Most downloaded papers in Stratigraphy
"Anthropocene" is the first truly anti-anthropocentric concept.
A synchronization of eastern and western Mediterranean in the 1st millennium BC - and a simple re-organization of the Levant and the Mediterranean to offer an EASY TOOL to scholars
The objectives of this overview are to establish fundamental concepts of sequence stratigraphy and to define terminology critical for the communication of these concepts. Many of these concepts have already been presented in earlier... more
DRAFT (Please see OJA for published version). This paper briefly examines how coins are dated, and then looks at how they are used to date archaeological deposits and sites. A series of case studies are examined. The paper concludes with... more
Shillong Group of rocks has help in improving our present understanding of the stratigraphy and the structure of the area. A stratigraphic classification modified after , senso stricto based on lithological distribution, is proposed.
Although it represents but one geographic data point, the uppermost Maastrichtian Hell Creek Formation (HCF), exposed in the upper Great Plains of the North American craton, remains the most studied source for understanding the final ~1.5... more
Based on the study and analysis of more than 6.000 meters of cores carried out for ANH, a new stratigraphic and evolutive scheme is presented for the San Jacinto Fold Belt (SJFB). Analyzed rocks correspond to sequences of the formations... more
Analisis stratigrafi berdasarkan data log merupakan kunci untuk eksplorasi dan eksplotasi sumberdaya geologi terutama airtanah dan petroleum. Karya ilmiah ini disusun untuk menjelaskan tentang bagaimana analisis stratigrafi dengan... more
This chapter describes the internal megascopic features of a sediment. These are termed sedimentary structures, and are distinguished from the microscopic structural features of a sediment. Sedimentary structures are divided into primary... more
Statistical correlations in flowrate fluctuations between wells from many fields appear to bear out the expectation that the hydraulic conductivities of faults and fractures in reservoirs can be influenced by geomechanical perturbations... more
The relationship between climate change at the Pleistocene-Holocene Boundary (ca. 12,600-10,200 cal B.P.) and cultural responses to attendant shifts in the environment remains a vexing issue for archaeologists. This study compiles and... more
Area north of Punjab plains is occupied by a major Thrust known as Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) along which lies Salt Range which occurs on the northern slopes of the Indian Shield. Nammal Gorge is located on the western part of Salt... more
Depositional processes control initial porosity and permeability relationships in basinfilling sedimentary successions. These initial conditions then determine how diagenesis modifies the hydraulic properties of sediments as they undergo... more
Starting from detailed stratigraphic description of two localities, proposals as auxiliary reference section from Olini Group (Upper Cretaceous), lithostratigraphic, facial, paleontologic and regional characteristics of the unit in the... more
The document as a whole is an extremely valuable source of historical information for who ever wants to understand the background history behind the stratigraphical units in Qatar as we know them today. Up to now, all this information was... more
Shoreline and shelf-edge trajectories describe the migration through time of sedimentary systems, using geomorphological breaks-in-slope that are associated with key changes in depositional processes and products. Analysis of these... more
Geologi Indonesia, Fisiografi, Stratigrafi, Tektonik, Cekungan Asem-Asem, Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia
Fossils of vertebrates have been found in great abundance in the continental and marine early Late Cretaceous sediments of Southeastern Morocco for more than 50 years. About 80 vertebrate taxa have so far been recorded from this region,... more
Depuis 1880, l’étude des affleurements crétacés, riches en ammonites, du Tademaït et du Tinrhert (Sahara algérien) n’a cessé de faire avancer les recherches au sujet de la datation précise de l’un des témoins les plus particuliers de la... more
The purpose of this field trip is to allow participants to examine the stratigraphy, sedimentology, and palaeontology of the Shoalhaven Group and the Illawarra Coal Measures of the southern Sydney Basin exposed along the south coast of... more
Martz, J.W., Irmis, R.B., and Milner, A.R.C., 2014. Lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the Chinle Formation (Upper Triassic) in southern Lisbon Valley, southeastern Utah. In MacLean, J.S., Biek, R.F., and Huntoon, J.E. (eds.),... more
This paper aims to provide a concise description of the geology of the Southern Apennines especially useful for readers having scarce familiarity with this complex region. The text is divided into four parts: tano nell'orogene... more
"It is generally speculated that primitive harbour dredging began during the Bronze Age along the Nile, Euphrates, Tigris and Indus rivers1. For the Roman period, Vitruvius gives a few brief accounts of dredging, although direct... more
The main Early Cretaceous vertebrate localities of Africa are listed and tentatively correlated. A Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian−Tithonian: Tendaguru, Tanzania) to earliest Cretaceous (Valanginian: Algoa Basin, South Africa) assemblage with... more
Because of their small size and vast abundance in various types of sedimentary rocks, microfossils have found a multitude of applications in geology, especially regarding biostratigraphy, correlations and paleoenvironmental analysis.... more
The northern Perth Basin lies between about 27° and 31°30'S adjacent to the Yilgarn Craton on the western margin of Western Australia. The basin contains up to 12 km of Ordovician and mid-Carboniferous to Cretaceous, primarily nonmarine... more
Second Edition
Gary Nichols
Gary Nichols
This essay argues that the tendency to invoke modern historical thinking in trying to make sense of the Anthropocene amounts to an untenable, self-contradictory, and self-defeating enterprise. There is a fundamental contradiction between... more
The ceremonial center of Chavín de Huántar is located in the north central Peruvian highlands at 3,200 m.a.s.l. I have investigated the Wacheqsa sector, located immediately to the north of the monumental core with the objective of... more
3D seismic data and well logs have been used to map the structure and stratigraphy in Z-Field Niger Delta where identification of reservoir facies is a major challenge to plan delineation and development drilling. A network of faults and... more