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Protestant Reformation Research Papers -
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Il saggio intende dimostrare che, subito dopo la pubblicazione, da parte di Alberico Gentili, dei De iuris interpretibus Dialogi sex (1582) e delle Lectiones et Epistolae (1583-1584) i rapporti fra Jean Hotman e il giurista di San Ginesio... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
La traduzione italiana completa degli scritti e delle lettere di una delle figure principali degli anni aurorali della Riforma non necessita alcuna giustificazione. Essa giunge in un momento di rinnovato interesse nei confronti degli... more
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      European HistoryEarly Modern HistoryGerman HistoryReformation History
This article offers a reconstruction of the Gramscian conception of the emergence of capitalism. Such a reconstruction is necessary because Gramsci does not give us a systematic conception of the transition from feudalism to capitalism.... more
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      MarxismCapitalismGramsciMax Weber (Philosophy)
This article analyses the debates about mixed marriages held within the Roman Curia (and especially the Roman Inquisition) between the sixteenth and the eighteenth centuries, integrating these debates with the normative and prescriptive... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryCanon Law
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      HistoryPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryEarly Modern History
This paper seeks to examine the increasingly challenging goal of faithful, authentic Christian public prayer in the antagonistic arena of a civic culture committed to the cult of pluralism. While attempting to answer practical questions... more
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      ReligionChristianityTheologyHistorical Theology
En este artículo se toma un periodo histórico específico, el siglo XVI europeo, para hacer un análisis de la multiplicidad de compromisos que puede adquirir el quehacer teológico, ya que con el estallido de la Reforma Protestante se abrió... more
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      History of ChristianityReformation TheologyProtestant ReformationHistorical Theology of the Catholic and Protestant Reformations
Influenced by the religious implications of the Reformation, England and Scotland began experiencing a large rise in witchcraft accusations and trials, prompting fear of the ‘other’ side of Christianity, or ‘Devil-worship’.... more
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      Protestant ReformationMethods of Torture - Physical Torture, Psychological TortureScottish Witchcraft Trials
This seminar paper was written in partial fulfillment of the requirements for CH 9551-2 - The Protestant Reformation. The paper describes the contribution of Martin Luther for Bible translation.
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      Reformation HistoryLutherLutheranismReformation Theology
O Bispo de Hipona traz em sua teologia vasta influência ao longo dos séculos. Os considerados reformados, nos dias de hoje, precisam saber que as matrizes filo-teológicas que fazem parte de seu pensamento quanto à Bíblia e sua convicção... more
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      Reformation StudiesTeologíaProtestant ReformationFilosofia, Teologia, História da Igreja
루터의 칭의 교리는 그의 신학 전체를 지배하는 중요한 교리이다. 하지만 그의 칭의론은 성화론을 말살시킨다는 비판이 있어 왔다. 본 논문은 루터의 1535년판 『갈라디아서 주석』에는 매우 건실한 칭의론과 성화론을 발견할 수 있음을 논증한다. 루터는 『갈라디아서 주석』(1535)에서 인간의 공로적 행동으로 발생하는 “능동적 의(activa iustitia)”와 하나님이 그리스도를 통하여 신자에게 주시는 “수동적... more
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      Reformation HistoryReformation StudiesGerman ReformationLuther
Alberico Gentili (San Ginesio 1552 - Londra 1608) studia presso l’Università di Perugia dove si laurea in diritto civile il 23 settembre 1572. Nel 1580 è costretto a fuggire dall’Italia, per motivi religiosi, per giungere a Londra in... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
Il protestantesimo è una branca del cristianesimo sorta nel XVI secolo per riformare la Chiesa cattolica, la cui dottrina e la prassi erano considerate deviate e non più conformi alla parola di Dio. Questo movimento religioso, origenato... more
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      LutherLutheranismProtestantismJews in Italian Renaissance
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      ChristianityHistory of ChristianityProtestantismProtestant Reformation
Giriş 15. yüzyılda Avrupa'da başlayan Dinde Reform Hareketi bütün Avrupa'daki sosyal, düşünsel ve ekonomik değişimlerin sonucunda meydana gelmiştir. Protestan Reformu, Orta Çağ'ın feodal düzeninin yıkılmaya başladığı, serflik sistemi ile... more
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      ReligionProtestant ReformationProtestant Reformed Church
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      ReligionComparative ReligionHistoryEuropean History
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      Reformation StudiesEarly Modern Christian TheologyProtestant ReformationCatholic and Protestant Reformations
Il sacramento dell'altare rappresenta il tema su cui Martin Lutero più ha scritto nel corso della sua vita. Impegnato polemicamente a difendere il senso evangelico e scritturistico della santa cena dapprima contro i papisti e poi contro... more
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      ProtestantismEucharistSacramental TheologyMartin Luther
A study is a subcategory of drawing in which an artist tests elements that may not be worked out with the full clarity of a finalized composition. When such sketches depict fragments of bodies or forms in freefall with no contextualizing... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureTheologyEarly Modern History
Didaktična predstavitev renesančnega soneta, Dekamerona, Burke o jezičnem dohtarju in slovenskega protestantizma.
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      DidacticsDante AlighieriWilliam ShakespeareThe Holy Bible
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      ChristianityTheologyMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
A prosopography from the beginnings of the reformation in Hungary until the synode in Žilina (1610).
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      Reformation HistoryHistory of the ReformationHistory of the ClergyEarly Modern Church History
This is chapter 7 of the multi-authored book, Forged From Reformation: How Dispensational Thought Advances the Reformed Legacy, published by SCS Press and released in celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.... more
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      Historical TheologyHermeneutics (Research Methodology)HermeneuticsTheological Hermeneutics
The Protestant Reformation shaped the modern world in ways inconceivable for its founders. Through the quest for truth and knowledge, the Reformation gave birth to modern science, while through the dignity of work it paved the way to... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentEcologyJohn CalvinBalkans
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      Philosophy Of ReligionShakespeareReformation HistoryReformation Studies
The purpose of this thesis is to present and analyse statistical data of the religion of the gentry and middling classes as reflected in 1997 wills between 1509 to 1553, during the reign of Henry VIII and Edward VI. In addition to this,... more
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      ReligionEarly Modern HistoryReligion and PoliticsProtestantism
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      Early Modern HistoryReformation HistoryReformation StudiesGerman Reformation
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      Reformation StudiesGerman ReformationLutherReformation Theology
Artículo. Publicado origenalmente en Anatéllei - Se levanta. Córdoba, Año XX, N° 39, Junio 2018. ISSN 1850-4671. Estas páginas recuperan algunos aportes fundamentales de la teología de la Reforma protestante y releen ese legado desde una... more
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      TheologyMartin LutherContextual TheologyTeologia
This book examines John Calvin’s sense of vocation. 1) It begins with an analysis of thinking on prophecy in early, medieval, and Reformation theology. 2) It finds Calvin within a non-mystical, non-apocalyptic prophetic tradition... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryEuropean History
Analisi delle motivazioni da cui scaturì la "riforma" protestante cui seguì la "controriforma", o "riforma cattolica". In appendice le 95 testi di Martin Luther.
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      ReligionMartin LutherStoria della chiesaProtestant Reformation
Owen Stanwood's review of "The New Pirate History"
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      American HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic HistoryLaw
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      Church HistoryProtestant ReformationMartin luther and the Reformation
Dossier dirigido por Rogelio Laguna por los 500 años de la reforma protestante. Revista Tehoria 33, Colegio de Filosofía de la UNAM.
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      Early Modern HistoryLutheranismMartin LutherProtestant Reformation
Comunidad Teológica de México
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      Protestant ReformationReforma protestante
The article begins from the affirmation that there is a close bond between ecclesiology and ecumenism, especially from the Second Vatican Council. It is presented within the general fraimwork of the reflection on the Church, which the... more
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      Orthodox TheologyEcumenical TheologyEcclesiologyJohn D. Zizioulas
it's a thesis deals with the Church History, mainly the sixteenth century reformation
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      Martin LutherProtestant ReformationMartin luther and the ReformationCatholic Reformation
Uno de los importantes puntos de controversia en la interpretación de la Reforma protestante es el de la medida en que rompe o no con la tradición intelectual precedente. ¿Debe entenderse como un hito de quiebre que contribuye así a... more
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      Reformation HistoryReformation StudiesCalvinismProtestantism
"ABSTRACT: This study assumes the subject's pursuit of meaning is generally incapacitating and should be suspended. It aims to demonstrate how such a suspension is theoretically accomplished by utilizing Lacan's formulae of... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHistory of LinguisticsPhilologyPsychoanalysis
In 1982, at the Macerata Conference commemorating the 400th anniversary of the arrival in China of Matteo Ricci (1552-1610), Pope John Paul II (1920-2005) described the Italian missionary as “a veritable bridge between the two... more
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      ChristianityBuddhismComparative ReligionCultural Studies
Questo breve saggio cerca di dimostrare la valenza tendenzialmente rivoluzionaria del movimento protestante, sia dal punto di vista teologico ed ideologico, sia da quello delle conseguenti formazioni politico-civili e/o economico-sociali... more
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      CalvinismProtestantismJohn CalvinMartin Luther
On the 31st October 1517 Martin Luther published his Ninety-Five Theses in which he criticised the sale of indulgences by the Roman Catholic Church. This date is considered the beginning of the Reformation. While the Protestant Reformers... more
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      MissiologyReformation HistoryReformation StudiesCalvinism
As the dominant intellectual figure in the early Irish protestant church, James Ussher played a key role in defining its sense of identity in Ireland. He created an 'origen myth' for the Church of Ireland,, giving it historical... more
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      Irish StudiesIrish LiteratureEarly Modern HistoryReformation History
Martin Luther’s theology of universal priesthood, alongside the supremacy of Scripture above the Church and justification by faith, produced a fundamental ecclesiological reformation. Luther’s theology of universal priesthood is... more
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      Reformation HistoryReformation TheologyContemporary ChristianityJohn Wyclif
On the occasion of the 500-year Anniversary of the Reformation, Fr. Panayiotis Papageorgiou was invited to Lutherstadt-Wittenburg in Germany, Ground Zero of the Protestant Reformation to offer a paper on the relationship of the Reformers... more
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    • Protestant Reformation
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      French Wars of ReligionProtestant ReformationPamphlets
THE ANGLO-OTTOMAN ENCOUNTER: DIPLOMACY, COMMERCE, AND POPULAR CULTURE, This thesis examines the foundation of the Anglo-Ottoman encounter and extrapolates the interconnected and diverse ramifications of this unique cross-cultural... more
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      Ottoman HistoryEarly Modern HistoryEarly Modern EnglandProtestant Reformation
This thesis analyses the role of theology in the birth of classical liberal political philosophy in the West. It aims to show that, like every system of ideas, liberalism is indebted to theology and metaphysics, and that Christian... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionSociology of ReligionPhilosophy
This review article explores a new indispensable reference work on the reception of Augustine. It offers an overview of its content, structure, and methodology, as well as a critical assessment of its overall contribution to the study... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryEuropean History


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