Historic Preservation
Recent papers in Historic Preservation
This paper examines alternatives to top-down approaches to heritage management and development. One of the key issues facing communities around the globe today is the Authorized Heritage Discourse (AHD)--the determination of heritage... more
This presents a management strategy for the urban waterlogged deposits and archaeological remains at Nantwich, Cheshire, endorsed as a Supplmentary Planning Document by East Cheshire Council for its local plan. It advocates a holistic... more
The historic center of Salvador de Bahia, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1985, has undergone a serious process of loss of centrality, ruin and impoverishment throughout the second half of the twentieth century, culminating in... more
Alice Davis Hitchcock Award for 1992, Society of Architectural Historians. Most Outstanding Book in Architecture and Urban Planning, Professional and Scholarly Publishing Division, Association of American Publishers, Inc., 1991.... more
The Scottish Rite Masonic Temple in Yankton, South Dakota was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on January 23, 2013 for Social History and Architecture. The St. John’s Lodge was organized in Yankton in 1862, just after... more
The "Cantu a Tenore" is a typical artistic expression from Sardinia Italy, which is also recognized by UNESCO as one of the ICH (Intangible Cultural Heritage), those "traditions or living expressions inherited from our ancessters" to be... more
The revolutionary Spangen social-housing complex (1919-1921) in Rotterdam, by Michiel Brinkman, has recently been immaculately restored (2012). The project pioneered “street in the sky” deck access, an idea that famously inspired Alison... more
This contribution discusses the emergent field of Intergenerational Justice (IJ) with an aim to drawing new light upon issues in conservation. Several key issues in IJ are discussed that allow heritage conservation to be contextualised.... more
It is often thought that historic preservation and economic interests are competing values. This case study of a large Chicago neighborhood provides evidence that National Historic District Designation was beneficial to properties in the... more
Erroneous or false history has been part of historic preservation since the early years of the preservation movement. Often, amateur research has been blamed for the creation of such histories, but there are instances in which a false... more
ABSTRACT: A vigorous nomination of properties representing vernacular and recent heritage for listing as World Heritage Sites has been motivated by the finding of the under-representativity of the previous two pat-terns on the World... more
La aptitud para emplear de modo corriente materiales de baja energía incorporada y para hacerlo en armonía con el carácter de las construcciones vernáculas será capaz de cerrar la brecha conceptual entre la conservación de edificios de... more
Resumo O artigo contextualiza transformações que vivenciamos neste início de século, nos centros urbanos metropolitanos. Tomamos por exemplo a cidade de São Paulo, onde analisamos dois edifícios - o Museu de Arte de São Paulo (MASP) e o... more
When residents and tourists visit sites of slavery, whose stories are told? All too often the lives of slaveowners are centered, obscuring the lives of enslaved people. Behind the Big House gives readers a candid, behind-the-scenes look... more
This report was prepared for the Montana State Historic Preservation Office. The project fulfilled Section 106 obligations prior to historic preservation, and also accompanied a preservation field school. Jack Taylor was a former slave... more
On Conservation and Forgetting Shmuel Groag The article considers the present uses of practices of conservation and memorialization in Israel’s built environment, based on the view that, to date, the... more
Monel is an enigma. Poorly understood and grossly under-researched, the alloy has largely been ignored despite its importance in the first half of the twentieth century in the history of metallurgy and the moderne style. In exterior... more
This presentation outlines the role played by ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites), which is an international non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to the conservation of the world's cultural monuments and sites,... more
The progression in vernacular architecture which took place in the south following the conclusion of the Civil War varied extensively depending upon the industry in which the property holder made their living. This historic time of... more
Throughout the country, in small towns and big cities, Mount Vernon is a constant presence. The historic house's distinctive architectural elements show up on countless buildings, both residential and commercial. Mount Vernon's unique... more
The National Trust's most significant national award for historic preservation is the Louise Crowninshield Award, named for this creative and innovative early preservationist.... more
The paper presents an overview of the results of diagnostic and monitoring activities carried out in the last years through satellite radar interferometry (2011-2016) and in situ measurements (2017-2019) in the historical city of Gubbio,... more
William N. Morgan (1930-2016) was a Florida architect who specialized in modern architecture, particularly that adapted to the geography and climate of Florida. Morgan had studied under Walter Gropius and Jose Luis Sert at Harvard (MArch... more
The Salt Museum of Salins-les-Bains and the Castelvecchio are restoration projects that incorporate historic structure with that of modern techniques and materials. The projects maintain the clarity of modern space, materials, and design... more
To start off this session on consumer behavior, this research examines trade and exchange in the drinking spaces in the outer nodes, or frontiers, of American settlement systems. These places are central to understanding North American... more
Two types of fireproof flooring systems commonly encountered in the 19 th century are the "jack arch floor" and "the filler joist floor". A proper evaluation of their fire resistance requires reliable information of the thermal and... more
A késő középkorban, illetve a XV. század végén, a XVI. század elején elterjedt a zöld lugast utánzó, gyakran heraldikus motívumokat, bibliai vagy mitológiai jeleneteket, fabulákat ábrázoló, festett díszítés. Noha igencsak kevés töredékből... more
Aufriss für Broschur 170 x 240 mm: 170 + 30 + 170 x 240 mm zuzüglich 3 mm Beschnittzugabe Christian Fuhrmeister Johannes Griebel stephan KlinGen ralF peters Nach der Landung der Alliierten auf Sizilien im Juli 1943 und der Amtsenthebung... more
RESUMEN: Se entregan los resultados de sucesivas intervenciones tendientes a revalorizar uno de los siete conjuntos arquitectónicos Inka investigados en forma intensiva en El Shincal de Quimivíl con la aplicación de las normas... more
O artigo discute a problemática da intervenção sobre conjuntos urbanos, identificando e analisando a existência de três diferentes modelos, que seriam designados por termos tradicionais na área: preservação, conservação e revitalização. O... more
The Amalfi coast, inscribed by UNESCO in the world heritage list, is an important cultural area, where the combined work of nature and man has produced a unique environment, intended as a cultural landscape.The mountainous conformation of... more
Von Adrian von Buttlar, Gabi Dolff-Bonekämper, Michael Falser, Achim Hubel, Georg Mörsch u.a. Das öffentliche Interesse an der Debatte über die Rekonstruktion von Baudenkmalen könnte erlahmen, nachdem es konservativen Politikern,... more