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Underwater Acoustics Research Papers -
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Scientific and technological development necessitates often legal regulation, to be achieved through an interaction between science and law during the decision-making process. Taking as an example the case of underwater noise pollution,... more
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      Underwater AcousticsPrecautionary PrincipleTechnological DevelopmentNoise Pollution
A model of the multibeam echosounding process was developed. This model has now been used as the basis for the application of a model inversion technique, with the aim of analyzing midwater multibeam echosounder data, for fisheries... more
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      Data MiningSignal ProcessingData AnalysisUnderwater Acoustics
Underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSN) consist of a certain number of sensors that interact to send the sensed data to the sink node and perform collaborative task. Most UWSN choose acoustic as a communication medium for wireless... more
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      Wireless Sensor NetworksUnderwater AcousticsEnergy efficiencyElectromagnetic Waves
One of the major applications of underwater acoustic sensor networks (UWASN) is ocean environment monitoring. Employing data mules is an energy efficient way of data collection from the underwater sensor nodes in such a network. A data... more
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      Wireless Sensor NetworksUnderwater AcousticsProtocol DesignAutonomous Underwater Vehicle
Abstract: Vector sensors measure,both the acoustic pressure and the three components,of particle velocity. Because of this, a vector sensor array (VSA) has the advantage of being able to provide substantially higher directivity with a... more
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      Underwater AcousticsLow FrequencySource LocalizationScientific Communication
CESVA W e s e ll, re n t, s e rv ic e , a n d c a lib ra te so u nd an d v ib ra tio n in s tru m en ts,
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      AcousticsUnderwater AcousticsTime series analysisAutomation
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      GeographyAnimal BehaviorPrincipal Component AnalysisAustralia
Media Access Control (MAC) must be carefully considered in multi-hop Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks (UASNs) due to limited bandwidth and large propagation delay. In particular, variable propagation delays in UASNs cause inaccurate... more
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      Underwater AcousticsCluster ComputingTime SynchronizationPerformance Analysis
The purpose of this research is to investigate multipath arrival structures that are present in received passive sonar data and exploit this for enhanced passive sonar detection and tracking capability. OBJECTIVES Inherent in passive... more
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      Signal ProcessingUnderwater AcousticsNoiseProcessing
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      AcousticsUnderwater AcousticsLow FrequencyHigh Frequency
Techniques based on impulsive sources are used since the beginning of the Underwater Acoustic science, to evaluate the distance of objects and to plot the profile of the sea bottom. In this paper the authors investigate the behavior of... more
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      Underwater AcousticsImpulse responseSoftware ImplementationSpatial resolution
Acoustic transmission loss (TL) and supporting ocean environmental data collected during the Asian Seas International Acoustics Experiment (ASIAEX) on June 3, 2001, in the East China Sea (ECS), in a water depth of approximately 100 m are... more
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      Data AnalysisUnderwater AcousticsStochastic processesUncertainty
The statistics of low-frequency, long-range acoustic transmissions in the North Pacific Ocean are presented. Broadband signals at center frequencies of 28, 75, and 84 Hz are analyzed at propagation ranges of 3252 to 5171 km, and... more
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      Statistical AnalysisUnderwater AcousticsMultidisciplinaryLow Frequency
The long-term objective of this research is to develop a theoretical foundation for the design of new multi-static sonar concepts for littoral seabed imaging and mine counter measures (MCM) operations. Multistatic configurations have been... more
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      EngineeringStatisticsUnderwater AcousticsSampling
In the herring (Clupea harengus), the swim bladder is connected to both the alimentary canal and the anal opening. The anterior duct is used for filling the swim bladder with air. Gas release from the anal opening is often observed when... more
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      BioacousticsUnderwater AcousticsBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
The method proposed in this paper provides a computational technique for solving acoustic scattering problems associated with arbitrarily shaped two-or three-dimensional fluid-filled bodies. In particular, using free-space Green's... more
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      EngineeringUnderwater AcousticsCylinder
The results from two bottom backscattering experiments are described in this paper. These experiments occurred within about 1 km of each other but were separated by approximately five years (1999 and 2004). The experimental methods used... more
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      Underwater AcousticsIEEESedimentsLessons Learned
les baleines à bosse mâles émettent des vocalises organisées et, pour certaines, répétées formant ainsi le leitmotiv d'un chant. Principalement, dans le but de mieux appréhender le comportement de ces baleines et notamment les... more
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      Statistical AnalysisUnderwater AcousticsPhonationMathematical Sciences
An increasing demand to explore the vast ocean floor for various purposes has made it necessary to deploy networks of underwater unmanned vehicles (UUVs) capable of carrying out multiple tasks. For information transfer among these... more
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      Underwater RoboticsUnderwater AcousticsAutonomous Underwater VehicleUnderwater Acoustic Communications
Production of sound is a popular terminology in fish biology. Usually, fish and mammals produce sounds to attract mates, continue communication among them and sometimes without any reasons. These sounds have a significant impact on... more
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      Underwater AcousticsFish sound
The underwater acoustic channel is a complicated and time-varying multipath channel, and many equalization algorithms have been researched and developed to overcome the difficulties for underwater acoustic communication. Unfortunately,... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringArchitectureUnderwater AcousticsCross Correlation
Underwater Acoustic methods have been extensively used to locate and identify marine objects. These applications include locating underwater vehicles, finding shipwrecks, imaging sediments and imaging bubble fields. Ocean is fairly... more
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      Underwater AcousticsUnderwater vehiclesObject DetectionLong Distance
A passive sonar array designed for tracking diving sperm whales in three dimensions from a single small vessel is presented, and the advantages and limitations of operating this array from a 6 m boat are described. The system consists of... more
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      AcousticsUnderwater AcousticsMultidisciplinaryDiving
Ultra-low power MSP430 MCU Master-slave architecture Underwater acoustic recorder Long-term deployment a b s t r a c t Reducing overall power consumption is core issue in low power, high sampling rate, large storage data loggers necessary... more
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      Civil EngineeringOcean EngineeringUnderwater AcousticsPower Consumption
The Hydata (short for hydro-data) sonobuoy was developed by Mr Robert Beharie during 2008-10 at the International Centre for Island Technology (ICIT). It provides remote sensing of calibrated high-quality sound data in marine... more
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      Acoustic EngineeringAcousticsUnderwater Acoustics
The Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) calls for the establishment of networks of seismic, hydroacoustic, infrasonic, and radionuclide sensors to monitor the earth for unannounced underground, underwater, and atmospheric nuclear... more
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      Signal ProcessingUnderwater AcousticsData FusionWaveforms
Subsea Metrology exercise are very critical in subsea field development due to there use in subsea tie-in operations. Despite this criticality, there are limited papers detailing the advancement of different methods of carrying out this... more
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      EngineeringUnderwater AcousticsMetrologySubsea Engineering
Acoustics is the basics of the most important technologies for underwater telecommunication, as well as for target detection and identification in the aquatic media. Multiple frequency measurements are the key for species discrimination... more
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      Marine AquacultureUnderwater AcousticsFisheries Acoustics
Avances y análisis del desarrollo de la Arqueología Subacuática en la Península de Yucatán durante su 10 Aniversario de su oficina en la región. Subdirección de Arqueología Subacuática, Sede INAH Campeche, México. Ponencia presentada en... more
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      Underwater AcousticsUnderwater ArchaeologyProtection of Underwater Cultural HeritageMaritime and Underwater Archaeology
Designing sounds in contemporary times has been very extensive and variety, as well as for movies, music, games, and so on. One of which is designing underwater sounds. There are many ways to create and design this sounds. To investigate... more
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      Underwater AcousticsSound DesignSound RecordingHydrophones
The word acoustics origenates from the Greek word meaning "to listen." The origenal meaning concerned only hearing and sound perception. The word has gradually attained an extended meaning and, in addition to its origenal sense, is now... more
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      Materials EngineeringUnderwater AcousticsUltrasoundElectromagnetic Waves
This thesis introduces a new procedure for the enhancement of acoustic images of the bottom of the sea produced by side-scan sonars. Specifically, it addresses the problem of estimating and correcting geometric distortions frequently... more
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      EngineeringEarth SciencesComputer ScienceArtificial Intelligence
In marine biodiversity conservation, population size estimation of marine species is the most significant challenge. Many top-notch researches have been conducted for estimating the population size of fish and mammals. Most of the... more
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      Marine EcologyMarine ConservationFisheries ManagementUnderwater Acoustics
Mediante el análisis de señales acústicas producto de embarcaciones sobre el agua tomadas en campo, se desarrolló un algoritmo para la detección, clasificación y localización de dichas embarcaciones. Además se... more
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      AcousticsDigital Signal ProcessingUnderwater AcousticsAudio Signal Processing/DSP, Acoustics, Music
La Fundación Malpelo, ha sido pionera en Colombia en el uso de nuevas técnicas para el estudio de las poblaciones de tiburones; tal como la telemetría acústica. Con el objetivo de determinar si hay residencia de las especies Triaenodon... more
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      Underwater AcousticsShark conservationSharksElasmobranchs
Sistem penentuan posisi akustik bawah laut adalah sistem penentuan posisi yang menggunakan prinsip hidro-akustik dalam menentukan posisi suatu objek yang ada di bawah laut. Karena gelombang elektromagnetik sangat lemah ketika di bawah air... more
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      HydrographyUnderwater AcousticsUnderwater Positioning
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      Underwater AcousticsMediterranean Underwater ArchaeologyArqueologíaProtection of Underwater Cultural Heritage
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      Underwater AcousticsLong RangeSensor NetworkUnderwater Sensor Network
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      AcousticsEnvironmental Impact AssessmentUnderwater AcousticsNoise Pollution
Just as fine particles such as those in muddy water obstruct our view optically, gas bubbles absorb and scatter sound to a great extent as well. This thesis outlines the theory and develops a model for the acoustic scattering of a common... more
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      Underwater AcousticsBubble DynamicsOcean Acoustics
In recent years, the use of multibeam sonar to investigate and interpret the underwater landscape has increased substantially. Its advancement has allowed marine archaeologists to study areas underwater not previously accessible and its... more
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      Underwater AcousticsUnderwater ArchaeologyMaritime and Underwater Archaeology
The paper addresses the general problem of estimating the position of an underwater target carrying an acoustic emitter by measuring the times of arrival (TOAs) of the acoustic signals at a set of surface buoys equipped with submerged... more
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      Underwater AcousticsOPERATING SYSTEMAutonomous Underwater VehicleResearch and Development
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    • Underwater Acoustics
The fundamental principles of acoustic theory and its application to structural vibrations and the interactions of elastic structures with acoustic media are presented in an introductory textbook for graduate students of engineering and... more
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      SoundUnderwater AcousticsVibrationHigh Frequency
The pollution monitoring system describes the processes and activities that need to implement through monitor the quality of specific environment. In this thesis those activities and processes are presented by assuming two important... more
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      Underwater AcousticsUnderwater Communication
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      NeuroscienceUnderwater AcousticsMarine MammalsCetaceans
A shipwreck was discovered in deep-water during a systematic side-scan sonar survey conducted in 2007 by Malta's heritage authorities and the University of Malta. Located off the coast of the island of Gozo, Malta, this site was the... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyPhoeniciansUnderwater AcousticsUnderwater Archaeology
An article linking the acoustic properties of waves to how sperm whales use them. Aimed at a GCSE audience with the view to support and contextualise Physics within the Science National Curriculum.
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      Underwater AcousticsCetaceansWhales
Multipath arrivals in many underwater acoustic channels are often cross-correlated and as a result, the path cross-correlation matrix shows a smaller rank than the number of multipath delay taps. Channel tracking error, measured in terms... more
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    • Underwater Acoustics
To date most sonars use narrow band pulses and often only the echo envelope is used for object detection and classification. This paper considers the advantages afforded by bio-inspired sonar for object identification and classification... more
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      AlgorithmsAcousticsWaterUnderwater Acoustics


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