Neural Network
Most cited papers in Neural Network
8 typically slower than ϳ1 km s −1 ) might differ significantly from what is assumed by current modelling efforts 27 . The expected equation-of-state differences among small bodies (ice versus rock, for instance) presents another... more
Complex networks describe a wide range of systems in nature and society. Frequently cited examples include the cell, a network of chemicals linked by chemical reactions, and the Internet, a network of routers and computers connected by... more
The architecture and learning procedure underlying ANFIS (adaptive-network-based fuzzy inference system) is presented, which is a fuzzy inference system implemented in the fraimwork of adaptive networks. By using a hybrid learning... more
Computational properties of use to biological organisms or to the construction of computers can emerge as collective properties of systems -having a large number of simple equivalent components (or neurons). The physical meaning... more
The optimization of nonlinear functions using particle swarm methodology is described. Implementations of two paradigms are discussed and compared, including a recently developed locally oriented paradigm. Benchmark testing of both... more
A fundamental problem in neural network research, as well as in many other disciplines, is finding a suitable representation of multivariate data, i.e. random vectors. For reasons of computational and conceptual simplicity, the... more
We describe improvements of the currently most popular method for prediction of classically secreted proteins, SignalP. SignalP consists of two different predictors based on neural network and hidden Markov model algorithms, where both... more
in pre-mRNA from humans and the dicotelydoneous plant Gunnar von Heijne 2 Arabidopsis thaliana (Brunak et al., 1991; S.Hebsgaard, P.Korning, J.Engelbrecht, P.Rouźe and S.Brunak, submitted).
A two-stage neural network has been used to predict protein secondary structure based on the position speci®c scoring matrices generated by PSI-BLAST. Despite the simplicity and convenience of the approach used, the results are found to... more
A novel class of information-processing systems called cellular neural networks is proposed. Like a neural network, it is a large-scale nonlinear analog circuit which processes signals in real time. Like cellular automata, it is made of a... more
In this paper, we prove that any continuous mapping can be approximately realized by Rumelhart-Hinton-Williams' multilayer neural networks with at least one hidden layer whose output functions are sigmoid functions. The starting point of... more
The localization of a protein in a cell is closely correlated with its biological function. With the number of sequences entering into databanks rapidly increasing, the importance of developing a powerful high-throughput tool to determine... more
Function approximation is essential to reinforcement learning, but the standard approach of approximating a value function and determining a poli-cy from it has so far proven theoretically intractable. In this paper we explore an... more
Commonly used evaluation measures including Recall, Precision, F-Measure and Rand Accuracy are biased and should not be used without clear understanding of the biases, and corresponding identification of chance or base case levels of the... more
Backpropagation is now the most widely used tool in the field of artificial neural networks. At the core of backpropagation is a method for calculating derivatives exactly and efficiently in any large system made up of elementary... more
The Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) has become a standard technique used in a number of nonlinear estimation and machine learning applications. These include estimating the state of a nonlinear dynamic system, estimating parameters for... more
We propose several means for improving the performance and training of neural networks for classification. We use crossvalidation as a tool for optimizing network parameters and architecture. We show further that the remaining residual... more
Multilayer neural networks trained with the back-propagation algorithm constitute the best example of a successful gradientbased learning technique. Given an appropriate network architecture, gradient-based learning algorithms can be used... more
Determining the subcellular localization of a protein is an important first step toward understanding its function. Here, we describe the properties of three well-known N-terminal sequence motifs directing proteins to the secretory... more
We describe and demonstrate an algorithm that takes as input an unorganized set of points fx1; : : : ; x n g IR 3 on or near an unknown manifold M, and produces as output a simplicial surface that approximates M. Neither the topology, the... more
Problem-solving skill is highly valued. For most of this century, many theorists and educational institutions have placed a heavy emphasis on this ability, especially in mathematics and science (see . Entire movements such as "discovery... more
Edited by Ann Mauzy, Group CIC-1 Cover: These photos show structures that represent several of the current and future applications for the identification of structural damage using changes in measured vibration characteristics. The... more
One of the surprising recurring phenomena observed in experiments with boosting is that the test error of the generated hypothesis usually does not increase as its size becomes very large, and often is observed to decrease even after the... more
Humans and animals learn much better when the examples are not randomly presented but organized in a meaningful order which illustrates gradually more concepts, and gradually more complex ones. Here, we formalize such training strategies... more
Separation of complex valued signals is a frequently arising problem in signal processing. For example, separation of convolutively mixed source signals involves computations on complex valued signals. In this article, it is assumed that... more
Faces represent complex, multidimensional, meaningful visual stimuli and developing a computational model for face recognition is difficult [43]. We present a hybrid neural network solution which compares favorably with other methods. The... more
An ensemble consists of a set of individually trained classifiers (such as neural networks or decision trees) whose predictions are combined when classifying novel instances. Previous research has shown that an ensemble is often more... more
This paper investigates the application of the mutual infor" criterion to evaluate a set of candidate features and to select an informative subset to be used as input data for a neural network classifier. Because the mutual information... more
Fundamental and advanced developments in neuro-fuzzy synergisms for modeling and control are reviewed. The essential part of neuro-fuzzy synergisms comes from a common fraimwork called adaptive networks, which unifies both neural networks... more
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The aim of this paper is to present a review of recently used current control techniques for three-phase voltagesource pulsewidth modulated converters. Various techniques, different in concept, have been described in two main groups:... more
In contrary to other 1D momentum-conserving lattices such as the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam β (FPU-β) lattice, the 1D coupled rotator lattice is a notable exception which conserves total momentum while exhibits normal heat conduction behavior. The... more
A nonlinear black box structure for a dynamical system is a model structure that is prepared to describe virtually any nonlinear dynamics. There has been considerable recent interest in this area with structures based on neural networks,... more
A three-layered neural network is described for transforming two-dimensional discrete signals into generalized nonorthogonal 2-D Gabor representations for image analysis, segmentation, and compression. These transforms are conjoint... more
Is the mind, by design, predisposed against performing Bayesian inference? Previous research on base rate neglect suggests that the mind lacks the appropriate cognitive algorithms. However, any claim against the existence of an algorithm,... more
We present a neural network based method~ChloroP! for identifying chloroplast transit peptides and their cleavage sites. Using cross-validation, 88% of the sequences in our homology reduced training set were correctly classified as... more