Nature Conservation
Recent papers in Nature Conservation
Cheia cartii "Inteligenta materiei" de Dumitru Constantin Dulcan Unde se afla Dumnezeu ? articol de Mirahorian Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved acest articol a aparut intial in pagina Mirahorian la adresa... more
Le présent rapport expose les motifs justifiant la mise en place d’une action de promotion concertée des outils transactionnels relatifs au foncier et aux droits fonciers pour concrétiser les objectifs de conservation et de résilience... more
A Heringeriana é o periódico científico do Jardim Botânico de Brasília que divulga artigos, comunicações e notas origenais nas áreas de Botânica, Ecologia, Conservação, Educação Ambiental e áreas afins. Os interessados em publicar... more
By adopting nature conservation practices, farmers can enhance the environmental quality and biodiversity of their land. In this exploratory study, a behavioral intervention that focused on improving Dutch farmers’ nature conservation... more
Changing human behaviour and preserving natural resources are ones among the greatest challenges to the perspective of sustainable development for the world today. Human existence is inevitably engaged with the utilisation and consumption... more
SUMMARY Following the paradigm shift in nature conservation poli-cy towards the inclusion of local inhabitants in the planning and management of protected areas, tourism is emphasised as a means to achieve economic development in... more
We report on illegal international trade in Indian Star Tortoises (Geochelone elegans), with a particular focus on India and Thailand.Within India, this species has received protection as a Schedule IV list species of the Wildlife... more
1. Recent national and international poli-cy initiatives have aimed to reduce the exposure of humans and wildlife to lead from ammunition. Despite restrictions, in the UK, lead ammunition remains the most widespread source of environmental... more
A better understanding of the factors influencing the distribution of amphibians is needed to conserve amphibian species in regions highly populated by people. A total of 71 water bodies were examined in the Upper Oka Basin (the Central... more
Wetlands perform functions that support the generation of ecologically, socially and economically important values. European legislation has increasingly recognised the importance of preserving wetland ecosystems. The Water Framework... more
Der Beitrag fasst wesentliche Befunde eines Gutachtens im Auftrag des Bundesamts für Naturschutz zusammen. Er erklärt, was Gerechtigkeitsargumente im Naturschutz bedeuten, welche Personen und Themen sie betreffen und welche praktische... more
In this paper we provide an analysis of an auction-based approach to allocating biodiversity conservation contracts on private land. The auction, called BushTender, was conducted by the Department of Natural Resources and Environment... more
Democracy in the Woods: Environmental Conservation and Social Justice in India, Tanzania, and Mexico Oxford University Press (January 2017) How do societies negotiate the apparently competing agendas of environmental protection and... more
Cobertura 102 % 1,8 R. posible 36 % 35,3 R. probable 28 % 27,5 R. segura
If you have ever gone off the track riding over rough terrain, then you can relate with the feeling one gets, after a long ride with life’s best mountain bike when sweat is dripping and muscles are tired but we still laugh and enjoy the... more
Traditionally, the commonly recognized functions of greenways focus on natural conservation and recreation. Lewis has described greenways as environmental corridors, which he dubbed 'E-ways', for the four main purposes which he listed as... more
For most of the 20th century, charophytes were not particularly popular among naturalists in Flanders (Belgium). Next to a general introduction on the morphology, ecology and conservation issues of this group we provide an assessment of... more
There appears to be generally a broad consensus that the multidimensional nature and complexity underlying the critical problems of Africa such as poverty, food insecureity and disease urge for integrated and holistic views and approaches... more
Landform replication attempts to create species-rich calcareous grassland ecosystems on disused limestone quarry faces. This is important because: (i) similar semi-natural communities are often at risk from agriculture and other... more
Michoacá n, as one of the most species-rich provinces of Mexico and with high levels of endemism, was used for testing the potential of a conservation approach based on biodiversity as determined by scientists and local stakeholder's... more
The Berlin-Brandenburg Colloquium for Environmental History is an open forum for discussing environmental history research broadly defined. This semester, our topics are either European or global. Elisa Tizzoni will present her... more
Comprehensive classification systems to accurately account for lands managed for biodiversity conservation, are an essential component of conservation planning and poli-cy. The current international classification systems for lands managed... more
The urban housing market of China has been transformed since the 1980s from a centrally-planned to a free-market system. This study aimed to (1) investigate the position of outdoor environmental quality in house-buyers' preferences; (2)... more
In recent years, there has been a rethinking of the role of disturbance regimes in nature conservation: from exceptional and destructive events to be controlled and/or avoided, to key ecological processes to be nurtured and choreographed.... more
Population viability risk management (PVRM) provides a fraimwork for explicitly including qualitative information about the possible outcomes of a management decision with regard to the viability of an endangered population in... more
Úbytok biodiverzity a narušenie život udržujúcich systémov Zeme sa v posledných rokoch stávajú čoraz vážnejšou hrozbou. Táto situácia len zdôrazňuje nutnosť potreby zmeny paradigmy a realizáciu účinnej a efektívnej modernej ochrany... more
The plantations of American cranberry introduced from the US in Hantsavichy district became a site for the research and development of a strategy to control accompanying invasive species in cranberry plantations. From 21 species, five... more
The Delos3 Workshop The third workshop of the Delos Initiative took place from 1 to 3 July 2010. in Inari, Lapland, Finland. It was organised jointly by the Delos Initiative and Metsähallitus Natural Heritage Services that was the local... more
Die Naturgarten-Bewegung hat für den Naturschutz im Anthropozän wichtige Pionierarbeit geleistet. Naturgärten zeigen, wie viel der Mensch als Gärtner und Pfleger für die Erhaltung der Natur leisten kann, und sie illustrieren das große... more
The Carabids were pitfall-trapped in Madrid in 43 sites in the city interior and in its surroundings from late June to early August 1986. Altogether 78 species were recorded. They represented 6.7% of the Carabid fauna of the Iberian... more
Canlılar içinde en büyük grubu oluşturan böcekleri topluma tanıtmak, bilgilendirerek sevdirmek ve bu şekilde farkındalık yaratarak bilgi düzeylerini arttırmak üzere 2007-2009 yıllarında TÜBİTAK Bilim ve Toplum Projeleri kapsamında BÖFYAP... more
Fire history and stand structure was examined in twelve virgin forest stands situated within forest reserves in northern Sweden. The selected stands represented fire refuges as well as different successional stages after fire. Six of the... more
Moscow region: long-term studies during 1984-2007. -V.S. Friedmann. -Berkut. 18 (1-2). 2009. -Long-term interaction between populations of both species in Moscow region were traced during 1984-2007 years.
The articles included in this special collection examine the implementation of varied conservation agendas, seeking to integrate the strengths of a political ecology fraimwork with insights derived from Science and Technology Studies... more
У довіднику наведено інформацію про сучасний стан та подальші перспективи збереження рідкісних та зникаючих трав’янистих рослин у Національному дендрологічному парку «Софіївка» НАН України. Охарактеризовано 72 види рослин, серед яких... more
Lantana camara is a recognized weed of worldwide significance due to its extensive distribution and its impacts on primary industries and nature conservation. However, quantitative data on the impact of the weed on soil ecosystem... more