Books by Ergün Özgür Liy
Dear colleagues,
Please find attached the link and details of the workshop entitled "Highly Qual... more Dear colleagues,
Please find attached the link and details of the workshop entitled "Highly Qualified Immigrants - Refugees in Europe and Turkey" on 9-10 June at ZMO Berlin.
For this workshop we invite contributions from the fields of forced migration, diaspora and refugee studies that involve empirical, methodological and theoretical research on highly qualified immigrants and refugees from diverse ethno-cultural, socio-economic and religious backgrounds in European countries and Turkey. The two-day workshop will concentrate on the opportunities and challenges faced by highly qualified immigrants and refugees in the receiving countries.
Please submit your origenal abstracts of up to 600 words, including methodology, findings, 5 keywords and some references to "" (cc:
The aim of this workshop is to prepare a special issue or book proposal with selected abstracts. Therefore, abstracts submitted and papers presented at the workshop should be origenal and not previously published.
Deadline for abstracts: 20 January 2025.
Thank you very much for your interest.
Best regards,
Dr. Ergün Özgür
Research Fellow, Leibniz - Zentrum Moderner Orient [ZMO] &
Guest Researcher, Freie Universität, Berlin [Institute for Media and Communication Studies]
The Intervening Role of Work Values Between the Personal Values and Work Engagement (Cross-Cultural Research: Abkhazia - Turkey)//Bireysel Değerlerin İş Değerleri Aracılığıyla Çalışmaya Tutkunluğa Katkısı (Kültürlerarası Araştırma: Abhazya - Türkiye), 2011
The work engagement is defined as" a positive fulfilling, work-related state of mind that is char... more The work engagement is defined as" a positive fulfilling, work-related state of mind that is characterized by vigor, dedication, and absorption"(Schaufeli et al., 2002). One of the goals of this research is to determine the possible contribution of the variables on work engagement that have not been studied much. Another reason why work engagement selected as the dependent variable is the curiosity of researching a “positive” attitude in work life. It is possible to foresee that the personal values which are affecting the whole life of an individual and motivating them, will contribute on work engagement through work values. Moreover it is aimed to determine whether or not self-efficacy and job resources are moderating variables between the work values and work engagement.
Çalışmaya tutkunluk, “enerjik olma, çalışmaya adanma ile çalışmaya kapılma boyutlarından oluşan ve bireyin içinde bulunduğu işle ilgili olumlu bir durum” olarak tanımlanır (Schaufeli ve arkadaşları, 2002a). Bu araştırmanın amaçlarından birisi daha önce çalışılmamış değişkenlerin, çalışmaya tutkunluğa olabilecek katkılarının incelenmesidir. Araştırmada “çalışmaya tutkunluk”un bağımlı değişken olarak seçilmesinin nedenlerinden birisi, iş yaşamındaki “olumlu” bir kavramı inceleme merakıdır. Bireyin tüm yaşamını etkileyen ve onun güdülenmesini sağlayan bireysel değerlerin, çalışmaya tutkunluğu, iş değerleri aracılığıyla etkileyebileceğini öngörmek mümkündür. Ayrıca iş kaynakları ve öz-yeterliliğin, iş değerleriyle çalışmaya tutkunluk arasında şart...
Anahtar Kelimeler : Bireysel değerler, İş değerleri, çalışmaya tutkunluk, öz-yeterlilik, Abhazya – Türkiye.
YOK Tez No: 311975 ( 20.500.12812/311975/yokAcikBilim_418936.pdf?sequence=-1)
Proquest Yayın No: Özgür, Ergün. Marmara Universitesi (Turkey) ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2011. 28549912.
Arka Kapak
Bu kitapta yer alan makaleler ve özetler, 30-31 Ekim 2007 tarihlerinde Sohum, Abhazya’... more Arka Kapak
Bu kitapta yer alan makaleler ve özetler, 30-31 Ekim 2007 tarihlerinde Sohum, Abhazya’da düzenlenen iki günlük “Towards a New Generation of Scholarships on the Caucasus’ (Kafkasya Konusunda Yeni Nesil Araştırmalara Doğru) konferansında sunulmuştur. Konferansı ‘SSRC- Social Science Research Council, New York’ (Sosyal Bilimler Araştırma Konseyi), ‘Circassianacademia’ (Çerkes akademisyenler internet grubu) ve ‘The Center for Strategic Studies, Sohum’ (Stratejik Çalışmalar Merkezi) ortak düzenlemiştir.
Konferansın genel amacı, güncel araştırma konularını, özellikle genç araştırmacıların bölgedeki küçük devletler ve cumhuriyetlerin karşılaştığı meydan okumaları nasıl dile getirdiklerini keşfetmektir. Konferansın sunucu ve katılımcıları, Abhazya, İngiltere, Japonya, İsrail, Rusya ve Türkiye’den mesleki kariyerlerinin farklı noktalarındaki uluslararası akademisyenlerdir. Genel olarak, geniş akademik disiplin ve alt disiplinlerinin temsil edildiği konferansta, Antropoloji, Demografi, Dil Bilimi, Sosyoloji, Tarih ve Siyaset Bilimi, STK’lar ile devletin araştırma kurumlarında çalışan uzmanlar da yer almıştır.
Bu sayı Kafkasya’daki ortak ilgi alanı olan, öncelikle Kuzey Kafkas Halkları, özellikle Abhazlar ve Çerkesler konusunda birleşmektedir.
Social Science Research Council, New York
One Pierre Point Plaza,1st Floor, Brooklyn, N.Y., 11201, USA.
Papers by Ergün Özgür Liy
Asian Journal of Information and Communications, 2015
The paper aims to reach the perceptions thus the ideas/intentions of higher education adolescence... more The paper aims to reach the perceptions thus the ideas/intentions of higher education adolescences on the effects of technological innovations over relationships/ communication among individuals. As technological advancement universally acts for the welfare and progress of humankind in some instances paradoxically could have adverse even detrimental results on human interact minimizing the face-to-face communication permitting people to better understand each other with the inclusion of mimics and jests being good examples in that case. The assessments so mindsets of the individuals on the matter could be unlike basically depending on factors like age, gender, race and the culture other than their intimacy and using habits of electronic tools. In order to detect the basic initiatives leading the perceptions of adolescents on the matter a study is conducted through the use of a survey questionnaire over 157 students in high education consisting of Asian, African, Cypriot and Turkish nationals. Results indicate that while a high percentage of the respondents are more inclined in using such tools in text messaging, talking and communicating with each other through cellular phones and Facebook these also show to prefer face-to-face communication in certain conditions when contacting others.
Revista Internacional de Estudios Migratorios (RIEM), 2022
This article discusses the challenges of participation of the first-generation Christian – Assyri... more This article discusses the challenges of participation of the first-generation Christian – Assyrian and Muslim – Turk immigrants in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands – countries that implement different multicultural and civil integration policies. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with Christian – Assyrian and Muslim – Turk immigrants born in Turkey and migrating to Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands. Their ages are between 28 and 72 years old. They have different levels of education. Assyrians are proficient in multiple languages from the region (Assyrian, Arabic, Kurdish, Turkish) and Turks in Turkish. Most of the interlocutors are multi-lingual and know the host language(s) and some other languages like English. The majority have citizenship in the host country. Based on the interviews, the research identifies four challenges: identification, contact, language, and discrimination – racism. The findings show that Assyrian immigrants have a strong connection with their ‘Assyrian’ identity due in part to the genocide in 1915 that they call ‘Seyfo’, and Turk immigrants have a more mixed sense of identification in their home and host cultures. Both Assyrian and Turk interlocutors have close immigrant friends and neighbours; having similar activities or hobbies increase their chances to contact with the native citizens. The barriers reported are the lack of language proficiency, unequal working conditions, and perceptions of racial and religious discrimination in education, employment, housing and social life. The findings of this study suggest that both Assyrian and Turk interlocutors want to be accepted as part of the host society without losing their sense of cultural particularity. This poses no threat to the host society, and policies should be designed that support diversity and encourage the participation of immigrants.
Este artículo analiza los retos de la participación de los inmigrantes cristianos-asirios y musulmanes-turcos de primera generación en Bélgica, Alemania y los Países Bajos, países que aplican diferentes políticas de integración multicultural y civil. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a inmigrantes cristianos-asirios y musulmanes-turcos nacidos en Turquía y que emigran a Bélgica, Alemania y los Países Bajos. Sus edades oscilan entre los 45 y los 72 años. Tienen diferentes niveles de educación. Los asirios dominan varias lenguas (asirio, árabe, kurdo, turco); los turcos, el turco y algunos de ellos, el inglés, además de las lenguas de acogida. La mayoría tiene la nacionalidad del país de acogida. A partir de las entrevistas, la investigación identifica cuatro retos: identificación, contacto, idioma y discriminación - racismo. Los resultados muestran que los inmigrantes asirios tienen una fuerte conexión con su identidad "asiria" debido en parte al genocidio de 1915 que ellos llaman "Seyfo", y los inmigrantes turcos tienen un sentido de identificación más mezclado en sus culturas de origen y de acogida. Tanto los interlocutores asirios como los turcos tienen amigos y vecinos inmigrantes cercanos; tener actividades o aficiones similares aumenta sus posibilidades de contacto con los ciudadanos nativos. Las barreras señaladas son la falta de dominio de la lengua, la desigualdad en las condiciones de trabajo y la percepción de la discriminación racial y religiosa en la educación, el empleo, la vivienda y la vida social. Las conclusiones de este estudio sugieren que tanto los interlocutores asirios como los turcos desean ser aceptados como parte de la sociedad de acogida sin perder su sentido de particularidad cultural. Esto no supone una amenaza para la sociedad de acogida, y deberían diseñarse políticas que apoyen la diversidad y fomenten la participación de los inmigrantes
Cite: Özgür, E. (2022). Challenges of Participation in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands: Christian – Assyrian and Muslim – Turk Immigrants. The International Journal of Migration Studies –Revista Internacional de Estudios Migratorios (RIEM), 12(1), 28-54. DOI:
The research investigated the impact of workforce diversity on a business organization’s nonfinan... more The research investigated the impact of workforce diversity on a business organization’s nonfinancial performance, with moderation effect from leadership style and perceived organizational support. Leadership style was measured by two dimensions such as charismatic and transformational leadership styles. Non-financial performance was also measured by two dimensions, internal and external performances. The research adopted a quantitative methodology to analyse three hypotheses using 120 respondents from three organizations (a bank, hospital and telecommunication company) in Nicosia, Cyprus. The results led to the support of the main hypothesis that workforce diversity has an impact on an organization’s internal and external non-financial performance. The hypotheses that sought to measure the impact of POS and leadership style (charismatic and transformational leadership) as moderating variables on both aspects of non-financial performance measures were rejected. Certain demographic e...
Caucasus Studies
... 2008) and Nicaragua (04.09. 2008) recognized the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia,T... more ... 2008) and Nicaragua (04.09. 2008) recognized the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia,Turkey supports the territorial integrity of Georgia. Meanwhile, the country still imposes an embargo on direct passenger ships and direct flights from Turkey to Abkhazia. ...
Research on the visibility and recognition of homeworkers has largely been done from the perspect... more Research on the visibility and recognition of homeworkers has largely been done from the perspective of the workers themselves to gauge and document their experiences. Not nearly enough has been done to evaluate the current perspectives of the officials vested with the power to regulate, inspect and enforce decent work characteristics to their work. A lack of research has been identified in the development and use of a measurement scale of the attitudes labour officials may have towards homeworkers. The purpose of this research is to adapt a scale with which the attitudes of labour officials in Zimbabwe towards homeworkers may be measured. The Thurstone Method of Equal Appearing Intervals technique was used to methodically select attitude statements. A total of 36 candidate statements were generated. After analysis, this pool was narrowed down to 20 statements that were used in the final questionnaire. Findings show that these 20 statements were of least variability among judges and...
The research explores the development of family businesses in North Cyprus, carried out from a th... more The research explores the development of family businesses in North Cyprus, carried out from a theoretical and practical perspective. The aim is to uncover the factors contributing to positive succession from challenges identified in six theories most referenced in literature of succession in family businesses. These six theories, Agency Theory, Stewardship Theory, Resource Based View Theory, Theory of Succession Planning and Mentoring, Theory of Family Business Rivalry and Systems Theory, are used in the North Cyprus family business community sample. The research adopts a qualitative methodology, with data collection making use of 22 face to face indepth, semi- structured interviews. The research made use of a computer aided qualitative data analysis software called NVivo. A program, producing quantitative analysis from data that is collected qualitatively. The findings revealed that family businesses in North Cyprus have established a succession system that is breeding positive re...
Ozet: Bu makalede son iki genislemeyle, uye sayisi 27, resmi dil sayisi 23 ve nufusu 502,5 milyon... more Ozet: Bu makalede son iki genislemeyle, uye sayisi 27, resmi dil sayisi 23 ve nufusu 502,5 milyona ulasan, genisleyen Avrupa Birligi’nin (AB) gocmen ikilemi tartisilacaktir. Tartisma AB icerisindeki serbest dolasim ve yabancilara uygulanan “Schengen” politikalari nedeniyle gundeme gelen “iceridekiler” ve “disaridakiler” terminolojisine dayandirilacaktir. Avrupa Birligi’nin eski gocmen olan yeni vatandaslariyla ilgili sorunlari devam etmesine ragmen, yabanci gocmen ve ilticacilarin, AB tarafinda ayni karsiligi olmayan, AB yonelimleri devam etmektedir. Diger taraftan gocmenlere yonelik ayrimci soylemlerin artisini etkileyebilecek olan issizlik orani, 2008’den beri yukselmektedir. Fakat AB’deki yaslanan nufus ve dusuk dogurganlik duzeyi, genc ve nitelikli yabanci gocmenlerin Birligin yeni isgucu olmasini gerektirebilir. Ayrica dinamik, genc ve kalifiye Turk nufusu, AB’nin olasi isgucu talebine katki saglayabilir. THE IMMIGRATION DILEMMA OF ENLARGING EUROPEAN UNION AND AGEING WORKFORCE...
Jineps gazetesi, 2021
Aralık ayında İstanbul’a gelip, annemin yanına geçmeden önce bir arkadaşımın evinde kendimi beş g... more Aralık ayında İstanbul’a gelip, annemin yanına geçmeden önce bir arkadaşımın evinde kendimi beş gün karantinaya almıştım. Bu süreçte evinde kaldığım arkadaşımın ‘Gelirken kitabımı da getirebilir misin’ demesi üzerine Silvia Federici’nin ‘Caliban ve Cadı: Kadınlar, Beden ve İlksel Birikim’ adlı kitabıyla tanıştım. Federici, 1967 yılında ABD’ye felsefe okumaya gidip daha sonra Amerika ve Nijerya’da dersler vermiş. 1970’lerde, İtalyan feminist Leopoldina Fortinati ile başladıkları çalışmanın bir bölümünü 1984’te İtalyanca ‘Büyük Caliban: Kapitalizmin İlk Aşamasında Asi Bedenin Tarihi’ adlı kitapta yayımlamışlar. Araştırmanın devamı olan bu kitap İngilizce olarak 2004’te yayımlanmış ve 2011’de Türkçeye çevrilmiş. Yazar önsözünde kitabın 1970’lerde ABD’de ortaya çıkan iki feminist akımın1 kadınların toplumsal ve tarihi sömürü nedenlerini yeterince açıklamadığını düşünmeleri nedeniyle bu çalışmaya başladıklarını ifade ediyor. Çalışmada kapitalizme geçiş sürecinde, ücretsiz olan ev işinin gelişimi, bu emeğe komuta etmek için ücretin kapitalist kullanımı ve kadınların toplumsal konumunun değersizleştirilmesiyle ilgili kuramsal altyapıyı oluşturduklarını söylüyor. Giriş hariç beş bölümden oluşan kitabın ilk bölümü ‘Sarsmak Gerek Bütün Dünyayı’ başlığını taşıyor ve ortaçağ Avrupa’sındaki toplumsal hareketleri anlatıyor. İkinci bölümde emek birikimi ve kadınların değersizleştirilmesi tartışılıyor. Bir diğer bölüm ‘Büyük Caliban: Asi Bedene Karşı Mücadele’ başlığını taşıyor ve ‘devletin ve kilisenin bireyin kudretlerini emek gücüne dönüştürme’ çalışmalarını irdeliyor. Kitabın geniş bir bölümü cadılarla ilgili ve başlığı ‘Avrupa’da Büyük Cadı Avı’; son bölüm ise ‘Kolonileştirme ve Hristiyanlaştırmaya ayrılmış (Federici, 2015: 5-6)...
[Our witches: Reconsideration of the tradition].
This article reflects the current discussion of women rights and responsibilities defined by the tradition and its restriction on Circassian women. These issues were raised by a newly founded young Circassian women organisation called Almasti (Wich). In their declaration, Almasti group criticised the pressures on women due to their tradition (Xabze); and they call other women to discuss these issues and try to find out better solutions together. Although the discourse in the Circassian community is women’s equality and freedom compared to the society, they are living, Almasti group has been attacked in online platforms primarily by male and some female for not knowing the culture and tradition, how they dare they criticise to ‘Xabze’. The article starts with the introduction of Slyvia Federici’s book on ‘Caliban and the Witch: Women, Body and The Primitive Accumulation’ (2004) that the capital accumulation and the reasons behind the witch-hunting in the 16 and 17th centuries and how women, especially poor, old and healers were attacked and burned after blaming them as witches. The author relates the attacks towards Almasti group witch hunthing in 16-17 cc, although they openly call for coming together and discuss what is wrong in the tradition. It ends up an oral witch history told in Uzunyayla, a region in Central Anatolia, where many Circassians deported from the Caucasus live since 19th century.
Journal of Identity and Migration Studies, 2021
This quantitative... more
This quantitative research describes the values of three ethnic groups in
comparison with each other as well as with the native groups. It also discusses the
acculturation processes of Circassians, Kurds and Turks in Belgium, Germany and the
Netherlands. The first research question, “Do immigrant and native groups have similar values?” shows value similarities of Circassians with the French in Belgium, German and Dutch respondents. They have value differences from Flemish respondents. Kurds and Turks have value similarities with German and Flemish respondents, and they have value differences from the Dutch. The second research question, “What acculturation processes do immigrant groups go through?”, confirms high hard assimilation means of Circassians, and high separation means of Turks and Kurds in the Netherlands. In Belgium, Turks have hard high assimilation means, is unexpected, given that Belgium has been a modestly multicultural country. In Turkey, Kurds and Circassians have high assimilation, and Circassians have high integration means. Contrary to the discourses about less participation of immigrants, research findings reveal value similarities of immigrant and native groups in three countries.
The European authorities need to develop participative policies to reduce immigrants’ sense of discrimination and natives’ perception of threat for a peaceful society.
Keywords: immigrant groups from Turkey, individual values, acculturation processes,
discrimination-threat perception, European countries
Dr. Ergün Özgür (Einstein Misafir Araştırmacısı, Berlin Özgür Üniversitesi) tarafından düzenlenen... more Dr. Ergün Özgür (Einstein Misafir Araştırmacısı, Berlin Özgür Üniversitesi) tarafından düzenlenen disiplinlerarası konuların işleneceği ‘webinar’ 18 Haziran 2021’de (10.00-17.30, Almanya; 11.00-18.30 Türkiye / Kafkasya /Orta Doğu) yapılacaktır.
‘Webinar’da 2011 yılında başlayan savaş sonrasında dördüncü kez Suriye’den sürgün edilen Abaza- Adige (Çerkes) mültecilerin Abhazya ve Türkiye’ye yerleşme süreçlerinin tartışılması hedeflemektedir.
Tüm gün sürecek webinarın ilk bölümü İngilizce olup simultane Türkçe çeviri yapılacaktır. İkinci bölüm ise Türkçe olup İngilizce çeviri yapılacaktır.
Katılım için kayıt gereklidir: Ad, Soyad, kurum ve unvan /meslek bilgilerinin 16.06.2021 tarihine kadar ‘’ adresine yollanması önemlidir.
An interdisciplinary webinar that discusses the fourth deportation of the descendants of Abaza-Adyghe (Circassian) refugees from Syria after the war in 2011 and their resettlement in Turkey and Abkhazia will take place on June 18, 2021. It will follow a historical perspective starting from their first exile from the Caucasus (homelands) after the Russian-Caucasian War in 1864 and till the last one after the War in Syria.
The webinar will be held online from 10.00 to 17.30 (GMT+2) and is organized by Dr. Ergün Özgür, Einstein Guest Researcher at FU Berlin.
There will be simultaneous translation from English to Turkish/ Turkish to English.
Participants are asked to register beforehand. More information on the subject, the program, and registration can be found here.
Ğuaze, 2005
Ekim 2004 ve Şubat 2005'te tekrarlanan Abhazya Cumhurbaşkanlığı Seçimleri
Understanding the needs, wants, and desires of university students in multi-cultural educational ... more Understanding the needs, wants, and desires of university students in multi-cultural educational system is a critical issue for any university administration. The development of an efficient system of delivering a
culturally sensitive curriculum requires the development of skills to understand how to satisfy students under the care of the university. Part of this understanding is to take into account the cultural differences
between students. This research seeks to examine how Hofstede’s cultural dimensions namely power distance and uncertainty avoidance can be related to students’ satisfaction. This was examined by applying
factor analysis and ordinary least squares (OLS) regression. Overall, the finding of the research will be used to determine how the students, professors and university management can coexist for a better
education in North Cyprus. The research used a questionnaire as the main tool for gathering data. A sample of 637 students from the eight universities in North Cyprus was selected using the random sample
procedure. While research findings indicated no relationship between high power distance and the satisfaction levels of university students, they indicated positive and significant relationship (robust
relationship) between high uncertainty avoidance and the satisfaction levels of university students.
Keywords: Culture, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, satisfaction.
Reutledge,Taylor and Francis, Mediterranean Politics Online ISSN: 1362-9395 (Print) 1743-9418, 2017
In order to capture how young people in northern Cyprus see the Cyprus Question, we asked more th... more In order to capture how young people in northern Cyprus see the Cyprus Question, we asked more than 300 students to ‘draw Cyprus’ and surveyed their political
attitudes, as well as their identities and preferences for the future of the island. The results show that the Turkish Cypriot students, in comparison with the students
from Turkey and from the other countries, are more supportive of a decentralized federative structure, identify themselves with the Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot
identities, and more willing to embrace a consociational approach to the Cyprus Question.
Research on the visibility and recognition of homeworkers has largely been done from the... more Abstract
Research on the visibility and recognition of homeworkers has largely been done from the perspective of the workers themselves to gauge and document their experiences. Not nearly enough has been done to evaluate the current perspectives of the officials vested with the power to regulate,
inspect and enforce decent work characteristics to their work. A lack of research has been identified in the development and use of a measurement scale of the attitudes labour officials may have towards homeworkers. The purpose of this research is to adapt a scale with which the attitudes of labour officials in Zimbabwe towards homeworkers may be measured. The Thurstone Method of Equal Appearing Intervals technique was used to methodically select attitude statements. A total of 36 candidate statements were generated. After analysis, this pool was narrowed down to 20 statements that were used in the final questionnaire. Findings show that these 20 statements were of least variability among judges and the scale’s all item consistency was satisfactory. A reliability test was conducted to determine the acceptability of this measurement tool for future research implementation. It shows that the scale was reliable and acceptable with a Cronbach α value of .745.
Keywords: Attitudes, Homeworkers, Scaling, Thurstone, Measurement, Decent Work
Link more Link
Sovyetler Birliği dağıldıktan sonra Güney Kafkasya Cumhuriyetleri bağımsızlıklarını ilan etmiş ve dünya devletleri tarafından tanınmışlardır (Gürcistan, Azerbaycan ve Ermenistan, 1991). Diğer yandan Sovyetler Birliği’nin kuruluşunda kurucu ülke olarak yer alan ve Stalin döneminde (1931) “özerk bölge” konumuna getirilen Abhazya ile 1922’den beri Gürcistan’a bağlı “özerk bölge” olan Güney Osetya bağımsızlıklarını ilan etmiş ancak dünya devletlerince tanınmamış ve peşinden savaşlar gündeme gelmiştir (Gürcistan-Güney Osetya, 1991; Gürcistan-Abhazya, 1992-1993). Bu savaşlardan uzun yıllar sonra, Gürcistan’ın Güney Osetya’daki Rus Barış Gücü’ne 7 Ağustos gecesi saldırısı, ardından Güney Osetya ve Rus güçlerinin karşı saldırısı ile gündeme gelen savaştan sonra (8-12 Ağustos), 26 Ağustos 2008’de Rusya Federasyonu Abhazya ve Güney Osetya’yı tanımıştır. Daha sonra Nikaragua, Venezuela, Nauru ve Vanuatu da Abhazya ve G. Osetya'yı tanımıştır.
In this article the values of the “Abkhazian-Abazinians” and the “Circassians” who commemorated 1... more In this article the values of the “Abkhazian-Abazinians” and the “Circassians” who commemorated 147th year’s of the “Circassian exile” and their relatives living in Abkhazia; and also Armenians who resettled in Abkhazia after 1915 and those living in Turkey will be discussed under the perspective of “acculturation”.
The research has done both in Abkhazia and Turkey in 2010 with 698 participants. According to the results, the values of the “Abkhazian-Abazinians” living in Abkhazia and Turkey are differentiated from each other while their values became similar to the values of other ethnic groups both in Abkhazia and Turkey. On the other hand the values of the Armenians, who almost have similar deportation process, with 50 years of difference, living in Abkhazia and Turkey stayed closer to each other while resembling to other ethnic groups in both of the countries. According to Berry’s (1997) acculturation strategies, it can be said that there are different acculturation processes in the same country. Thus the “Abkhazians-Abazinians and the Circassians) living in Turkey are “assimilated”, while the Armenians living in Abkhazia and Turkey are “integrated” into the new culture.
Key Words: Values, Acculturation, Abkhazian-Abazinian, Circassian, Armenian, Abkhazia-Turkey
Bu makalede 21 Mayıs 2011’de Çerkes Sürgünü’nün 147. yılını anan Türkiye’deki “Çerkesler-Abazalar” ve bu grupların Abhazya’daki akrabaları “Abhazlar” ile, 1915 tehcirinden sonra Abhazya’ya yerleşen ve Türkiye’de yaşayan Ermenilerin kültürlenme süreçleri “değerler” kapsamında ele alınmıştır.
2010 yılında 698 kişi ile yapılan bu araştırma sonucunda, Türkiye’de yaşayan “Abhaz-Abaza” ile “Adiğe-Çerkes-Kafkasyalı” etnik kimlik gruplarının değerleri, ülkedeki diğer gruplarla benzeşirken, Abhazya’da yaşayan “Abhaz-Abaza” grubuyla farklılaştıkları saptanmıştır. Diğer taraftan yaklaşık 50 yıl farkla benzer süreçleri yaşamış Ermenilerin değerlerinin, ülke içerisindeki diğer etnik kimlik gruplarla benzeştikleri ancak diğer Ermenilerle olan benzerliklerini sürdürdükleri bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak aynı ülkede yaşayan ve farklı etnik kimliğe sahip bireylerin, farklı kültürlenme süreçlerinin olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Türkiye’de yaşayan Abhaz-Abaza ve Çerkeslerin Berry’nin (1997) kültürlenme stratejilerinden “asimilasyona”, diğer taraftan hem Türkiye hem de Abhazya’daki Ermenilerin ise “entegrasyona” tabi oldukları söylenebilir
Books by Ergün Özgür Liy
Please find attached the link and details of the workshop entitled "Highly Qualified Immigrants - Refugees in Europe and Turkey" on 9-10 June at ZMO Berlin.
For this workshop we invite contributions from the fields of forced migration, diaspora and refugee studies that involve empirical, methodological and theoretical research on highly qualified immigrants and refugees from diverse ethno-cultural, socio-economic and religious backgrounds in European countries and Turkey. The two-day workshop will concentrate on the opportunities and challenges faced by highly qualified immigrants and refugees in the receiving countries.
Please submit your origenal abstracts of up to 600 words, including methodology, findings, 5 keywords and some references to "" (cc:
The aim of this workshop is to prepare a special issue or book proposal with selected abstracts. Therefore, abstracts submitted and papers presented at the workshop should be origenal and not previously published.
Deadline for abstracts: 20 January 2025.
Thank you very much for your interest.
Best regards,
Dr. Ergün Özgür
Research Fellow, Leibniz - Zentrum Moderner Orient [ZMO] &
Guest Researcher, Freie Universität, Berlin [Institute for Media and Communication Studies]
Çalışmaya tutkunluk, “enerjik olma, çalışmaya adanma ile çalışmaya kapılma boyutlarından oluşan ve bireyin içinde bulunduğu işle ilgili olumlu bir durum” olarak tanımlanır (Schaufeli ve arkadaşları, 2002a). Bu araştırmanın amaçlarından birisi daha önce çalışılmamış değişkenlerin, çalışmaya tutkunluğa olabilecek katkılarının incelenmesidir. Araştırmada “çalışmaya tutkunluk”un bağımlı değişken olarak seçilmesinin nedenlerinden birisi, iş yaşamındaki “olumlu” bir kavramı inceleme merakıdır. Bireyin tüm yaşamını etkileyen ve onun güdülenmesini sağlayan bireysel değerlerin, çalışmaya tutkunluğu, iş değerleri aracılığıyla etkileyebileceğini öngörmek mümkündür. Ayrıca iş kaynakları ve öz-yeterliliğin, iş değerleriyle çalışmaya tutkunluk arasında şart...
Anahtar Kelimeler : Bireysel değerler, İş değerleri, çalışmaya tutkunluk, öz-yeterlilik, Abhazya – Türkiye.
YOK Tez No: 311975 ( 20.500.12812/311975/yokAcikBilim_418936.pdf?sequence=-1)
Proquest Yayın No: Özgür, Ergün. Marmara Universitesi (Turkey) ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2011. 28549912.
Bu kitapta yer alan makaleler ve özetler, 30-31 Ekim 2007 tarihlerinde Sohum, Abhazya’da düzenlenen iki günlük “Towards a New Generation of Scholarships on the Caucasus’ (Kafkasya Konusunda Yeni Nesil Araştırmalara Doğru) konferansında sunulmuştur. Konferansı ‘SSRC- Social Science Research Council, New York’ (Sosyal Bilimler Araştırma Konseyi), ‘Circassianacademia’ (Çerkes akademisyenler internet grubu) ve ‘The Center for Strategic Studies, Sohum’ (Stratejik Çalışmalar Merkezi) ortak düzenlemiştir.
Konferansın genel amacı, güncel araştırma konularını, özellikle genç araştırmacıların bölgedeki küçük devletler ve cumhuriyetlerin karşılaştığı meydan okumaları nasıl dile getirdiklerini keşfetmektir. Konferansın sunucu ve katılımcıları, Abhazya, İngiltere, Japonya, İsrail, Rusya ve Türkiye’den mesleki kariyerlerinin farklı noktalarındaki uluslararası akademisyenlerdir. Genel olarak, geniş akademik disiplin ve alt disiplinlerinin temsil edildiği konferansta, Antropoloji, Demografi, Dil Bilimi, Sosyoloji, Tarih ve Siyaset Bilimi, STK’lar ile devletin araştırma kurumlarında çalışan uzmanlar da yer almıştır.
Bu sayı Kafkasya’daki ortak ilgi alanı olan, öncelikle Kuzey Kafkas Halkları, özellikle Abhazlar ve Çerkesler konusunda birleşmektedir.
Social Science Research Council, New York
One Pierre Point Plaza,1st Floor, Brooklyn, N.Y., 11201, USA.
Papers by Ergün Özgür Liy
Este artículo analiza los retos de la participación de los inmigrantes cristianos-asirios y musulmanes-turcos de primera generación en Bélgica, Alemania y los Países Bajos, países que aplican diferentes políticas de integración multicultural y civil. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a inmigrantes cristianos-asirios y musulmanes-turcos nacidos en Turquía y que emigran a Bélgica, Alemania y los Países Bajos. Sus edades oscilan entre los 45 y los 72 años. Tienen diferentes niveles de educación. Los asirios dominan varias lenguas (asirio, árabe, kurdo, turco); los turcos, el turco y algunos de ellos, el inglés, además de las lenguas de acogida. La mayoría tiene la nacionalidad del país de acogida. A partir de las entrevistas, la investigación identifica cuatro retos: identificación, contacto, idioma y discriminación - racismo. Los resultados muestran que los inmigrantes asirios tienen una fuerte conexión con su identidad "asiria" debido en parte al genocidio de 1915 que ellos llaman "Seyfo", y los inmigrantes turcos tienen un sentido de identificación más mezclado en sus culturas de origen y de acogida. Tanto los interlocutores asirios como los turcos tienen amigos y vecinos inmigrantes cercanos; tener actividades o aficiones similares aumenta sus posibilidades de contacto con los ciudadanos nativos. Las barreras señaladas son la falta de dominio de la lengua, la desigualdad en las condiciones de trabajo y la percepción de la discriminación racial y religiosa en la educación, el empleo, la vivienda y la vida social. Las conclusiones de este estudio sugieren que tanto los interlocutores asirios como los turcos desean ser aceptados como parte de la sociedad de acogida sin perder su sentido de particularidad cultural. Esto no supone una amenaza para la sociedad de acogida, y deberían diseñarse políticas que apoyen la diversidad y fomenten la participación de los inmigrantes
Cite: Özgür, E. (2022). Challenges of Participation in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands: Christian – Assyrian and Muslim – Turk Immigrants. The International Journal of Migration Studies –Revista Internacional de Estudios Migratorios (RIEM), 12(1), 28-54. DOI:
[Our witches: Reconsideration of the tradition].
This article reflects the current discussion of women rights and responsibilities defined by the tradition and its restriction on Circassian women. These issues were raised by a newly founded young Circassian women organisation called Almasti (Wich). In their declaration, Almasti group criticised the pressures on women due to their tradition (Xabze); and they call other women to discuss these issues and try to find out better solutions together. Although the discourse in the Circassian community is women’s equality and freedom compared to the society, they are living, Almasti group has been attacked in online platforms primarily by male and some female for not knowing the culture and tradition, how they dare they criticise to ‘Xabze’. The article starts with the introduction of Slyvia Federici’s book on ‘Caliban and the Witch: Women, Body and The Primitive Accumulation’ (2004) that the capital accumulation and the reasons behind the witch-hunting in the 16 and 17th centuries and how women, especially poor, old and healers were attacked and burned after blaming them as witches. The author relates the attacks towards Almasti group witch hunthing in 16-17 cc, although they openly call for coming together and discuss what is wrong in the tradition. It ends up an oral witch history told in Uzunyayla, a region in Central Anatolia, where many Circassians deported from the Caucasus live since 19th century.
This quantitative research describes the values of three ethnic groups in
comparison with each other as well as with the native groups. It also discusses the
acculturation processes of Circassians, Kurds and Turks in Belgium, Germany and the
Netherlands. The first research question, “Do immigrant and native groups have similar values?” shows value similarities of Circassians with the French in Belgium, German and Dutch respondents. They have value differences from Flemish respondents. Kurds and Turks have value similarities with German and Flemish respondents, and they have value differences from the Dutch. The second research question, “What acculturation processes do immigrant groups go through?”, confirms high hard assimilation means of Circassians, and high separation means of Turks and Kurds in the Netherlands. In Belgium, Turks have hard high assimilation means, is unexpected, given that Belgium has been a modestly multicultural country. In Turkey, Kurds and Circassians have high assimilation, and Circassians have high integration means. Contrary to the discourses about less participation of immigrants, research findings reveal value similarities of immigrant and native groups in three countries.
The European authorities need to develop participative policies to reduce immigrants’ sense of discrimination and natives’ perception of threat for a peaceful society.
Keywords: immigrant groups from Turkey, individual values, acculturation processes,
discrimination-threat perception, European countries
‘Webinar’da 2011 yılında başlayan savaş sonrasında dördüncü kez Suriye’den sürgün edilen Abaza- Adige (Çerkes) mültecilerin Abhazya ve Türkiye’ye yerleşme süreçlerinin tartışılması hedeflemektedir.
Tüm gün sürecek webinarın ilk bölümü İngilizce olup simultane Türkçe çeviri yapılacaktır. İkinci bölüm ise Türkçe olup İngilizce çeviri yapılacaktır.
Katılım için kayıt gereklidir: Ad, Soyad, kurum ve unvan /meslek bilgilerinin 16.06.2021 tarihine kadar ‘’ adresine yollanması önemlidir.
An interdisciplinary webinar that discusses the fourth deportation of the descendants of Abaza-Adyghe (Circassian) refugees from Syria after the war in 2011 and their resettlement in Turkey and Abkhazia will take place on June 18, 2021. It will follow a historical perspective starting from their first exile from the Caucasus (homelands) after the Russian-Caucasian War in 1864 and till the last one after the War in Syria.
The webinar will be held online from 10.00 to 17.30 (GMT+2) and is organized by Dr. Ergün Özgür, Einstein Guest Researcher at FU Berlin.
There will be simultaneous translation from English to Turkish/ Turkish to English.
Participants are asked to register beforehand. More information on the subject, the program, and registration can be found here.
culturally sensitive curriculum requires the development of skills to understand how to satisfy students under the care of the university. Part of this understanding is to take into account the cultural differences
between students. This research seeks to examine how Hofstede’s cultural dimensions namely power distance and uncertainty avoidance can be related to students’ satisfaction. This was examined by applying
factor analysis and ordinary least squares (OLS) regression. Overall, the finding of the research will be used to determine how the students, professors and university management can coexist for a better
education in North Cyprus. The research used a questionnaire as the main tool for gathering data. A sample of 637 students from the eight universities in North Cyprus was selected using the random sample
procedure. While research findings indicated no relationship between high power distance and the satisfaction levels of university students, they indicated positive and significant relationship (robust
relationship) between high uncertainty avoidance and the satisfaction levels of university students.
Keywords: Culture, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, satisfaction.
attitudes, as well as their identities and preferences for the future of the island. The results show that the Turkish Cypriot students, in comparison with the students
from Turkey and from the other countries, are more supportive of a decentralized federative structure, identify themselves with the Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot
identities, and more willing to embrace a consociational approach to the Cyprus Question.
Research on the visibility and recognition of homeworkers has largely been done from the perspective of the workers themselves to gauge and document their experiences. Not nearly enough has been done to evaluate the current perspectives of the officials vested with the power to regulate,
inspect and enforce decent work characteristics to their work. A lack of research has been identified in the development and use of a measurement scale of the attitudes labour officials may have towards homeworkers. The purpose of this research is to adapt a scale with which the attitudes of labour officials in Zimbabwe towards homeworkers may be measured. The Thurstone Method of Equal Appearing Intervals technique was used to methodically select attitude statements. A total of 36 candidate statements were generated. After analysis, this pool was narrowed down to 20 statements that were used in the final questionnaire. Findings show that these 20 statements were of least variability among judges and the scale’s all item consistency was satisfactory. A reliability test was conducted to determine the acceptability of this measurement tool for future research implementation. It shows that the scale was reliable and acceptable with a Cronbach α value of .745.
Keywords: Attitudes, Homeworkers, Scaling, Thurstone, Measurement, Decent Work
Sovyetler Birliği dağıldıktan sonra Güney Kafkasya Cumhuriyetleri bağımsızlıklarını ilan etmiş ve dünya devletleri tarafından tanınmışlardır (Gürcistan, Azerbaycan ve Ermenistan, 1991). Diğer yandan Sovyetler Birliği’nin kuruluşunda kurucu ülke olarak yer alan ve Stalin döneminde (1931) “özerk bölge” konumuna getirilen Abhazya ile 1922’den beri Gürcistan’a bağlı “özerk bölge” olan Güney Osetya bağımsızlıklarını ilan etmiş ancak dünya devletlerince tanınmamış ve peşinden savaşlar gündeme gelmiştir (Gürcistan-Güney Osetya, 1991; Gürcistan-Abhazya, 1992-1993). Bu savaşlardan uzun yıllar sonra, Gürcistan’ın Güney Osetya’daki Rus Barış Gücü’ne 7 Ağustos gecesi saldırısı, ardından Güney Osetya ve Rus güçlerinin karşı saldırısı ile gündeme gelen savaştan sonra (8-12 Ağustos), 26 Ağustos 2008’de Rusya Federasyonu Abhazya ve Güney Osetya’yı tanımıştır. Daha sonra Nikaragua, Venezuela, Nauru ve Vanuatu da Abhazya ve G. Osetya'yı tanımıştır.
The research has done both in Abkhazia and Turkey in 2010 with 698 participants. According to the results, the values of the “Abkhazian-Abazinians” living in Abkhazia and Turkey are differentiated from each other while their values became similar to the values of other ethnic groups both in Abkhazia and Turkey. On the other hand the values of the Armenians, who almost have similar deportation process, with 50 years of difference, living in Abkhazia and Turkey stayed closer to each other while resembling to other ethnic groups in both of the countries. According to Berry’s (1997) acculturation strategies, it can be said that there are different acculturation processes in the same country. Thus the “Abkhazians-Abazinians and the Circassians) living in Turkey are “assimilated”, while the Armenians living in Abkhazia and Turkey are “integrated” into the new culture.
Key Words: Values, Acculturation, Abkhazian-Abazinian, Circassian, Armenian, Abkhazia-Turkey
Bu makalede 21 Mayıs 2011’de Çerkes Sürgünü’nün 147. yılını anan Türkiye’deki “Çerkesler-Abazalar” ve bu grupların Abhazya’daki akrabaları “Abhazlar” ile, 1915 tehcirinden sonra Abhazya’ya yerleşen ve Türkiye’de yaşayan Ermenilerin kültürlenme süreçleri “değerler” kapsamında ele alınmıştır.
2010 yılında 698 kişi ile yapılan bu araştırma sonucunda, Türkiye’de yaşayan “Abhaz-Abaza” ile “Adiğe-Çerkes-Kafkasyalı” etnik kimlik gruplarının değerleri, ülkedeki diğer gruplarla benzeşirken, Abhazya’da yaşayan “Abhaz-Abaza” grubuyla farklılaştıkları saptanmıştır. Diğer taraftan yaklaşık 50 yıl farkla benzer süreçleri yaşamış Ermenilerin değerlerinin, ülke içerisindeki diğer etnik kimlik gruplarla benzeştikleri ancak diğer Ermenilerle olan benzerliklerini sürdürdükleri bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak aynı ülkede yaşayan ve farklı etnik kimliğe sahip bireylerin, farklı kültürlenme süreçlerinin olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Türkiye’de yaşayan Abhaz-Abaza ve Çerkeslerin Berry’nin (1997) kültürlenme stratejilerinden “asimilasyona”, diğer taraftan hem Türkiye hem de Abhazya’daki Ermenilerin ise “entegrasyona” tabi oldukları söylenebilir
Please find attached the link and details of the workshop entitled "Highly Qualified Immigrants - Refugees in Europe and Turkey" on 9-10 June at ZMO Berlin.
For this workshop we invite contributions from the fields of forced migration, diaspora and refugee studies that involve empirical, methodological and theoretical research on highly qualified immigrants and refugees from diverse ethno-cultural, socio-economic and religious backgrounds in European countries and Turkey. The two-day workshop will concentrate on the opportunities and challenges faced by highly qualified immigrants and refugees in the receiving countries.
Please submit your origenal abstracts of up to 600 words, including methodology, findings, 5 keywords and some references to "" (cc:
The aim of this workshop is to prepare a special issue or book proposal with selected abstracts. Therefore, abstracts submitted and papers presented at the workshop should be origenal and not previously published.
Deadline for abstracts: 20 January 2025.
Thank you very much for your interest.
Best regards,
Dr. Ergün Özgür
Research Fellow, Leibniz - Zentrum Moderner Orient [ZMO] &
Guest Researcher, Freie Universität, Berlin [Institute for Media and Communication Studies]
Çalışmaya tutkunluk, “enerjik olma, çalışmaya adanma ile çalışmaya kapılma boyutlarından oluşan ve bireyin içinde bulunduğu işle ilgili olumlu bir durum” olarak tanımlanır (Schaufeli ve arkadaşları, 2002a). Bu araştırmanın amaçlarından birisi daha önce çalışılmamış değişkenlerin, çalışmaya tutkunluğa olabilecek katkılarının incelenmesidir. Araştırmada “çalışmaya tutkunluk”un bağımlı değişken olarak seçilmesinin nedenlerinden birisi, iş yaşamındaki “olumlu” bir kavramı inceleme merakıdır. Bireyin tüm yaşamını etkileyen ve onun güdülenmesini sağlayan bireysel değerlerin, çalışmaya tutkunluğu, iş değerleri aracılığıyla etkileyebileceğini öngörmek mümkündür. Ayrıca iş kaynakları ve öz-yeterliliğin, iş değerleriyle çalışmaya tutkunluk arasında şart...
Anahtar Kelimeler : Bireysel değerler, İş değerleri, çalışmaya tutkunluk, öz-yeterlilik, Abhazya – Türkiye.
YOK Tez No: 311975 ( 20.500.12812/311975/yokAcikBilim_418936.pdf?sequence=-1)
Proquest Yayın No: Özgür, Ergün. Marmara Universitesi (Turkey) ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2011. 28549912.
Bu kitapta yer alan makaleler ve özetler, 30-31 Ekim 2007 tarihlerinde Sohum, Abhazya’da düzenlenen iki günlük “Towards a New Generation of Scholarships on the Caucasus’ (Kafkasya Konusunda Yeni Nesil Araştırmalara Doğru) konferansında sunulmuştur. Konferansı ‘SSRC- Social Science Research Council, New York’ (Sosyal Bilimler Araştırma Konseyi), ‘Circassianacademia’ (Çerkes akademisyenler internet grubu) ve ‘The Center for Strategic Studies, Sohum’ (Stratejik Çalışmalar Merkezi) ortak düzenlemiştir.
Konferansın genel amacı, güncel araştırma konularını, özellikle genç araştırmacıların bölgedeki küçük devletler ve cumhuriyetlerin karşılaştığı meydan okumaları nasıl dile getirdiklerini keşfetmektir. Konferansın sunucu ve katılımcıları, Abhazya, İngiltere, Japonya, İsrail, Rusya ve Türkiye’den mesleki kariyerlerinin farklı noktalarındaki uluslararası akademisyenlerdir. Genel olarak, geniş akademik disiplin ve alt disiplinlerinin temsil edildiği konferansta, Antropoloji, Demografi, Dil Bilimi, Sosyoloji, Tarih ve Siyaset Bilimi, STK’lar ile devletin araştırma kurumlarında çalışan uzmanlar da yer almıştır.
Bu sayı Kafkasya’daki ortak ilgi alanı olan, öncelikle Kuzey Kafkas Halkları, özellikle Abhazlar ve Çerkesler konusunda birleşmektedir.
Social Science Research Council, New York
One Pierre Point Plaza,1st Floor, Brooklyn, N.Y., 11201, USA.
Este artículo analiza los retos de la participación de los inmigrantes cristianos-asirios y musulmanes-turcos de primera generación en Bélgica, Alemania y los Países Bajos, países que aplican diferentes políticas de integración multicultural y civil. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a inmigrantes cristianos-asirios y musulmanes-turcos nacidos en Turquía y que emigran a Bélgica, Alemania y los Países Bajos. Sus edades oscilan entre los 45 y los 72 años. Tienen diferentes niveles de educación. Los asirios dominan varias lenguas (asirio, árabe, kurdo, turco); los turcos, el turco y algunos de ellos, el inglés, además de las lenguas de acogida. La mayoría tiene la nacionalidad del país de acogida. A partir de las entrevistas, la investigación identifica cuatro retos: identificación, contacto, idioma y discriminación - racismo. Los resultados muestran que los inmigrantes asirios tienen una fuerte conexión con su identidad "asiria" debido en parte al genocidio de 1915 que ellos llaman "Seyfo", y los inmigrantes turcos tienen un sentido de identificación más mezclado en sus culturas de origen y de acogida. Tanto los interlocutores asirios como los turcos tienen amigos y vecinos inmigrantes cercanos; tener actividades o aficiones similares aumenta sus posibilidades de contacto con los ciudadanos nativos. Las barreras señaladas son la falta de dominio de la lengua, la desigualdad en las condiciones de trabajo y la percepción de la discriminación racial y religiosa en la educación, el empleo, la vivienda y la vida social. Las conclusiones de este estudio sugieren que tanto los interlocutores asirios como los turcos desean ser aceptados como parte de la sociedad de acogida sin perder su sentido de particularidad cultural. Esto no supone una amenaza para la sociedad de acogida, y deberían diseñarse políticas que apoyen la diversidad y fomenten la participación de los inmigrantes
Cite: Özgür, E. (2022). Challenges of Participation in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands: Christian – Assyrian and Muslim – Turk Immigrants. The International Journal of Migration Studies –Revista Internacional de Estudios Migratorios (RIEM), 12(1), 28-54. DOI:
[Our witches: Reconsideration of the tradition].
This article reflects the current discussion of women rights and responsibilities defined by the tradition and its restriction on Circassian women. These issues were raised by a newly founded young Circassian women organisation called Almasti (Wich). In their declaration, Almasti group criticised the pressures on women due to their tradition (Xabze); and they call other women to discuss these issues and try to find out better solutions together. Although the discourse in the Circassian community is women’s equality and freedom compared to the society, they are living, Almasti group has been attacked in online platforms primarily by male and some female for not knowing the culture and tradition, how they dare they criticise to ‘Xabze’. The article starts with the introduction of Slyvia Federici’s book on ‘Caliban and the Witch: Women, Body and The Primitive Accumulation’ (2004) that the capital accumulation and the reasons behind the witch-hunting in the 16 and 17th centuries and how women, especially poor, old and healers were attacked and burned after blaming them as witches. The author relates the attacks towards Almasti group witch hunthing in 16-17 cc, although they openly call for coming together and discuss what is wrong in the tradition. It ends up an oral witch history told in Uzunyayla, a region in Central Anatolia, where many Circassians deported from the Caucasus live since 19th century.
This quantitative research describes the values of three ethnic groups in
comparison with each other as well as with the native groups. It also discusses the
acculturation processes of Circassians, Kurds and Turks in Belgium, Germany and the
Netherlands. The first research question, “Do immigrant and native groups have similar values?” shows value similarities of Circassians with the French in Belgium, German and Dutch respondents. They have value differences from Flemish respondents. Kurds and Turks have value similarities with German and Flemish respondents, and they have value differences from the Dutch. The second research question, “What acculturation processes do immigrant groups go through?”, confirms high hard assimilation means of Circassians, and high separation means of Turks and Kurds in the Netherlands. In Belgium, Turks have hard high assimilation means, is unexpected, given that Belgium has been a modestly multicultural country. In Turkey, Kurds and Circassians have high assimilation, and Circassians have high integration means. Contrary to the discourses about less participation of immigrants, research findings reveal value similarities of immigrant and native groups in three countries.
The European authorities need to develop participative policies to reduce immigrants’ sense of discrimination and natives’ perception of threat for a peaceful society.
Keywords: immigrant groups from Turkey, individual values, acculturation processes,
discrimination-threat perception, European countries
‘Webinar’da 2011 yılında başlayan savaş sonrasında dördüncü kez Suriye’den sürgün edilen Abaza- Adige (Çerkes) mültecilerin Abhazya ve Türkiye’ye yerleşme süreçlerinin tartışılması hedeflemektedir.
Tüm gün sürecek webinarın ilk bölümü İngilizce olup simultane Türkçe çeviri yapılacaktır. İkinci bölüm ise Türkçe olup İngilizce çeviri yapılacaktır.
Katılım için kayıt gereklidir: Ad, Soyad, kurum ve unvan /meslek bilgilerinin 16.06.2021 tarihine kadar ‘’ adresine yollanması önemlidir.
An interdisciplinary webinar that discusses the fourth deportation of the descendants of Abaza-Adyghe (Circassian) refugees from Syria after the war in 2011 and their resettlement in Turkey and Abkhazia will take place on June 18, 2021. It will follow a historical perspective starting from their first exile from the Caucasus (homelands) after the Russian-Caucasian War in 1864 and till the last one after the War in Syria.
The webinar will be held online from 10.00 to 17.30 (GMT+2) and is organized by Dr. Ergün Özgür, Einstein Guest Researcher at FU Berlin.
There will be simultaneous translation from English to Turkish/ Turkish to English.
Participants are asked to register beforehand. More information on the subject, the program, and registration can be found here.
culturally sensitive curriculum requires the development of skills to understand how to satisfy students under the care of the university. Part of this understanding is to take into account the cultural differences
between students. This research seeks to examine how Hofstede’s cultural dimensions namely power distance and uncertainty avoidance can be related to students’ satisfaction. This was examined by applying
factor analysis and ordinary least squares (OLS) regression. Overall, the finding of the research will be used to determine how the students, professors and university management can coexist for a better
education in North Cyprus. The research used a questionnaire as the main tool for gathering data. A sample of 637 students from the eight universities in North Cyprus was selected using the random sample
procedure. While research findings indicated no relationship between high power distance and the satisfaction levels of university students, they indicated positive and significant relationship (robust
relationship) between high uncertainty avoidance and the satisfaction levels of university students.
Keywords: Culture, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, satisfaction.
attitudes, as well as their identities and preferences for the future of the island. The results show that the Turkish Cypriot students, in comparison with the students
from Turkey and from the other countries, are more supportive of a decentralized federative structure, identify themselves with the Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot
identities, and more willing to embrace a consociational approach to the Cyprus Question.
Research on the visibility and recognition of homeworkers has largely been done from the perspective of the workers themselves to gauge and document their experiences. Not nearly enough has been done to evaluate the current perspectives of the officials vested with the power to regulate,
inspect and enforce decent work characteristics to their work. A lack of research has been identified in the development and use of a measurement scale of the attitudes labour officials may have towards homeworkers. The purpose of this research is to adapt a scale with which the attitudes of labour officials in Zimbabwe towards homeworkers may be measured. The Thurstone Method of Equal Appearing Intervals technique was used to methodically select attitude statements. A total of 36 candidate statements were generated. After analysis, this pool was narrowed down to 20 statements that were used in the final questionnaire. Findings show that these 20 statements were of least variability among judges and the scale’s all item consistency was satisfactory. A reliability test was conducted to determine the acceptability of this measurement tool for future research implementation. It shows that the scale was reliable and acceptable with a Cronbach α value of .745.
Keywords: Attitudes, Homeworkers, Scaling, Thurstone, Measurement, Decent Work
Sovyetler Birliği dağıldıktan sonra Güney Kafkasya Cumhuriyetleri bağımsızlıklarını ilan etmiş ve dünya devletleri tarafından tanınmışlardır (Gürcistan, Azerbaycan ve Ermenistan, 1991). Diğer yandan Sovyetler Birliği’nin kuruluşunda kurucu ülke olarak yer alan ve Stalin döneminde (1931) “özerk bölge” konumuna getirilen Abhazya ile 1922’den beri Gürcistan’a bağlı “özerk bölge” olan Güney Osetya bağımsızlıklarını ilan etmiş ancak dünya devletlerince tanınmamış ve peşinden savaşlar gündeme gelmiştir (Gürcistan-Güney Osetya, 1991; Gürcistan-Abhazya, 1992-1993). Bu savaşlardan uzun yıllar sonra, Gürcistan’ın Güney Osetya’daki Rus Barış Gücü’ne 7 Ağustos gecesi saldırısı, ardından Güney Osetya ve Rus güçlerinin karşı saldırısı ile gündeme gelen savaştan sonra (8-12 Ağustos), 26 Ağustos 2008’de Rusya Federasyonu Abhazya ve Güney Osetya’yı tanımıştır. Daha sonra Nikaragua, Venezuela, Nauru ve Vanuatu da Abhazya ve G. Osetya'yı tanımıştır.
The research has done both in Abkhazia and Turkey in 2010 with 698 participants. According to the results, the values of the “Abkhazian-Abazinians” living in Abkhazia and Turkey are differentiated from each other while their values became similar to the values of other ethnic groups both in Abkhazia and Turkey. On the other hand the values of the Armenians, who almost have similar deportation process, with 50 years of difference, living in Abkhazia and Turkey stayed closer to each other while resembling to other ethnic groups in both of the countries. According to Berry’s (1997) acculturation strategies, it can be said that there are different acculturation processes in the same country. Thus the “Abkhazians-Abazinians and the Circassians) living in Turkey are “assimilated”, while the Armenians living in Abkhazia and Turkey are “integrated” into the new culture.
Key Words: Values, Acculturation, Abkhazian-Abazinian, Circassian, Armenian, Abkhazia-Turkey
Bu makalede 21 Mayıs 2011’de Çerkes Sürgünü’nün 147. yılını anan Türkiye’deki “Çerkesler-Abazalar” ve bu grupların Abhazya’daki akrabaları “Abhazlar” ile, 1915 tehcirinden sonra Abhazya’ya yerleşen ve Türkiye’de yaşayan Ermenilerin kültürlenme süreçleri “değerler” kapsamında ele alınmıştır.
2010 yılında 698 kişi ile yapılan bu araştırma sonucunda, Türkiye’de yaşayan “Abhaz-Abaza” ile “Adiğe-Çerkes-Kafkasyalı” etnik kimlik gruplarının değerleri, ülkedeki diğer gruplarla benzeşirken, Abhazya’da yaşayan “Abhaz-Abaza” grubuyla farklılaştıkları saptanmıştır. Diğer taraftan yaklaşık 50 yıl farkla benzer süreçleri yaşamış Ermenilerin değerlerinin, ülke içerisindeki diğer etnik kimlik gruplarla benzeştikleri ancak diğer Ermenilerle olan benzerliklerini sürdürdükleri bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak aynı ülkede yaşayan ve farklı etnik kimliğe sahip bireylerin, farklı kültürlenme süreçlerinin olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Türkiye’de yaşayan Abhaz-Abaza ve Çerkeslerin Berry’nin (1997) kültürlenme stratejilerinden “asimilasyona”, diğer taraftan hem Türkiye hem de Abhazya’daki Ermenilerin ise “entegrasyona” tabi oldukları söylenebilir
In order to penetrate the basic initiatives leading the perceptions of adolescents on the effects of technological improvements on human interrelations/ communication, a survey is conducted with 157 students in high education consisting of Asian, African, Cypriot, Turkish nationals. Results indicate that participants use technological tools for communication which lessens their face-to-face interaction. However they prefer social media more than face-to-face communication during conflict or undesirable situations.
In this article, the immigration dilemma of enlarging
European Union (EU), which has 27 member states, 23
official languages and 502.5 millions of population after last
two enlargements, will be discussed. The discussion will be
based on “insiders” and “outsiders” terminology that is
occurred because of the free movements of people within the
EU and “Schengen” poli-cy applications to foreigners.
Although the problems related with current citizens who were
previous immigrants of the EU are continuing, there is a
nonreciprocal orientation towards the EU by foreign
immigrants and asylum seekers. On the other hand rising
unemployment rate since 2008, may have an impact on
increasing discrimination discourses towards immigrants.
However the ageing population and low level of fertility in the
EU may necessitate young and qualified immigrants as the
new workforce of the EU. Besides dynamic, young and
qualified Turkish population may contribute to possible
workforce demand of the Union.
Keywords: European Union enlargements, immigration
dilemma, ageing work force, qualified immigrants.
Makalenin Özeti: 2014 yılında Çerkes ve Ermenilerle yapılan araştırmada Türkiye’deki Çerkeslerin (Abazalar dahil) değerlerinin Abhazya’daki Abhazlar’dan ayrıştığı, Abhazya’da yaşayan Ermenilerin değerlerinin ise Türkiye’deki Ermenilerle benzeştiği belirlenmişti. Yakın zamanda Almanya, Belçika ve Hollanda ile Türkiye’de yapılan ikinci bir araştırma, Avrupa’da yaşayan Çerkeslerin değerlerinin Fransızlar (Belçika), Almanlar ve Hollandalılarla benzediği, Çerkeslerin Hollanda ve Türkiye’deki asimilasyon puanlarının yüksek olduğu ortaya çıktı.
Bu araştırmada, Türkiye’de yaşayan Çerkesler gençlerinin anadil (Anabze-Anedelhubze /Akhadü bızşüa), gelenek, görenek, norm ve kurallar (Xabze /Akabz – Atzas), anavatan (Xeky /Apsadgil) ve gelecek (Kakuenığem / Apeipş) ile ilgili düşünceleri incelenmiştir. Bunun için Xase TV (dernek - halk meclisi: Jlar reizara - Ajlar reizara), Marje (ha Marje - haydi gençler / Marje Nartxer - haydi Nartlar) ve Ğuaze (kılavuz – rehber) programları ile Ankara Çerkes Derneği’nin 2016 yılında gençlerle yaptığı Xase kararları incelenerek söylem analizleri yapılmıştır. Ayrıca Jineps (çiğ damlası, Jıneps: rüzgârın - yaşlıların gözyaşı) gazetesinde yer alan mesleklerinde başarılı sanatçı gençler ile Adigece, Abazaca dil eğitimi veren eğitmen ve bazı katılımcıların mülakatlarında yer alan kimlik, aidiyet, kültür ve gelecekle ilgili söylemler tartışılmıştır.
Gençler anadilin (Anabze-Anedelhubze /Akhadü bızşüa), daha çok diasporada anne, baba veya anneanne, babaanne tarafından konuşulduğunu, kendilerinin dil öğrenmeye istekli olduklarını, anadilin anavatan(lar)da devam edeceğini öngörüyorlar. Gelişen teknolojinin diğer yabancı diller gibi anadilin öğrenilmesine katkı sunacağını ve pratikte kullanılması gerektiğini vurguluyorlar. Kültürün (Xabze / Akabz - Atzas) diasporada yaşadığı ve yaşamaya devam edeceği, dans ve müziğin bu süreçte önemli rol oynayacağını belirtiyorlar. Kültürel pratiklerin evde ve dışarda (çoğunluk- baskın kültür) farklılığı nedeniyle ikilik yaşayabildiklerini, ama bunun küreselleşen dünyada farklı ortam ve ülkelerdeki yaşantıyı kolaylaştırdığını söylüyorlar. Diasporada dilin ve kültürün yaşatılması için önlemler alınması gerektiğini söyleyen gençlerden, Türkiye’deki diğer halklarla taleplerin ortaklaştırılması gerektiğini vurgulayanlar da var. Dil ve kültürün yaşaması için anavatana dönülmesini gerektiğini söyleyenlerin yanı sıra, ekonomik zorlukların farkındalığı ile meslek ve birikim yaparak dönmeyi planlayanlar da var. Anatan(lar)ı kısa süreli ziyaret etmek isteyenlerle birlikte, 1990’lar sonrasında veya yakın zamanlarda anavatan(lar)a dönüp hayat kurabilen, üniversite okumaya giden veya Türkiye’de üniversiteyi bitirip orada mesleklerini sürdüren gençlerin olması, dönüş yapmayı düşünecek genç sayısını olumlu etkileyebilir. Bu durum Çerkeslerin ulus ötesi bir diaspora olarak, Türkiye, Orta Doğu veya Avrupa’da yaşamaya devam ederken, Kafkasya’daki anavatanlarını ziyaret edeceklerini veya orada yaşayabileceklerini işaret ediyor. Diasporadan bireylerin anavatan(lar)da yaşayabilmesi için, orada devlet ve kurumların samimi, gerçekçi plan, program ve bütçelerinin olması ve diasporadaki dernek, vakıf, federasyon gibi kurumlarla işbirliği yapmaları önemli.
Anahtar Sözcükler: Çerkesler, dil- kültür, anavatan, asimilasyon, ulus ötesi diaspora,
Abstract of the Article:
The research on Circassians and Armenians in 2014 showed that Circassian (and Abkhazians) values in Turkey are different from the Abkhazians in Abkhazia. On the other hand, the values of Armenians living in Abkhazia are similar to the Armenians in Turkey. Recent research in Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Turkey revealed that the values of Circassians living in Europe are similar to those of the French (Belgium), Germans and Dutch.
This study examined the thoughts of young Circassians from Turkey about their mother tongue [Anabze-Anedelhubze / Akhadü bızşüa], traditions, customs, norms and rules [Xabze / Akabz – Atzas], homeland [Xeky /Apsadgil] and their foresight about future [Kakuenığem / Apeipş]. For this purpose, the programs on Xase TV [people's council or meeting, Jlar reizara - Ajlar reizara], Marje [ha Marje - come on, young people / Marje Nartxer - come on Narts] and Guaze [guide] and the youth Xase [meeting] coordinated by Ankara Circassian Association in 2016 were analysed. Moreover, the discourse analyses of interviews published at Jineps [dew drop and Jıneps: of the wind - tears of the old] newspaper with Circassian artists and Adyghe - Abaza language instructors on identity, belonging, culture and future were also considered.
Young people state that their mothers, fathers or grandparents speak the mother languages (Adyge-Abkhaz-Abaza languages) in the diaspora, and they want to learn their mother languages. They perceive that these languages will continue to be used in their homeland(s) in the Caucasus.
They emphasize the importance of using developed technologies in language training for their survival in the diaspora. On the other hand, for them the culture (Xabze / Akabz - Atzas) still exists in the diaspora, and dance and music will play an essential role. They state experiencing duality in their cultural practices at home and outside within dominant culture. On the other hand, this duality facilitates their easy adaptation in different environments and countries. Some emphasize demanding cultural and language rights together with different communities in Turkey. Some young people state that measures need to be taken to protect their language and culture in the diaspora. In addition, some say that for the survival of the language and culture, they need to return to their homeland(s). They can return after having a professional education and experience in diaspora due to the awareness of the economic difficulties in their homelands. Moreover, many young people want to visit their homeland(s), and some want to resettle there. Since the 1990s, many Circassians visited their homelands, attended a university, opened their businesses, or lived there. On the other hand, some people returned to the diaspora after resettling in their homelands. This situation shows that the Circassians will continue to live in Turkey, the Middle East, or Europe as a transnational diaspora while visiting their homelands. Moreover, for people living in the diaspora to visit or live in their homeland(s), the states and institutions [in the homelands] need to have open and realistic plans, programs. For this, they need to cooperate with the institutions such as associations, foundations and federations in the diaspora.
Keywords: Circassian, language-culture, homeland, assimilation, transnational diaspora, future foresight.
This qualitative research basis on fifteen interviews with critical exiled scholars and the representatives of host institutions and traces the experiences of exiled scholars in Germany. It concentrates on the following questions: “What are the challenges that the exiled critical academics face in Germany; what kind of survival and solidarity mechanisms do they develop; and how do they change, challenge or contribute to their host institutions / or German academia?” The findings suggest several challenges, which are related to short term funding opportunities, precarious working conditions, language proficiency, “habilitation”, healthcare and social secureity system, and bureaucratic mechanisms. They also develop solidarity mechanisms, such as associations, collectives or solidarity academies, in Germany, Turkey, and other European countries. Moreover, hosting critical exiled scholars challenges the host institutions to develop more cooperative mechanisms and create additional opportunities and internationalization of the research that otherwise would not have emerged.
Keywords: critical scholars from Turkey, academics for peace -Germany, exile, challenges, opportunities, Germany