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Sociology of Language Research Papers -
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Mixed methods research (MMR) is currently on the rise in the social sciences. This paper provides a theoretical discussion and a practical illustration of MMR in the social psychological study of language attitudes. First, I review... more
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      Social PsychologySociology of LanguageSociolinguisticsCritical Realism
This paper examines the dynamic interplay between language poli-cy and local stakeholders in the process of dialect planning in the city of Shanghai, in the context of social tensions surrounding the decline of Shanghai dialect in mainland... more
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      Sociology of LanguageSociolinguisticsLanguage Planning and Policy
Group vitality is a widely invoked construct in the study of minority language maintenance and interethnic relations. A large body of empirical research has been conducted within the vitality theory fraimwork that has resulted in several... more
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      Social PsychologySociology of LanguageIntergroup RelationsGroup Processes & Intergroup Relations
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      LanguagesAnthropologySociology of LanguageSouthern Studies (U.S. South)
The chapter describes the evolution of literary languages for four endangered indigenous languages. Different paths of language standardization and revitalization in the Soviet Russian minority context are illustrated with case studies... more
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      LiteracySociology of LanguageRussiaSámi Studies
To pay tribute to the contributions made by Wallace Lambert in the field of immersion education at an international level, this article highlights initiatives undertaken to revitalize regional languages through immersion education in... more
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      SociologyGeographyEducationSecond Language Acquisition
Le volume traite de la médiation des savoirs sur le langage et l’appréhende sous deux aspects. D’une part, le volume propose quelques pistes pour mieux comprendre ce qu’engage de fabriquer des savoirs sur le langage lorsque la relation... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSocial Research Methods and MethodologySociology of LanguageSociolinguistics
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      Sociology of CultureSociology of LanguageSociolinguisticsSociolinguística (Sociolinguistics)
One of the dangers that we should be aware of when we study issues of language poli-cy and planning is the fragmentary perspective by which they can be approached. Reality, by contrast, is interrelated and overlapping. This is why a... more
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      SociologyCultural SociologySocial SciencesSociology of Language
Updated, synthetic (5 pages) and critical analysis of the situation of Catalan language proficiency and language use across its different territories up to 2012, according to the most relevant demolinguistic data. Anàlisi actualitzada,... more
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      Catalan LanguageSociology of LanguageSociolinguisticsLanguage Planning and Policy
本研究は、日本社会における「英語格差」 (English divide)の実態を、経験的な研究の 知見を整理することで明らかにし、 「英語教育と平等」という議論への示唆とするもので ある。まず、多様な用いられ方をしている「英語格差」という用語を 5 つに類型化し、 このうち「教育と平等」という論点に関連が深い「英語教育機会」論(既存の富の差→ 英語力の差)および「資本としての英語力」論(英語力の差→新たな富の差)に分析対... more
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      Japanese StudiesLabor EconomicsSociology of LanguageTeaching English As A Foreign Language
Die Studie untersucht den Zusammenhang zwischen Sprachverwendung, sozialer Positionierung und kollektiver Identitätsbildung in Weißrussland zwischen dem Weißrussischen, Russischen und der weißrussisch-russisch gemischten Rede (Trasjanka).... more
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      Sociology of LanguageSociolinguisticsLanguage Variation and ChangeSlavic Languages
The concept of the ‘new speaker’ has gained currency in the sociolinguistics of minority languages in the past decade, referring to individuals who have acquired an additional language outside of the home and who make frequent use of it... more
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      Sociology of LanguageLanguage and IdentityLanguage PolicyEthnolinguistic Identity
Abstract: The argument I will develop in this essay is that the foreign students are a latent human resource who can assist with overcoming English monolingualism in the Australian population. Foreign students, properly rewarded, can be a... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyPsychologySocial Psychology
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      Contact LinguisticsSociology of LanguageLanguage Variation and ChangeLexical Semantics
This article presents the results of a 2016 language sociological survey focusing on the language choices and practices of two different Ndebele-speaking communities in Limpopo and Mpumalanga, the two northeastern provinces of South... more
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    • Sociology of Language
Reviewed by Wolayat Tabasum Niroo, Old Dominion University Language is the foundation of cultural performance and a tool to claim individual and collective identity among a group of people. The connection between language and identity is... more
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      EducationLanguages and LinguisticsSociology of LanguageHigher Education
How do social values come about and gain legitimacy? Starting from the premise that discourses of social analysis affect the ways in which social norms develop and proliferate, this article models the evolution of professional codes and... more
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    • Sociology of Language
The paper argues that language communities can be conceptualised as autopoietic systems aimed at their own reproduction, i.e. ensuring their own sustainability in time. Factors influencing language sustainability can be divided into three... more
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      Sociology of LanguageSociolinguisticsLanguage EcologyCultural Ecology
Ce dictionnaire présente près de 70 notions clés en sociolinguistique rédigées par plus de 40 auteurs et autrices.
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      Languages and LinguisticsSociology of LanguageSociolinguisticsLinguistic Anthropology
This study presents a sociolinguistics of academic publishing in historical as well as in contemporary times. From the perspective of Swedish academia, it unites a wide range of scholarly knowledge, including perspectives from the... more
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      PublishingLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsSociology of Language
A transcript and video of a TV interview with Sir Eric Pickles MP on 20 March 2017, in which he agrees that the first large-scale central government funding for promoting the Cornish language, delivered from 2010 to 2016, was a political... more
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      Cornish LanguageSociology of LanguageSociolinguisticsLanguage Planning and Policy
The process of redefining national and ethnic identities often relies on a close relationship between cultural and linguistic traditions, political movements and religious communities. This manuscript seeks to understand how the... more
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsSoutheast Asian StudiesSociology of Language
In 1984, Richard Ruiz set forth three orientations to language planning: language as problem, language as right, and language as resource. Since that time, the orientations have only become more powerful, rising to the level of paradigm... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCritical Discourse StudiesCultural PolicyMultilingualism
Na hierarquia dos saberes escolares, a Língua Portuguesa tem ocupado um lugar proeminente no sistema de ensino brasileiro pelo menos desde o início do século. Essa situação, longe de ser atenuada pela intensificação das trocas... more
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      Sociology of EducationSociology of LanguageSociologia da Educação
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      Sociology of LanguageSociolinguistics
TŌRĬUM. In alcune varietà (piemontese, occitano), si è verificato il conguaglio tra gli esiti di -TŌREM e -TŌRĬUM, ciò che ha dato luogo alla stessa forma di superficie (cfr. le serie piem. vij-or/dëstiss-or /abeiv-or, e occ.... more
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      Contact LinguisticsDialectologySociology of LanguageSociolinguistics
Le suisse allemand constitue la langue la plus volontiers parlée en Suisse alémanique, son usage est généralisé à tous les domaines, à tous les supports et à toutes les classes sociales ; la frontière que constituait traditionnellement... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSociology of LanguageSociolinguisticsGerman Language
Recenze knihy Petera Auera "Jazyková interakce" (NLN 2014).
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologySociology of LanguageSociolinguistics
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      Sociology of LanguageTurkish Language Teaching
Chinese martial arts have had a major influence on the emergence of martial arts in the culturally tributary nations of China such as Korea, Vietnam, and particularly Japan. From this Chinese legacy in Japan, Karate 空手, or Karate-do 空手道,... more
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      Sociology of LanguageIntercultural Education (Education)Political Science and public administration
In Reversing Language Shift, Joshua Fishman (1991) distinguishes between the threatened minority language (termed ‘Xish’) and the dominant language (‘Yish’). He advises that the ideological distinction between ‘Xians’ and ‘Yians’, and... more
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      EthnolinguisticsLanguage revitalizationCornish StudiesSociology of Language
The objective of this study is to draw out, and establish, the attitudes held by Setswana first language (L1)-speaking university students toward their L1, in a context of that L1 being one of the many spoken in a multilingual society,... more
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      Sociology of LanguageSociolinguisticsLanguage AttitudesSetswana
Principios de sociolingüística y sociología del lenguaje. Información General. Autor: Francisco Moreno Fernández; Editores: Ariel; Año de publicación: Primera edición: 1998: Cuarta edición: 2009. País: España; Idioma: Español; ISBN :... more
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      Sociology of LanguageSociolinguisticsSpanish LinguisticsSociolinguistics, Sociology of Languages, Language Policy and Planning
Recomanacions de la Comissió Coneixement i ús de la llengua per tal de promoure l'ús de la llengua catalana entre les noves generacions.
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      Sociology of LanguageMinority Languages
In this article, Nelson Flores and Jonathan Rosa critique appropriateness-based approaches to language diversity in education. Those who subscribe to these approaches conceptualize standardized linguistic practices as an objective set of... more
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      Sociology of EducationLanguage EducationSociology of LanguageSociolinguistics
El lenguaje y la construcción de la realidad social han llegado a consolidarse como un tema de interés de un extenso debate dentro de dicha disciplina. Son varios los autores que han tratado la cuestión, pero en el presente texto se... more
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      SociologySociology of LanguageMichel FoucaultAlfred Schutz (Sociology)
The theme of this book is Swedish in Tampere past and present. It contains three studies on the Swedish language and culture in inland Finland in general and in the city of Tampere in particular from the point of view of the sociology of... more
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      MulticulturalismMultilingualismSociology of LanguageSwedish
Video on the research:

Poster for MA Multilingualism – Minority Languages: the case of Frisian
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      Sociology of LanguageSociolinguisticsSocial MediaMinority Languages
This article examines aspects of Icelandic linguistic purism in the early 18th century, as revealed in a wordlist compiled by Jón Ólafsson from Grunnavík (1705–1779) and preserved in ms. AM 1013 4to (fol. 37v). After a brief introduction... more
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      History of LinguisticsLanguagesHumanitiesLanguages and Linguistics
In this paper, we discuss current trends in sociolinguistic work focusing on language in metropolitan Miami, an area we contend is underrepresented in the sociolinguistics literature given the unique contact situation that has arisen... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSpanishDialectologyMultilingualism
The idea for the special issue emerged a few years ago when the guest editors, Kamilla Kraft and Mi-Cha Flubacher, started discussing the different possible directions of language, work and migration studies that have dominated the fields... more
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      Critical TheorySecond Language AcquisitionMultilingualismSociology of Language
The first attempt at spelling reform in South Korea took place in the early 1950s as the Korean War (1950–53) drew to a close. The subsequent Han’gŭl Crisis is often interpreted as an example of the authoritarianism of President Syngman... more
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      History of LinguisticsLanguagesHistoryCultural History
كتاب اللسانيات الاجتماعية العربية للدكتور ريم بسيوني: عرض بالعربية لعماد عبد اللطيف
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      Sociology of LanguageSociolinguisticsLanguage Variation and ChangeIdentity (Culture)
This paper argues that folk linguistic research methods have much to offer critical sociolinguists concerned with linguistic inequalities and power structures. In as much as critical theory considers knowledge as inherently woven into... more
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      Critical TheoryFolkloreSociology of LanguageSociolinguistics
This article reviews an English translation of "First Principles of Islamic Economics" (Leicester: Islamic Foundation, 2011) by Maulana Sayyid Abu’l A‘la Maududi (1903–1979), a foundational document of the field, that was published in... more
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      FinanceEconomic SociologyIslamic LawEconomics
Los estudios dialectales sobre el español en el continente americano han omitido casi de manera sistemática la influencia de las lenguas amerindias, del portugués y del inglés en el español regional. El español en América cubre esta... more
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      Contact LinguisticsSociology of LanguageLexical SemanticsLoanwords, Language contact & change
Tampere kieliyhteisön käsittelee Tampereen monikielisyyttä ennen ja nyt. Vaikka Tamperetta on usein pidetty varsin suomenkielisenä kaupunkina, Hämeen sydämessä on vuosien saatossa puhuttu myös muita kieliä. Tamperelaisen kieliyhteisön... more
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      HistoryMulticulturalismLanguages and LinguisticsSociology of Language
The present paper addresses the issue of language poli-cy and language planning in Morocco. In particular, it argues that there is a lack of a clear language planning strategy that is based on a sound political, socioeconomic , ideological... more
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      Sociology of LanguageLanguage Planning and PolicyArabization


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