Recent papers in Nasca
Full text available at - The Geoglyphs of Palpa, Peru is a revision of the author´s Ph.D. thesis. In this study, the famed geoglyphs of the Paracas and Nasca cultures on the south coast of Peru... more
Günümüzden yaklaşık 500 yıl önce, insanoğlunun uçmayı bilmediği zamanlarda Nazka yerlileri tarafından çöle çizilen bu biçimler, içerisinde gizli bir mesajı mı barındırıyordu?
Esta publicación da cuenta de los trabajos de intervención arqueológica (rescate) y sus resultados acerca de un grupo de geoglifos ubicados en un sector de la pampa de Ocas (Paracas-Pisco-Ica). Estos geoglifos son líneas rectas elaboradas... more
2 3 REMERCIEMENTS La réalisation de cette thèse n'aurait pas été possible sans le soutien continu, les conseils et les encouragements perpétuels de mon directeur de recherche Monsieur Daniel LEVINE, Professeur à l'Université Paris... more
Lascas de obsidiana tipo kombewa de Wari Kayan, Paracas pág. 75 JOHNY ISLA Y MARKUS REINDEL Los Paracas del sur. Una nueva perspectiva desde los valles de Palpa pág. 79 PARTE 11: CATÁLOGO DE LOS OBJETOS Y LA DOCUMENTACiÓN GRÁFICA Fotos de... more
Capítulo del libro Bajo el signo del rayo-Iconología de un arquetipo de los dioses del rayo. Parte I-El signo en América. Publicado con Derechos de autor por IDARTES, Bogotá, 2019. Kon, deidad principal de los Paracas y Nascas. Kon, el... more
this dissertation of Matthew J. edwards is approved. Michael Jochim stuart t. smith Katharina schreiber, committee chair september 2010 iii archaeological investigations at Pataraya: a Wari outpost in the nasca valley of southern Peru... more
This article documents the cache of textiles excavated at Cahuachi by Giuseppe Orefici. The textiles are predominantly women's dresses and shawls and some tools and samples. This is the first time that full-sized women's garments have... more
Maritime resources played a significant economic role in the prehistoric coastal communities of Central and Northern Peru, and, prior to the current study, it was reasonable to assume they were equally important on the South Coast. In the... more
This dissertation combines archaeological and ethnohistorical methods to examine the lived experiences of enslaved African laborers on the wine haciendas of San Joseph de la Nasca and San Francisco Xavier de la Nasca, owned by the Society... more
The analysis of food, drink, and crafts has formed the foundation of archaeological research in multiple world regions. The contexts of production are equally as important as those of consumption, particularly when multiple production... more
The article surveys textiles of the Nasca style, an ancient style of the South Coast of Peru, c. 0 - 650 C.E. Everyday clothing is described, as well as the highly decorated elite textiles. Techniques, imagery and pattern repetitions, as... more
Paleoclimatic changes and their influence on cultural development in the southern Central Anden Area Until recently, the environmental history of the entire Central Andes was thought to be uniform. New insights about cultural dynamics... more
Nueva información de excavaciones sitios de estudio en Palpa, al sur dei Peru, indican que la cultura Nasca era más compleja de 10 que investigaciones previas determinaban. Algunas tumbas de La Muña pueden ser interpretadas como evidencia... more
Asistente de investigación y coordinación Colaboración en el portafolio Carol Rodríguez Concepto y diseño vm&
Presented article, based on the results of the latest archaeological research and the analysis of cataloged objects, provides a multi-faceted characteristic of the phenomenon of intentional and culturally conditioned cranial deformation... more
This essay, written in Spanish and English, is a summary of what we currently know about the geoglyphs of Nasca and Palpa in south Peru based on recent archaeological research. It attempts to answer the questions how the geoglyphs were... more
Las secuencias cronológicas basadas en las seriaciones de la "cerámica Paracas" fueron revisadas, haciendo evidentes las paradojas, contradicciones e incoherencias de las cronologías relativas elaboradas desde axiomas históricoculturales.... more
Recent deforestation along the southern coast of Peru echoes ecological crises of the past...
In this article, twenty mostly intact burial contexts, including their complete inventory of artifacts, found at the site of Hanaq Pacha at Palpa, Peru, are presented. Only very few intact burial contexts from the Nasca culture (200 B.C.... more
Due to increasing demand of archaeologists for accurate and fast documentation of ceramics, we provide an automated system for acquisition and documentation of sherds. This is done by 3D-acquistion using structured light and by estimation... more
Asistente de investigación y coordinación Colaboración en el portafolio Carol Rodríguez Concepto y diseño vm&
Se presentan algunos resultados de mi tesis doctoral, tratando de definir los fundamentos socioculturales de los cambios que vivieron las poblaciones de cultura Paracas después de la decadencia de la cultura Chavín entre 200 a.C. y 100... more
El hallazgo de una cabeza cercenada ("cabeza trofeo") en el yacimiento de El Trigal, valle de Nasca (Perú), nos lleva a desarrollar un análisis reflexivo acerca de las prácticas violentas que se instauraron en la región a inicios del s. I... more
los autores, las instituciones (véase sección de Créditos fotográficos y de reproducciones) © De las obras: los autores Primera edición 1500 ejemplares ISBN 978-9972-718-44-1 ISBN 978-3-85881-365-7 Primera edición alemán Museo Rietberg... more
In this paper we describe a series of software modules and a workflow for high quality and efficient 3D visualization of large terrain data sets and corresponding texture by means of image sequences. We here take different terrain data... more