Scientific Evidence
Recent papers in Scientific Evidence
Analisi di SIRA GROSSO SOMMARIO: 1. Contenuti generali e contenuti "penalistici" del provvedimento: dal rapporto tra linee guida e colpa grave nell'ambito della responsabilità penale del medico all'introduzione del divieto di vendita di... more
Disorientamenti giurisprudenziali e questioni aperte) 4 FIANDACA, Il giudice di fronte alle controversie tecnico-scientifiche. Il diritto e il processo penale, in Dir. & quest. pubb., 2005, 9. 5 Ibidem. 6 Cfr. S. FIORE, La teoria generale... more
The recent recognition by United Nations Educational, Scientifi c and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) of the Mediterranean diet as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity reinforces, together with the scientifi c evidence, the... more
The forensic scientific evidence is always warranted in criminal investigation and adjudication process. It has been considered as the evidence provided by God when the legal system becomes dark due to the dearth of other direct or... more
The weak and strong atheoretical theses. The two main problems of classical empiricism: inductive justification and inductive method. The one main problem of neoclassical empiricism: weak inductive justification (degree of confirmation).... more
Forensic science has existed for many decades without due attention being given to the important role of human cognition in forensic work. Without such attention, forensic examiners were believed to be objective and immune to bias. This... more
Impugnazioni -Revisione -Casi -Prova scientifica -Idoneità a determinare una diversa decisione -Valutazione del giudice -Parametri. C.p.p. art. 630
La sentenza Cozzini, pronunciata dalla Corte Suprema di Cassazione nel 2010, ha stabilito i principali requisiti di affidabilità delle informazioni rese dagli esperti (periti e consulenti) nel processo penale. Il presente articolo esamina... more
Qual peso devem ter as evidências científicas para tomar uma decisão legislativa? As dúvidas e di*culdades não resolvidas com o julgamento da ADI 5779 pelo STF ROBERTA SIMÕES NASCIMENTO 27/10/2021 05:29 No último dia 14 de outubro, o STF... more
Scientific evidence presents a problem for the courts: the subject-matter is often complex; the experts who present the evidence can be cherry picked and biased; and judges and juries are frequently unsure about how to weigh the evidence... more
RESUMEN. Este trabajo analiza el problema de la deferencia judicial en el ámbito de las pruebas cien-tíficas y apunta algunos elementos para su superación. Se sostiene en primer lugar que, especial-mente en el ámbito de las disciplinas... more
SAFETY FROM FALSE CONVICTIONS / Prof. Boaz Sangero – abstract This book provides readers with an exploration of ways to reduce the rate of false convictions in the criminal justice system. The criminal justice system should be seen as a... more
Dennett’s recent defense in this journal of the heterophenomenological method and its supposed advantages over Husserlian phenomenology is premised on his problematic account of the epistemological and ontological status of... more
The lie detector test has long been treated with suspicion by the law. Recently, several authors have called this suspicion into question. They argue that the lie detector test may have considerable forensic benefits, particularly if we... more
Using DNA comparisons, the Innocence Project has shown that people are occasionally convicted based on flawed forensic science evidence. A National Academy of Sciences (NAS) report determined many areas of forensic science lack sufficient... more
Se analiza la evidencia científica disponible sobre las recomendaciones nutricionales en las distintas etapas de la vida a través de 10 preguntas clave que se cuestionan alguno de los hechos más relevantes en cuanto a las modificaciones... more
With twentieth- and twenty-first-century philosophy of science’s unfolding acceptance of the nature of scientific inquiry being value-laden, the persistent worry has been that there are no means for legitimate negotiation of the social or... more
A popular law reform solution to the problem of scientific evidence is to enhance the gatekeeping function of the judge. This is typically to be done by training judges to apply a reliability test, i.e. a set of criteria for determining... more
The parsing of the WTO EC-Biotech is intended to raise substantive issues on the interface between science and law to the extent that the former is brought as legal evidence before courts. The paper contends that the Panel maintains a... more
Royal jelly is a secretion product of the cephalic glands of nurse bees that has been used for centuries for its extraordinary properties and health effects. This bibliographic study aims to review many of the scientific findings and... more
Dal dibattito su prova scientifica e prova comune sono scaturite due prospettive antitetiche. La prima muove dall’opportunità di far tesoro dell’attitudine critica e polifonica che la prova scientifica ha costretto a sviluppare,... more
Poor sanitation costs Uganda 389 billion Ugandan shillings each year, equivalent to US$177 million, according to a desk study carried out by The Water and Sanitation Program (WSP). This sum is the equivalent of US$5.5 per person in Uganda... more
Forensic evidence plays a critical role in court proceedings and the administration of justice. It is a powerful tool that can help convict the guilty and avoid wrongful conviction of the innocent. Unfortunately, flaws in forensic... more
This work is a product of the staff of The World Bank with external contributions. Note that The World Bank does not necessarily own each component of the content included in the work. The World Bank therefore does not warrant that the... more
This article describes parts of an unusually realistic experiment on the comprehension of expert testimony on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequencing in a criminal trial for robbery. Specifically, we examine how jurors who responded to... more
This was a handout for my law and economics module. This one tried to show how economic concepts could be applied to different types of evidence, specifically scientific evidence and the evidence from interrogational torture.
A group of nonscience forensic sciences has developed over the past century. These are fields within the broader forensic sciences that have little or no basis in actual science. They are not applications of established basic sciences,... more
Climate science is increasingly showing up in courtroom disputes over the duty to adapt to climate change. While judges play a critical role in evaluating scientific evidence, they are not apt to be familiar with the basic methods of... more
Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar el repertorio de entrada de los actuantes del curso bimodal, Práctica clínica basada en la evidencia, así como la evaluación final. Al inicio del curso, la población estuvo conformada por 23... more
If this paper interests you, you might also want to look at "The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth" (2008) and "The unity of Truth and the Plurality of Truths" (2005).
Poor sanitation costs Ghana 420 million Cedis each year, equivalent to US$290 million, according to a desk study carried out by the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP). This sum is the equivalent of US$12 per person in Ghana per year or... more
The change in the dependent patients of opiate who demand treatment at the present time, and the best knowledge in the neurobiology that underlies in the development of the addiction to opiate, has caused a consequent change in the models... more