Promoting Information Literacy I Via Academic Libraries
Recent papers in Promoting Information Literacy I Via Academic Libraries
Ο πληροφοριακός γραμματισμός (ή πληροφοριακή παιδεία) θεωρείται βασικό στοιχείο της σύγχρονης κοινωνίας της πληροφορίας. Τα μέλη της για να επιβιώσουν και να συνεισφέρουν σε αυτή θα πρέπει να είναι ικανά να αναγνωρίσουν την ανάγκη τους... more
This is a 2 week course designed to integrate information literacy education into the curriculum to improve student research. The course will introduce students to the Art Library and its services and resources. It will also introduce... more
Il ricorso sempre più diffuso alla rete come strumento di ricerca da parte di studenti e ricercatori pone problemi di valutazione della qualità e dell’autorevolezza delle informazioni disponibili sul Web. L’articolo presenta un approccio... more
A step-by-step list of criteria by which introductory information literacy with academic library resources (primarily print, but also digital/online resources) may be evaluated.
DOTTRINA= lat. doctrina, tema di doctus, p. p. di docere (insegnare) ambito giuridico: dottrina è l'insieme del sapere e della speculazione teorica proveniente dagli studiosi del diritto, ossia l'insieme di opinioni, giudizi e... more
This study aimed to investigate the information literacy skills of LIS students in Punjab University and Sargodha University; to discover strengths and weaknesses of the LIS students of both schools regarding IL skills; to ascertain... more
Objective: Students will enhance their information literacy skills (ability to determine the validity, currency, and appropriateness) relative to web resources
Courses: Professional Writing, Academic Writing, Introduction to Communication
Courses: Professional Writing, Academic Writing, Introduction to Communication
Trata-se dos resultados da dissertação de mestrado em Ciência da Informação, cujo objetivo foi identificar e mapear os níveis de incorporação da competência informacional nas bibliotecas universitárias de Moçambique, decorrente da... more
This study intended to evaluate the service of Information Literacy Programs (ILP) as provided by the Riphah International University. Information literacy is an effective way to improve the interest of students towards the better use of... more
The opportunities for implementing information literacy programmes in public libraries is explored in this paper. This paper reviews the status of information literacy programmes in three public libraries in Visakhapatnam, India and also... more
Refereed paper. Presented at Australian Library and Information Association Conference, Alice Springs, 2008. In 2006, a new postgraduate course in Indigenous Arts Management was offered by the Wilin Centre for Indigenous Arts and... more
A material realized for promoting the field STEM in school
Abstrak Literasi informasi adalah kemampuan terintegrasi mencakup penemuan informasi secara reflektif, pemahaman tentang produksi dan penilaian informasi, dan penggunaan informasi untuk menciptakan pengetahuan baru dan berpartisipasi... more Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to define the place and the role of the Information Literacy teaching courses organized at academic libraries to instruct the students... more
An English professor based her research-writing course around the topic "Solving a Community Problem," allowing students to conceive the term "community" broadly. She and a campus-based research librarian employed the concept of... more
L’immensa offerta di informazioni su internet è un notevole vantaggio per l’utente, perché gli consente – solo in teoria – di ottenere tutto ciò di cui ha bisogno per soddisfare i propri bisogni informativi e di farlo in tempi molto più... more
A short biography of Professor Jassim M. Jirjees
Normativa, giurisprudenza, dottrina: come citare i documenti nella tesi di laurea in Giurisprudenza @UNIPR
Preservation of historical and valuable collections is a critical issue in the management of large academic libraries. Digitization offers solutions to the preservation and increased access to such valuable collections. The paper is a... more
Asked to edit and critically review the exchange between philosopher Rafael Capurro and Linda Treude on the concept of information, the below linked document presents the final version of the exchange, including my contributions to copy... more
American Psychological Association Style (APA) 5th and 6th ed. In-Text Citations and Reference Lists power point presentation to Pwani University Library Staff during the Commission of University Education Quality Audit and Alignment to... more
Active Learning in, through, and beyond the University Library and Classroom - an accepted workshop proposal for the Oct. 10-11, 2014 International Conference on Information Literacy at Georgia Southern University, in Savannah. Two... more
This work offers a proposal for the design and implementation of a course on information literacy for all students enrolled in the 1st course of all degrees of Universidad Pablo de Olavide, (Spain). The teaching model for this course is... more
This paper describes a 19-year bibliometric dimensions and characteristics of the Journal of Bhutan Studies (JBS), from the earliest available data in 1999, to 2017. The result of the bibliometric analysis is based on two methodologies,... more
Information Literacy is receiving increasing attention among Indian professional practice with emergence of electronic resources and digitization activities in libraries. As early as 1970's User instruction existed in Indian... more
The application of new technologies and the acquisition of new sources and methods of information dissemination, as well as the provision of libraries services, requires the special education of the users in order to take advantage of... more
The application of new technologies and the acquisition of new sources and methods of information dissemination, as well as the provision of libraries services, requires the special education of the users in order to take advantage of... more
Social networks are now a crucial part of today's way of life. Academic conferences is another chapter, that give people the opportunity to explore new ideas and share them with the scientific world. Blending those two factors... more
The paper attempts to develop an information literacy model for the problem based learning (PBL) process. For developing a suitable IL model, the study used the PBL process practiced at the Faculty of Health-Care Sciences of Eastern... more
Contributions from my work in the origens and history of Information Ethics have been designated as illustrative to the field by the founder/director of ICIE and the editor in chief of the International Review of Information Ethics,... more
Information Literacy is receiving increasing attention among Indian professional practice with emergence of electronic resources and digitization activities in libraries. As early as 1970’s User instruction existed in Indian... more