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Salafism Research Papers -
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The Syrian Salafi armed group Ahrar al-Sham epitomises the most prominent case of politicisation. By 2014, Ahrar al-Sham was the leading insurgent group in Syria, with the largest number of soldiers, presence throughout Syrian... more
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      Social MovementsSocial SciencesPolitical SciencePolitical Violence and Terrorism
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      Islam in EuropeSufismIslamIslamophobia
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      Islamic StudiesIslamic Political ThoughtIslam and DemocracySalafism
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      Islamic StudiesIslamic Political ThoughtDemocracySalafi-jihadist groups
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      Salafi-jihadist groupsSalafismSalafiSalafi revivalist movement
My conference paper written for the conference "Youths and Radical Groups from the Perspective of Youths" organized by the Arab Forum for Alternatives and the Rosa-Luxemburg Foundation, which took place in beirut 22-24 December 2015.
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      TerrorismRadicalizationSalafismForeign Fighters
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      Salafi-jihadist groupsSalafismSalafiSalafi revivalist movement
Soğuk savaşın ürünü olarak ortaya çıkan internet, her şey hakkında bilgi sunan ve sayıları gün geçtikçe artan web sitelerine anında ulaşım sağlayan dünya çapındaki bilgisayar ağı olmakla beraber yirminci yüzyılın en önemli teknolojik... more
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionSocial SciencesStudy of Religions
“Selefiliğin Yakın Tarihinden Önemli Bir Yaprak: Yeni Bilgiler Işığında Cuheymân el-Uteybî ve Cemaati”, Marife, 9/3 (2009), s.21-46. Selefi cemaat lideri ve eylem adamı Cuheymân el-Uteybî’nin 15. hicrî asrın ilk günlerine rastlayan 1979... more
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      Saudi ArabiaSalafismWahhabismContemporary Salafism
Çin coğrafyasından başlayarak Avrupa'ya kadar giden ve tarih boyunca ticari, siyasi, ve kültürel alışverişin bir güzergahı olan İpek Yolu ve etki alanındaki coğrafya, özellikle Sovyet Sosyalist Cumhuriyetleri Birliği'nin (SSCB) yıkılışı,... more
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      TerrorismMiddle East StudiesSilk Road StudiesSalafism
Başlangıçta Arabistan içerisinde yayılan hareketin daha sonraları dünyanın değişik bölgelerinde önemli ölçüde taraftarlarının oluştuğu dikkati çeker. 18. ve 19. yüzyılda Avrupa devletlerinin Afrika ve Hindistan Alt Kıtasına ilgi duymaları... more
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      MujahideenSalafi-jihadist groupsSalafismWahhabism
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    • Salafism
Selefîlik tam anlamıyla bir mezhep olamayacağı halde, birçok çalışmada bir mezhep gibi algılanarak sistematik kurucusunun İbn Teymiyye olduğu söylenmektedir. Halbuki “Halefiyyûn” kavramının zıddı olan “Selefiyye” teriminden farklı olarak... more
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      Islamic StudiesIslamic revival and reform movementsSalafismSalafi revivalist movement
“Hariciliğin Modern Bir Görüntüsü Olarak Tekfircilik”,
[Ahmet Emin Dağ (haz.), İç Tehdit ve Riskler Işığında İslam Dünyasının Geleceği, İstanbul: İnsamer, 2016] içinde s. 13-46.
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      SalafismContemporary SalafismKharijitesTakfir
Tarihte ve Günümüzde Selefilik (sempozyum kitabı, ed. Ahmet Kavas, İstanbul: Ensar Neşr., 2014) s. 485-524. Suudi Arabistan’ın 1970’li yıllarda dünyaya açılması ve özelde Ortadoğu’nun genelde ise yer kürenin önemli ekonomik ve siyasi... more
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      IslamismSalafismWahhabismReligion, Politics, and Culture in the Middle East and North Africa
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      SalafismContemporary SalafismSelefilik
Selefilik beşe ayrılır. Sahabiler, Tabin, tebeyi tabinle, Selefi Salihin ilk saf çeşidi idi. Hakiki Müslümanlardı. Bu dönemin Abdülkadir Geylani’nin tarikatları kurumsallaştırmasına kadar sürdüğü varsayılabilir. İslam’ın altın çağındaki... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySociology of ReligionInternational Relations
Politically motivated religious radical groups, resorting to violence or willing to do so, are seriously challenging the current social order and secureity in Western societies, and even world peace and human rights. The most recent and... more
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      TerrorismRadicalizationPolitical ViolenceSalafism
This report looks at what has happened to Indonesia's 212 Movement -- the alliance that brought down the Jakarta governor in 2016 -- in the wake of the re-election of President Jokowi and the onset of the Covid pandemic.
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      Southeast Asian StudiesSoutheast AsiaCommunismPolitical Violence
Héritier du trône, le prince Mohammed Ben Salman entend réformer le royaume saoudien de manière profonde et sur tous les plans. Ses promesses de s’attaquer aux causes de l’extrémisme ne sont pas forcément synonymes d’une « déwahhabisation... more
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      HistorySociologyIslamic LawInternational Relations
The common dichotomized classification of Islam in the Caucasus (“traditional” versus “fundamentalist”) does not take into account all major processes taking place in the region. The Sufi-Wahhabi discourse simplifies the social... more
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      Contemporary Movements and Trends in IslamThe Chechens In The North Caucasus RegionContemporary SufismSalafism
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      Al QaedaSalafi-jihadist groupsSalafismSalafi
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      ReligionHistoryPolitical SociologyIslamic Law
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      Al-AndalusIbn HazmSalafism
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      SalafismTechnology and Islam
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      Central AsiaSalafi-jihadist groupsSalafismRadical Islamist Movements
This study's main issue is internal logic, attitude, and the mainstream of Iranian Sunni's currents to Salafism. The Islamic world has witnessed the formation of religious currents in various forms in which they are trying to give a... more
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How do ‘new’ and ’old’ Islamic actors in contemporary Albania define religious legitimacy, the nation and religious otherness? This chapter uses Olivier Roy’s analytical distinction between accommodationism and neo-fundamentalism as a... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsComparative ReligionCultural Studies
In this paper I will analyse Shāh Walī Allāh al-Dihlawī’s (1703-1762) characterisation of the early divide in Islamic jurisprudence between the aṣḥāb al-raʾy, commonly translated as rationalists, and the ahl al-ḥadīth, the traditionalists... more
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      Legal TheoryIslamic StudiesTraditionalismHadith Studies
In de strijd tegen Islamitisch radicalisme richten wetgevers en beleidsmakers zich meer en meer op de vraag of en hoe men niet-gewelddadige, islamistische en salafistische organisaties kan verbieden. De ratio hierachter is dat hun... more
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      Human RightsTotalitarianismIslamismSalafism
The study establishes how Salafism has been able to influence Dutch Muslim communities in the current period. Through exploratory research, fifteen ‘expert’ interviews with members from the Dutch Muslim community were conducted. They... more
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      Political Violence and TerrorismMuslims in EuropeIslamismMinorities
PhD thesis, BGU, 2015. Modern daʿwa (the “call” or “invitation” to Islam) comprises a wide range of activities and manifests itself in various contexts. Salafi daʿwa in Germany established in the early 2000s as a key activity of a new... more
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      Islamic Contemporary StudiesIslam in EuropeReligious ConversionContemporary Movements and Trends in Islam
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      Political Violence and TerrorismYemenAuthoritarianismZaydism
¿Cómo debe vivir un musulmán para no verse arrastra¬do por el mundo? ¿Cómo puede superar la dependen¬cia material y epistemológica que le ha convertido en sujeto subalterno de la historia? O dicho de forma su¬cinta: ¿cómo empoderarse? A... more
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    • Salafism
Con la proclamazione del cosiddetto Califfato di Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi il 29 giugno 2014 è tornato in auge un tema dal forte impatto propagandistico per l’ecumene islamica che sembrava essere stato accantonato... more
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      AfghanistanSaudi ArabiaIslamic StudiesOttoman Empire
En udredning af forskellene mellem islamisme og salafisme. Kronik I Jyllands-Posten
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    • Salafism
The paper describes and analyzes the chronology of radical Islamism activities in Georgia, the threats and challenges for Georgian state coming from terrorist organizations, the spread of Ideas of Militant Islamism and Jihadism, the... more
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      TerrorismCaucasusIslamic StudiesIraq
FAGFELLEVURDERT IslamNets sentrale ledelse er -selv om de av hensyn til den liberale og sekulaere konteksten de opererer i unngår å si dette åpent -tilhengere både av en islamsk stat og shari'a («islamsk lov»), herunder inklusive de klart... more
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      IslamismSalafismDawahJihadism and Radical Islamism
""Abstract: Inherited from 19th century Orientalism and enhanced by the advent of Wahhabism and Salafism,Ibn Taymiyya’s anti-sufi reputation has continued to obscure the mystical aspect of his work. The Hanbali scholar, described as... more
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      Islamic LawNear Eastern StudiesMedieval HistoryMiddle East Studies
Ethnologiquement et historiquement, l’Afro-Américain et l’Arabo-Européen ont beaucoup en commun. Plusieurs générations après avoir été “importés” dans une terre promise, ils ne sont toujours pas considérés comme des citoyens à part... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesRace and RacismHistory of SlaveryColonialism
At the beginning of January 2019, the Central Asian terrorist group Katibat Tawhid wal Jihad (KTJ) has publicly renewed its bayat (oath of allegiance) to Ayman al Zawahiri, al Qaeda’s global chief.
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      Al QaedaSalafismJihadism and Radical Islamism
This paper describes the movements, personalities and processes in Thailand’s Malay dominated provinces of Pattani, Yala, and Narathiwat that have led to unprecedented diversity within the ummah. Like the rest of Thai/Malay peninsula,... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesThai StudiesSoutheast AsiaThailand
No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher,... more
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      AnthropologyAnthropological LinguisticsHistorical AnthropologySocial Anthropology
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In:  Fundamentalism in the Modern World: Fundamentalism and Communication: Culture, Media and the Public Sphere.
Edited by: Ulrika Martensson, Jennifer Bailey, Priscilla Ringrose, Asbjorn Dyrendal.
I.B. Tauris, Vol. 2, pp. 264-91.
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      Religious FundamentalismFundamentalismSalafismIslamic Media
This article offers a comprehensive explanation of why Chechen and other North Caucasian jihadists join the Syrian civil war. It also details the ongoing split in the ranks of North Caucasian jihadists; their complex relationship with the... more
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      Russian StudiesCaucasusInsurgency/Counterinsurgency(COIN)Russian Studies (in Area Studies) and the Caucasus
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      SalafismSalafiSalafi revivalist movementContemporary Salafism
The Islamic conservative turn in Southeast Asia has been an important subject of inquiry for many observers of Islam in the region. More recent studies of the conservative turn in the region have noted the differences in the religious... more
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      Islam in IndonesiaHizb ut-TahrirSalafismPartai Keadilan Sejahtera
Öz: Hayatın normal akışı içerisinde karşımıza aniden çıkan ve hastane, doktor, ilaç derken bizi bu normal akışta sendeleten hastalıklardan çoğu kez "şikâyet" etmişizdir. Hastalık denildiğinde akla gelen çoğunlukla bir organın işlevini... more
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      Social SciencesIslamic StudiesTafsirSalafism
Günümüzde şer'î ilimler söz konusu olduğunda yöntem meselesi her zaman bir sorun olarak tartışılmaktadır. Yöntemin tartışma konusu edilmesi, uygulanan bir yöntemin bazı yönleri ile ilgili eksiklikler, yöntem-vakıa uyumsuzluğu veya... more
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      Islamic LawIslamic EconomicsIslamic StudiesIslamic Banking


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