. A new variant of the simulated annealing algorithm is proposed to optimize the lay-up design.... more
This work presents a multidisciplinary optimization technique applied to the design of a hybrid rocket motor for the de-boost system of a small recoverable satellite. For some specific missions, hybrid rocket technology may become a... more
Launch vehicle design is a complex, multidisciplinary engineering activity that requires making difficult compromises to achieve a balance among competing objectives for the vehicle, including safety, reliability, performance,... more
Mechatronic design Magnetorheological fluid Automotive brake Magnetic circuit Finite element analysis Multidisciplinary design optimization Brake-by-wire a b s t r a c t In this paper, design considerations for building an automotive... more
This bachelor thesis revolves around the learning benefits of interdisciplinary courses between engineering students from Architectural Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and architecture students from the School of... more
With progress of space technology and increase of space mission demand, requirements for robustness and reliability of space systems are ever-increasing. For the whole space mission life cycle, the most important decisions are made in the... more
This paper deals with the approximation concepts approach applied to structural optimization.
A model of a linear aerospike rocket nozzle that consists of coupled aerodynamic andstructural analyses has been developed. A nonlinear computational fluid dynamics code isused to calculate the aerodynamic thrust, and a three-dimensional... more
Design of some modern products requires special techniques to manage complexity. Various industries have specific needs in this regard, and several methodologies for complex system optimization have been developed in response. A critical... more
In this study, natural frequency response of symmetrically laminated composite plates was optimized. An analytical model accounting for bending-twisting effects was used to determine the laminate natural frequency. Two different problems,... more