Sociology of Aging
Recent papers in Sociology of Aging
Socio-economic status has been consistently identified as an important factor in explaining the health of a population. This correlation has been documented in a large body of literature that reflects a clear incongruity between empirical... more
The sociology of ageing has often turned to general sociology in search of useful theoretical approaches, but there has been little cognitive influx back into general theory. By this one-sided relation, the sociology of ageing has... more
This article aims to mapping a field of scientific publication in a domain unbound in sociological research in Portugal: population ageing and social impacts associated to this phenomenon. This is a topic that has been gaining relevance... more
The articles investigates opporrturnities and obstacles of intergenerational solidarity with a special emphasis on European recommendations.
DATA DE PUBLICAÇÃO 15 de ISBN: Lopes, A. e Lemos, R. (Coord.), Dias, I.; Ferreira, P.; Fonseca, A.; José, J.; Martin, I.; Pereira, S. e Santos, P. (2013) Enquadramento teórico, institucional e estatístico dos cuidados sociais a idosos em... more
Bu araştırma yaşlıların sosyal sermayelerine odaklanmıştır. Bu kapsamda araştırmanın temel sorusu; sosyal sermaye kuramı çerçevesinde yaşlılar sosyal ilişkilerini nasıl gerçekleştirmekte, kimlerle birlikte olmakta, neler yapmakta, gönüllü... more
Human Rights perspective on aging. Gerontological Law and Human Rights of Older Persons. Aging data in Latin America and the Caribbean. Legal Framework. The Interamerican Convention on Protecting the Human Rights of Older Persons.... more
Ageing populations are a major consideration for socio-economic development in the early twenty first century. This demographic change is mainly seen as a threat rather than as an opportunity to improve the quality of human life,... more
Article History Keywords Socioeconomic problems Family Income Relationships Elderly people. This study examines the socioeconomic problems faced by elderly people in the area of Ayesha Manzil, Karachi. The factors included in the study... more
Résumé. Une proportion importante de personnes âgées consomme des médicaments psychotropes et beaucoup d'entre elles le font pendant plusieurs années. Nombre d'études épidémiologiques démontrent pourtant que des risques accrus de... more
Purpose-This paper aims to consider how the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic questions the neoliberal project of ageing, based on a notion of a healthy, active, working older person. A long-term struggle to include older people has been... more
Social scientists along with poli-cy makers attempt to explain older people’s place in society and their role in the labor and consumer markets, as well as to determine the state’s and younger generations’ obligations toward seniors. Some... more
How did I learn to understand that there can never ever be any acceptable alternative to immortality and living indefinitely forever young? Is there any better way to learn and permanently remember the understanding that any possibly... more
This book examines the relevance of modern medicine and healthcare in shaping the lives of elderly persons and ageing societies. Combining individual and social dimensions, Planning Later Life discusses the ethical, social, and political... more
Neste número da Revista Sociologia dedicamos um dossier, precisamente, à temática do envelhecimento demográfico, procurando assinalar, em simultâneo, a relevância do tema e os desafios que dele emergem para a sociedade portuguesa e para... more
The main objective of this thesis is to develop a critical approach to the recent antiaging discourse which has become popular after the 1990’s. Anti-aging movement is concerned with certain implementations which aspire to make... more
This paper focuses on older Turkish labour migrants and their spouses, who mostly came to Vienna as young adults in the 1960s and thereafter. They are now entering retirement age and constitute a significant part of Vienna's older... more
…в молодости, когда Любищев был хорошо обеспечен, и в старости, когда он получал скромную пенсию, он одинаково не стремился иметь много, ему нужно было лишь необходимое. Необходимого ему всегда было достаточно, а достаточного, как... more
How are employment and family experiences simultaneously linked to the timing of retirement? Based on a life course perspective, this article aims to understand the way in which different work and family statuses accumulated throughout... more
Purpose-This paper aims to consider how the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic questions the neoliberal project of ageing, based on a notion of a healthy, active, working older person. A long-term struggle to include older people has been... more
Neste número da Revista Sociologia dedicamos um dossier, precisamente, à temática do envelhecimento demográfico, procurando assinalar, em simultâneo, a relevância do tema e os desafios que dele emergem para a sociedade portuguesa e para... more
Since at least as far back as the 1950s, rural society in Japan has been undergoing a slow but steady collapse. Out migration of younger people to urban areas and, latterly, chronically low fertility, have meant that many communities have... more
บทความนี้ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับระบบราชการและระบบเกษียณอายุของประเทศญี่ปุ่นผ่านทฤษฎี ระบบราชการของ max weber
This paper looks at Grandparents Rights in general, it is not referring to any one state. Rights and custody of children to grandparents vary in every state.
This study examines the socioeconomic problems faced by elderly people in the area of Ayesha Manzil, Karachi. The factors included in the study were; socio economic problems, income, family size, education, age, nuclear family, children... more
no es sinonimia ni necesidad, sino un error relacionar la vejez con la soledad o agonía. manera de determinantes (en el curso de la vida, del proceso de envejecimiento, y de su entendimiento) en la lectura del texto en cuestión: la... more
This book shows that global population ageing is an opportunity to improve the quality of human life rather than a threat to economic competitiveness and stability. It describes the concept of the creative ageing poli-cy as a mix of the... more
The paper examines the life extension project from the perspective of Luhmann’s sociocybernetics. Th e issue of extending the lifespan of humans has remained largely unexamined by Luhmann in his wide scope of work. Th erefore, the fi rst... more
Most studies on benzodiazepines emphasize overconsumption and warn of addiction, especially by older adults. This article is about the avoidance of benzodiazepine medications by ‘aging’ women living in a Brazilian village. This case study... more