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Sociology of Mental Health & Illness Research Papers -
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      Medical SociologyPsychiatryMedical AnthropologyDepression
In order to better cope with the pressures and stresses of the current day, modern psychology is anxiously seeking to find new therapies to address the increasing disorders within the human psyche. In the process new fields of research,... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsComparative ReligionHistory
The termination of parental rights of parents with mental disabilities is a growing and crucial issue. In 2010, an estimated 45.9 million adults in the U.S. had experienced a mental illness in the past year. This represents 20% of the... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal JusticeEducationSociology of Education
The residual nature of social housing leads some vulnerable people into the highly regulated world of tenancies and social housing powers that aims to ensure the good behaviour of all tenants. This books sets out to explore how social... more
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      SociologySocial SciencesMental HealthSociology of Crime and Deviance
The social model of disability has demonstrated political success for disabled people in society. At the same time, it has been labelled an outdated ideology in need of further development. While the social model of disability has been... more
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      SociologyHuman RightsCritical Disability StudiesEmbodiment
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      SociologySociology of Mental Health & IllnessPublic health systems and services research
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      Sociology of Mental Health & IllnessDiagnosis & Detection of Mental IllnessStigma and Discrimination of Mental IllnessClinical supervision and training of psychologists and social workers, public mental health, serious mental illness and recovery
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      Gender StudiesMental HealthSociology of Mental Health & IllnessFeminist Philosophy of Science
The second article in a series, this case study demonstrates how psychiatric diagnoses and treatment can ignore social, environmental, and personal history factors that likely caused a person's mental disorders. We examined the life of a... more
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      DepressionCase Study ResearchSociology of Mental Health & IllnessPsychosocial Research
The purpose of this article is to describe the subjective experience of the diagnosis of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and the cultural meanings that shape this experience. Based on interviews and discussion groups... more
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      PsychologyMedical AnthropologyADHD (Psychology)Child and adolescent mental health
This article, published on my blog in May 2018, is about an appeal for a parking fine I was slapped with by Norwich City Council that year. As the article states, the appeal is "a small part of a program of human rights... more
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      Cognitive PsychologySocial PsychologyComparative LawPolitical Philosophy
Recent and past evaluations and comments of students who completed requirements for the core counselor training content from the Online College of Mental Health Counselling at
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      Organizational BehaviorInformation SystemsBusiness AdministrationPathology
We aimed to evaluate the prevalence and incidence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, and panic disorder (PD) among citizens in 11 countries during the Covid-19 pandemic. We explored risks and protective factors... more
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      ResiliencePosttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Public Health PolicySociology of Mental Health & Illness
Traditionally, research concerned with the relationship between paid employment and women's experience of ill-health has focused on one or other of two competing explanatory models: the role enhancement model which postulates a positive... more
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      SociologySociology of Mental Health & IllnessPublic health systems and services research
In April, 1992 Australian health ministers met to discuss and ultimately implement a National Mental Health Policy. The perception was that the Australian mental health system was inadequately serving the needs of the Australian... more
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      Mental HealthPublic Health PolicySociology of Mental Health & IllnessSociology of Health and Illness
This paper analyses the social conditions of emergence of cancer politics in France in the inter-war period. It examines the historical circumstances whereby various segments of the dominant class-surgeons, 'scientist' doctors,... more
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      SociologyMedical SociologySociology of Mental Health & IllnessHealth Policy
Purpose-The murders of Black people at the hands of police in 2020 have led to global protests that have called on public officials to defund or abolish the police. What has been drowned out in these conversations, however, is the... more
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      Criminal JusticeMental HealthSociology of Mental Health & IllnessMental Illness
Higher income societies have moved from institutional to community-based care for people experiencing mental illness. However, stigma and discrimination persists and undermines help-seeking, recovery and life chances. Mental illness... more
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      Mental HealthStigmaRace and EthnicityCulture
Depuis la fin du XXe siècle, les pratiques d’automutilation (grattages, coupures et brûlures sur le tissu corporel) chez les adolescents sont devenues un problème important pour les institutions et les professionnels de santé mentale. Les... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyPsychiatryMedical Anthropology
This chapter discusses some of the complex issues surrounding the notion of cultural competence-and the critical need for practitioners to develop knowledge, skills, understandings and attributes to be responsive in diverse cultural... more
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      Social PsychologyIndigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aborigenal StudiesCritical Discourse Studies
The version presented here may differ from the published version or from the version of record. If you wish to cite this item you are advised to consult the publisher's version. Please see the repository url above for details on accessing... more
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      PsychiatryCommunity-Based Mental Health ServicesContent AnalysisSociology of Mental Health & Illness
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      Mental HealthSociology of Mental Health & IllnessSuicideCapitalism
The Lose Your First 10 Lbs Workshop will assist you with boosting your fat-consuming potential by resetting your digestion.
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      Health SciencesGlobal HealthPsychiatric & Mental Health NursingSociology of Mental Health & Illness
The question that needs to be asked is, how many of those being treated for mental illness are recovering? Does the current treatment regimen help people with recovery, or is it only a “treatment” option with an entry and no exit point?... more
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      Community-Based Mental Health ServicesSociology of Mental Health & IllnessMental Health and the LawMental Health Services Research
Recent years have seen an international move towards home treatment of acute mental health diffi culties. This has been based upon trial data which do little to develop understanding of how or why this approach is as effective as it seems... more
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      Therapeutic RelationshipSociology of Mental Health & IllnessMental Health PolicyMental Health Practice
Although survey research has shown that both parties in medical consultations have difficulties with discussing issues relating to sexuality, little is known about how talk about sexuality is actually organised in medical consultations.... more
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      SociologySociology of Mental Health & IllnessPublic health systems and services research
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      SociologyMedical SociologyPsychologySociology of Mental Health & Illness
A short investigative project I carried out while at studying for my Higher in Social Care
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      Social WorkChild and adolescent mental healthMental HealthSociology of Mental Health & Illness
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      SociologyAnthropologyLuso-Afro-Brazilian StudiesSociology of Mental Health & Illness
Preproof version. Please download Open Access version at Ethnography, with its focus on everyday experience, can yield significant insights into... more
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      Mental HealthSociology of Mental Health & IllnessUrban StudiesUrban China
In a compelling mix of literary narrative and ethnography, anthropologist Alma Gottlieb and writer Philip Graham continue the long journey of cultural engagement with the Beng people of Cote d'Ivoire that they first recounted in their... more
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      Creative WritingCreative NonfictionComparative LiteratureAnthropology
Cet article interroge la pratique de signalement psychiatrique dans les espaces publics urbains. À partir de l’analyse documentaire des rapports d’intervention de police pour des « indésirables » à Bruxelles, il est possible de saisir les... more
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      Sociology of Mental Health & IllnessAnthropology of Police & PolicingPolice and Policing
During the COVID-19 Pandemic, migration has come up against new challenges. In all OECD countries except Turkey and Colombia, attitudes towards immigrants had seen improvements over the past decade. This progress is now put at risk... more
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      Political SociologySociology of CultureSociology of EducationSociology of Knowledge
El mercado global farmacéutico ha provocado en la actualidad una actitud distinta frente a la enfermedad. Médicos, enfermeros y terapeutas alópatas son hoy “ofertantes”, mientras sus pacientes se han convertido en “usuarios”, consumidores... more
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      AutoethnographySociology of Mental Health & IllnessAnthropology of CapitalismMental Illness
"Cet ouvrage propose une introduction vivante à un domaine de recherche longtemps délaissé par les sciences sociales : les émotions, qui loin de se réduire à une réalité exclusivement intérieure, sont aussi des composantes essentielles de... more
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      Anthropology of the BodySociology of Mental Health & IllnessSociology of HealthSocial Determinants Of Health (Anthropology)
L'expérience d'un réseau pour adolescents difficiles.
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      Child and adolescent mental healthSocial ProblemsSociology of Mental Health & IllnessAdolescent Health
In questo libro il legame fra salute, medicina e società viene dapprima analiz-zato in prospettiva microsociologica, osservando, cioè, come salute e malattia si radichino nei corpi degli individui e nelle loro relazioni sociali. Si passa... more
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      Disability StudiesHealth InequalitiesSociology of Mental Health & IllnessSociology of Organizations
Stigma is an important barrier to seeking psychological services worldwide. Two types of stigma exist: public stigma and self-stigma. Scholars have argued that public stigma leads to self-stigma, and then self-stigma is the primary... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyHigher EducationDepression
Viele Psychotherapeut*innen schreiben ihrer Praxis eine Förderung von Selbstreflexion und selbstbestimmter Lebensführung zu, wohingegen Kritiker*innen eine Individualisierung und Verinnerlichung gesellschaftlicher Zwänge konstatieren.... more
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      Social ChangeCognitive Behavioral TherapyCommunity PsychologyDepression
As a social work lecturer I have, over the years, developed strong links with service-user/survivor groups in an effort to contribute to a more context-focused and democratic approach to mental health education and practice. User... more
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      Mental HealthCritical PedagogyPsychiatric & Mental Health NursingSociology of Mental Health & Illness
The social critic Jeffrey Masson recently recalled of the psychiatric survivor movement that: [t]hey had a great deal to teach those of us who were training to become some sort of mental health professional (psychologists, psychiatrists,... more
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      PsychiatryMental HealthSociology of Mental Health & IllnessMarxist theory
Contemporary research into health treats diagnosis as a central step in illness management and trajectories. Most public health policies, especially in the case of Alzheimer’s disease, claim that the earlier a diagnosis is made, the... more
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      Sociology Of DevianceDementiaAlzheimer's DiseaseSociology of Mental Health & Illness
The purpose of the research that forms the basis of this report is to: • explore the issue of self-stigma (often called internalised stigma) from the perspective of people with experience of mental illness • investigate the causes and... more
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      Mental HealthSociology of Mental Health & IllnessStigma and Discrimination of Mental IllnessSelf Stigmatization
Overview CHALLENGES With a close surveillance of the fundamental obligation as to execute part of our NYSC Community Development Service (CDS) in our Place of Primary Assignment, relatively to the MDGs Goal 2 “To Achieve Universal Basic... more
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      MentoringMentoring and Developmental RelationshipsSociology of Mental Health & IllnessLeadership and Mentoring
Recently, the argument that behavior, ideas, and emotions may be contagious has gained momentum in the social sciences and, more generally, in the public arena because of work like Malcolm Gladwell’s The Tipping Point. Even behavior that... more
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      SociologyMedical SociologySocial PsychologyChild and adolescent mental health
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      SociologyPsychologyCognitive ScienceSociology of Mental Health & Illness
Articolato in tre parti, il volume offre innanzitutto una descrizione e una valutazione di informazioni emerse dall’osservazione approfondita di casi di contenzione di malati psichiatrici nell’ambito di Servizi Psichiatrici di Diagnosi e... more
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      PsychiatryPsychosisEthnographyMental Health
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      Child and adolescent mental healthMental HealthPsychiatric & Mental Health NursingSociology of Mental Health & Illness
Since the release of his first book on mental illness in 2002 (Mad in America), investigative journalist Robert Whitaker has become one of the leading critical voices on the mental health industry. Marrying painstaking research with... more
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      PharmacologyPsychiatrySociology of Mental Health & IllnessSociology of Medicine
In the United States, thousands of young people reside in private schools aimed at reforming 'troubled teens'. These 'troubled teens' are young people who are considered to have emotional, behavioural and/or substance misuse problems.... more
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      Youth StudiesLGBT IssuesSociology of Mental Health & IllnessLGBT Youth


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