The Internet
Recent papers in The Internet
In order to accept this Student Recruiter agreement with the College of Mental Health Counselling, you must believe in and agree with the value of learning about counselling through the online course described at, and... more
Introduction for second edition / Preface When in 1989 an anonymous reviewer commented on my short paper that “this classification should be extended to description of distributed systems,” (Yet another approach to classification of... more
Digital Dominance: The Power of Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple, edited by Moore and Tambini, is an attempt to decipher these tech giants’ digital effects on society, the economy and politics, as well as to explore if and how these... more
È "lavoro di partito" tutto ciò che contribuisce al movimento reale che abolisce lo stato di cose presente. In Marx la teoria del partito non è del tutto esplicita, però è facile da ricavare da molti dei suoi scritti. Nel Manifesto il... more
The semiotics of the face studies the meaning of the human face in contemporary visual cultures. There are two complementary research foci: widespread practices of face exhibition in social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and... more
Higher education is facing a range of major challenges during the twenty-first century. Personalised, flexible and open learning are considered among the driving forces, thus, issues of quality must be urgently addressed.
Once viewed as an embarrassing superstition, the theatrical religious performances of Korean shamans—who communicate with the dead, divine the future, and become possessed—are going mainstream. Attitudes toward Korean shamanism are... more mugshot removal resource. Can you remove your mugshot from This presentation will teach you how to get off
The world of internet today has become a parallel form of life and living. Public are now capable of doing things which were not imaginable few years ago. The Internet is fast becoming a way of life for millions of people and also a way... more
In 1998, in a paper in which he explained the mechanisms used in Hollywood to divide the revenue generated by feature films among different stakeholders, Mark Weinstein (1998) argued that only ten to twenty percent of these projects... more
“Beyond New Media Art” is the revised, updated version of a book first published in Italian with the title “Media, New Media, Postmedia” (Postmedia Books, Milan 2010). Through the circulation of excerpts, reviews and interviews, the book... more
The press, photography, radio, even before television, have prepared the masses for total immersion in the technologically advanced virtual realities that currently dominate and disorient us, destroying identities, without our realizing... more
La generalización del uso de las redes sociales en Internet conlleva nuevas prác-ticas comúnmente aceptadas entre sus usuarios, entre las que se encuentra la publi-cación de imágenes de terceras personas sin su consentimiento. El presente... more
La presencia del terrorismo islamista en internet ha cambiado cuantitativa y cualitativamente en los últimos años como consecuencia de la irrupción del autodenominado Estado Islámico. Nunca hasta ahora había resultado tan fácil acceder a... more
"Al acrecentar su poder, la humanidad está multiplicando sus servidumbres". Nicolás Gómez Dávila. RESUMEN El imparable desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías desde finales del pasado siglo ha conllevado también una nueva forma de considerar... more
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An important text mining problem is to find, in a large collection of texts, documents related to specific topics and then discern further structure among the found texts. This problem is especially important for social sciences, where... more
Deliberate hypotension is the intentional reduction of systemic perfusion pressure. The study was conducted on 60 ASA grade I, II, of either sex undergoing spinal surgery under general anaesthesia. The study was aimed to compare the blood... more
A 29-year-old primipara woman in the 36th week of pregnancy was admitted to our Emergency Clinic with a complaint of severe headache for 3 months and nausea / vomiting since since last week. A large frontoparietal intracranial tumour with... more
Bota gjithnjë e më shumë po përballet me digjitalizimin e sferave të ndryshme të jetës apo me shtimin e parashtesës "e" pranë shumë gjërave që në botën e vjetër ishin ndryshe. Tani gjithnjë e më shumë po dëgjojmë për "ebiznesin",... more
Turkcell Superonline ailesi olarak sizlerin karşısına yepyeni bir kampanya ile çıkmaktayız. Karşınızda Superbox. Öğrenci için genel problemlerden biri her zaman para olmuştur. Hal böyle olunca da gereksiz harcamalardan kaçınmak bir... more
The libraries and information services has been changed due to the development of information and communication technology. Electronics resources role is very important as information repositories are use of information for various... more
The Internet usage across the world has increased manifold in the last decade. The trend is the same for the Arab world including the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a country with its own social and cultural inclinations and heritage. Recent... more
This paper attempts to review the development of the Web until 1999, the date when it is published the standard HTML 4.0. In this paper it is also explained the development of HTML standard, which is currently the primary infrastructure... more
This is a book review of Ethan Katsh and Orna Rabinovich-Einy's Digital Justice: Technology and the Internet of Disputes. According to Katsh and Rabinovich-Einy, "disputes... are the collateral damage of innovation." While that may be... more
Resumen El derecho a la resistencia es la garantía que tienen todas las personas de las naciones para reclamar sobre abusos de autoridad o sobre actos privados por parte de quienes ostentan el poder de gobierno o poder económico que... more
Możemy wyróżnić cztery wymiary religijnych miejsc w internecie – religię innowacyjną (np. nowe ruchy religijne), religię tradycyjną (wielkie „tradycyjne” religie – chociażby chrześcijaństwo), religię w sieci (informacje na temat różnych... more
Th is book explores the activism promoted by organised networks of civil society actors in opening up possibilities for more democratic supranational governance. It examines the positive and negative impact that such networks of civil... more
The digitally marginalised communities are in focus in the EU-funded Rural Wings project 2006-2008. The aim is to identify and analyze the user learning needs in non-connected communities and to meet these needs by providing satellite... more
Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho é oferecer uma pesquisa documental abrangendo diversas considerações sobre as formas do conhecimento humano e suas mutações ao longo da história moderna, quando a cognição humana se depara com elementos... more
Od web.studies do antropologii nowej wizualności.
Le capitalisme contemporain n'exploite plus les travailleurs mais leurs émotions : on est entré dans le neurocapitalisme. Nouveaux instruments de la servitude volontaire, les technologies de l'information se font toujours plus addictives... more
Android smart phone is one of the fast growing mobile phones and because of these it the one of the most preferred target of malware developer. Malware apps can penetrate the device and gain privileges in which it can perform malicious... more
El martes 20 de febrero, el Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI), la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes (SCT), y el Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones (IFT) dieron a conocer, por medio del comunicado de... more
โลกาภิวัฒน์เผชิญกับการวิพากษ์วิจารณ์มากมาย นำไปสู่การต่อต้านในระดับการเคลื่อนไหวทางการเมือง บทความชิ้นนี้ต้องการตรวจสอบว่าขบวนการต่อต้านโลกาภิวํฒน์ใช้อินเทอร์เน็ตเป็นเครื่องมือในการสร้างขบวนการทางสังคมอย่างไร
Perkembangan internet sekarang ini sangatlah pesat, hampir semua orang sudah menggunakan internet entah itu menggunakan perangkat hp ataupun komputer. Untuk dapat akses internet tentunya membutuhkan sebuah jarigan internet, namun itu... more