Phoenician Punic Archaeology
Recent papers in Phoenician Punic Archaeology
A synthesis or recent finds and perpective at the opening of the 36th season of excavation of Sapienza University and the Superintendence of Trapani
This paper presents and discusses published and unpublished evidence on Carthage and its hinterland gathered throughout the last three-and-a-halve decades. Carthage initially appears as a copy of the typical Levantine sea-side city state,... more
A recent excavation in the Phoenician-Punic necropolis of Mount Sirai, located in the southwestern part of Sardinia, Italy, has brought to light a number of tombs contextually attributed to a period from the early 6 th to early 5 th... more
Renewed excavations by Rome "La Sapienza" University at Motya in the last ten years (2002-2011) provided a new set of archaeological data concerning the area of the so-called "kothon" and the nearby South Gate, with the identification of... more
quale si sovrappone oggi la moderna cittadina di Sant'Antioco, si conoscono solo brevi e circoscritti squarci che hanno permesso di identificare almeno in parte le caratteristiche salienti di uno dei siti fenici più antichi del... more The production and use of amphorae in the Phoenician world was a very important economic sector, both in the Levant and in all the areas colonized by the... more
The present study aims to show the effectiveness of a methodological procedure to estimate the volumetric capacity of archaeological ceramic vessels and the net and gross weights of their probable contents. This method can be easily... more
Reseña: El último libro publicado por Marisa Ruíz-Gálvez, profesora titular de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid desde 1989, trata en profundidad el contexto histórico que posibilitó el desarrollo y expansión de la denominada cultura... more
On se propose ici de présenter un intéressant objet en plomb, inédit jusqu'à présent, qui a été trouvé au cours des années 80 dans les alentours de la ville d'Ibiza, parait-il, non pas loin du site de Puig d'en Valls, qui est aussi très... more
In 391 B.C. political and territorial tensions between Greeks, Phoenicians and the Achaemenid empire exploded into combat off the south coast of Cyprus near the Cypro-Phoenician kingdom of Kition. To commemorate their naval victory King... more
The island of Sardinia has been of particular interest to geneticists for decades. The current model for Sardinia’s genetic history describes the island as harboring a founder population that was established largely from the Neolithic... more
This paper analyzes the relation between the Numido-Mauretanian elites’ self-representation and various Mediterranean influences by discussing three theoretical models – ‘punicization’, ‘hellenization’ and ‘romanization’ – that keep... more
The paper focuses on seven unpublished ceramic incense-burners found off the coastal area of La Caleta, close to the northwestern part of the present-day city of Cadiz. The items were granted to the Museo Historico Municipal of San... more
Edited by Roald Docter, Ridha Boussoffara & Pieter ter Keurs Carthage is mainly known as the city that was utterly destroyed by the Romans in 146 BC. This book tells the story about this fascinating city, which for centuries was... more
Nuestra investigación sobre la historia de la arqueologia en Marruecos y, concretamente, sobre la urbanización nos ha permitido plantear una sèrie de cuestiones acerca de la romanización y el estado de la investigación en Marruecos en el... more
"The present paper pretends to be an approach to the Phoenician’s social implementations mechanism in the Iberian Peninsula area. Through the study of the initiatives taken by the temples and the aristocracy in their interaction with... more
Fort Sancti Spiritus was established at the mouth of the Carcañá River by Sebastián Gaboto in 1527. Its general location in Puerto Gaboto and the delimitation 9 Recuperación y puesta en valor del fuerte Sancti Spiritus, un asentamiento... more
A. short introduction to the Colloquium "Insularidad, îléité e insularización en el Mediterráneo fenicio y púnico (Ibiza, 2017)
Digital edition of this phoenician inscription from Carthage, discovered in Marseilles in 1844, which describes sacrificial regulations. De Saulcy gives comparisons with vetero-testamentary prescriptions. Édition digitale annotée de... more
Esta publicación se ha beneficiado de las siguientes ayudas para su financiación:
ABSTRACT: The following 83 questions follow the documentary (no.7), National Geographic, Quest for the Phoenicians (55 minutes). It is a good documentary detailing diverse aspects of the heritage and achievements of the Phoenicians: WEB... more
En aquest article es pretén tractar de l’estat actual del coneixement del jaciment de sa Cala dins d’una perspectiva més àmplia de l’arqueologia a Formentera, des del seu inici i el desenvolupament fins avui.