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-Bilbao: Houpt, S. and Rojo-Cagival, J.C. (2010): âCapital market integration in Spain? Introducing the Bilbao Stock Exchange, 1891-1936â. Revista de Historia EconÃmica. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History, v. 28, issue 3, pp. 535- 573.
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- -Madrid: nominal arithmetic index (Indice AritmÃtico Nominal) 1850-1936 and a general total return index (Indice General Total ) 1940-2000, EHE (2005) and prices EHE (2005).
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- -Number of banks: 1850-1875 Tortella, G. (1973): Los orÃgenes del capitalismo en EspaÃa. Tecnos, 1875-1935 Tedde de Lorca, P. (1974), âLa banca privada espaÃola durante la RestauraciÃn, 1874-1914â, en Tortella, G. (dir), La banca espaÃola en la RestauraciÃn. Banco de EspaÃa, 1939-1975, EHE (2005) and 1942-1995, Pueyo, J.
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- -Real banking profitability: EHE (2005) -Changes in bank deposits: EHE (2005) -Other complementary ratios such: Credits and Loans /GDP and Credit and Loans/Deposits. EHE (2005) Stock Market crises -Barcelona: nominal arithmetic index (Indice AritmÃtico Nominal) 1850-1936, EHE (2005) and prices EHE (2005).
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- -Reserves: Spain, 1850-1913, Prados (2009), 1914-1930, Martin-AceÃa, P. (1985): La cantidad de dinero en EspaÃa, 1900-1935. Madrid. Banco de EspaÃa. Servicio de Estudios, and 1931-2000, EHE (2005). The UK, 1991-1911, Accominotti,O., Flandreau, M. and Rezzikâs, R. (2010): âThe Spread of Empire: Clio and the Measurement of Colonial Borrowing Costsâ, forthcoming The Economic History Review, 1912-1994, Mitchell, B.R. (1994): International Historical Statistics. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. The USA, 1874-1998, Carter, S.B., Gartner, S.S., Haines, M.R., Olmstead, A.L., Sutch, R. and Wright, G. (2006): Historical Statistics of the US. New York. Cambridge University Press.
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- According to CastaÃeda and Tafunell (2001), the main differences between Barcelona and Madrid are a consequence of the different kinds of firms listed on the indexes. The Barcelona index reflected the expectations and results of the large companies in the region, whereas Madrid reflected a mixture of market crises in Madrid from 1850 to 1940, only considers private securities. However, as Madrid included all the major equity trading of the major companies from the 1940s onwards, the index is restricted to this market after 1940.
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- DATA APPENDIX Currency crises As regards the data, there are two options when it comes to analysing the evolution of the exchange rate. On the one hand, Carreras and Tafunell (2003) constructed an exchange rate series. From 1850 to 1913 they only consider the peseta/ exchange rate, from 1914 to 1936 the exchange rate of the peseta with respect to a basket of currencies (the pound, the dollar and the French franc) and for the rest of the period they combined different exchange rate data (the peseta/$ exchange rate and from 1962, a basket of currencies in which each is weighted by its importance to Spanish foreign trade). On the other hand, we have the /pts rate of exchange from 1850 to 1913 and the $/pts rate of exchange from Spanish Historical Statistics (EHE).
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- More sophisticated data are required to construct the EMP ratio. In reference to the anchor currencies, the /pts rate was considered from 1850 to 1913 and the $/pts from 1914 to 2000. Data on short term interest rates for Spain are from EHE and for the UK (1850-1913) and the USA (1914-1989) from Homer and Sylla (2005). USA interest rate data for the last years (1989-2000) are from the Federal Reserve Statistic Release.
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