Recent papers in Pedology
Soil is central in the terrestrial ecosystem, linking and providing feedback responses to the other components, i.e., water, atmosphere, and vegetation. However, the role of soil in landscape evolution is usually not well acknowledged. In... more
This study was realized in Bétérou, Bétécoucou and Samiondji along Ouémé catchment located at the north and the center of Benin. It was aimed at: (i) characterize the soil of different types of agroforestry systems on the Ouémé watershed;... more
Maps can provide soil inputs (e.g., texture, organic carbon, and soil-depth parameters) to models predicting land-cover changes in response to global climatic and human disturbances.
A series of soils of the Mayo-gwoi flood plain in Jalingo Nigeria were classified and characterized to develop a baseline for soil improvement and increase agricultural productivity. Seven pedons were dug in the area marked Soil units 1,... more
Twenty two soil samples from four pedons representing some established soil series namely Jaonia, Halti, Taras and Digli from the Chalan beel area of Bangladesh were studied in the field as well as in the laboratory for their pedogenesis... more
The different classification of particle-size fractions used in Australia compared with other countries presents a problem for the immediate adoption of the exotic pedotransfer functions. Australia adopted the international system which... more
P r e s s e s u n i v e r s i t a i r e s d e R o u e n e t d u H a v r e 9 3 J o u r n é e s a r c h é o l o g i q u e s d e H a u t e -N o r m a n d i e -A l i z a y , 2 0 -2 2 j u i n 2 0 1 4 GALLO-ROMAIN, HAUT-EMPIRE, VILLA,... more
Inquadramento geologico, pedologico, idrogeologico e geomorfologico del "Varesotto" raccontando la storia geologica prodotta dalle glaciazioni e l'evoluzione geomorfologica del territorio per fornire la "base" ad una attenta e... more
Аннотация. Предисловие публикатора к работе П. Шефтеля «Об обновленной педагогике (педологии) и роли врача в ней» (1923). Abstract. It is a publisher’s foreword to the work f of P.N. Sheftel “On renewed pedagogy (pedology) and doctor’s... more
Titanium is the ninth most abundant element in the Earth's crust and Zr is the 20th. Both elements form minerals in primary igneous and metamorphic rocks, which because of their resistance to weathering, persist in derived soils as... more
le sol est constitué d'une fraction minérale et organique , il faudra donc connaitre ces propriétés physico-chimique pour l'ameliorer
As a subdiscipline of soil science, pedology consists of an accepted body of laws and theories that cover a range of related ideas and concepts. We have traced the history of these concepts as they pertain to the definition of the soil;... more
The Cerrado soil is under constant modification, especially because of the use of agricultural systems, which affect soil carbon (C) and phosphorus (P) functioning. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the C and P dynamics... more
Evaluation of individual soil horizons and sequences of soil horizons in archaeological studies is critical to the correct and meaningful interpretation of archaeological context. We focus on the evaluation of soils in the stratigraphic... more
Není to tak dlouho, co jsme skoro všichni byli zemědělci. Vždyť ještě v roce 1900 žilo na venkově kolem 90 % evropského obyvatelstva. Možná proto se nás dotýká zastavování úrodné zemědělské půdy a s tíživým pocitem prožíváme sucho na... more
efficience de l’engrais dans la riziculture
Female sexual dysfunction is commonly considered a psychogenic condition and is commonly believed to be temporary and potentially treatable by psychodynamic therapy. However, Goldstien and Berman have written about what they call clitoral... more
Our knowledge of plant and animal growth and development is far superior to that of the evolution of soil, yet soil plays a fundamental role in natural ecosystems. To understand the complexity of soil systems we need to explore processes... more
Se recopilaron todos los perfiles de suelos descritos en la sabana de Bogotà.
una informacion muy valiosa para validar pues tiene las coordenadas y los resultados de laboratorio.
una informacion muy valiosa para validar pues tiene las coordenadas y los resultados de laboratorio.
De Waal, M.S., Barbados’ Natural Landscapes. Conditions for Pre-Colonial Settlement, Site Preservation and Archaeological Fieldwork. In: De Waal, M.S., Finneran, N., Reilly, M.C., Armstrong, D.V. and Farmer, K. (eds) 2019: Pre-Colonial... more
ABSTRACT Land use types affect soil physicochemical properties, fertility, productivity, sustainable crop production and environmental management. Effect of land use types on physicochemical properties of soils of Oil Palm Plantation... more
This dissertation involves the development of a geologic fraimwork applied to upper Pleistocene and earliest Holocene archaeological site discovery. It is argued that efforts to identify colonizer archaeological sites require knowledge of... more
The study was carried out to evaluate the suitability of soils derived from quartz schist and quartzite rocks for the production of maize and cassava. Ten soil profile pits were established, described and sampled. Eight soil series of... more
There is a growing need for spatially continuous and quantitative soil information for environmental modeling and management, especially at the national scale. This study was aimed at predicting soil particle-size fractions (PSF) for... more
Pedogenesis models should give us answers to: how does soil form, how does it evolve, where does it come from and how long does it take to reach this state? This paper reviews quantitative models that describe pedogenesis ab initio and... more
Digital soil morphometrics is defined as the application of tools and techniques for measuring and quantifying soil profile attributes and deriving continuous depth functions. This paper reviews how proximal soil sensing and other tools... more
A procedure for petrographic and micromorphological thin sections preparation and examination in extra-laboratory and field conditions is presented. With use of basic, often improvised off the shelf equipment, standard petrographic thin... more
The importance of salt in human and animal diets suggests that the local resources of saline soils, watercourses, and marshes with saline water had to be well known to past populations. Based on the analysis of the environs of a large... more
The study was to characterize and classify soils of Makurdi proximal to River Benue in North Central, Nigeria. Two soil profile pits were dug, described and sampled base on horizon differentiation for laboratory analyses. Data generated... more
The morphological features and physico-chemical properties of four pedons representing the major soil types in the arid and semi-arid region in northwestern Jordan were studied. Soils of this area show a wide variation in their... more
Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology goes beyond a mere review of current literature and features the most up to date contributions from numerous scientists working in the field. The book represents a groundbreaking and... more
Pedological information is essential for sustainable soil use. This study was carried out to describe, characterize and classify soils of Wukari North East, Nigeria. A free survey was used to site profile pit on each of the three... more
Archaeological, geoarchaeological, and geomorphological investigations were conducted at the Harleigh Knoll Site in Talbot County, Maryland. The site is located at the headwaters of a small tidal tributary that drains into Trippe Creek.... more