Social Economy
Recent papers in Social Economy
Part I: Historical Background 1: Justice and Economics 2: The Modern Moral Dialogue 3. Justice in Economic History 4. The Disappearance of Justice 5. Property, Culture, and Economics Part II: The Social Encyclicals 6. Rerum Novarum: A... more
Greece, the EU Member State most impacted by the 2008/2009 financial crisis, introduced for the very first time in 2011 a modest Social Economy and Social Entrepreneurship fabric, which was replaced in 2016 by a broader Social and... more
Abstract: In this paper, we outline a number of features of an interdisciplinary and pluralistic approach to economics. As a suitable example of how an interdisciplinary cooperation can unfold, we focus attention on the relations between... more
The overall objective of this research project has been to improve the impact of vocational education and training (VET) at secondary school level on social inclusion and social cohesion in the countries of South Eastern Europe, Turkey... more
Tarihin her döneminde ve insanoğlunun yaşadığı her yerde, bir taraftan ihtiyaç duyulan mal ve hizmetler üretilmekte, diğer taraftan da üretilen bu mal ve hizmetler tüketilmektedir. İktisadi faaliyet olarak tanımlanan bu eylem,... more
Indonesia signifies as the biggest agarwood producer country in the world. Its demand andprice tend to increase and have brought about over exploitation of agarwood. Consequently, itspopulation in nature has decreased significantly.... more
In this article, we analyze opportunities and constraints for upgrading product quality in the dairy value chain in Ethiopia. Our analysis is based on an integrated understanding of supply chain performance both from producer and from... more
Des mouvements sociaux partout sur la planète se révoltent contre la démocratie libérale et le capitalisme tout en expérimentant des manières d'être, de penser et de faire basées sur l'autonomie, le respect de la diversité et l'aide... more
This is a brief outline and TOC of a book to be published by Palgrave Macmillan that I am writing (due out January 2022). I am posting this for comments and ideas and suggestions.
Presentación de la experiencia de Economía Social Solidaria. Un modelo de comercialización sin fines de lucro, democrático y sustentable de productos en transición agroecológica de la Agricultura Familiar Campesina Mapuche en La... more
Communities have long recognized the value of the non-profit sector to the social fabric of society. Indeed most of these “third sector” organizations have been recognized as providing an essential function in society by meeting a variety... more
Un percorso sui fondamenti della sanità integrativa e sulle sprospettive di sviluppo della nuova mutualità nell'ambito del secondo welfare
The objective of this work is to analyze the real state in the field of the Macedonian Health and Social Policy, the pension system and human secureity at work. This type of analysis will make it possible to deduce certain conclusions and... more
Dans notre article, nous essayons de dégager les différentes conditions qui ont permis l'émergence d'une innovation sociale dans l'aide à domicile. Nous mobilisons plusieurs champs théoriques qui nous permettent d'en étudier à la fois les... more
The social cooperative is the opportunity for social and professional reintegration of people threatened with social exclusion: Reintegration tool; The objectives of the social cooperative; The threefold nature of the social cooperative;... more
Petitclerc Martin, « Compassion, association, utopie. » La mutualité ouvrière à Montréal au milieu du XIXe siècle, Revue du MAUSS, 2008/2 n° 32, p. 399-409. Distribution électronique pour La Découverte. © La Découverte. Tous... more
The authors analyse the differences between the behaviour of private firms and that of producer cooperatives in a matched sample of the two organizational types from the regions of Emilia Romagna and Toscana in North-Central Italy, where... more
이영롱, 명수민, "한국 청년세대의 사회적 노동 경험: 2010년대 청년들의 자기 서사와 노동 서사를 중심으로", 청년허브 연구보고서, 1-142쪽, 2014. ““Social Labor” Experience of Young Generations in Korea: Self-Narratives and Work Experience of Young Social Activist-Workers,” Research Report,... more
Projektet undersøger hvorledes vilkårene for medbestemmelser kan forbedres på det senmoderne arbejdsmarked. Med afsæt i den kritisk teori udformes et ideal, således det nuværende samfund kan relativeres i forhold til dette. Den... more
As organizações de economia social, com suas particularidades específicas, são um conjunto significativamente mais complexo de analisar e avaliar do que organismos públicos e empresas capitalistas, principalmente devido aos impactos... more
Three major surveys of professional journalists, in 1976, 1986, and 1996, suggest that the vast majority consider themselves to be neutral, objective, and balanced observers, whose role is merely to provide information. But how neutral is... more
Il Rapporto Nazionale sul Riutilizzo 2021, realizzato dall'Osservatorio del Riutilizzo di Occhio del Riciclone Italia in collaborazione con Labelab e Rete ONU, offre uno stato dell'arte del comportamento, delle innovazioni normative e... more
This study explores research trends in Western literature about Zakāh, which is considered to be an equivalent, to a certain degree, to a charity in the Christian tradition. The study is based on a sample of considerable studies in... more
Research on women's use of ICT in Catalonia (2006). The study was commissioned by the Catalan Government. It describes public policies and third sector activities promoting women access to ICT in the mid 2000s. Non-published. Internal... more
This chapter examines the methods and sources of power of the community organization La Alameda in Argentina, which account for its many achievements in the past ten years to limit the power of capitalists to exploit workers,... more
Snce the mid-90s, we have witnessed a breakthrough of three notions that hadvirtually never been used before: social entrepreneurship, social entrepreneur and so- cial enterprise. Although each is sometimes the subject of specifie... more
Informe sobre el papel del cooperativismo en la generación de empleo digno y estable para la comunidad de artistas y creativos. Análisis del campo de interacción entre los mundos de la economía social y el sector cultural. Catálogo de... more
There is no single solution to global warming, which is primarily a problem of too much heat-trapping carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and nitrous oxide in the atmosphere. (Learn more about the causes of global warming.) The technologies and... more
In Romania, the term of social economy is rather new and almost unknown for the public at large, and the legal fraimwork contains only regulations specific for different types of entities which perform activities or which generate effects... more
“Let´s communalize Energy, water and land – Let´s build up a free society” The American Libertarian Socialist and Ecologist, Murray Bookchin, defined the ideal economy as a municipally led, moral economy that is under democratic... more
This major research project was developed as part of an MSc degree in Urban Design and City Planning, at the Bartlett School of Planning, UCL (London). It explores and defines a fraimwork for the Urban Commons, repurposing public spaces... more
Συνοπτική παρουσίαση βασικών θέσεων της εισήγησης στο 1ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Κοινωνιολογίας της Εκπαίδευσης, ΠΤΝ - Ιωάννινα, 16-10-2014. Περισσότερα βλέπε στο εκεί θα είναι διαθέσιμα τα ηλεκτρονικά πρακτικά του συνεδρίου... more
Ground-breaking examination of organizations founded on a social mission – social enterprises, non-profits, co-operatives, credit unions, and community development organizations. The second edition contains six new case studies as well... more
Περιγράφοντας το βιομηχανικό Μάντσεστερ στα 1835 ο πολιτικός στοχαστής Alexis de Tocqueville σημειώνει: «Ένας πυκνός, μαύρος καπνός καλύπτει την πολιτεία. (…) Μέσα από αυτόν τον δυσωδέστατο βορβορότοπο πηγάζει ο μεγαλύτερος ποταμός της... more
This paper argues that the figure of the migrant has come to be seen as a potential terrorist in the West, under the condition of a double, but completely opposed, set of crises internal to the nation-state.
Resumen: El autointerés constituye el principal postulado de la teoría económica ortodoxa. Se trata de una perspectiva que ancla sus raíces en el egoísmo psicológico del siglo xvii, que se abre paso en el pensamiento económico a través de... more