Teutonic Knights
Recent papers in Teutonic Knights
Nicholas of Hohenstein (1350-1420) - he studied in Vienna. From around 1370, he was in Gdańsk. Here, as the first chaplain, he founded Elendenhof (refuge for the poor). In 1390 he made a pilgrimage with Dorothea of Montau to Rome. After... more
Lithuania and its neighbors in mutual relations (13th-16th C.) The book consists of 16 studies dedicated to the relations of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania with neighbouring countries up to the 16th century – especially with the Kingdom of... more
Ricerca svolta presso il sito di Monfort, alle pendici dello sperone roccioso dove c'è un enigmatico palazzo in stile gotico. Si tratta della così detta Guest House di Monfort. Castello Teutonico roccaforte dell'Ordine di Ermanno fon... more
n the period of the Middle Ages the special role in the religious life both of eastern and western Christians played the relics. Their cult was one of the characteristic attributes of the cult of saints. The relics were strictly connected... more
The article presents two stages of secularization of the Teutonic order’s holdings in the Baltic States. The first stage was carried out in 1525 by the Grand Master of Prussia, Albrecht of Brandenburg- Ansbach, and the second — in 1561 in... more
Lo studio ricostruisce la storia del monastero delle Giovannite di Birgu, fondato nel 1584, voluto dal Gran Maestro Hughes de Loubenx Verdalle (1582-1595) e tuttora esistente. Si esaminano le costituzioni, gli sviluppi della vita... more
Rafał Kubicki (University of Gdańsk) Water mills and rural settlement in the Dominion of the Teutonic Order in Prussia The study is devoted to the closer discussion of the issue of location, economic function and the legal status of... more
Plans to modernize the fortifications of the former castles of the Teutonic Order in Neidenburg and Johannisburg by the Dutch architect Nicolaus de Kemp (1602) Johannisburg and Neidenburg, erected at the end of the 14th century, are... more
Reviews: Jacek Adamczyk, in: Acta Poloniae Historica 91 (2005), 228; Antoni Gąsiorowski, in: Zapiski Historyczne 70, 1 (2005), 153–156; Mark Mersiowsky, in: Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 62 (2006), 255; Rimvydas... more
Medieval settlement around Stary Dzierzgoń (Alt-Christburg) The surroundings of the village of Stary Dzierzgoń were already impacted by people during the Neolithic. Settlement was also concentrated here in the Bronze Age and the Early... more
The Teutonic Order was founded in 1190 to provide medical care for crusaders in the kingdom of Jerusalem. In time, it assumed a military role and played an important part in the defence of the Christian territories in the Eastern... more
The first military order in Livonia, founded in 1202 in order to supply the Christian mission with a stable and local military force in addition to the coming and going of seasonal crusaders. In its short history, it was defeated in... more
Problem konsumpcji towarów luksusowych w średniowieczu budził zainteresowanie wśród badaczy owego okresu w dziejach ludzkości. Ilość i rodzaje dystrybuowanych dóbr do konsumenta bądź miejsca przeznaczenia świadczyło o statusie danej... more
This article will analyze the context offered by Peter of Dusburg, a brethren of the Teutonic Order, who wrote in 1326 in Prussia one of the most important descriptions of the history of the Teutonic Order - 'Chronicon Terrae Prussiae'.... more
The rule of the order of the Temple took a traditional monastic attitude towards women, being strongly antifeminine in tone, and seeing women as contaminating the brothers. However, the evidence discussed in this article suggests that the... more
W niniejszym artykule autor chciałby przedstawić funkcjonowanie tzw. korespondencji pośpiesznej w państwie krzyżackim w I połowie XV stulecia. Szczególnym obszarem zainteresowania są trasy, którymi poruszali się kurierzy pocztowi oraz... more
A review of Tomas Baranauskas' book about the battle at Pabaiskas / Święta / Ukmergė/Wiłkomierz (1435) in Belarusian.
In October 1307, by order of Philip IV of France, all the Knights Templar within the French domains were arrested. In November, Pope Clement V sent out orders for the arrest of the Templars throughout Europe. The brothers were accused of... more
"Niemen w okresie wojny krzyżackiej z Litwinami: granica i korytarz (1283–1410)" W artykule podjęto próbę analizy militarnej roli Niemna w czasie wojen prowadzonych między zakonem krzyżackim a Litwinami w okresie między końcem XIII a... more
PL: Młode Miasto Gdańsk (1380-1455) i jego patrymonium, Gdańsk: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, 2018, ss. 422. ISBN 978-83-7865-752-1 Tematem rozprawy jest Młode Miasto Gdańsk i jego patrymonium. Ramy chronologiczne odpowiadają... more
Abstract Rafał Kubicki The inhabitants of Elbląg and the Dominican monastery since 13th century to the early 16th century This article endeavours to characterise the relationship between the inhabitants of Elbląg and the Dominican... more
Z Za am me ek k i i M Mi ia as st to o T Te ek ks st t: : C Ch hr ri is st to of fe er r H He er rr rm ma an nn n Z Zd dj ję ęc ci ia a: : C Ch hr ri is st to of fe er r H He er rr rm ma an nn n Wykaz ilustracji: Muzeum Zamkowe Malbork:... more
W dniach 27-28 maja 2017 roku na Uniwersytecie Warmińsko-Mazurskim w Olsztynie oraz w kapelanacie Związku Polskich Kawalerów Maltańskich w Klebarku Wielkim odbyła się międzynarodowa konferencja „Działalność zakonów rycerskich w... more
This dissertation studies legal, political and personal ties of the Livonian territorial lords with the Holy Roman Emperors between 1199 and 1486. Medieval Livonia was a region whose territorial lords were eager to belong to the Holy... more
The conquest and colonisation of the northeastern Baltic Rim in the 13th century durably shaped religious and ethnic identities of and relations between the native population and the arriving crusaders. This article explores the codes and... more
Das Apostelkollegium als bildhauerisches Ensemble war in der mittelalterlichen Skulptur ein wichtiges Element von europaweit hohem Rang und einer langen Kathedraltradition. Ein Zyklus von Apostelfiguren, die an Pfeilern oder Wandflächen... more