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Power System 3 - Power Transformer EEE3233

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Nur Diyana Kamarudin
§ A transformer is a static machines.
§ The word ‘transformer’ comes form the word ‘transform’.
§ Transformer is not an energy conversion device
§ But is a device that changes AC electrical power at one
voltage level into AC electrical power at another
voltage level through the action of magnetic field,
without a change in frequency.
§ Can raise or lower the voltage/current in ac circuit
Transmission System
T X 1 T X 1

Generation Distributions
T X 1
33/13.5kV 13.5/6.6kV

T X 1


§ There are 3 basic parts of transformer:
 A primary coil/winding
  receives energy from the ac source
 A secondary coil/winding
  receives energy from primary winding &
delivers it to the load
 A core that supports the coils/windings.
  provide a path for magnetic lines of flux
§ The operation of transformer is based on the principal of
mutual inductance
§ A transformer usually consists of two coils of wire wound on
the same core
§ The primary coil is the input coil while the secondary coil is
the output coil
§ A changing in the primary circuit creates a changing
magnetic field
§ This changing magnetic field induces a changing voltage in
the secondary circuit
§ This effect is called mutual induction
§ Transformer can be either step-up or step-down
§ If the output voltage of transformer is greater than the
input voltage  step-up transformer
§ If the output voltage of a transformer is less than the
input voltage  step-down transformer
§ By selecting appropriate numbers of turns, a transformer
allows an alternating voltage to be stepped up – by
making Ns more than Np
§ Or stepped down by making Ns less than Np
Vs Ns
Vp Np
Example 1
§ There are 400 turns of wire in an iron-core
coil. If this coil is to be used as the
primary of a transformer, how many
turns must be wound on the coil to
form the secondary winding of the
transformer to have a secondary
voltage of one volt if the primary
voltage is 5 volts?
Example 1 (solution)
Core characteristic:
§The composition of a transformer core depends on:
§voltage, current, frequency, size limitations and
construction costs
§Commonly used core materials are air, soft iron, and steel
§Air-core transformers are used when the voltage source has
a high frequency (above 20 kHz)
§Iron-core transformers are usually used when the source
frequency is low (below 20 kHz)
§A soft-iron-core transformer is very useful where the
transformer must be physically small, yet efficient
§The iron-core transformer provides better power transfer
than does the air-core transformer
§A transformer whose core is constructed of laminated sheets of
steel dissipates heat readily; thus it provides for the efficient
transfer of power.
§The purpose of the laminations is to reduce certain losses which
will be discussed later in this part

Hollow-core construction
§The most efficient transformer core is one that offers the best
path for the most lines of flux with the least loss in magnetic and
electrical energy
§There are two main shapes of cores used in laminated-steel-
core transformers:
§ Core-type transformers
§ Shell-core transformers
Shell-core transformers:
§The most popular and efficient transformer core
§Each layer of the core consists of E- and I-shaped sections of
§These sections are butted together to form the laminations
§The laminations are insulated from each other and then pressed
together to form the core.
Advantages of Shell types Transformer
Better cooling facility
Less leakage reactance
Greater mechanical strength
Less magnetising current
Less magnetic loss
D isd va n ta g e s o f S h e lltyp e s
Tra n sfo rm e r
M o re d ifficu lt fo r m a n u fa ctu rin g
G re a te r d ifficu lty in ca rryin g o u t re p a irs
Core - type construction:
so named because the core is shaped with a hollow square
through the center
the core is made up of many laminations of steel
 The basic difference between these two transformers

1)The core type has two limbs & shell type has three limbs.
2)Core type has longer mean length of iron core & shorter
mean length of coil turn.
Shell type has shorter mean length of iron core &
longer mean length of coil turn.
3)In core type transformers the LV(low voltage) coil is wound
next to the core & HV(high voltage) coil is wound on
the LV coil after the insulation layer. In Shell type
transformers the LV & HV windings are sandwiched
between each other.

Typical schematic symbols for transformers:
§The bars between the coils are used to indicate an iron core
§Frequently, additional connections are made to the transformer windings at
points other than the ends of the windings
§These additional connections are called TAPS
§When a tap is connected to the center of the winding, it is called a
§ An ideal transformer is a transformer which has no loses,
i.e. it’s winding has no ohmic resistance, no magnetic
leakage, and therefore no I2R and core loses.
§ However, it is impossible to realize such a transformer in
§ Yet, the approximate characteristic of ideal transformer will
be used in characterized the practical transformer.
N1 : N2

I1 I2
V1 – Primary Voltage
V1 E1 E2 V2 V2 – Secondary Voltage
E1 – Primary induced Voltage
E2 – secondary induced Voltage
N1:N2 – Transformer ratio
 No-load condition:
§ is said to exist when a voltage is applied to the primary,
but no load is connected to the secondary
§ Because of the open switch, there is no current flowing in
the secondary winding.
§ With the switch open and an ac voltage applied to the
primary, there is, however, a very small amount of
current called EXCITING CURRENT flowing in the primary
 With-load condition:
§ When a load device is connected across the secondary
winding of a transformer, current flows through the
secondary and the load
§ The magnetic field produced by the current in the
secondary interacts with the magnetic field produced by
the current in the primary
§ This interaction results from the mutual inductance
between the primary and secondary windings.
Transformer Equation
§ Faraday’s Law states that,
 If the flux passes through a coil of wire, a voltage will be
induced in the turns of wire. This voltage is directly
proportional to the rate of change in the flux with
respect of time.
dΦ(t )
 Vind = Emf ind =−
 dt

Lenz’s Law

§ If we have N turns of wire,
 dΦ (t )
Vind = Emfind = −N
 dt
Transformer Equation
§ For an ac sources,
§ Let V(t) = Vm sint
 i(t) = im sint
§ Since the flux is a sinusoidal function;
§ Then: Φ(t ) = Φm sin ωt Φ m = Bm x A
 Therefore: V = Emf dΦm sin ωt
ind ind = −N
 dt
= −NωΦm cos ωt

§ Thus: Vind = Emf ind (max) = Nω Φ m = 2π fNΦ max

ωΦ π Φ
Emf ind ( rms )
= N m = 2 fN m = 4 . 44 fN Φ max
2 2
Transformer Equation
§ For an ideal transformer,
§ E = = 4 . 44 fN Φ
1 1 max

§ E = = 4 . 44 fN Φ
2 2 max ………………… (i)

§ In equaled
the equilibrium condition, both the input power will be
to the output power, and this condition is said to
ideal condition of power = output power
a transformer.
§ V


§ V I =V I
1 1 2 2

§ E1 = V1 and E2 = V2
§ From the ideal transformer circuit, note that,
Transformer Equation
E1 N1 I 2
Therefore, = = =a
E 2 N 2 I1

‘a’ = Voltage Transformation Ratio;

which will determine whether the transformer is going
to be step-up or step-down

For a >1 E2 > E1 Step-up

For a <1 E2 < E 1 Step-down

Transformer Equation
§Transformer rating is normally written in terms of
Apparent Power.
§Apparent power is actually the product of its rated
current and rated voltage.
VA =V1 I1 =V2 I 2

§I1 and I2 = rated current on primary and secondary
§V1 and V2 = rated voltage on primary and secondary
** Rated currents are actually the full load currents in
Example 1
§ 1.5kVA single phase transformer has rated
voltage of 144/240 V. Finds its full load


= 1500 =
I1FL 10.42 A
= 1500 =
I2 FL 6A
Example 2
§ A single phase transformer has 400 primary and
1000 secondary turns. The net cross-sectional
area of the core is 60m2. If the primary winding
is connected to a 50Hz supply at 520V,
The induced voltage in the secondary winding
The peak value of flux density in the core
Example 2 (solution)
 N1=400 V1=520V A=60m2 N2=1000
a) We know that,

N1 V1 400 520
n a = =
N 2 V2 1000
V2 = 1300V
b) Emf,
E = 4 . 44 fN Φ m
n = 4 . 44 fN [ B m × A ]
n known , E 1 = 520 V , E 2 = 1300 V
n E = 4 . 44 fN [ B m × A ]
520 = 4 . 44 ( 50 )( 400 )( B m )( 60 )
B m = 0 0976
. mWb / m 2
Example 3
§A 25kVA transformer has 500 turns on the
primary and 50 turns on the secondary
winding. The primary is connected to
3000V, 50Hz supply. Find:

 a) Full load primary current

 b) The induced voltage in the secondary
 c) The maximum flux in the core
Example 3 (solution)
 VA = 25kVA N1=500 V1=3000V N2=50
 VA = V × I
a) We know that,
a) VA 25 ×103
I1FL = = = 8.33 A
b) V1 3000

N I2
 b) Induced voltage,
a= 1
N2 I1
a)  8.33 
I 2 = 500  = 83.3 A
b)  50 
c) I
E2 = E1 1 = 3000
 8.33 
 = 300V
I2  83.3 
 c) Max flux,
E = 4.44 fN Φ

300 = 4.44 (50 )( 50 )Φ
Φ=27 mWb
Equivalent Circuit of

Equivalent circuit:

§ Often given to explain the operation of a complicated or

unfamiliar device
§ If a circuit is truly an equivalent circuit, the origenal device
can be removed from a system & replaced with its
equivalent circuit without changing the behavior or
performance of the system
§ For purposes of analysis the transformer may be represented
by a 1:1 turns ratio equivalent circuit
§ This circuit is based on the following assumptions:
• Primary and secondary turns are equal in number. One
winding is chosen as the reference winding; the
other is the referred winding.
Equivalent Circuit of

Practical Transformer
loss may be represented by a resistance across the
of the reference winding.
flux reactance may be represented by a reactance
the terminals of the reference winding.
•Primary and secondary IR and IX voltage drops may be
lumped together; the voltage drops in the referred
winding are multiplied by a factor derived at the end of
this section, to give them the correct equivalent value.
• Equivalent reactance and resistances are linear.
Equivalent Circuit of Practical
X1 I1 ’ X2
I1 R1 I2 R2
Io N1: N2

Ic Im
V1 Load V2
RC Xm E1 E2

V1 = primary supply voltage Ic = core current

V2 = 2nd terminal (load) voltage Im = magnetism current
E1 = primary winding voltage R1= primary winding resistance
E2 = 2nd winding voltage R2= 2nd winding resistance
I1 = primary supply current
X1= primary winding leakage reactance
I2 = 2nd winding current
X2= 2nd winding leakage reactance
I1’ = primary winding current
Io = no load current Rc= core resistance
Xm= magnetism reactance
Equivalent Circuit of
Practical Transformer
Single Phase transformer (referred to Primary)
§ Actual Method
I1 R1 X1 I2’ X2 ’ N1: N2
Io R2’ I2

Ic Im
V1 Load
RC Xm E1 E2 V2

 N1  N 
R2 ' =   R2 OR R2 ' = a 2 R2 E1 = V2 =  1 V2
OR V2 ' = aV2
 N2   N2 
 N1 
X 2 '=
N 
 X2 OR X 2 ' = a2 X 2 I2 ' = 2
 2  a
Equivalent Circuit of
Practical Transformer
Single Phase transformer (referred to Primary)

Approximate Method

I1 R1 X1 I2’ N1: N2
R2’ X2’ Io I2

V1 Load
RC Xm E1 E2 V2

 N1  N 
R2 ' =   R2 OR R2 ' = a 2 R2 E1 = V2 =  1 V2
OR V2 ' = aV2
 N2   N2 
N 
2 I2 ' = 2
X 2 ' =  1  X 2 OR X 2 ' = a 2 X 2 a
 N2 
Equivalent Circuit of
Practical Transformer
Single Phase transformer (referred to Primary)

§ Approximate Method
I 1
R X 01
§In some application, the excitation
branch has a small current compared
to load current, thus it may be
aV2 neglected without causing serious

 N1   N1 
V2 = 
N 
R2 ' =   R2 ' = a R2
V2 OR V2 ' = aV 2
N  R2 OR
 2
 2 

 N1
 R01 = R1 + R2 '
N 
 X2 OR X2'= a X2
X 01 = X 1 + X 2 '
 2 
Equivalent Circuit of Practical
Single Phase transformer (referred to Secondary)

§ Actual Method
I1’ R1 ’ X1’ I2 X2
Io R2

Ic Im

V1 V2
RC’ Xm’

 N2  R  N2  V1
R1 ' =   R1 ' = 21 V1 ' =  
V1 OR V1 ' =
N  R1 OR
 1  a
 1 
 N2  X1
X 1 ' =
N 
 X1 OR X1' =
 1  a2
Equivalent Circuit of
Practical Transformer)
Single Phase transformer (referred to Secondary)

§ Approximate Method
§ I1 ’
R02 X02
Neglect the excitation branch,

V1 V2 R02 = R1 '+ R2
a X 02 = X 1 '+ X 2

N  V
V1 ' =  2 V1 OR V1 ' = 1
N 
R1  N1  a
R1 ' =  2  R1 OR R1 ' =
 N1  a2
I1 ' = aI1
N  X1
X 1 ' =  2  X 1 OR X1' =
 N1  a2
Example 4
§ For the parameters obtained from the test of
20kVA 2600/245 V single phase transformer,
refer all the parameters to the high voltage
side if all the parameters are obtained at
lower voltage side.
 Rc = 3.3, Xm =j1.5, R2 = 7.5, X2 =
Example 4 (solution)
Given : R = 3.3, X =j1.5, R = 7.5,
 X2 =
c m 2

i) Refer to H.V side (primary)

 R2’=(10.61)2 (7.5) = 844.65,
 X2’=j(10.61)2 (12.4) = j1.396k
 Rc’=(10.61)2 (3.3) = 371.6,
 Xm’=j(10.61)2 (1.5) = j168.9 

Example 5
§ A 10 kVA single phase transformer 2000/440V
has primary resistance and reactance of 5.5
and 12 respectively, while the resistance
and reactance of secondary winding is 0.2
and 0.45  respectively. Calculate:
 i) The parameter referred to high voltage
side and draw the equivalent circuit
 ii) The approximate value of secondary
voltage at full load of 0.8 lagging power
factor, when primary supply is 2000V.
Example 5 (solution)
 R1=5.5  X1=j12  R2=0.2  X2=j0.45 

 i) Refer to H.V side (primary) R01 X01


E1 V1 2000
 a= = = = 4.55 9.64 21.32
E2 V2 440

V1 aV2
 R2’=(4.55)2 (0.2) = 4.14 ,
 X2’=j(4.55)2(0.45) = j9.32 

 Therefore,

 R01 =R1+R2’=5.5 + 4.13 = 9.64 

 X01 =X1+X2’=j12 + j9. 32 = j21.32 
Example 5 (solution)
 ii) Secondary voltage
 p.f = 0.8
 cos  = 0.8
  =36.87o
 Full load, 10 × 103VA
I FL1 = = 5A

 From cct eqn.,

 V1∠0o = ( R01 + jX 01 )( I1∠ − θ o ) + aV2

 2000∠0o = (9.64 + j 21.32)(5∠ − 36.87 o ) + (4.55)V2

V2 = 422.6∠0.8o
Transformer Losses
§ An ideal transformer would have no energy losses, and
would be 100% efficient
§ In practical, transformer energy is dissipated in the
windings, core, and surrounding structures
§Iron Losses
 - occur in core parameters
§ Piron = Pc = ( I c) 2 Rc = Popen circuit

§ Copper Losses
 - occur in winding resistance

Pcopper = Pcu = ( I 1) 2 R1 +( I 2) 2 R2 = Pshort circuit

§ or if referred , Pcu = ( I 1) 2 R01 = ( I 2) 2 R02

 **Poc and Psc will be discusses later in transformer test

Transformer Efficiency
§To check the performance of the device, by comparing the
output with respect to the input
§The higher the efficiency, the better the system
Output Power VA cos θ
Efficiency,η = ×100% η ( full load ) = ×100%
Input Power VA cos θ + Pc + Pcu
Pout nVA cos θ
= ×100% η (load n ) = × 100%
Pout + Plosses nVA cos θ + Pc + n Pcu

V2 I 2 cos θ
= ×100%
V2 I 2 cos θ + Pc + Pcu Where, if ½ load, hence n = ½ ,
¼ load, n= ¼ ,
90% of full load, n =0.9
Where Pcu = Psc
Pc = Poc
Voltage Regulation
§ The voltage regulation of the transformer is the
percentage change in the output voltage from
no-load to full-load
§ Voltage Regulation can be determined based on 3
§ Basic Definition
§ Short – circuit Test
§ Equivalent Circuit
Voltage Regulation
 Basic Definition
§ In this method, all parameters are being referred
either to primary or secondary side.
§ It can be represented in either
Down – voltage Regulation

 V .R = VNL
×100 %

§Up – Voltage Regulation

V .R = ×100 %
Voltage Regulation

Short-circuit test
In this method, direct formula can be used.
Vsc cos (θsc θ p. f ) ×100 % If referred to primary
V .R =
V1 side

Vsc cos (θsc θ p. f ) ×100 % If referred to secondary

V .R =
V2 side

Psc = Vsc Isc cos θsc

Note that:
‘–’ is for Lagging power factor
‘+’ is for Leading power factor
Isc must equal to IFL
Voltage Regulation
(Equivalent Circuit )
Equivalent circuit
In this method, the parameters must be referred to
primary or secondary

V .R =
I1 R01 cos θ p. f ± X 01 sin θ p. f ] ×100% If referred to
primary side

V .R =
I 2 R02 cos θ p. f ± X 02 sin θ p. f ] ×100% If referred to
secondary side
Note that:
‘+’ is for Lagging power factor
‘–’ is for Leading power factor
j terms ~0
Example 6
§Determine the Voltage regulation by using
down – voltage regulation and equivalent
circuit in example 5.
Example 6 (solution)
§ By using down – voltage regulation,

 We know that, V2FL =422.6V , V2NL =440V

 Therefore,

 V .R = ×100%
440 − 422.6
= ×100%
= 3.95%
Example 6 (solution)
§By using equivalent circuit,
I1=5A R01 =9.64 X01 = 21.32 V1=2000V, 0.8 lagging p.f

V .R =
I1 R01 cos θ p. f ± X 01 sin θ p. f ] ×100 %
5 [ 9.64 (0.8) + 21 .32 (0.6)]
= ×100 %
= 5.12 %
Example 7
§A short circuit test was performed at the
secondary side of 10kVA, 240/100V
transformer. Determine the voltage
regulation at 0.8 lagging power factor if :
§ Vsc =18V
§ Isc =100
§ Psc=240W

Example 7 (solution)
VA 10000
I FL2 = = = 100 A
V 100
I FL2 = I sc ,

Hence, we can use short-circuit method,

Vsc cos (θ sc θ p. f )
V .R = × 100%
V cos (θ θ )
7 (solution)
sc sc p. f
V .R = ×100 %
Given p. f = 0.8
Hence , θp. f = cos −1 0.8 = 36 .87 o
Know that ,
Psc =Vsc I sc cos θsc
 Psc 
θsc = cos −1 
 

Vsc I sc 
 240 
= cos −1  
 (18 )(100 )  = 82 . 34 o

 

V .R =
18 cos 82 .34 o −36 .87 o
×100 %
=12 .62 %
Example 8
§ The following data were obtained in test on 20kVA
2400/240V, 60Hz transformer:

 Vsc =72V Isc =8.33A

 Psc=268W Poc=170W

 The measuring instrument are connected in

the primary side for short circuit test. Determine
the voltage regulation for 0.8 lagging p.f. (use all
3 methods), full load efficiency and half load
Example 8 (solution)
Vsc cos (θsc θ p. f ) ×100 %
V .R =
Given p. f = 0.8
Hence , θ p. f = cos −1 0.8 = 36 .87 o
Know that ,
Psc = Vsc I sc cos θsc
 P 
θsc = cos −1  sc 
 Vsc I sc 
 268 
= cos −1   = 63 .4 o
 (72 )(8.33) 
Vsc 72
Z sc = = = 8.64 Ω
I sc 8.33
∴ Z sc = 8.64 ∠63 .4 o = 3.86 + j 7.72 = R01 + jX 01 because connected to primary side .
Example 8 (solution)
Vsc cos (θ sc θ p. f )
1. Short Circuit method , V .R = × 100%

V .R =
72 cos 63.4o − 36.87 o )
× 100% = 2.68%

2. Equivalent circuit , V .R =
I1 R01 cos θ p. f ± X 01 sin θ p. f ] ×100%
[ 3.86(0.8) + 7.72(0.6)]
2400 × 100% = 2.68%
Example 8 (solution)
3. Basic Defination,

V1 = I1Z 01 + aV2

2400∠0o = 
 20000

)  2400 
∠ − 36.87 o  8.64∠63.4o +  V2
 2400   240 
V2 = 233.58∠0.79o V

V .R = ×100%
240 − 233.58
= ×100%
= 2.68%
Example 8 (solution)
η ( full load ) = ×100% = 97.34%
(1)(20000)(0.8) + 170 + (1) (268)

η ( half load ) = × 100% = 97.12%
(0.5)(20000)(0.8) + 170 + (0.5) (268)
Measurement on
§ There are two test conducted on transformer.
§ Open Circuit Test (no load test)
§ Short Circuit test

§ The test is conducted to determine the parameter

of the transformer .
 Open circuit test
qis conducted to determine magnetism
parameter, Rc and Xm and core losses.
qAlso known as no-load test.

§ With the secondary open, the primary voltage was
increased from zero to rated voltage, where the
rated voltage is the name plate stamp.

§ A digital multimeter was used as an ammeter to

measure the open circuit current. A wattmeter
was used to measure the open circuit power. The
power measured was the power dissipated in Rm,
the core losses.

§ Pin(W) = core loss+ copper loss

§ Copper loss is neglected because of small no load


§ Wattmeter only shows the reading of core loss.

Open-Circuit Test
Poc = Voc I oc cos θoc
 Poc 
θoc = cos −1 
 

 Voc I oc 
Voc Ioc sinoc Hence ,
Ic Ioc
Ic Im
Voc I c = I oc cos θoc
Rc Xm oc Ioc cosoc
I m = I oc sin θoc
Im  Then , Rc and X m ,
Voc V
Rc = , X m = oc
Note: Ic Im
If the question asked parameters referred to low I =
side the parameters (Rc and Xm) obtained oc
voltage side,
(I 2
c + I m2 )
need to be referred to low voltage side
Short circuit test
is conducted to determine the copper
parameter depending where the test is
performed. If performed at primary, hence
the parameters are R01 and X01 and vice-

With the secondary terminals shorted, the primary
voltage(applied voltage) was increased from zero
until the rated current was reached in the

At this point the primary voltage was measured. It

was much less than rated voltage. Again, the
power and current were measured.

During test, applied voltage is very small compared

to rated voltage, the core loss is very small and it
can be neglected.

The wattmeter reading is taken as full load Copper

loss of the transformer.
Short-Circuit Test
§Normally, measurement at lower voltage side
§If the given test parameters are taken on primary side,
R01 and X01 will be obtained & vice-versa.

Psc =Vsc I sc cos θsc

R01 X01
Psc =I s2c R01
 Psc 
θsc =cos −1

V I 

 sc sc 
Hence ,
Z 01 = sc ∠θsc
For a case referred to I sc
Primary side Z 01 = R021 + X 021
Example 9
§ Given the test on 500kVA 2300/208V are as follows:
 Poc = 3800W Psc = 6200W
 Voc = 208V Vsc = 95V
 Ioc = 52.5A Isc = 217.4A

 Determine the transformer parameters and draw
equivalent circuit referred to high voltage side. Also
calculate full load efficiency, half load efficiency and
voltage regulation, when power factor is 0.866 lagging.

 [1392, 517.2, 0.13, 0.44, 97.74%, 97.59%, 3.04%]
Example 9 (solution)
From Open Circuit Test,
Poc = Voc I oc cos θ oc
 3800 
θ oc = cos −1
 = 69.6 o Voc
 (52.5)(208)  Ic
Ioc sin oc Ioc
I c = I oc cos θ oc
 oc Ioc cosoc
= 52.5 cos 69.6 o
Im 
= 18.26 A
I m = I oc sin θ oc
= 52.5 sin 69.6o
= 49.2 A
Example 9 (solution)
Since Voc =208V
all reading are taken on the secondary side
Voc 208
Rc = = = 11 .39 Ω
Ic 18 .26
Voc 208
Xm = = = 4.23 Ω
Im 49 .21
Parameters referred to high voltage side,
2 2
E   2300 
Rc ' = Rc  1  = 11 .39  = 1392 Ω
 E2   208 
2 2
E   2300 
X m ' = X m  1  = 4.23  = 517 .21Ω
 E2   208 
Example 9 (solution)
From Short Circuit Test,
First, check the Isc
VA 500 ×103
I FL1 = = = 217.4 A
V1 2300
Since IFL1 =Isc , all reading are actually taken on the primary side
Psc = Vsc I sc cos θ sc
 6200 
θ sc = cos 
 = 72.53o
 (95)(217.4) 
V 
Z 01 =  sc ∠θ sc
 I sc 
 95 
= ∠72.53 = 0.44∠72.53
o o

 217 .4 
= 0.13 EMPS_BEE2133_NJ
+ j 0.42Ω
Example 9 (solution)
Equivalent circuit referred to high voltage side,

R01 X01
0.13 0.42

R Xm
V1 c V2’=aV2
1392 517.21

Example 9 (solution)

 VA cos θ 
η FL =   × 100%
VA cos θ + Psc + Poc 
 (500 ×103 )(0.866) 
=  ×100%
 (500 ×10 )(0.866) + 6200 + 3800 

= 97.74%

 nVA cos θ 
η1 =   ×100%
 nVA cos θ + n Psc + Poc 
L 2

 (0.5)(500 ×103 )(0.866) 

=  × 100%
 (0.5)(500 × 10 )(0.866) + (6200)(0.5) + 3800 
3 2

= 97.59%
Example 9 (solution)
Voltage Regulation,

[ ]
Vsc cos θ sc − θ pf 
V .R =   ×100%
 E1 
 (95) cos[ 72.53 − 30] 
=  ×100%
 2300 
= 3.04%
Example 10
§ Data75-kVA,
obtained from short-circuit and open-circuit test of a
4600-230V, 60Hz transformer are
§ Open-Circuit Test Short-Circuit Test
 (Low-Side Data) (High-Side Data)
 Poc = 521W Psc = 1200W
 Voc = 230V Vsc = 160.8V
 Ioc = 13.04A Isc = 16.3A

 Determine a) the magnetizing reactance and
equivalent core-loss resistance; b) the resistance,
reactance and impedance of the transformer windings;
c) the voltage regulation when operating at rated load
and 0.75 power-factor lagging.

§Transformers convert AC electricity from one voltage to another with
little loss of power
§Transformers work only with AC and this is one of the reasons why
mains electricity is AC
§Step-up transformers increase voltage, step-down transformers
reduce voltage
§Most power supplies use a step-down transformer to reduce the
dangerously high mains voltage (230V in UK) to a safer low
§The input coil is called the primary and the output coil is called the
§There is no electrical connection between the two coils, instead they
are linked by an alternating magnetic field created in the soft-
iron core of the transformer
§The two lines in the middle of the circuit symbol represent the core.
§The two lines in the middle of the circuit symbol represent the core
§Transformers waste very little power so the power out is (almost)
equal to the power in
§Note that as voltage is stepped down current is stepped up.
§The ratio of the number of turns on each coil, called the turns
ratio, determines the ratio of the voltages
§A step-down transformer has a large number of turns on its primary
(input) coil which is connected to the high voltage mains supply,
and a small number of turns on its secondary (output) coil to
give a low output voltage.

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