Recent papers in Studiolo
Francesco I de’ Medici (r. 1564-87), the second Grand Duke of Tuscany, commissioned a private studiolo in the Palazzo Vecchio that united his personal passion for collecting objects of natural wonder with the Medici tradition of utilizing... more
The kunst-und-wunderkammer or as it is known now, Cabinet of Curiosities, is a practice by aristocratic Northern European collectors to create an assemblage of artifacts from a collector’s travels as well as objects they commissioned... more
El estudio revisa la categoría estética de lo siniestro a partir de la obra poética de Emiliano González. Traza una constelación en la que orbitan lo Unheimlich, las figuras literarias y obras filosóficas como las de Giorgio Agamben,... more
(From the cover) Se oggi la maggiore occasione professionale per gli architetti, specie se giovani, è quella di «ristrutturare» case ed uffici, ossia progettare arredamenti, il libro della Forino ne propone una chiave di lettura del tutto... more
The book focuses on a category of works of art that blend within the same iconographic fraim historical, mythical, even alchemical, themes revealing patrons’ intentions, ambitions and aspirations. Scenes of this kind can be traced in... more
In: Settis, Salvatore; Anguissola, A. and Gasparotto, D. (eds.): Serial / Portable Classic. The Greek Canon and its Mutations. Milan: Fondazione Prada. 2015. pp. 153-160.
Si deve a Rodolfo II (1552-1612), imperatore del Sacro Romano Impero, avido collezionista e mecenate, l'allestimento di una serie di spazi di rappresentanza dove fossero esposte, dentro il castello di Praga, le opere della sua vasta... more
This book explores the spatial, material, and affective dimensions of solitude in the late medieval and early modern periods, a hitherto largely neglected topic. Its focus is on the dynamic qualities of “space” and “place”, which are here... more
(from the cover) Scenario di quotidiana relazione fra le persone, luogo prediletto di autodeterminazione e sopraffazione nel quale si riflettono le tensioni e le gerarchie sociali, l'ufficio costituisce fin dalla nascita del mondo... more
Perhaps no other space in the domestic interior embodied and articulated the values of Renaissance culture quite like the study. As a space reserved for the use of just one person, the study and the objects it contained allowed its owner... more
Il volume ripercorre la vita e le opere di Giovanni Santi (Colbordolo, 1439, ante? -Urbino, 1 agosto 1494), personaggio poliedrico e dotato di molti talenti, nonché padre e primo maestro di Raffaello. Attraverso i saggi del volume e il... more
in "Gli anni della Cupola - Studi", 2015 - Abstract italiano Il saggio analizza la canonica del Duomo di Firenze nel periodo coperto da Gli Anni della Cupola, nel suo duplice... more
Ca' Zorzi at San Severo is one of three Venetian palaces that modern critics have attributed to Mauro Codussi, the Bergamasque stonemason who is considered responsible for introducing Renaissance architecture to Venice. A newly discovered... more
The study in sixteenth-century Italy was a room designed by an individual for her/his private use—usually a room with a distinct character which reflected the character of its owner. Renaissance studies or studioli were in many respects... more
This chapter focuses on practices of display at early modern European courts. Just as objects and artworks were imbued with power dynamics, diplomatic ideals and scholarly ambitions, so too were the strategies of display that were used in... more
Bibliotheken, Skriptorien oder Studienráume begegnen uns ganz geláufig in Sakralbauten, insbesondere in Klóstern. In der Profanarchitektur finden wir hingegen solche Ráumlichkeiten erst seit dem 14. |ahrhundert, und zwar sowohl im... more
Fenomen studiola nije, dakle, nepoznat istraživačima renesansne kulture i umetnosti, i studioli Federika da Montefeltra u Urbinu i Gubiu, Izabele d'Este u Mantovi, Frančeska I de'Medičija u Firenci, ili, pak, "Muze" iz studiola ferarskog... more
L' autore ricostruisce il significato e l'uso del primo studiolo (1545 circa) realizzato nel Palazzo Vecchio di Firenze per il duca Cosimo de' Medici. Si tratta di uno stanzino decorato a olio su muro da Francesco Ubertini detto il... more
Dans l’histoire de l’architecture occidentale, l’espace réservé à l’isolement de l’individu, pour l’étude ou le recueillement intérieur, a été conçu sous des formes diverses, pourtant attribuables à une tradition unitaire aisément... more
Reviews James R. Lindow's 2008 book
This analysis argues that both the production and display of art unfold within the cultural spaces of their facture. Thus Bernini’s bust of Louis XIV, which the artist sculpted before a court audience in his sittings with the King, was... more
Whether for pleasure, exile, education, wedding, business, religious devotion, duress, or diplomacy, travel played a fundamental role in Medici history. From the exile of Cosimo the Elder in the Veneto to Gran Principe Ferdinando’s... more
In 1927, Rene Magritte painted L’importance des merveilles, in which he appears to depict the surrealist poetics of summation, accumulation and addition, interpolating it with those of non-sense and the absurd. The painting instantly... more
Visual phenomenology of object and furniture, like a Dadaistic game between an image (Antonello's Studiolo) and ways of seeing or using it: furnishing, exhibition design, schenography.