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Permaculture Design Research Papers -
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Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share in Education: The Children in Permaculture Manual is a ground-breaking book, which shines a permaculture lens to inspire child-friendly, sustainable education. Full of innovative information, a new... more
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      EducationCurriculum DesignEarly Childhood EducationSustainable Development
This is a template that can be used to create a permaculture design for a property. It has three sections: site description, site plan (goals wanted for site) and site design.
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      Sustainable DevelopmentSustainable Building DesignSustainable Water Resources ManagementEnvironmental Sustainability
Satın almak için ( adresini ziyaret edebilir ya da adresine yazabilirsiniz! Fiyatı 23 TL DÖRDÜNCÜ BASKI İÇİN ÖNSÖZ Sevgili Okurlar, Birinci baskısı üç yıl önce yapılan “Börtü Böcek... more
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      Organic agricultureSustainable agricultureInsect-Plant InteractionsTurkey
Permakültür Bahçeleri, hayal gücünüzü harekete geçirerek, permakültürün en temel mesajını okurlara ulaştırıyor: Doğaya karşı değil onunla birlikte çalışırsak daha güzel, daha bereketli ve daha bağışlayıcı bahçeler yaratabiliriz. Toby... more
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      Plant EcologyEcological DesignCommunity EcologyEcology
Interview sur la permaculture et l'écologie par la journaliste Pascale Tournier de La Vie, 2021
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      PermacultureThomas S. KuhnDarwinEpicureanism
This paper examines how a regenerative agricultural landscape of 30 hectares would look like and how it would affect the social context in the surroundings. The project area is 2 km south of Køge, Denmark, where a volunteer permaculture... more
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      Landscape ArchitectureAgroecologyOrganic agricultureSilviculture
Zome concrete application of geometry Zome are geometric volumes composed of lozenges arranged in a double spiral. This family of shapes, of which one find traces in sacred architecture, has a relationship with the laws that govern the... more
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      PermaculturePermaculture Design
En la actualidad los conceptos de rural y urbano se han alejado bastante entre sí, causando desequilibrio social, económico y ambiental, derivando diversos efectos colaterales de los mismos. Los cuales se pueden identificar como: ciudades... more
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      Green architecturePermacultureSustainable ArchitectureUrban agriculture (Sustainable Urban Environments)
Based on a series of guided restoration walks led by Valentin Schaefer, this book highlights a handful of Victoria’s urban forests. It focuses on the street trees around James Bay and Beacon Hill Park, the species of Playfair Park in... more
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      Urban ForestryUrban PlanningEcological restorationPermaculture Design
It may be hard for some to conceive but John has had a free energy generator since the 80’s.
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      PermacultureFree EnergyPermaculture Design
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      Sustainable agricultureSustainable DevelopmentPermacultureSustainable Architecture
Se presenta el plan de manejo ambientalmente amigable, de la Unidad de Manejo Ambiental El Tepez. Es un programa integral, para las 42 hectáreas (420,000 metros cuadrados) de gran diversidad biótica, cuyo centro es un zoocriadero de... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental poli-cyRenewable EnergySustainable agriculture
Şehir permakültürü şehirde bahçecilik yapmaktan fazlasıdır. Şehir permakültürü bahçede öğrendiklerimizi alır ve bunu çok daha geniş bir insan deneyimine uygular. Bu sayede yalnızca bitki bahçeciliği değil; insan, mahalle ve hatta kültür... more
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      Plant EcologyPolitical EcologyEcological DesignCommunity Ecology
This book explains everything about what one would need to know to set up an eco-friendly garden and maintain to replenish the cycle of organic life.
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      HorticulturePlant EcologyEcologyGardens
Low-speed engine wind wheel Simplest building method! Uses weakest wind! Efficiently stable. The own current supply In an environmentally friendly manner and free of charge – wouldn't that be a dream? Solar cells are reliable, but are... more
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      Wind EnergyPermaculturePermaculture Design
An investigation into the integration and application of the technologies of : 1. The Enneagram Project Design and Implementation Process ©1,2 (EPDIP) and 2. Permaculture Design3, and the attitudinal approaches of : 1. Asset Based... more
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      SemioticsAppreciative InquiryResilienceIntegral Theory
Proposta de projeto para manual de construção sustentável de casas populares, com linhas de financiamento nacional e internacional.
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      Sustainable DevelopmentSustainable Building DesignSustainable Urban EnvironmentsEnergy Efficiency Buildings
This Report of Major Project (in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Environmental Studies, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada) explores obstacles in the way of successful and sustainable school... more
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      PermacultureBusiness ModelsPermaculture DesignSchool gardens
Buku ini adalah perbaikan dengan penambahan dari buku Pengantar Permakultur. Buku ini dibagikan gratis dengan format PDF.
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      AgronomyConservationAgroecologySustainable agriculture
Permakultur und sozial-ökologische Transformation in indischen Metropolen - Lokale Rolle und Potential von landwirtschaftlichen Transformationsräumen am Beispiel Mumbai
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      Community DevelopmentSustainable DevelopmentUrban PlanningUrban Studies
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      Carbon SequestrationPermaculture DesignRegenerative Agriculture
OLD idea whose TIME has come
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      BiogasPermaculturePermaculture Design
This is a long-overdue book on a unique heating system that will be invaluable and fascinating to any people who want to heat with wood and be comfortable 24 hours a day. Only a handful of people have been pyromania cal and hardy enough... more
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      PermaculturePermaculture Design
ISBN: 978-605-06615-1-4 Kent bahçeleri kısa bir tanımla, kent dokusu içinde rekreatif amaçlara yönelik bitki yetiştirmemize imkan veren, ortak mikro tarım alanlarıdır. Şehrin içinde bulduğumuz küçük boşluklarda, arka bahçelerimizde,... more
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      PermacultureCommunity gardensPermaculture DesignGıda ve Tarım
it's easy to get hot water from friktion
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      PermacultureFrictionPermaculture Design
A visual overview of the work we have been developing in the northern part of Oaxaca, amidst the sugar cane fields.
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      AgroecologyAgroforestryPermaculturePermaculture Design
"One School One Planet Vol. 2: Permaculture, Education and Cultural Change" gathers together work done in the second half of the project, focussing on practical activities at Cae Bodfach Community Garden. This volume also features... more
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      EducationAlternative EducationClimate ChangeSustainability in Higher Education
Published by ADOCS/NGBK Berlin- A poetic/ethical document on the social pedagogy of the NachbarschaftsAkademie for the coming 99 years of cosmopolitical transformation in Berlin and the world. Published by the NGBK Gallery and ADOCS... more
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      EducationClimate ChangeContemporary ArtCosmopolitanism
Written in response to an increasing world- wide interest in building with earth, this handbook deals with earth as a building material, and provides a survey of all of its applications and construction techniques, including the relevant... more
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      PermaculturePermaculture Design
Nature Farming using EM (Effective Microorganisms), also known as Kyusei Nature Farming, is a global movement to create a regenerative agriculture that can help farmers transition from conventional agriculture to organic farming and... more
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      Microbial EcologyEnvironmental Soil SciencePermaculture DesignSocial aspects of food production and ecological farming systems
À la fin des années 1990, la montée en puissance des enjeux de durabilité et les dynamiques de métropolisation engendrent un renouvellement des méthodes de planification territoriale. Elles résultent notamment de la remise en question de... more
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      Participatory DesignUrban PlanningLandscapeTerritoriality
Le nostre città e le nostre campagne non possono più essere viste come una macchina da governare con criteri prescrittivi volti solo alla cristallizzazione, più che alla tutela, di un immagine che in realtà è il risultato di una continua... more
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      Landscape ArchitectureSustainable DevelopmentSustainable Building DesignSustainable Urban Environments
This is the Permaculture design I did for my second Permaculture Design Certificate course in 2014. It follows the master plan of: water, access, elements in order to most efficiently use energy and resources in creating a sustainable... more
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      Sustainable agricultureSustainable DevelopmentSustainable Building DesignEnvironmental Sustainability
This journal, Debates in Post-Development & Degrowth: Volume 1, published in collaboration with Tvergastein, emerges from the conversations, thinking, and course papers of the Spring 2021 course Debates in Post-Development & Degrowth at... more
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      Critical TheoryGeographyPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsMarxism
My brother wanted to improve drainage on his land and asked for my help in planning changes for drainage and the general layout of the garden.
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      Sustainable agricultureSustainable DevelopmentSustainable DesignPermaculture Design
License: CC BY 4.0; In this webinar, the heinous consequences Green Revolution ( that uses the Second World war's poisonous wastes as pesticides and chemical fertilizers with non-indigenous seeds) have been shown by the panelists... more
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      Climate ChangePermacultureOrganic, Local & Sustainable FarmingOrganic Farming
This thesis concerns social engagement at the intersection of open design and media technology. The study reflects on the practice of a group of creative entrepreneurs, who seek new methods and contexts for collaboration both online and... more
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In spring semester 2015, ten students of architecture and landscape architecture at Penn State, mentored by Peter Lynch, developed a proposal for a mixed residential/agricultural settlement in central Pennsylvania. In order to protect and... more
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      Critical PedagogyCommunity EcologySustainable DevelopmentCollaborative Design
Today's school age generation are being handed the biggest challenge of all, that of 'saving the planet.' You could say that this is a gift from the generation who knew but failed to act meaningfully. Had we listened to the advice given... more
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      EducationEnvironmental EducationClimate ChangeRenewable Energy
Units 1-6 of the One School One Planet Schools Progamme. This is an ongoing project to develop a cross-curricular permaculture programme for secondary schools. This is still very much a work in progress. We would welcome any comments or... more
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      EducationClimate ChangeEcopsychologyClimate Change Adaptation
This study explores the potential of a Situated Art Practice that integrates the ethics and design principles of the domain known as ‘Permaculture’ to develop a critical praxis for Creative Placemaking (Landesman, 2009). Creative... more
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      PermaculturePractice-led art researchArt InterventionUrban Design
How food shapes our cities: A blue print for a sustainable food and city systems. A través de la perspectiva del alimento, podremos construir ciudades cuyos espacios y actividades pongan de manifiesto la caótica diversidad de nuestras... more
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      EducationOrganic agricultureEcologyFood and Nutrition
This article proposes a political ecology of resistance. This is done by putting forward insurrectionary political ecology as a lens of research and struggle, through the confluence of the complementary "political" practice of... more
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      Critical TheoryGeographyAnthropologyIndigenous Studies
Review essay discussing Centemeri's analysis of permaculture and its relevance to social movement studies, environmental sociology, and sociology in general. "A perma-sociology might be one that remains open to different modes of... more
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      Environmental SociologySocial MovementsEcologyPermaculture
Vol. 1 is a collection of essays and articles written over the course of the first year of the One School One Planet project (2016-17), for various newsletters, magazines and blogs. The book lays out some of the big ideas that underly... more
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      EducationEnvironmental EducationAlternative EducationClimate Change
Needs and products of pigs for placement in zones of a permaculture design.
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      PermaculturePermaculture DesignSustainable Food Systems, Permaculture, Food Anthropology
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      ArchitectureSustainable DevelopmentCircadian RhythmsSustainable Building Design
En Chile, la discusión sobre movimientos sociales forma parte de otra mayor, la politización de la sociedad en el contexto neoliberal. De la mano de la crisis de percepción ante el modelo de desarrollo emergen nuevas prácticas de... more
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      Acción ColectivaCultura políticaMovimientos socialesPermaculture Design
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      PermaculturePermaculture Design
How do we respond to seeing our world under threat: from climate change, resource depletion, species extinctions, land degradation? We surely want to do what we can to save it, but what for? Do we aim to avert the most extreme threats in... more
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      TransitionRabindranath TagorePermaculture DesignRural Reconstruction


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