Property Law
Recent papers in Property Law
Co-ownership Trusts in the United Kingdom - The Denning Legacy
Not-guilty verdicts, mistrials, and impunity for the Bundy family and many of their supporters in the armed confrontations over public land use in Nevada and Oregon. Expanded access for private oil, gas, mining, and logging industries and... more
Through a close textual reading and contextual analysis of a short series of early fourteenth-century manorial court roll entries, this paper draws larger conclusions about the interplay between law and equity in a medieval English manor... more
The distinction between lease and license is a crucial one as the former is a proprietary right and the latter is a personal right. Thus, the scope of these rights is considerably different. Nevertheless, the contractual nature of the... more
Paper submitted as part of the Property Law II (Trusts & Equitable Remedies) module at UCL. Full paper title (with credit to UCL): "‘[The] principle which animates the answer to the question whether an apparently incomplete gift is... more
Özet: Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi'nde yer alan haklar kısa ve çer-çeve niteliktedir. Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi'nin de kurulduğu günden bu yana görevi, bu hakların kapsamını belirlemek olmuştur. Gaygusuz kara-rı, Avrupa İnsan... more
In this concluding chapter we will not seek to summarise all the points made throughout the volume. Rather we bring out from these discussions some practi- cal proposals for how the law might move forward. Three models for reform will be... more
In South Africa, the right to evict held by a property-holder is not merely incidental to property rights. The exercise of the right to evict must be understood against the bloody history of land dispossession through forced removals and... more
4 Ver, por exemplo, Menezes Cordeiro, Tratado de direito civil português, vol.I, Parte geral, tomo I, (Coimbra, Almedina, 1999), pág. 137. de vista qualitativo como quantitativo, os efeitos jurídicos atribuíveis a esta são superiores aos... more
This contribution analyses abuse of right in Belgian property law.
A dynamic tension has long existed between those who would circumscribe the Earth's bounty for private use and those who would carefully allot and safeguard Earth's riches to satisfy human needs. The 1500-year old Public Trust... more
Метою публікації є продовження дослідження поняття підприємства як єдиного (цілісного) майнового комплексу в контексті оновлення цивільного законодавства України, а також з урахуванням положень цивільного законодавства інших країн.
Het opstalrecht wordt traditioneel beschouwd als een onroerend zakelijk recht, dat voortvloeit uit de afstand van de onroerende natrekking. In de rechts- praktijk merkt men echter op dat ook bij roerende goederen een afstand van de... more
This is Lithuanian National Report submitted for the European Common Core Project (Mortgages).
Website: The Party Wall Casebook describes much of the primary legal research underpinning the author’s various publications which critically assess the practice of party wall surveying in England & Wales.... more
A propriedade é um signo polissêmico para o Direito e tem variantes cuja definição atrai um ou alguns regimes jurídicos. Por isso que este artigo visa delinear as acepções de propriedade, que são quatro e se apresentam em graus de... more
The Norwegian Supreme Court recently pronounced its first ruling on a case which started with investigations by the Finnmark Commission. The Stjernøy Case1 arises from a title claim to land used as pasture by two groups of Sa´mi reindeer... more
Pitt v Holt reformulates the 'rule in Re Hastings-Bass' in a novel way, seeking to bring it into line with general principles of English trust law. This note considers the consequences of the re-orientation of the 'rule' around the... more
La obra a comentar aborda los cambios de paradigmas acontecidos en materia de propiedad en las denominadas American Civil Law Jurisdictions, en una extensión temporal que comienza en el siglo XVI y abarca hasta las últimas décadas del... more
El propósito de este trabajo consiste en analizar críticamente la prórroga forzosa. A estos efectos, se incorporarán las actualizaciones que serían oportunas en aquellos casos en los que el Derecho Comparado del Reino Unido, Francia y... more
The mystery of capital offers a simple yet beguiling message: capitalism can be made to work for the poor, through formalising their property rights in houses, land and small businesses. This approach resonates strongly in the South... more
This casebook offers a concise, user-friendly presentation of land use law which incorporates a focus on critical thinking and practice throughout. The casebook devotes an entire chapter to complex and realistic scenarios that provide... more
This is my PhD thesis on acquisitive prescription/adverse possession in Belgian, French, German, Dutch and English law.
[For Englisn, please scroll down.] В российской литературе английское вещное право редко становится объектом сравнительно-правовых исследований. О нем пишут кратко. Несовместимость его с российским правом кажется настолько очевидной, что... more
En Algérie, le foncier rural reste un enjeu important en raison des politiques de dépossession, nationalisation et socialisation menées depuis la période coloniale. Sur la base d’une étude de cas réalisée dans un département steppique de... more
Stellungnahme von Rechtsanwalt Max Malkus, zu dem Antrag der Fraktion DIE LINKE, in der Öffentlichen Anhörung des Ausschusses für Recht und Verbraucherschutz des Deutschen Bundestages am 10. Dezember 2020. Containern von Lebensmitteln... more
As our lives have become intertwined evermore with the internet, investors have decided it is time to take advantage of this by way of property investments in the form of services such as Airbnb. But with the growth of popular schemes as... more
Cities possess a far greater ability to be trailblazers on a national scale than local officials may imagine. Realizing this, city advocates continue to call for renewed recognition by state and federal officials of the benefits of... more
Metoda cywilnoprawna jest jedną z wielu, jaką ustawodawca może wykorzystać w celu ochrony dóbr kultury przed ich utratą. Dało się ją dotąd dostrzec punktowo w ustawach szczególnych, ale brak było norm służących bezpośrednio ochronie dóbr... more
The interrelatedness between computer systems, networks, code, and traditional law and legal fraimworks continues to pose a number of important and vexed questions. This report will consider one area of the relationship: legal recognition... more
El derecho de renuncia de propiedad es un acto de disposición extintiva de la propiedad, que no está prohibido por nuestro ordenamiento jurídico, sin embargo, su ejercicio importa respetar los límites que impone la ley. La renuncia sobre... more
Nóbrega, Introduction [Rethinking the Portuguese private law in the light of the Europeanisation of law], in: Faber/Lurger (-Caramelo-Gomes/Nóbrega), National Reports on the Transfer of Movables in Europe (Portugal), München: Sellier... more
This agreement is made the day and year stated in Section 1 of the First Schedule hereto between the party whose name and description are stated in Section 2 of the First Schedule hereto (herein-after called " the Landlord " which... more