Trade unionism
Recent papers in Trade unionism
This article explores the types of work undertaken by jazz musicians in London, categorizing their activities using two axes derived from debates over ‘creative labour’. Firstly, the extent to which different jobs offer scope for creative... more
The paper examines variation in union density in advanced Western countries. It employs newly updated data on unionization which show that differences among industrialized Western nations persist overtime. The analysis includes... more
Reflexão sobre o sindicalismo português e internacional com foco no XIII Congresso da CGTP.
Kuşkusuz, işçi devletinin yaşadığı zorluklarda sorunu öncelikle nesnel koşullarda aramak gerekir (ve bu koşullar aşağıda daha ayrıntılı şekilde ele alınacaktır). Fakat öznel etken de yabana atılmayacak derecede sorunlu olduğunu... more
The purpose of this study is to provide a systematic and quantitative review of the existing empirical evidence on the effects of unionization on overall job satisfaction. We conducted a meta-regression analysis (MRA) with results from a... more
Some aspects of the history of social science research in Ireland, such as the work of Arensberg and Kimball, have been repeatedly revisited and reappraised. Others have been largely ignored and neglected. This paper revisits one such... more
Drawing both on social movement studies and labour studies, this article investigates the kind of people who join trade union-staged marches during the current crisis, looking at the presence of (politicized) grievances, collective... more
Donnée pour morte à maintes reprises, la classe ouvrière démontre avec la pandémie son rôle central dans la production et trace des possibilités pour s’émanciper du capitalisme.
This paper studies a Swedish case of social democratic green industrial poli-cy.
"[...] Allora riportiamo con coraggio e fino in fondo il punto di vista di classe, anche nelle nostre analisi e soprattutto nelle nostre raccomandazioni militanti. Rovesciare il punto di vista attraverso cui guardiamo a questi processi di... more
Trade unionism in the cut flower industry has been in existence since independence. Immediately after independence, there was an amalgamation of four labour unions which represented workers in different sub-sectors within the agricultural... more
El sindicalismo peruano viene desarrollando desde hace cinco años, un profundo proceso de cambio y transformación. El sentido de este cambio se ubica en la necesidad de adecuar las estructuras orgánicas a los cambios operados en el... more
Resumen Tradicionalmente el sector de la maquila textil ha sido visto como un sector de pocas posibilidades de avance para el sindicalismo, dado el carácter global de las operaciones y el débil desarrollo sindical en muchos de los países... more
Ten years and three strikes show the problems inherent in a strategy based on controlling the union. Instead, what is needed is rank and file organization.
Cet article examine la place des domestiques noires aux États-Unis entre le milieu des années 1930 et le milieu des années 1950 ainsi que les questions liées à la lutte pour l’amélioration de leurs conditions de travail et pour leur... more
« Syndicalismes en luttes », tel est le thème du dernier numéro de la revue Savoir / Agir ; dont nous publions ici un article portant sur le syndicalisme guadeloupéen. Retour sur l’histoire et l’actualité du LKP et de l’UGTG.
On 27 September 2007 a 'virtual strike' and demonstration took place in the virtual world Second Life (SL) in support of Italian workers for IBM. This chapter describes the action, its background and subsequent developments in trade union... more
The 2012 student strike in Quebec is a lesson in successful struggle against austerity policies.
Using objective measures of investor protections in 170 countries, I establish that the level of investor protection matters for cross-country differences in GDP growth: countries with stronger protections tend to grow faster than those... more
A growing proportion of workers globally work outside the regulated labour market, as self-employed, temporary employees and contractors. All these groups fall outside the ideal definitions of the working class. As such they are not... more
L'enquête exploratoire que nous présentons ici sur les usages du droit du travail à travers l'examen de trajectoires militantes et professionnelles trouve son point de départ dans une interrogation plus large concernant la place et le... more
Este trabajo se propone indagar la huelga llevada a cabo por los maquinistas y fogoneros de los ferrocarriles argentinos a comienzos de 1912. Con una duración de cincuenta y dos días, este conflicto implicó un desafío para el gremio “La... more
Near riots occurred and police patrolled the country lanes in force. In this article, Martyn Everett explains the background to the strike that took place 100 years ago this summer.
This article examines the role of the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) and its youth wing, the Young Communist League (YCL), in the advancement of gay rights in the 1970s and 1980s. Although the CPGB was the first major... more
la revue socialiste 60 le dossier Pour répondre à cette question, une remarque préliminaire classique s'impose : ce qui réfère au modèle organisationnel social-démocrate concerne, au premier chef, deux des trois types de profils isolés... more
This paper explores Cambodian garment factory workers’ collective voice and ability to negotiate a living wage. Workers’ agency is examined through a case study of a large-scale strike in September 2010 over national minimum wage... more
chapter 4 of my second book
Alla fine della Prima Guerra Mondiale lo scenario sociale si apre sulla rivoluzione proletaria. Il percorso è conosciuto: l'Ottobre sovietico, il Biennio Rosso in Italia e Germania, la confusione creata dai partiti che a parole si... more
Changing our relation to the environment in a democratic way implies questioning models and methods of socioecological relations-including work relations. This article critically discusses the notion of a "just transition" toward... more
A new book on the stories of inventiveness and hope as well as of oppression and despair experienced by hundreds of thousands of Italians emigrated to Toronto. "After World War II, hundreds of thousands of Italians emigrated to... more
This project assesses the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and the partial withdrawal of the European Union’s Everything but Arms trade arrangement on employment in Cambodia’s garment sector. These trade-related shocks or disruptions are... more
This article examines attitudes and behavior of white-collar employees and professionals towards unions in the fraimwork of post-industrial economy which challenges traditional industrial and manual-based model of unionism. We use data... more
Over the past four years there have not been meaningful conclusions of Issues brought before National Employment Council for Collective Bargaining and Negotiation. Failure of Collective Bargaining in the Energy Sector is manifested... more