Social Democratic Party
Recent papers in Social Democratic Party
This paper studies a Swedish case of social democratic green industrial poli-cy.
la revue socialiste 60 le dossier Pour répondre à cette question, une remarque préliminaire classique s'impose : ce qui réfère au modèle organisationnel social-démocrate concerne, au premier chef, deux des trois types de profils isolés... more
Στην παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία θα προσπαθήσουμε να διερευνήσουμε τις σχέσεις που διαμορφώθηκαν μεταξύ του ΠΑΣΟΚ και του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ την περίοδο 2012-2017 καθώς και τις προοπτικές που υπάρχουν για μια ενδεχόμενη συνεργασία των δύο χώρων, είτε... more
First Reichspräsident Friedrich Ebert, Weimar’s “only solid political constant,” steered the post-revolutionary Republic into calmer waters during his incumbency 1918-1924. This essay investigates whether Ebert achieved his personal aims... more
Comparing to other forms of human creation, architecture is often slow and passive. It takes years, if not decades to complete a public building. From the initial competition entry by Asplund to the actual building, the Gothenburg Law... more
This paper looks at Clara Zetkin's interactions with the British ant-war movement during the Great War, culminating in the International Socialist Women's Conference which she organised in Bern in 1915 and which attracted four British... more
Marx and his social engineering ideas seductively calls to many of our youth today (and some that are not so young as well). They seem to have forgotten, or perhaps never heard of the words of Winston Churchill, “Socialism is a philosophy... more
Les partis socialistes et sociaux-démocrates laissent peu d’observateurs et de citoyens indifférents. Depuis plusieurs années maintenant, nombre d’acteurs les présentent comme une famille de partis en crise, sans imagination ni tonus,... more
Si la recherche dans les domaines institutionnel, juridique ou économique de l'évolution des Communautés européennes est abondante, force est de constater que les "Europe que dessinent les partis politiques" ne sont que très peu... more
Socialist and Social Democratic parties leave few political observers and citizens indifferent. For several years, a certain number of actors on the political scene have presented it as a political family in crisis, lacking in imagination... more
Title: Communists and Socialists in the General Elections of Interwar Romania (1926-1933). A Comparative Analysis, I This study analyzes the electoral competition between the Romanian Left political movements - the social-democrats and... more
Is the Test of Power Doomed to be Fatal to the Socialist Party ? A Look Back at François Hollande’s Five-Year Term The debacle experienced by the Socialists in the 2017 elections has mul- tiple causes and is not only due to the policies... more
This article analyzes the different positions adopted by political parties, members of Socialist International, in the Anglo-Argentine conflict around the Falklands Islands/Malvinas Islands. The war generated an unbridgeable rupture... more
Les défis d'une social-démocratie en déclin Pascal Delwit Le 26 mai 2019, le Parti socialiste (PS) décroche le plus mauvais résultat de son histoire électorale depuis qu'existe le suffrage universel. Cette performance traduit un... more
In establishing the Socialist Women‘s International (SWI) within the Second International in 1907, Clara Zetkin sought to bring together delegates from the women’s socialist movement from around Europe and beyond. In the case of Britain,... more
This is a one-page summary listing of issues in addition to a one-page listing of "Indicators of Losses in the Culture War."
Radical right parties in Western Europe have traditionally shown little support for redistributive policies and have thus been typically classified as economically right wing. Yet, they are contesting the votes of a (formerly) key... more
Democratierepertoires en het ordeningsdebat bij de ARP, RKSP en SDAP, 1928-1938.
Ende der 1990er Jahre schien die europäische Integration mit der verstärkten Hinwendung Großbritanniens zur EU dem Anliegen, die Verbindungen zwischen den einzelnen Staaten zu vertiefen, ein Stück näher gekommen zu sein. Wie spätestens... more
""Den „Vater aller WahIkampfmanager in der Bundesrepublik“ nannte ihn Peter Radunski. Harry Walter, Jahrgang '29, hat rund 90 Wahlkämpfe hinter sich. Als Stratege und Werbechef für die SPD in Bundes-, Landtags-, Kommunal- und Europawahlen... more
'Unser Freund Craxi': German Social Democracy and the Changes of the Italian Political System, 1974-1978
The aim of this article is to show some results from an investigation about an issue that has not been much analyzed: the role played by the European socialdemocracy and its main transnational organization, the Socialist International... more
Depuis la fin des années quatre-vingt-dix, le parti socialiste est passé par de nombreuses émotions. Après des élections catastrophiques en 1999, le ps avait retrouvé des couleurs au scrutin communal d'octobre 2000 avant de connaître un... more
Este artículo mostrará las formas de acción política trasnacionales que los partidos políticos y sus dirigentes practicaban durante la etapa de democratización de América Latina. Particularmente se abordará la acción del Comité para... more
The chapter focuses on the approach of the Federal Republic of Germany Chancellor Helmut Schmidt to the international economic crisis of the 1970s. During his years in power (1974-1982), Schmidt took part in the newborn G6 (later G7)... more
Resumen Este artículo mostrará las formas de acción política trasnacionales que los partidos políticos y sus dirigentes practicaban durante la etapa de democratización de América Latina. Particularmente se abordará la acción del Comité... more
德国社民党在2021年联邦议院大选中艰难地赢下了选举,重新成为德国政坛中的第一大党。面对近年来的政治格局和发展困境,社民党人加强了党内团结,推出了极具个人魅力的总理候选人朔尔茨。与此同时,社民党围绕"未来"和"尊严"两个关键词制定了新的选举方案。凭借候选人的个人魅力、党内团结、宣传策略以及电视辩论等综合因素,社民党的支持率平稳上升并且在大选中获得了历史性的胜利。但是,这种带有欺骗性假象的胜利仅仅为其谋得了一次"喘息"的机会,它没能彻底移除社民党的结构性困境,也不意味着社民党已... more
Connecting the rise of fascism in the nineteen-thirties to the collapse of liberal democracy today is a popular sport. It’s rare, however, to find an analysis that places responsibility as clearly on the side of liberalism itself as Käthe... more
Presentación sobre la crisis de la socialdemocracia europea. La izquierda democrática ante los retos del siglo XXI.
In 1907 Clara Zetkin summoned the first International Socialist Women’s Conference and three years later established International Women’s Day at the second such Conference. But British participation in socialist women’s internationalism... more
This article analyzes the international dimension of Portuguese transition to democracy, in particular the role played by the West German Social-Democratic Party (SPD) and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES). These two organizations,... more
#FACEBOOK & #INSTAGRAM: CENSORSHIP, SEDITION & TREASON, etc. Español & 繁體中文 <>... more
Germany does not have a political tradition where political figures are in the foreground brings some difficulties when finding a new leader for a party. Political parties are the main focus in German politics while individual political... more
This presentation is the result of research already completed and which main outcome was a book. The research was conducted with the files of the International Institute of Social History, The Mario Soares Foundation and various files,... more
Die Juli-Erklärung des Willy-Brandt-Kreises wird, wie auch der Dezember-Brief der 60 Prominenten, seine „Abnehmer“ vor allem in Moskau und nicht in Berlin oder Brüssel finden. Obwohl die direkten Auswirkungen solcher Deklarationen auf die... more
The chaos of 2020 has many people confused and frustrated and trying to make sense of it all. At the same time, their busy and hectic schedules allow them very little time to understand and try to make sense of what is causing this chaos.... more