Recent papers in Stratigraphy
SUMMARY: Chapter 4, in Renfrew & Bahn's textbook (Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice), covers archaeological dating methods and their applicability and limitations, including stratigraphy (relative dating), typologies (e.g.,... more
This paper presents the results of the application of the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) method, or Georadar, in outlining a zone of contamination due to solid residues at the waste burial site of Rio Claro in the state of São Paulo, SE... more
Pollen and microscopic charcoal examined in Holocene sediment core samples record major environmental modifications affecting Alexandria's Eastern Harbor through time. We assess whether such changes on Egypt's coastal margin were... more
In central Utah, the major pre-Mississippian unconformity is fairly well understood at most of the localities where it is recognized. However, the unconformity is more enigmatic in Rock Canyon of the central Wasatch Range. At this... more
As Gándaras de Budiño es uno de los yacimientos achelenses más conocidos de la Península Ibérica, aunque no hay publicaciones recientes sobre su industria, contexto estratigráfico o cronología. En este artículo se estudian los materiales... more
Fossil occurrences across the world are endangered by development, construction, collecting, and vandalism, even though many outstanding examples have been protected by World Heritage Sites, national parks, monuments and reserves, state... more
... De toutes les formes a cachet oligocene citees terrain note Nari et Gaj par Pilgrim sur sa carte geologique plus haut, nous n avons recolte qu un reste de grand (1912) et que des auteurs ... II doit s agir d un genre (Forster-Cooper... more
A wide variety of environmental records is necessary for analysing and understanding the complex Late Quaternary dynamics of permafrost-dominated Arctic landscapes. A NE Siberian periglacial key region was studied in detail using sediment... more
Methods for Bayesian statistical analysis of stratigraphically related radiocarbon dates have been in use for over a decade. This paper extends these techniques to stratigraphically related ESR dates, allowing estimation of the dates of... more
Fitxa de Geologia 7: Litologies del riu Corb
Fitxa de Geologia 8: Conca de drenatge del riu Riucorb
Fitxa de Geologia 8: Conca de drenatge del riu Riucorb
Lacustrine and fluviolacustrine deposits of the Charo sequence crop out extensively along tens of kilometres, and they overlie the Miocene volcanic sequences of the Mil Cumbres Complex in an E-W oriented basin. Eastwards of Morelia city... more
The data presented here comprise Ryazanian–Valanginian carbon isotope ratios analyzed from fossil wood and belemnites from the shallow marine Boyarka River succession in Siberia. Additional belemnite carbon isotope ratios from the Izhma... more
Kniha byla vydána v Praze roku 2002 ( 2 upravené vydání) / The book was publishedin Prague in 2002 (2 edited editions). ISBN 80-200-0680-X.
In the southwestern Sulaiman geological province (Balochistan, Pakistan)
La Grotta della Rossa (S.S. Quirico, Ancona): geomorfologia, stratigrafia, cronologia e aspetti paleoambientali
The Çankırı-Çorum Basin is one of the largest basins of Central Anatolia to have developed Oligocene to Quaternary terrestrial environments. The basin contains significant raw materials for industry and energy, but the determination of... more
Sequence stratigraphic models for thick fluvial successions continue to evolve to account for controlling factors other than base-level fluctuation. For instance, many models place a sequence boundary at the base of amalgamated... more
Strata of Jurassic age occur extensively across onshore Australia, but they are predominantly of non-marine origen. Marine Jurassic strata have only limited onshore exposure in northwestern and central-western Australia, with thick marine... more
Strontium isotope data indicate that sediments of the Norwest Bend Formation were deposited within a large estuarine system during the Latest Miocene to Early Pliocene (probably N 5 Ma). The Norwest Bend Formation is divisible into two... more
. Geological map of the study area after . Black points show the position of the mud mounds sensu . White points show the main sample locations.
The Plio-Pleistocene site of Dmanisi, Georgia, has yielded a rich fossil and archaeological record documenting an early presence of the genus Homo outside Africa. Although the craniomandibular morphology of early Homo is well known as a... more
The northern Perth Basin lies between about 27 and 31 30'S adjacent to the Yilgarn Craton on the western margin of Western Australia. The basin contains up to 12 km of Ordovician and mid-Carboniferous to Cretaceous, primarily... more
Palaeogene siliciclastic sediments (Reading and London Clay Formations) in the Wessex Basin record an upward change through four tidally influenced deposition systems. The lowest (Reading Formation) was deposited in estuarine and coastal... more
The Vaca Muerta Formation in the Cerro Domuyo area shows an interesting intercalation of facies with opposite paleocurrents. The unit is represented by outer ramp to basinal facies with a westward direction of progradation. However, in... more
New mapping at Anglesea coal mine, and coal resource and deep groundwater drilling have provided new perspectives on the economically important Eastern View Group coal-bearing sedimentary succession in the onshore Torquay Basin. In the... more
The Hirnantian glaciation strongly affected the lower Palaeozoic sedimentary succession of the Murzuq Basin (Libya). After final deglaciation, the remnant topography displays imprints of most of the ice-sheet retreat evolution. One large... more
The 87 Sr/ 86 Sr value of Sr dissolved in the world's oceans varied though time in a known way, facts that allow 87 Sr/ 86 Sr to be used to date and to correlate marine sedimentary rocks worldwide. In this work, the variation in 87 Sr/ 86... more